This is a Mega-Man Legends thread

This is a Mega-Man Legends thread

Roll posting is encouraged

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Roll? Did you mean Ciel?

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I know what I said

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why not both
im one of those guys who would play a game for a cute chick, what games are ciel from?
I literally always thought she was roll from...something

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Too bad Sera officially replaced Roll as best girl.


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I wish Roll was my sister.

>ywn live on the flutter with roll and Gramps
>ywn help roll fix things by handing her to tools and parts she asks for
>ywn make her breakfast in the morning
>yes rib her tired feet for her after she's had a long workday

It hurts Yea Forumsros

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Man I shouldn't post on my phone, it really likes FUCKING CHANGING WHAT IM TYPING

>doesn't even mention gping spelunking for treasures for her
Do you even dig, bro?

I followed up with it in the following post because I did forget

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Ciel a shit.
Megaman Zero

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Why's everyone always go for blonde hair and blue eyes when blonde hair and green eyes is far superior

Hitler was a fucking faggot

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The point is anything but brown.

>ciel be sequence sill cant be found
i know it exists but where?

Roll Caskett a best.

Whyd you have to make this thread so late at night, I have to sleep

Brown a pretty

which of the battle network games is 'the' one to 100% or heavily invest in?
I want to play through them all but I'd likely burn out if I did all the post game and extra stuff in all of them. Whichever one has the most definitive and high quality post game or extra stuff is the one I'd most want to focus on outside of just the main story

Brown a shit

I work third shift so my sleep schedule is accustomed to this. Night time is best time for me to post

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Nothing wearing a helmet won't fix

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