Only children play Nintendo in publ-
Only children play Nintendo in publ-
-ic. They’re clearly playing in someone’s home, not at a bus stop like you man children.
Definitely not a staged pic. Also he looks like a mannequin
Only cucks and women care what others think of them. Drop the onions and start lifting you sorry excuse for a human being.
yeah, modern nintendo.
>playing with GBs when chris fucking evans is next to you with his legs spread wide open
>taking the bus
LOL more cringe than being a nintendo fan
Or Scarlett for the non degenerate gays.
If you're Chad or Stacy you can do anything in public and call it quirky. Only uggos have restrictions on what they can and can't do.
This, confident and handsome people can do literally anything they want.
Is this like an ad or something?
Who are these people? She is ugly as shit, wouldn't touch her with a rake.
is scarjo peak female?
>when chris fucking evans is next to you with his legs spread wide open
Chris Evans isn’t all that attractive desu. I put Pratt at no.1 and Hemsworth at 2 but only when he hasn’t a beard
chris evans is alright
chris pratt looks weird
chris hemsworth is the hottest out of the three, but only short hair thor 3 chris
Can Chad and Stacy's shit on the sidewalk and not get in trouble for it?
Like I give a shit.
Why is he playing with that fucking worthless cunt Bree Larson
>Tumblr thinks I'm a bombshell
I lost it here
those are children
They both have at least 20 years on you easily
based and incelpilled
>capeshit """actors"""
>not children
She got em reduced, user.
Ok so what am I meant to do when waiting for the bus?
Get a drivers license LOLOLOLOLOL
Attractive people can literally do whatever they want wherever they want whenever they want. It doesn't matter. If they're attractive enough everyone will just spin whatever they're doing into something positive and want to do it too.
I'd rather not we are in the heels of self driving ride services soon I'll have no reason to ever own a car
>original gameboy to gain that sweet "nerd cred" with the neckbearded audience
Nigga, this is as fake as it can get, how stupid are you?
Ya real gamers play on their phones with 8bitdo controllers
>l-look guys we are just like you.. gamers !!
shit probably isn't even turned on.
They are clearly nostalgia baiting
But even if these guys were actually "into" video games it probably wouldn't go any further than mobile shit. There are strange exceptions but most celebrities are awful normie autists.
>Can Chad and Stacy's shit on the sidewalk and not get in trouble for it?
yes. It'd be a cute statement of solidarity with India.
God I would plow her
She's hot but they're and plenty of B list actresses that re way hotter. They are a diamond dozen tbqh.
What about Pine?
Getting a drivers license is a test to become a man, you won't ever have sex with that loser mentality
>not playing fortnite like based boomer thor
>implying having a license increases your chances of having sex
the fuck is that handheld they playing on?
I have one, yet I still take the bus to work. Got the license just for having one, because it's better than not having one.
Endgame is fantastic and I didn't even watch Thor 1 and 2.
talk to girls, bro
Having a car and being able to drive it absolutely increases your chances of getting laid. Some women will literally fuck a man for no reason other than he has a cool car. It's not even that uncommon.
Where do you live, women nowadays own and drive cars
chris looks like he's faking interest, but scarjo doesn't
13 year old pic
it's also hard and expensive
only if you fail the tests you pussy
more than 1000 bucks without failing sounds expensive, and I'm sure I'd fail multiple times. I can't even pass the theory exam. I heard it's even more expensive in nordic countries.
>Getting a driver's lisence in the day and age where it's no longer needed
Where the fuck does it cost over 1000 dollars?
>I'm sure I'd fail multiple times
why are you bad
> I can't even pass the theory exam
why the fuck are you that bad
in most of Europe
the questions make no sense, I think I'm too intelligent for it
Not hard, but expensive.
I wanna play Pokemon with Scarlett Johansson!
This is the guy saying drivers licenses are not necessary and just wow I didn't know someone could be so delusional
I had to paid slightly over 2000€ for driving tuition
>have to remind all the signs with retarded classification that you'll never see in your life
>have to remind all the distances, quantities and all kinds of shit regarding absolutely anything remotely connected to driving
and that's before even getting in a car, at which point you have to use all the above while avoiding all the other retards on the roads, switching gears and sucking the examinator's dick because he can deny you your license for no fucking reason.
I think I'll just walk, I can't even afford a car anyway.
I'm not saying it's not necessary, just that it's retarded and too expensive
It really ain't that fucking difficult.
Cap was an ultrachad in this movie, sad about that stupid ending, I feel bad for Bucky.
it is though, I've been trying on and off for five years now
how many push-up bras do you think she's wearing there? Also her face is fucked up, she looks 45.
push-up bras aren't capable of that much jiggle, dumbass
her face looks fine
Even though I fly a lot I could never play a video game in public, even on my phone. Shit is just too embarrassing. I respect people that do though.
virgin incel detected
it doesn't jiggle much in that webm, her face looks fine for a 45yo woman
she actually got a breast reduction because her titties were too big, my incel friend
thor 1 and 2 are pretty much nowhere close to where Thor is character wise
in the USA they literally give it to you
This. Do you even need one if you use a Tesla?
Too bad. Her body in the first Avenger film in the black dress was perfect.
I know, which makes me wonder why Americans use/need public transportation at all. Even their gas is fucking cheap.
Because it clogs up their cities. Outside of cities there's no public transport though and you do need a car to go anywhere.
>you will never transfer your pocket monster to scarlett johansson through her open channel