user, all that late night gaming and image board posting looks like it's made you thirsty. Why don't you take a break and drink a refreshing SpriteĀ® Cranberry?
User, all that late night gaming and image board posting looks like it's made you thirsty...
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Proceeds to rap-
Sorry, I only drink water, tea, and orange juice.
Oh, I only have canned tea, would that be alright?
You should try seltzer water mixed with juices like cranberry and grape juice
There's about 5 million companies making seltzer water now because it's a fad
cranberry is awful
but its not even noon, anime girl
Why is she holding red can? Didn't see only drink yellow ones?
Just buy a soda stream.
Uhhh, sure.
I drink that too sometimes but I'm not a big fan of it.
Because that can is for you!
I wish I had half the selection of canned teas that you can buy in Japan.
>he's a misakafag
I would but for some reason you and those Sierra Mist fucks only sell your cranberry lemon-lime sodas in Winter
>liking an anorexic cripple
>orange juice
Nigger that shit is terrible for you.
Might as well drink soda.
This advertising I can support.
No deception
No falseflag pileups
No blatant attempts to SJW and /pol/bait
Just a happy anime girl, a product, and a message to buy the product.
This is some good stuff.
>he's a grannyfag
What's so terrible about orange juice?
Modern big company soda doesn't rehydrate you, gotta drink water if you're thirsty.
Unless you're squeezing it yourself, it's full of sweeteners and trash.
Cranberries are fucking disgusting
100% guaranteed to ruin your thanksgiving plate
id rather piss in my regular sprite and try that instead, no fucking thank you
It's a big can...
Was being refreshed part of this can?
I was talking about actual orange juice, not some sweetened trash.
It's the fructose with none of the fiber.
>actual orange juice
Again, are you literally squeezing it yourself? Otherwise, nah.
You'll change your tune once you get older and bitter things become refreshing
old fashion soda doesn't do it either
drink water
I drink tea like an adult.
>american (((tea))) drinkers need not apply
I fucking hate sprite and being single thanks for reminding me of both asshole.
actual squeezed-out juice is okay once in a while, but then you get no other benefits of the fruit, so.
also idiots gulp down fresh juice like mad "cause it's good for you!" and get hypervitaminosis. use your god damn brain.
For me it's gamer girl pee. The thinking man's beverage.
Only water, coffee and beer here. Occasionally wine as well.