>hideous kojumbo is a westaboo normie
>Kojumbo drones will defend this and his shitty """""videogames"""""
>hideous kojumbo is a westaboo normie
>Kojumbo drones will defend this and his shitty """""videogames"""""
Is there something wrong with liking the best content?
Sorry, but Japanese shit sucks!
>didn't like captain marvel
>but liked endgame even though captain marvel is probably shillrd to high heaven in it
Capeshit is literally the worst thing to exist
>jpn dub
Fucking. Pleb.
My respect for him just plummeted.
>japanese dub
Ironman-kun denwaa , ohayooo
What a fucking hack
>Have 15m of screen time
>Does fuck nothing
>Shilled to the heaven
>Japanese dub
What a fucking pleb
japanese dub > english dub
most of the time
Is this true? I wasn't going to watch endgame because I was expecting it to have her fucking come in and save the day single handedly or something but if that awful character is on the sidelines I might go watch it.
I was worried they were going to do like justice league with fucking superman owning the antagonist like a bitch
She does nothing and she's portrayed as an arrogant bitch, like the actress itself
Kojima is a hack
Seriously I never see Kojima talk about Japanese media, why does he love America so much when they nearly destroyed Japan?
>popular thing bad
>but unpopular developer good
Japs import a lot of shit, easy way to make money by getting a lot of famous people to dub shit to get em to watch
>watches it dubbed
if he's westaboo he's real weak one
Die Westwart
She still acts like a fucking deus ex machinae twice because muh strong women but it's truz she doesn't have that much screen time overall. Her intervention still feels awfully out of place, tho.
Japan knows to fear the Burger.
She is awfully out of place
In that case I might see it but only if I can go see it with my sister, we haven't done that in a while.
Although do I need to have seen her movie to understand her appearances? I would really prefer to avoid watching captain marvel if at all possible.
>hideous kojumbo
Literally the best Japanese vidya ever were made by Westaboos. Surferchad Sakaguchi was inspired by D&D and the Ultima games to make Final Fantasy. All the non Western influence Japshit are usually the gange highschool drama and loli shit cancer
You don't
So how much did epic pay hemsworth?
This is true. Miyazaki is also hugely inspired by western history and fantasy.
I bet Avengers (and in turn most of the capeshit movies) would be much better when dubbed in Japanese.
Is Captain America handing over his shield to Falcon canon in comics or not?
I liked the part where Thanos beat her over the head with the power stone and then she disappeared for the whole movie
>Meme scene
What did he mean by this?
It is
People expecting good writing from a guy who loved Endgame
>Does nothing
Despite only being in 15mins, she flies in at the end, destroys the ship, kills hirses of bad guys, and makes Thanos look like a utter joke by btfoing him without trying. She trivialises the entire third act
Her best scene
Shes barely in it but basically does this yeah. Thanos gets a lucky shot in that downs her for a few mins so someone else could finish him off, but shes basically a dues ex machina
How did she btfo him? thor killed him first and at the final fight, he just btfoed her by punching her with the power stone
Where do I watch Jap dub flicks
He's right you know
In japan
There’s a meme scene in the post credit
>out of 150
>Killed him first
You mean the opening? Doesn't count, Captain Marvel downs a version of him that was on deaths door after destroying the gems, then Thor cuts his head off while he was apologising to Nebula in a fight of rage.
>He btfos CM with the power stone
Nope. What happens is Tony, Steve (With Molnjr), and Thor all gang up on him and lose. Captain Marvrl brats the shit out of him without trying, theres even a bit where he headbutts her and it comically bounces off to make it clear he cant do shit to her. He then gets a lucky power stone punch in that downs her termporarily, giving Tony the chance to do the snap. Which, btw, CM makes pointless. When Tony gets the gems he shouldve flown off, he didnt need to snao cause CM just established Thanos wasnt a threat with her around
>capeshit better than goosekino
Yea Forums btfo
>Shape of water
Of course his official cocksucker's film was going to be in there
She shows up at the start and somehow finds Tony and Nebula drifting in space, she brings them to earth. She sticks around for a bit with the avengers when they're talking about what to do, and then she goes with them to fight Thanos(Tony is half dead and doesn't go as he is unconscious in Avenger's HQ), stuff happens and she leaves the movie.
At the end in the final fight with Thanos she comes back and blows up his warship, then she has a small scuffle with him, first Thanos grabs her by the leg and throws her away, he puts the magic glove on but she comes back and uses her powers(I don't know what they are since i haven't seen her movie) to stop him from snapping, she starts to overpower him but Thanos being the clever bald man he is, grabs the Power stone from the gauntlet with his other hand and punches her all the way to the end scene of the movie.
The only ones that really go toe to toe with Thanos in this movie are Thor(when wielding Mjolnier and the Axe at the same time), Cap with Mjolnir, and Scarlet Witch, who was literally 1 second away from turning Thanos into a meatball, but he saved himself by having his ship bombard everything.
Kojima obviously loves movies. Something that Japan isnt really known for nowadays.
This. Despite barely being in the film, she ruins everything
Of course Kojima would love a messy screenplay with tons of plot holes
Haha wouldn’t it be funny if thanos used the power and reality stone or whatever to suck captain marvel’s powers out of her
Holy shit youre right he dies for nothing
head up princess your tiara is slipping
Pretty much this
I find absolutely disgusting the way they made her when in the comics she's not the strongest avenger, not even the strongest female avenger by a fucking large margin while here just goes with that condescending face owning everyone,Thanos should have grabbed her by an arm and a leg and fucking tear her appart
>The second spoiler
What the fuck?
>Kojima like shitty movies
Wow, what an absolute shock. I could have never guessed from playing his games.
this meme
>When Tony gets the gems he shouldve flown off, he didnt need to snao cause CM just established Thanos wasnt a threat with her around
For all he knew Captain Marvel died from that punch, and he didn't see Scarlet Witch own Thanos's ass, not to mention that they still had an army of monsters and spaceships on earth.
In the comics Thanos owned her with a single punch
If capitan marvel is so much stronger than Thanos why didn't she just snap his army away when she was carrying the gauntlet?
>Something that Japan isnt really known for nowadays.
When has it ever been known for that? The last 70 years of the Japanese film industry can be summed up as giant monsters attacking a city and creepy long haired ghost girls making weird noises and crawling along the ground and nothing else. For one of the most highly populated and richest nations in the world they sure have produced fuck all worth a damn when it comes to media. Volume wise they produce enormous amounts, it just happens that all they produce is utter shit.
>it doesn’t count because I say so
So i don't know what Cap Marvel's powers are, but in Endgame all she manage to do was stop Thanos's from closing his fist, which didn't seem any different than what a lot of other characters managed to do in Infinity War. The only difference here was that Thanos couldn't afford the time to play around with her, so he just punched her into another movie with the power stone.
He talks about old anime, manga and tokusatsu shit pretty often.
Yet another plothole in this mess. They wanted Tony to scarifice himself by snapping Thanos away but did not at all create a context that called for it
The captain marvel defense force are gonna come after you
It says too much that her best scene is getting blown the fuck up
Also it says much about how fucking useless widow is that her most usefull moment is fucking killing herself to get the soul stone
Well Ive explained why it doesnt count dude, if you wanna contradict with something other than "No u" Im all ears.
What Thor did in the opening was the equivalent of some else pushing an old woman down the stairs, then stabbing them when they werent looking and saying "I defeated her!"
This shouldn't be surprising to anybody who has spoken to Japanese people or lived in Japan for any amount of time.
The context was that Strange saw 40+ million futures where they lost, and the 1 was where Tony snapped Thanos. Which means if Tony hadn't done that, everyone would've gotten butchered by Thanos, including Cap Marvel.
She almost breaks his hand off, he looks like a scared child while shes doing it. He headbutts her and it bounces off in a comic reliefs moment. This is the guy who defeated Hulk without trying
but the fact stands that Thor killed thanos
Kojima is a normie, not Hideo.
Why the fuck is captain marvel so annoying
I mean, I don't care if there are strong female characters, but there is something off about her that makes me want to puke, idk if it's that shit attitude
He’s always been a Westaboo you fucking clown why do you think MGS exists?
I know this board is full of children but fucking hell this is new levels of dumb.
thank god I have no clue what endgame is and I hope it stays that way
What convieniat writing
>Everything about the scene shows Thanos as a joke, and that Tony should fly off with the gems
>Oh but he had to do it a wizard said so
It was more like Thor unplugged his life support after someone else took him down and while he was distracted. Doesnt count.
He also looked scared when Scarlet Witch was turning him into ground beef and when Thor was screaming in his face while Cap and Ironman were stopping him.
>He headbutts her and it bounces off in a comic reliefs moment
That wasn't a comic relief moment, that was a clever use of her power, which Thanos defeated because he is a clever man and Carol is a dumb brute.
Except that Captain Marvel was beaten by Thanos, at that point there was only Thanos, the Gauntlet, and Tony. There was no alternative.
Brie Larson
>Shape of Water
How the fuck did anyone like that shit? Literally the only decent movie Del Taco has made was The Orphanage and even that was only decent. Hellboy was fucking garbage that took all the soul out of the comics and character. Pacific Rim was boring as fuck for 80% of it. Pans Labyrinth was an all style no substance version of Labyrinth.
Its very telling that Scarlet Witch also had a scene where she btfos Thanos without trying but its far less annoying
Do you know how killing someone works?
Infinity War Thor > Boomer Thor
>he's a dubfag
Your retort is a director who mainly made shitty retellings of Shakespeare plays?
retard zoomer
Because we've seen Scarlet Witch grow for multiple movies and she has earned her power, not to mention that she deserves to kill Thanos for what he has done to her, and it's within reason and perfectly logical that she would be one of the characters that is stronger than Thanos(without the stones).
Meanwhile Captain Marvel is an unlikable bitch, i'm not sure if it's the script or Brie Larson herself but i just found her so obnoxious in this movie. Good thing the Russo's were smart enough to barely have her in the movie and just have Thanos punch her to the shadow realm.
really makes you think
Just giving your bait a pity reply.
Rainbow..? Marvelfags confirmed gays and trannies?
I will remind them
she almost acts like a deus ex machina but she jobs to thanos in like 15 seconds, and nobody acknowledges her existence. She's so uncomfortable and out of place for the zero time she's in the fucking movie
>Captain Marvel is an unlikable bitch, i'm not sure if it's the script or Brie Larson herself
It's both
>tfw you've never been into this pretentious faggots games because you have taste
Feels pretty good, I'm just here to laugh at you Koji-drones.
>Korea takes a manga and turns it into a movie
>Makes it into pure kino
>Japan takes a manga
>Turns it into a shitty live action adaptation with shoestring budget CGI and costumes they found in the gutter next to a con
Really makes you think
>thinking anyone is talking about kojima in this thread
The jap dub probably makes this gatbage better. Their VAs have more passion in a single sentence than the entirety of the captain marvel movie
>Tony's funeral
>she is standing by herself all the way on the back as if she just came to the funeral because it was an obligation
What did the Russos mean by this?
Yes, I forgot that all the male voices sounding like they're taking a fat shit and all the female voices sounding like they took suicide method advice from /r9k/ is the pinnacle of voice acting.
where the fuck was Ronan? They brought 2014 thanos to now. Why not even mention Ronan?
>ignoring Doctor Strange signalling to Tony that this was their only shot
CM fucks up to Thanos immediately and there's nothing suggesting she would've come back and BTFO him in time. Strange's actions explicitly state to the audience that Iron Man's sacrifice was imperative
Thanos, Gamora and Nebula did talk about Ronan finding the power stone, and Thanos said he wouldn't dare betray him because Ronana is a fag and his dumb politics cloud his judgement or something.
Hela and Surthur were not present either
>tfw Thanos didn't end up living the comfy life as a farmer
At least they included farmer Thanos.
Imagine if Kojima ended up taking on a time travel plot. Holy fuck it would be on par with Sonic 06's writing.
why would they? They went to 2013 Asgard where Odin is still living and ragnarok hasn’t started yet
Because Brie Larson plays it with a permanent smug face on. She has no charisma in any of her line delivery, and the cast only ever acknowledges her when they're forced to and they look visibly exasperated when they have to do so.
>Being named Brie
What's next bitches named Gouda? Cheesus Christ.
I wonder who is responsible for this casting choice.
>The Orphanage
>Del Toro
It's was directed by J A Bayona.
Damn, I could have sworn it was directed by Del Taco, probably because I watched Pans Labyrinth right after. So he's made basically no good movies then.
She looks like she will join the 40%
I actually prefer how she looks with short hair, with long hair she looks, i don't even know, she just looks fucking stupid.
He produced the film.
(((Bob Iger)))
Saw it last night had a great time
>There is no other alternative cause a wizard said so
Great writing.
Marvel and Scarlet Witch can destroy him easily and Tony can fly, there was zero call for the snap.
>It wasnt a comic relief moment
Are you autistic? Can you not recognise a comedy moment when you see it?
>some body language video pops up in my feed about an interview with Brie Larson, Thor and Don Cheadle
>at one point Don Cheadly literally says "don't touch me" to Brie Larson
God damn
Give birth
Strange lied that there was only one possible timeline in which they win
Strange is a petty bitch and wanted Tony to die, so he chooses the timeline that gets him killed, even nudges him to do the sacrifice
Boomer Thor was great
How is taking him down one handed without trying, before temporarily getting knocked aside with a lucky hit "getting btfo"? This is after Tony, Steve and Thor gang up on him and LOSE btw
If you watch capeshit kill urself lmao
If kojima is such a westaboo who speaks perfect English why did he watch the movie dubbed?
Surerly they must have been showing the English version somewhere in Tokyo, did he just want to avoid being distracted by the subtitles the english releases likely had?
>Everything in the scene contradicts it, but a wizard said so
>There is no other alternative cause a wizard said so
No, there is no alternative because Captain Marvel was beaten by Thanos and Tony didn't see Scarlet Witch beat him.
>Tony can fly
Did you forget the part were holding even 1 infinity stone can kill you? Even assuming his busted up suit could fly, chances are that he couldn't once he took the stones from Thanos, and even if he could, there was plenty of reason for him to snap him instead of flying away.
Is it summer already
When did you realize Kojima is a fucking hack?
You the one making leaping assumptions so this nonscensical situation makes sense. Protio: thats bad writing.
If Tony cant fly anymore you need to establish that. If there was no ither way you need to establish that. If your ending needs you to argue and make headcanons to have it make sense, it doesnt work.
Kojima has always been about the idea and purpose of meme. Haven’t you played his games?
When he got so butthurt that a translator called him a bad writer that he hired lawyers to try and shut her up.
>without trying
She is literally using all of her power just to stop him from closing his fist, and he immediately grabbed the power stone and punched her to another dimension. Scarlet Witch is the only one who took him and beat him without trying.
Cap and Tony are not on Thanos's level, especially after he dropped a building on their heads, and Thor is all fucked up.
it doesn't matter, she still jobs, didn't even say she got BTFO. That moment was so awkward and didn't need to be in the movie at all, it lasted barely any time and had no consequence because she still fails. It was just to give her a yas queen moment while still have her being utterly worthless
This. The fact theres even a debate at all is proof it doesnt work. If Tony had to kill himself it needed to be completely unambiguous
I'm not making any assumptions, what the movie tells us is that Tony was all alone against a Thanos with the gauntlet, and everyone else had been beaten. And Dr Strange tells Tony that his is the only way to win.
You are the one making the assumption that Tony could fly with the stones away, or that Captain Marvel could show up again to beat Thanos, or Scarlet Witch, or that someone was coming.
I wonder if Japanese are as disgusted by westaboos are as Americans are by weaboos?
>All her power
Is that why he looks scared and shes smirking like this is nothing to her? Is that why he headbutts her and it bounces off for laughs?
>No consequence
Making the main villain look like a joke is a big consequence. As others have said, it particularly makes Tonys sacrifices seem like it was uneeded and pointless
I'm not even going to watch this shit, MCU should have ended at Infinity War. The fact that a fucking Shazam movie was better than Captain Marvel alone spells how shit it's going to get.
Theres no poiny arhue with him dude, hes delusional over what he just watched. Reminds me of how I said it was dumb af when Peter made a web hand in ASM2, I actually had defenders claiming it never happened cause they were so in denial.
where to go from here?
>forced as fuck "muh strong wahmen team, assemble!!" scene
>Thor passed on the throne to a black woman
>ironman is dead, leaving a daughter, possibly important to plot when she grows up
>captain america is old as shit now and passes the throne to a black guy
They are not even trying to be subtle anymore.
I don't think i wanted to support a series with agendas from now on, unless they can convince me otherwise.
What's your opinion on this blatant SJWs move?
Captain Marvel should've been like this :
He doesn't look any more scared than when facing Scarlet Witch, or the Thor/Cap/Tony combo, and she isn't smirking either, she is huffing and grunting while holding him back, then she jumps up and makes Thanos kneel, at which point she is pushing him with one hand, but we do not see her face again and then Thanos immediately punches her away.
You're the delusional ones saying that she btfo Thanos when the conflict between them lasted like 30 seconds and ended with Thanos sending her flying with a punch, don't be mad at me because your precious vagina hero didn't win the fight single handily.
Don Cheadly, more like Don Chadly
Well, that’s just how the comics are now.
Nonsensical pointless pandering, but in the end it's irrelevant
Doesn't matter, Valkyrie is cool and Thor is still active and will continue to have movies.
It's fine.
Pretty sure it happened in the comics too ages ago, besides, Falcon needs an identity because he is "the black guy that isn't war machine or black panther".
Don't care about agendas as long as the movies continue to be decent, the only one i can't stand is Captain Marvel.
I cant believe they pulled a "All new all different" ending
You can't? They did that at the end of Age of Ultron.
It feels weird, Falcon was at best a side character. Wouldve made WAY more sense for Bucky to be the new Cap considering his developed relationship with Steve
He really is a westaboo, honestly though kojima is the most talented man on earth
you silly billy,
you can't have an evil white male to represent america anymore.
Between 1-10 million. Also ben and jerries was featured briefly.
This alrready happened in the comics forever ago, pretty sure they already gave it back to him though since no one gives a fuck about the Falcon.
>>Thor passed on the throne to a black woman
Of all points, this is a shit one because Valkyrie is great and Thor is with a cool team youtube.com
It literally ends with Cap America and Black Widow saying "well, this is our team now" and it pans to Vision, WarMachine, Scarlet Witch, and Falcon.
Im actually upset that this many people care about the marvel movies. The fact that people went through the effort of hiding the thanos death spoiler in gifs and webms and kept posting them everywhere reminds me of how popular the marvel movies really are and it saddens me.
This shit basically all happened in the comics already and most of all these changes have been reverted, turns out people don't want their favorite characters replaced by literal whos.
I thought they were going to do that briefly, then it was revealed he was a near death cripple. Pretty disapointing.
>Falcon was at best a side character
That's why he got the shield, so he stops being a side character. Bucky on the other hand is Bucky, everyone knows who he is and people like him, and will continue to be that way. But Falcon would otherwise continue to be "oh yeah, Cap America's black friend". But maybe now he'll get to be cool.
Buddy cape comedy with Falcon and Bucky when?
And you're the most worthless worm on earth. Video games are a group effort, and his input has been mediocre over the years.
Bucky is cute
coming soon on disney plus
fuck that noise, corg gaming channel when?
And permavirgin eastcucks will keep seething over it.
>Im actually upset that this many people care about the marvel movies.
because popular thing bad grrr
Knowing Kojima, he'll probably watch it several times (alone) with subs.
All new all different was a Marvel Comics movement where every single legacy character was replaced with either a woman or a minority.
Falcon Cap, Fem Thor, Teen black girl Iron Man, Black Spiderman, Fem Wolverine, Asian Hulk (This one was good), Mexican Ghost Rider, Fem Blade etc etc. Its a mess and we're nonly just now having it be reversed
>But maybe now he'll get to be cool.
>hey, hey guys, what if, get this, what if we made Captain America Black but this time he isn't a man from the past and didnt fight the Naz- er I mean Hydra, ain't that a grand idea
This sounds stupid, there is a reason no one really cares about Falcon and his boring ass bland personality
yeah, thank God Jane Foster is dead and wolvie is back.
Oh. Well i remember some of those dramas, to be fair i think even if they did that in the movies it would work better than in the comics, like, assuming that Valk becomes Fem Thor, probably wouldn't be that bad, especially since actual Thor is still around.
>most of all these changes have been reverted, turns out people don't want their favorite characters replaced by literal whos.
then tell me,
why are they making the same mistakes again?
Or are they trying to force this until people love it?
>Fem Wolverine
This isn't so bad, wasn't it just X-23 taking the mantle of Wolvrine after Logan died or whatever?
This shouldn't be news to anyone. Twinks >>>>>>>>>>>>>> roasties.
Isolated no, but all those happened within a few years, it was ridiculous. Thor was the worst cause its not a title, its a name
What new level of autism is this?