Why mages are so useless in this game?
Why mages are so useless in this game?
just make a summoner that makes bone spiders
they're not later on, you can blow shit to dust with mages later on. summoners are broken and they're technically mages i guess.
mages are only useless if you don't make a party full of them. damage type stacking in this game is pretty important cause of the armour/magic armour shit
My current party is 3/1 and my mage's status for the last few hours turned into a buffer/healer and enemy archers/scoundrels dab on him pretty hard.
I'm just not sure where to go from this
If you only have 1 mage that's all they're going to be is a buffer/utility/summoner, there's no chance they're gonna be able to chunk through all the magic armour on their own. You'd need to have like 3/1 the other way around for the mages to be able to get the cc effects of their spells and shit to work reliably. There are only a few spells that do armour damage, plus bone spiders or blood/normal summons.
I had my caster as a tank honestly, forget using staves or dual wielding wands, got a fat shield on her and took shield throw and the knockdowns instead to help my 2h warrior and archer keep shit locked down
I like that shield mage idea, i'll try it.
Thanks user
If you mod, you can make a fire mage pyromaniac mofo that can dab hard as fuck on everything with sortilege crits and extreme damage spells
No problem buddy. It worked well for me because shield throw scales off the armour on the shield not stats so she can still contribute decently to removing armour, so I just dumped shit into con and whatnot and made her the tankiest summoner/buffer/healer to ever live whilst the rest of my team just fucked shit up.
Just get gudder. Like other anons said, damage stacking is king and mages in D:OS games rely on environmental effects to kill. The point of your spells shouldn't be to just do damage, but to combine them to create environmental effects (ie aim to create necrofire)
I noticed a big disadvantage of magic is that the magic CC types are not instantaneous when you break armor like the physical ones
For physical you can immediately knockdown or atrophy someone, but for stunning for example, you have to shock and THEN stun, for freezing you have to make someone wet and THEN freez them. It's super fucking ineffecient on its own
Currently a heal bitch in our 4 player campaign. Definitely going to give the shield a try, thanks for the suggestion.
Do yourself a favor and get the mods that triple overworld running speed and reduces magic cooldowns by two turns
Game becomes drastically more fun
What? My Geomancer/Polymorph undead mage was an absolute powerhouse. Literally couldn't be hurt by physical damage.
Mages are bad in almost all crpgs.
It has always been the hardest class to play
Lmao they're not. My friend with whom I cooped made a pyro/geo mage and he was absolutely wrecking the game.
Because the armor system is dogshit and punishes you having more than 1 damage type. Either go full magic or full physical. Have one character take hydro/air spells and give them a shield and all your best armor, they will be immortal and can just buff your team all day.
I never even bothered to finish the game because of this fucking armor system, it was so boring to cheese it the moment you just stacked one damage type.
>Mages are bad in almost all crpgs.
>t. person who has never played a crpg in their life
They're easily the most powerful class in crpgs, because unlike say jrpgs or mmorpgs, magic in crpgs generally doesn't focus on dealing damage, but instead is all about transforming the terrain or summoning creatures or other things that can completely devastate the terrain.
Because you and every other fag that complains about not being able to run a split damage party are retarded. You need to build your party to have synergy. You know, like they're a team. I played through the entire shit on the hardest difficulty with a split damage party and it was easy as shit from start to finish. 1 magical ranged, 1 magical melee, 1 physical ranged, 1 physical melee. Magical characters must be able to work together with complimentary fields/effects, everyone needs some mobility skills, physical characters should use consumables to also trigger field effects, everyone benefits from the low investment skills like shield toss and chloroform to help strip armor from targets that their main damage source would not work on. There, now you've got a party that can deal physical/magical damage at any range and play off of what every other party member is doing with plenty of control and mobility options.
Meant to say:
*can completely devastate the enemy.
How is it? To play these games with someone else?
This. Pyro/geo and aero/hydro can set up combos on their own
In almost all old crpgs games mages are the hardest to master... And I'm talking about early game and mid game
I've never played Divinity OS, but it seems to follow the same formula.
>there's no chance they're gonna be able to chunk through all the magic armour on their own.
That's not true. If i remember correctly you can make some pretty nice crit/double wand glass cannons that can finish your elemental combos with wand elemental effects.
Necromancy is OP.
Fane's special is also OP.
Using telekinesis to pulp your enemies with crates is magic.
Try using more water and air spells to get some chain cc going. In my current run i have a spellcaster (2 water 2 air 5 fire and like 4 on earth) with a necro supporting the mage with some water and air spells and i get to chain cc most enemies (at least the ones with low magic defense like warrior focused enemies or rangers) and kill them before they do something. Teleport and slows are helpfull to keep some distance.