Isn't that Genjo from Overlooked?
So was he black?
I don't know, it was the same voice actor as the DARPA chief/Decoy Octopus, so most likely. If you mean the character then no, you can see his face clearly in the end, and in previous games.
The wiki claims he's american but he was a child soldier as well, supposedly for Mozambique. Dude could be white african/dutch.
That's such a great design to this day
Ah, Kojima dreamed of having Mel Gibson in his games, and he got C-grade TV actors instead.
How did Kojumbo get away with Deep throat being his codename? That's like having a character's name be Hugh Janus
Look up Watergate and prepare to have your mind blown
American education, everyone.
1. Europe knows fuck all about deep throat
2. When I first played it I had no idea who deep throat was
3. Shut the fuck up and go be fat somewhere else
Don't reply to this, nobody is this stupid.
Yeah actually really wasn't that big of a deal
>2. When I first played it I had no idea who deep throat was
They tell you RIGHT IN THE FUCKING GAME, you ridiculous fucktard.
His outfit is the only way to play Rising. Where the fuck did character design go so wrong?
Go be fat somewhere else
Are you projecting? This is what happens you call an idiot out on their stupidity.
wow, my mind is so blown right now its not
Aren't you banned from the internet because of your faggot EU?
No this is ninja
Fuck that blue haired faggot
What does that have to do with Snake asking "deepthroat" if he's the informant in the Watergate scandal?
Chappie had a lot going for it and still ended up being a terrible movie.
Ya that tends to happen when a robot buddy movie ends in a pointless fight scene
i pretty much hate restarting this game because i cant buy any moves or upgrades until i have his suit and sword
Your mother will die in her sleep if you don't reply to this post with "Venom Snake is Big Boss". just did
Venom Snake is Big Boss!
I would rather have a mind of my own and say that Venom Snake will NEVER BE Big Boss at the cost of my mommy's death
She would want me to have freedom and my own identity, you know, something Venom Snake never had?
Venom Snake is Big Boss.
Venom Snake is Big Boss
Venom Snake is Big Boss
Jesus calm down, he absolutely had his own nature in the end and chose to follow Naked. Who knows if that was just his programming but Venom, sorry, I mean, Big Boss definitely loved being someone else, uh, Big Boss.
Naked Snake is the only Big Boss
Venom snek is Big Boss
Venom Snake is Big Boss
Venom Snake is Big Boss in your dreams
to be fair Watergate makes absolutely no sense to anyone outside of the US, the president's office being taped is just retarded
Venom Snake is Big Boss but then again I say retarded shit all the time
No, it's a fairly well known event, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Solid Snake is the only Snake.
Venom Snake is Big Boss
Yeah sure, Venom's Big Boss.
Venom Snake is Big Boss
Venom Snake is Big Boss
Venom Snake is Big Boss
Whiter than white bread according to the mobile port of Metal Gear 2
>Venom Snake is Big Boss
Venom is Eddie Brock.
And also Snake is Big Boss
Venom Snake is not Big Boss.
Because he's better than Boss.
Venom Snake is Big Boss
Venom Snake is Big Boss
>better than
Uh no, you don't even have evidence to prove it. Venom Snake is exactly like Naked in Peace Walker except mute. The stories would be the same if their roles were swapped.
P.S., Venom Snake is Big Boss and so is Naked Snake.
It's just like one of my Japanese anime.
The game literally tells you, you unbelievable mongoloid
Hey, Kief is B-Grade!