Shit game

>shit game
>10/10 body

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>10/10 game
>10/10 body

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Did you activate your windows yet kraut-kun?

What game?

Activate your Windows copy already, Kraut-kun, so you can go back to being unable to concentrate on the gameplay

Ys iii

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please activate your windows

Just a heads up, you should probably activate Windows.

Isn't this slut in every Ys game?

I don't think so

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uuuuuuuhhhhhh I want to fucc her

>the pc engine version of Ys 4 has a fandub

how bad is it

Who does not?

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Isn't this game supposedly pretty good though?

Ys VIII is great. Fuck you op

No its a budget game
Don't listen to Yea Forums
It's mediocre at best with a good body mc girl

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>No its a budget game
I think everyone knows this. Nobody plays Ys for the AAA production values. I really enjoyed Celceta but that was on Vita and these games are always best in smaller form factor IMO.

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The only characters that are in every game or most games are Adol and Dogi as each game can be played as a standalone adventure minus the first 2 games.

Don't expect anything reasonable out of the kraut who can't activate his windows copy, just saying.

10/10 girl

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Indeed, she truly is.

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I don't get all the inside jokes ITT.