We need more diversity in games

>We need more diversity in games
No we don't, we already have enough diversity in games since the 90s any more would be artificial. Why do they keep pushing this?

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fuck off

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we need less diversity since niggers are detrimental in any place they occupy

die SJW cunt

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F*ck diversity what we need in bidya is more sexy ladies with big butts

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haha its le $ôyboy meme, very epic!

Predictable unfunny discord humour
We have had diversity in games the. Whole time you political agitators just thought it wasn't political enough

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source me NOW please

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''Diversity'' =/= diverse. It's just a codeword for less white people.

By responding you just proved that his stupid meme made you buttmad.

>Liberals are the real racists!
>I like black and mexican people!
>Look this woman agrees with me that means my opinion has merit
Alt-right fags should be lined up and executed

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We need more diversity in memes. Kill yourself wojakfaggot.

I'd actually be cool if they made videogames actually diverse. But instead what they do is add in black people, but they have all the same mannerism, character, and language capacity as their white counterparts. They basically just write white characters and then go "oh yeah, also make their skin darker!". It's something these sorts do a lot, pretend that other races are exactly like them, but with dark skin.

have sex incel

What's the most sjw you guys unfortunately played? Mine was probably Dragon Age Inquisition.

>the same people who get triggered over seeing a niggo in a video game are the same ones who do nothing but post the same single meme over and over

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have sex incel

>people who think (((globalists))) are they reason they can't get laid are also stupid

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>I like black and mexican people!
Said no one ever.

You typing that response took longer than the 3 clicks it took to post that image.

Get a room you fucking homos. Your circlejerk is pure cringe.

Notice the barely functional 8gagger arguing against a statement nobody made, at least nobody here. Now let's watch him arguing with himself about nothing for 300 posts.

Sure but atleast my I'm not crying over an ugly meme

having such feelings towards other humans is unhealthy
please get some help

>we already have enough diversity in games since the 90s
they will never acknowledge this and its infuriating, gaming was always naturally diverse for the right reasons and then these faggots that dont like games and dont know a thing about gaming history literally just invert the cowadoody white male protagonist and call it brave and creative, fucking REEEEEEEEE

akuji and shadowman couldnt exist today ironically, neither could blade as they'd just jam in lazy social commentary

good lord

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I think you're overestimating the effort it takes to post a picture on this website.

That OP pic doesn't work because while shitting on SJWs you're also making fun of Nintendo fans on Nintendogaf. People will go against you.

settle down mutt

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>I like black and mexican people!
Said no one ever
>Look this woman agrees with me that means my opinion has merit
Two words tranny White Sharia

Nobody identity as alt right idiot, we already have enough diversity in vidya and more is forced the fact you dodge around this is proof you have an agenda

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Kill yourself

agreed, artists need to be censored so we don't have anymore niggers, faggots, and spics in video games. it's literally propaganda.

What's wrong with diversity in games?

>Those cigarette stained walls
>That poorly held together AC unit.
>All the clutter.
>His stereotypical soiboy look
MAGA indeed lmao

Check my 9.

>artificial diversity
I fucking hate this place

Wooow look at how little diversity there is in 1990s and 2000s guys woow

Barret FF7 Taj Diddy Kong GreyFox MGS Lahara Summoner 2 CJ GTA All of BoF4 Dynasty Warriors ALL of Guild Wars Nightfall Jade Empire

Yeah no we don't have enough diversity! KILL WHITE MAN I mean hehe more diverse needed!

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Literally nothing if it's historically correct or realistic like a future space colony.

Most games aren't based on real events.

I fucking hate retard like yourself who ruin games with your diversity cult!

acquire fornication

I bet real money I have slept with more woman than u


>they will never acknowledge this and its infuriating
Who won't? If you're expecting those twitter attention whores and hipster blogs to ever agree with you, you're in for a long wait.
Literally who are you tepid fuckwads arguing with, anyway?

Sorry sweetie but fantasizing doesn't count. Have sex.

>diversity for the sake of fun
>diversity for the sake of reeeee wipipo
have sex

ur mum doesn't count lmao

This pic should be updated with a PS4 in it as well (with or without removing the Switch), since these types of people the pic makes fun of also support censorship/hate sexualization

the gaming press and ideologues in the industry