>shit game
>10/10 body
Shit game
>10/10 game
>10/10 body
Did you activate your windows yet kraut-kun?
What game?
Activate your Windows copy already, Kraut-kun, so you can go back to being unable to concentrate on the gameplay
Ys iii
please activate your windows
Just a heads up, you should probably activate Windows.
Isn't this slut in every Ys game?
I don't think so
uuuuuuuhhhhhh I want to fucc her
>the pc engine version of Ys 4 has a fandub
how bad is it
Who does not?
Isn't this game supposedly pretty good though?
Ys VIII is great. Fuck you op
No its a budget game
Don't listen to Yea Forums
It's mediocre at best with a good body mc girl
>No its a budget game
I think everyone knows this. Nobody plays Ys for the AAA production values. I really enjoyed Celceta but that was on Vita and these games are always best in smaller form factor IMO.
The only characters that are in every game or most games are Adol and Dogi as each game can be played as a standalone adventure minus the first 2 games.
Don't expect anything reasonable out of the kraut who can't activate his windows copy, just saying.
10/10 girl
Indeed, she truly is.
I don't get all the inside jokes ITT.