I'm trying to remember the plot and I can't remember who is the antagonist.
Final Fantasy XIII thread
Some weird side face looking robot.
The antagonist is whoever forces Lightning to wear clothes.
Oh, I like Lightning's plot, alright. If you know what I mean.
the antagonist was the pope who was a giant robot whose plan was for you to kill him so he could fuse with the giant wheel baby so you would kill him again and then he would win because he was dead
I think it was the pope from DMC4
Orphan, a sub God of sorts that wants to get rekt to return to his maker, but he cant kill himself to do so as he too has a focus. So him and other sub sub Gods try and try again to get humans to kill them, but it fails and fails.
anyone else love lightxhope
Not at first but I warmed up to it. I could see them getting together in the new world.
Go fuck yourself, you disgusting degenerate shipper.
Do you think Serah ever got into ticklefights with her sister and won?
This abomination that is her hairstyle
Fang was my favorite party member
the antagonist was society
Robot pope wants to crash the moon in which all the characters live because whenever someone dies the gateway to heaven opens a crack to let the soul in. By killing EVERYONE all at once they hope to force it open so that they can get back to God.
Space Pope. Not as good as Caius.
>lightning with that much ass
Cocoon hierarchy led by techno-Pope/Fal'cie planned mass sacrifice of everyone to open up the gate to the Maker/afterlife
Lightning has NO ASS
Fang's a Lezzer
Actually that is quite accurate...
I ship Lightning + Snow
Also Grown up Hope + Young Hope's mom
Hahaha imagine Hope asking if he could check out Lightning's belly button piercing and she eventually grumpily agrees but as he plays with it her face begins to redden uncontrollably
Some shit with the vatican
Some chess God
Antagonizing MUH
When I finally get to play Lightning Returns and find out there's no ass mod for PC despite the game being out for 4 years the real nightmare begins.
I'm glad he drew those arrows, I wouldn't have known what to jerk off to otherwise.
I played 13 2 and I don't remember any of what you told
She kinda has some in the original game
I like Lightning because she abuses moogles
It'd be fucking impossible. You'd have to rework literally every outfit.
>teenaged american thot slightly adjusts the saturation/levels of someone else's artwork and slaps a huge watermark on it
fuck off
>having an ass
Who is this pink haired impostor?
i spy a nipple
Is this good example to writing to JRPG plot?
He was one of the highlights of XIII, his boss fights were all cool and he was a riot dicking around the whole game.
Remember that time Lightning gave a kid a knife so he could murder her brother in law?
bro she gave him the knife to protect himself before she even knew Hope wanted to kill Snow
It's a good example of what not to do
Make a story where the characters have no relation to the villain, plot, or events occurring, and make everything a series of linear hallways of boredom
Who knows? The game tells you that the whole plot for making Cocoon fall into Gran Pulse is the Cocoon fal'Cie idea, Barthandelus, Eden and Orphan would be the villain in this case. But apparently a recent novel is saying that actually the deity Lindzei ordered the Cocoon fal'Cie to do it, which makes more sense i guess but it throwns out the window the whole "muh we need to contact the Maker" thing UNLESS they were referring to Bhunivelze which i guess makes more sense.
>story where the characters have no relation to the villain
That sound like most of Tales games
It's completely preposterous if that's what you're looking for. I want more JRPGs like that. It's like they spent 5 years planning out their story and everything in the world then 20 minutes actually trying to execute their ideas.
Lightning x Serah
>who is the antagonist
It was ursleves all along.
>in the beginning Bhunivelze killed his mother to become most powerful god
>he created three deity to serve under him, Etro, Lindzei, and Pulse
>Etro reminded him of his mother so he banished her to the unseen realm, a realm ruled by chaos
>Lindzei and Pulse waged war against each other, creating fal’cies to do their bidding
>Bhuni realized the war was fucking up the planet, so he took everyone and fucked off to the unseen realm
>the remaining fal’cies longed to see their master
>akin to gods, they live a dual existence with humanity
>despite their power, they are bound to a specific labor, and cannot stray from that
>thus, in order to do things outside their reach, they brand humans with a focus, specific task the human must accomplish in return for eternal life as a crystal
>failure results in turning into a c’ieth, a being consumed by chaos
>the chaos also gives the l’cie powerful abilities in order to accomplish their focus
>despite being stronger, the fal’cies are jealous of humanity’s greatest gift: free will, given to them because they are made of chaos
>when a human dies, the chaos inside them goes back through Etro’s gate to the unseen realm
>missing their creator but forever being denied entrance through Etro’s Gate, one of the fal’cie hatched a plan
>Barthandelus, the fal’cie whose purpose is to lead humanity, decides to destroy the great artificial planet Cocoon, upon which Lindzei created to protect humanity from the savagery of Pulse
>upon the death of Orphan, the fal’cie keeping Cocoon floating, the entire planet would fall onto the earth, killing everyone on it
>with the massive amount of chaos flowing back into Etro’s Gate, the entry would remain open long enough for the fal’cies to reunite with their maker
And so our story begins
Great, now I am hungry for a Toblerone.
A very ample plot. She could've used a little more backstory though.
That really makes my dejavu tingle.
Imagine if she liked playing with Hope and wanted to keep doing it but in a sexual way haha
It's a fucking tragedy is what it is
If I wasn't such a technological retard I'd do it myself, every damn one
not the case in Berseria which is the only one I played, it was dope
Her greatest adversary: Toblerone.
Didn't know. Thanks for the original bro
I want her to ride me like that
I don't recall the game ever explain any of this
Not sure if they is suck at explaining or i just don't pay attention to the story
Well done. Good job explaining that shit
Too bad every good bit of the lore was completely left out, It wasn't even in the fucking datalogs.
You just didn't pay attention.
This doesn't seem totally accurate since Etro actually uncrystalized the party at the end, not Pulse. Is this information officially from Square?
>Literally Perfect Goddess thread
Excellent, it's been a long time since I was lucky enough to chance on one. Alright fuckers, post requests and I'll dump. The options on offer are
>official art
>the purest form of love
Webms and wincest pls
>Everything goes to shit and everyone turns to Ciethe at the end
Huh, that's a pretty alright twists
>Moments later they're all back to human form because....the plot demanded it and the power of friendship?
I'm pretty upset.
It's all crammed at the end of the game and in the datalog.
That thing suffered more than Mog from FF6
Confronting her on the airship was one of the best moments in the game, I was hoping to finally get a show down. But then the faggy pope kills her, I mean at least wait until we're done with her.
Fuck man, wasted opportunity. She doesn't even get brought back later on.
The best part of Lightning is her pink bush
No, Etro turned them back. Honestly, I don't even know why they put that in the game if they were just going to backpedal with a deus ex machina five seconds later
Oh no no no no no no no, you are not dismissing this out of hand
>none of the 3 games ever mentions once, not even in the datalogs, that Bhunivelze killed his mother to become God of Light
>not once is it mentioned in XIII, not even in the datalogs, that the Fal'Cie are bound to perform specific tasks without the option of ever ceasing thus eliminating free will from their existence entirely
>never once was it mentioned in any of the 3 games, that's right - even in the datalogs, that Bhunivelze was the Maker first named by Cid Raines in Chapter XI
All of this information, ALL OF IT, has to be obtained by looking outside of the game to wikis, fansites, and official literature like the novellas so don't you fucking dare try to claim it's 'just not paying attention'
Not unless you buy the DLC for XIII-2
If Pulse just wants to destroy Cocoon then why did he turn Serah into a crystal after she told Lightning to save it?
The Fal'Cie, of course. All of them wanted to doom the world since they felt stranded aside by Bhunivelze, AKA God.
It's fucking retarded, she really shouldn't have because Fang and Vanille were the ones who ended up becoming Ragnarok - Lightning, Snow, Sazh, Dajh and Hope were completely superfluous. And we saw that Fang was perfectly happy to destroy Cocoon to save Vanille because
>muh strayan dykes
so really the Fal'Cie in the Pulse Vestige turning everybody into L'Cie was utterly pointless.
>replied to the wrong post
>not once is it mentioned in XIII, not even in the datalogs, that the Fal'Cie are bound to perform specific tasks without the option of ever ceasing thus eliminating free will from their existence entirely
Actually, the script makes this pretty clear, but yeah, the game never goes into details about the "maker" or his backstory
>the script makes this pretty clear
I want specific lines of dialog or exact datalog entries which prove me wrong or I call bullshit and no more (You)s for you
I was under the impression they were all about to turn into Ragnarok, but Fang and Vanille took the L for everyone else. Also, I don't know if Fang and Vanille could have taken on Barthandelus and Orphan alone.
You mean sort like the entirety of xiii, where they talk again and again about how they are forced to complete the task they are given or they will turn into mindless monsters?
The point is that it trivializes all the other characters, their arcs, their progression and their development if the entire ending scene literally boils down to
>these two are the only ones who can actually do anything, everyone just stand in the back and strike a pose
That's the Focus of the L'Cie assigned to them upon receiving the brand, not the freedom of choice which the Fal'Cie contend with as part of their existence. You get one more try.
Hope: I don't get it. Why do they need us? Couldn't the fal'Cie end Cocoon with just a thought?
Cid Raines: Their existence is bound to the creation and maintenance of this floating shell. It is their very nature that holds them in check.
Hope: You mean... Cocoon fal'Cie can't destroy Cocoon? They needed tools.
Lmao that wasn't even the same dude retard
>in the beginning Bhunivelze
Who? What? I'm lost.
there's more farroncest art than should reasonably be expected
Just think of it as another word for God like Jehovah or Allah.
>Cocoon fal'Cie can't destroy Cocoon?
That covers the Cocoon Fal'Cie created by Lindzei. Now when does the game tell you that the Pulse Fal'Cie created by Pulse have the same affliction and don't possess free will?
That's everything I've got for webms and wincest. Any more requests?
it's unimportant because Lightning is the only reason to play that game
Lightning is the reason, period
The Cocoon fal'Cie are the antagonists, thus are the only ones really expanded upon within the plot, but you can kind of get the idea that the Pulse fal'Cie are tied to Pulse's orders from this:
"It was the Great and Hallowed Pulse who, seeking to expand divine domain, parted the chaos and fashioned realm within; made fal'Cie, and charged them with this world's completion."
>kind of get the idea
Not good enough writing. Clear exposition for plot critical points is the most fundamental principal in story-telling.
lightning yuri
It was the pope or something
purest form of love and what's in the misc?
How are they meant to know?
>those hands
Kill all m*n
None of that
Plenty of that. And mostly random/edited/screencapped stuff
What about that sh*tas?
thread was fine until this post
People ask and I give, don't blame me
i ship lightning x fang
I remember other texts in the game referring to the fal'Cie on Pulse as mere servants endlessly toiling away for their creator, but I can't be assed to look for it.
Kill yourself
Lightning and Alyx Vance are the absolute peak of women in video games. They are both strong, beautiful, know what they want and I would give my life for a chance to fuck them first individually and then together.
what's wrong with some good lesbian action, user?
It's disgusting, degenerate and unnatural
that's just like, your opinion man
It's just two women having a good time. Why hate?
All fucking carpet munchers must fucking hang
>know what they want
So what does lightning want?
shota dick
chillax bro
Surely a pedo is more degenerate than a lesbian?
I hate hope x lightning with every fiber of my being but you don't see me calling for heads to roll
Wow I want to fill this promiscuous female specimen with the contents of my testicle sac.
>loving older woman gently and affectionately guides a curious younger boy into adulthood
>disgusting dykes grinding against each other
Not a contest. It's not the same league, it isn't even the same fucking sport
When the day f the rope comes you will be first. The Goddess should never be defiled by your ilk.
Children should experiment with other kids. At least the dykes don't have a power imbalance
What the fuck was the plot in XIII-2? I somehow completed the main game and I am still confused. Timey-wimey bullshit because the edgelord's waifu died so he tried ending the universe?
No such thing when it's consensual
The beginning portion of the game only gives tidbits here and there to entice mystery. It really does explain everything user listed, clear and cut. But by the time you do get to it, most no longer care
>Clear exposition for plot critical points is the most fundamental principal in story-telling.
We never said it was good storytelling, but it was made clear in it's convoluted way. LR also fills in a lot of gaps.
It's why I always point out to people that the real protagonist of XIII was Vanille, and they balk at me.
Really though if you wanted to strain out reason, the others were needed in order for Fang & Vanille to work their shit out.
Was Bhuni the hardest final boss in FF history? He actually BTFO me the first few time I fought him. I barely beat him third/four time fighting him. No other FF final boss did this to me.
Well at least you people who didn't understand the story can be happy now that Fabula Nova Crystallis is done with FF15. Fyi, 13, 15 and type 0 were in that setting. Even if you don't like to story, they at least tried with something that's kinda creative. Daily reminder that the pinnacle of modern Western rpg storytelling is fucking Skyrim.
>it was made clear in it's convoluted way
Do you hear yourself defending this shit?
Caius was sick of his waifu dying, and he's seen her die ages and ages and ages. Sick of that shit, he tries to break the curse to save all the versions of his waifu throughout time by fucking with Etro. He wins too, btw. Not even in the Kefka sense where he's beaten but in the end of LR he's got all his waifus.
Serah was essentially fighting a fate she could never win, no matter how many diverging paths she took.
Convoluted storytelling can be done clearly user.
Okay, that was unexpected.
You want a convoluted story done well, you watch a Christopher Nolan film, you don't play anything written by fucking Square Enix
Again, never said it was good, at all. Just that it was done clearly in a convoluted way.
Nolan's overrated too.
we all love lightning in our own way
I liked the mythology and how all the Gods were fuck ups just like in real mythology. Etro's loving nature usually messed things up for everyone and the other gods were selfish asses.
Only mystery was who that "long forgotten enemy" was that Etro built her temple to imprison them in. I have a headcanon that it was Ardyn and that it's all tied to Versus XIII. But that's just for me.
>Etro's loving nature
She's an asshole just like the other.
She's loving compared to the other Gods. But yeah she's no saint. I read the prequel novel for XIII-2 which expands on the lore and how Lightning met Etro and they frame her as more loving but then she treats the Eidolons like crap so who knows.
Idk how Caius could be unironically called an edgelord, but you say you didnt get it, so that must be it.
Anyways, as the other user said, Caius was tired of watching Yeul die over and over again, until one day he finally said fuck it and he went rogue. So what Caius was trying to do was get rid of the gate of Etro, so that the chaos of the unseen realm could rush through it and spill into the regular world. The chaos taking over the world was going to disrupt the flow of time, and so Yeul would no longer have anymore visions of the future, and in turn she wouldnt die anymore as a seeress.
At the end of the day, Caius accomplished his goal by geting himself killed, specifically by stoping his heart of chaos that Etro had given him as the guardian of the seeress. Something about the heart of chaos being connected to Etro, so when Caius got rekt, so did Etro. Afterwards, with Etro no longer around, Etro's Gate opened, and so Caius checkmated everyone.
The story of XIII-2 was much better explained than that of XIII, imo.
>The story of XIII-2 was much better explained than that of XIII, imo.
To each his own. For me, XIII's story was not only perfectly understandable but also good.
I love the world of XIII. I wish the rest or the game was good.
>how Lightning met Etro
>and they frame her as more loving
That's a bit of a stretch. She mindrapes Lightning to becoming her guardian through Divine Guilt over everyone's death in history. Mwynn was the only seemingly truly benevolent god.
>story of XIII
>perfectly understandable
Come on now... You have to admit that the finer details of the story of XIII couldve been explained better. I like the games too, I liked the story, im not a goddamn memer, and I got a baseline understanding of the story of XIII first time around. But 555-COME-ON-NOW.....
I don't know how you come to conclusion that Etro is a loving person there when it's pretty much the opposite.
>perfectly understandable
Maybe if you added hours of painstakingly reading datalogs, taking notes while also being in the Yea Forums threads talking through plot points with hundreds of others. Maybe.
Fanart is always so fucking cringey