Why are one-hit kills considered an acceptable game mechanic?
Why are one-hit kills considered an acceptable game mechanic?
You're too young to remember, but instagib was the most popular custom server rule for Unreal Tournament, and that's where this all started
*clicks on your head*
And... gone! Just like that. Deleted. Bye-bye now!~
Headshots, backstabs are ok. Shit like Reins charge is high risk high reward also ok. Everything else not.
>Headshots, backstabs are ok.
you're just saying that because the headshot character is hot
The difference is that people didn't treat that casual game mode like it was actually competitively viable.
Yes he is
No game is competitively viable, it's all circle jerking over a broken video game.
name ONE outstanding physiological feature the sniper from TF2 has
Gigantic hands to strangle you with
Someone just post the webm already. I feel it coming. Waiting makes me anxious.
That started happening in Call of Duty and Battlefield with "Hardcore" mode.
Really it's just easy mode for people who can't aim. But hey we called it hardcore so the other one must be whinny bitch mode.
Anyone tried new workshop? Is there an option to remove headshot damage multiplier or change weapon spread?
>Is there an option to remove headshot damage multiplier
How do people do this without some sort of hack. That is too accurate with the target being on the screen for less than a fraction of a second.
You just gotta move your arm a little, it's not too hard
I want to recreate tf2, dumbass.
>getting hit
this just seems unfair is all
isn't it wrong to kill the enemy with only one click? it should at least take like two or three clicks. weird game design
They try dozens of times. Eventually, they get paired with such shitty players that allow them to get away with it.
Then play tf2 dumbass
do console players not know about aim flicking?
this. only the worst players can get hit by these types of shots
like, just move out of the way
you predict their movement for this kind of kills
I honestly don't know how it works, it just happens.
What annoys me is how inconsistent I am with it, supposedly flick-aiming is the wrong way to learn to aim, but I can't help it.
They do, aim assist actually aids it quite a bit
becasue punishes lack of situational awareness
why isnt more used...
i dont know but afaik 1 shot to the head kills 99% in real life....and the rate is still high for any body shot
your subconscious is far far better than you'll ever be at calculating in an instant; flicking is letting your muscle memory/body do the work for you by not focusing as much, essentially. Same shit with basketball/any sport. You're doing the calculations for a shot, you just don't know it.
never stop
The whole of /owg/ knows of your shenanigans, fucking faggot enumbre retard.
What's the matter, did they hardpatch your triggerbot and permabanned your old account ENUMBRE?
Literally kill yourself.
lmao what a faggot
>he doesn't know what flicking is
unironically go try it somewhere in any fps game
you'd be surprised how much you land hits with enough practice
literally git gud, i wasnt even a pro quake 3 player back in the old mplayer days and i could legit hit 9/10 railgun shots every time, i was playing 40-50 hours of quake 3 a week though.
I was probably +3sd above the mean, so better at that point than 99.99% of players, and when i played top 250 players id get wrecked so bad it wasnt even funny.
What practice?
One match you're landing nothing but headshots and then in the next it's all misses.
You're boring, enumbre.
Go away.
You may impress the newfags, but everyone knows your antics.
Is Roadhog still shit?
he is the worst tank but one of the best characters in the game. so, that tells you something about the state of overwatch.
that "nerf" where they halved his head hitbox and let him run around while healing, and reduced his gun's damage (but it's still a 1hit) was a huge net buff
who is "enumbre" and why does /owg/ hate them?
have not touched overwatch in a solid year and don't pay attention to competitive shit
BASED reinfag
His fucking gorgeous smile
just some attentionwhore who spams his "sick aim"-montages any chance he gets (or doesn't get but does it anyway).
Can't say if he cheats or not - but just doing these short "sick aim"-webms is easy even if you're generally shit.
aimbot homosexual that thinks hes good
I love how the player just points at a random direction and lets the game decide if the enemy players hitbox was compromised.
Same fucking bullshit with counter-strike. People never hit the exact spot. They just shoot wildly in the hopes of an instakill. It's pathetic.
his hat
the point of flicking is basically to combine "aiming" and "shooting" into one mental action. every thing you do in your nervous system has a high failure rate, so combining multiple actions into one minimizes points of failure.
archery manuscripts speak of basically this same thing - they commanded archers to "shoot without aiming", to aim and shoot in the same movement
Yes, now go one-hit kill yourself OP.
>molten cored and yhen hammered an ana to death
Great webm
Because, in well designed games, one hit kills are balanced around
>the TTK difference from normal kills not being that big (Counter Strike, CoD)
>one hit kill weapons are limited and there is a strategy around acquiring them (CS again and Halo but also including Quad Damage)
>One hit kill weapons leave you overspecialized and vulnerable (TF2)
so they don't feel unfair and sometimes even add to the game beyond making one player feel better at the expense of others
Widow is a poorly designed character. She doesn't belong in Overwatch, but she has to be in because no one would take OW seriously as a shooter without a sniper for the tryhards to make trickshot comp videos. Giving a 1-shot sniper incredible mobility, a mine, and wallhacks in addition to a pretty decent secondary weapon is fucking silly. There is no counter to her besides not being in her line of sight, but because of her grapple launch her line of sight is absolutely everywhere not behind a wall, a dome barrier, or right up Rein's ass. Not to mention is balanced entirely around the 1-shot kill, so a widow on your team is either dead weight or carrying your team with no middle ground whatsoever
Since no gentlemen have spoken thus far, i think ill have to do it myself.
*ahem* Overwatch is a shit game with ult centred gameplay design, maps full of choke points and strict gameplay for the characters where you should play as devs want you to. With all that said
Fuck Overwatch
Fuck Blizzard
And especially, fuck enumbre
vurking as intended!
Pepe, no! Someone has overdosed your drink with redpills!
You need to have high intuition to do such actions.
No, everyone had equal chances there. Meanwhile in OW and in most shooters general you have one hit kill weapons for some characters and not for others.
One of the worst namefags /owg/ has ever seen.
He's a triggerbot aimbotter that takes pride into posting his extremely cherrypicked webms of him doing what he considers "inhumane" feats.
He's not just a cheater, he's also a scrawny little kid that managed to make a name for himself even among the normies (a literal redditor made that pic )
It's funny because the moment you call him out, he starts defending himself and asking you to 1v1 and record the whole match, boasting how he's the best aimer on Yea Forums and the whole of Yea Forums and he could easily outaim everyone from any country.
It's literally all he does.
The lengths he went to prove he isn't a cheater were amusing, i bet he'll start posting his "handcams" webms very soon.
He usually starts samefagging to back himself up and shit up entire threads, and everytime anyone with a tiny bit of knowledge about him just educates the newfags about his utter autism and the threads turns into flamewars against him.
Go check the fireden archives with the "enumbre" search, 60f0- filenames and Kisser. You'll discover his utter autistic retardation.
Also, pparently he got permabanned\permamuted on his ENUMBRE account, so he plays on his smurf "Kisser" which is just more or less the same.
Can't tell if he actually bought a smurf to be praised again, but he's an idiot and the laughing stock of /owg/ + anyone from the ELO guardians, given he never triggerbotted when he was playing against or with streamers and he basically threw the match by being the incompetent twat he is.
The Overwatch General will give you a full list of webm filters if you are using 4chanx, just go and ask them. Nicely.
Yes, enumbre. You can rename your webms, it won't work you little faggot.
Aren't most of the easymode characters immune to being 1hit?
Yeah fine for stuff like snipers. However Widwo's problem is her grappling hook, snipers aren't meant to be have retarded mobility like she does.
I've never seen this level of obsession before
Are you like a low ranked player that he insulted in the game? Is you?
You can't really flick with a joy.
>Go look this guy up
>Anonymous message board
Hello. I'm here to ruin your game.
reality: "flick-aiming" is just them turning their aimbot on and off
You shit up the general for months with your autism, you fucking faggot ass retard.
People who still remember how comfy the general was before the waifufags took over still remember your fucking autism.
You did absolutely nothing but shit up the general and multiple Yea Forums threads for the sake of yourself, even making your own (like this one) with a bait-OP only to jerk yourself reading the posts of clueless newfags.
You are cancer.
I can't help but notice you're referring to me as him
Do you take medication?
In the webm you can see soldier76 getting one shot who is basically the easiest dmg character in the game. If you mean tanks their armor protects them from continuous small damage fire but not form high dmg one shots. If a sniper headshots you as a tank you are almost dead.
Snipers and Spies cause more long and unfun matches then Engis ever will.
How long until you challenge me to a 1v1 against you?
End yourself.
this, you can see the aimbot turn on in this webm (very subtle, it has AI integrated quantum computing to see where the enemy will move)
I recommend you seek help.
Hey, you gonna drink that?
Back when gta5 first got stable online I did nothing but stab people in free aim lobbies. Then proceeded to drop the garbage when it became an explosion fest. Moral of the story is one hit kill methods should put you at extreme risk.
Snipers behind a good frontline sure
Spies are never a problem unless youre in a pub and no one notices a YER spy behind the cart even after 4 fucking wipes
its despicable how this enumbre guy aimbots in my opinion, just look at this. he thinks we're stupid
Wonder if it's ever been possible to get the opponent's key presses and actually make an AI try to predict off of that
It sounds retarded but hackers do all kinds of shit
You could train a neural net to predict the movement of players in games, but it's a task for a research team of 15 and a three-year grant, not a yugoslavian cheater on a video game
stop pretending to call yourself out retard. dead game
For me multiplayer games should be about interacting with the other players. If you are able to kill each other in one hit before even seeing the other player the interaction ends the moment the trigger is pulled. This is also heavily the reason why I never liked Counter Strike or any 'realistic' fps games where you can be shot from bushes afar. But my view is clearly in the minority since arena fps games are almost extinct.
I believe it
FFXIV general had somebody that cut themselves and carved stupid shit into their arm
guild wars 2 general had an asspained furry that got banned from the guild and proceeded to spam the general into oblivion with his bot that persists to even this day
katawa shoujo general still exists
So yeah, considering all the autists come from /vg/ that wouldn't surprise me
*shoots you with stored diamondback crits*
*stairstabs you*
*facestabs you with a script*
*gets hit by flamethrowers and explosions and runs away unharmed due to spycicle and dead ringer*
i heard enumbre was in this thread, so i came back from the general as fast as i could
//enumbre cuck
Go to comment filter
Go to name filter
Go to MD5 filter
this is the filter
use it to filter this giant faggot
regards, /owg/
bonus pic of his "prizes"
I envy those that don't know about Enumbre.
I truly do.
>I envy those that don't know about Enumbre.
I think you envy enumbre, if we're being honest here. No emotion besides jealousy provokes this sort of obsession.
Keep samefagging, it won't make the filters disappear.
Spies are easy to kill, you braindead heavy main. No wonder you fall for stair stabs.
And my dick.
Brig is the hottest character in the game by far. Fuck.
so being gay isn't a personality? very bigoted of you
Looks kind of tumblr.
You like the nude version the modders made.
two words
big hitbox
This! CSGO hitboxes are perfection. I wish every game could be like them
Play csgo (or even better: quake) for a long time and get gud. I think it's really about alertness and practice than anything, most of the time I cba to be that alert. All these webms are from OW silver portrait players who've played the game atleast around 600 hrs.
cool story bro
I enjoy both actually.
Honestly she doesn't look very tumblr to me though in general. I could see why one might say that I guess, but shes too white and attractive overall to be tumblr.
Also some of the porn ones modders made don't really look like her.
To go further:
If you want to aim at this high level, you gotta start first by not focusing on the crosshair. Focus on the action and let your brain assume where the crosshair should be. Taking the time to line up a dot on your screen takes too long. Do this a while and you get used to it. Once you do that, you are ready to prefire. Simply put, press fire before your aim would actually settle on the target. This works cause when you want to fire you don't actually fire instantly. It takes the barest fraction of a fraction of a second for your finger to obey AND press down enough to make the mouse register the press and the game to finally fire. A lot of shit from the moment you first thought "I wanna shoot". So press early with the goal for it to register the moment your crosshair is on the target.
It's just these two easy components. That's it. The rest is just having the determination to practice.
You can also just track like a normal human being.
God I hate sniper. It's just a not fun class to play against. I understand the skills needed to be good at it and that in some way they provide a valuable balance but it still fucking sucks to be paired against a good sniper, there is literally no fun way to play around them.
Basically this but I don't think he's cheating, he just spends tons of time practicing an inefficient flicking palystyle because it looks cool on webbums and feels nice when you're on a roll
His playstyle is distinct enough that I recognise him in webms even when his name is different, which is quite funny
>he wants to remain on the same level as other people
not true, i coded launch-hour cheats for lawbreakers as you can see here
You realize there has been TF2 aimbots that can do this with rockets and pills and has existed for years? It's not as big a deal as you fags make it out to be. It's just basic short term prediction based on current direction of movement. Even works for people who are jumping cause momentum arcs are already a simple calculation the game does.
Anyone have the csgo gif where he's shooting at the guy and the spray literally makes an outline around him
Just just scrape all the streams you can find to train your NN, ez
there's tons of footage of you cheating, you piece of shit
and the fact that you don't even play hitscan anymore in comp because of the fear of being called out by streamers and owl players in bed with the devs on discord only proves it even further
>self-diagnosed hitscan god
>suddenly onetricks pharah and is hardstuck lowgm
>enumbre in a game with a streamer
>can't use hacks so he has to play by the rules
>gets completely destroyed by the likes of kephrii & co.
>bitches in chat and leaves the game
you're a fucking clown
That works for momentum (of course, it's a huge step up in complexity from a hitscan aimbot) but it doesn't work for predicting where players will airstrafe. That's the part you would need AI for.
There actually are AI cheats now, I remember someone posted on Yea Forums about how they were making a machine learning aimbot for CSGO, they posted webms and everything. And apparently, Valve anticheats now use machine learning too.
So it's a big AI battle. Who has the biggest neural net training farm? Probably not the cheaters...
holy shit fuck off
He also tried to do the same thing for Titanfall 2, posting flicks with a Wingman, then suddenly he 180'd and said the game sucked, probably when his aimbot was detected and he was banned
>competitively viable
No at the time people had FUN and didn't get mad when they lost, it was all about having a good time with friends.
it's like a charlie chaplin scene
>jumping target
>target that doesn't move
>target that barely moves
truly a feat of skill on the level of Rapha must be hacks
I mean, what if the guy is legit though? Wouldn't what you're doing be a bit unethical? It seems like you have no hard evidence.
kephrii got skronked man
>tons of footage of you cheating
>no hard evidence
then just choose a good character with a OHK weapon
I don't see any hacks in that vid. It's not even that impressive.
Is that webm you posted earlier supposed to be proof of hacks? What's hacking in that?
That's not how this works, user. A sniper gets exactly one good shot and if they miss they die. A person suddenly doing something as simple as stopping dead for no reason at all can throw off your follow aim. Follow aim is for SMGs or miniguns and other spammy shit where the slight error in following only loses one or two out of dozens of projectiles.
It's also something you need to be able to do to win close range fights. Some fuck will jump on your ass with movement powers and ignore absolutely everything else going on in the match the first time you snipe. Do you want to be that asshole who gets one pick WELL I DID MY PART WHY DID WE LOSE TEAM or do you want to be a contributor?
Though personally my preferred method is 'sweeping'. Not flicks. The idea is the same though.
post the other billion times you got spawncamped by him
not yet another cherrypicked webm of yours
Really good trackers are also gods at sniping though. And really, if you have map knowledge, you often don't need to flick at all. Quake players will pre-aim 90% of their railgun shots.
this is the only other game i had with kephrii
pretty sure i did die to him in that game, but let's chalk it up to the weather
Because if you are one pixel off, you miss and it takes relatively long time to shoot again. High risk high reward.
>this is the only other game i had with kephrii
not it isn't
stop lying, you bitch nigger.
I bet OP has been suspended multiple times for playing Widowmaker
And if you randomly spasm and get a lucky 1-hit kill, it's justified?
1-hit kills encourage bad players. In a game where it takes 1000 hits to get a kill, the better player will always win.
Follow aim works out to a certain distance, as does prediction. Both are more reliable at more comfortable distance than unnecessary flick or sweep aiming. You'd be right there.
What I'm talking about is situations where someone blew their resources to be less than 5 feet from you. This is not a niche situation for snipers because people fucking LOATHE you. Someone abandoning the teamfight just to get you is often considered worth it. The more spammy weapon in this situation almost always wins as your ONE SHOT at this close range is incredibly likely to miss. Unless the opponent is a potato, you won't get a chance for a second.
This is where flick aim comes in. Also honestly, follow aim is needed to perfect flick aim anyway. That's where learning to aim by letting your brain assume where the cursor is rather than looking at it directly comes in. Once you've perfected this, all you gotta do is learn to prefire. Which is incredibly easy to learn versus the first step.
Ok You asked for it.
nay but i got muted for three years for calling streamers niggers every time one was in my game
I was expecting the engineer frag movie webm but that one is a nice surprise
>that moment of realization
>His aim returns to the exact point it was before the flick occured
That does not happen when a human flick aims. Their end point is usually only vaguely near where they were before they flicked. Not on the exact pixel. That's an aimbot.
For every lucky 1-hit kill, bad players get killed 100s of times, so yes it's more than justified.
proof of 3 year mute
Enumbre is a gay attentionfag but it's all worth it because he exposes assmad shitters that accuse him of hacking and shitters are always funny
to continue on this topic,
am i fucked now that i'm 27?
I think that the response time and accuracy will drop more and more from now on.
Should i just give up fps and be grumpy old man now?
your reaction time is actually good till around 45.
I'm 32 and I'm good. And it's something you have to maintain most importantly, if you stop training you lose everything.
then why am i aiming like a pleb?
Is it because i play 4-5 different fps game, which fucked my muscle memory real bad??
Reminder that the hitboxes for OW are actually busted as all hell
which is why its so easy to get headshots
people still play overwatch?
few things
1) you need a 120hz+ monitor. any old $5 CRT from a pawn shop can do this, just buy one and test it out to see if 120hz is worth it (it is)
this is the one essential piece of gear for playing FPS at a high level. you will immediately move to pubstomper status if you're any kind of decent right now
2) you should get a big mousepad (steelseries QCK+ XL is $15 and good) and lower your sens so that one traversal of the pad = 360-480 degrees of crosshair movement (per your preference). this is the #2 most important setup-related thing to aiming well. no professional gamer uses a small mousepad or a particularly high sens.
>look through all the webms
>all the same name
Yeah I'm thinking your based. Fuck overwatch and fuck the mentally ill people that play it.
darwin at work
man asian girls are so ridiculously hot
Imagine turning her straight with the power of your dick.
>autistic 12 year old one shots you by pressing random buttons while using a burst damage champion on late game
>you're now prohibited to play the game for the next 2 or 3 minutes
Why does she flaunt her goods so much if she's not gonna let anyone have them?
You'd love Tiny in DOTA 2.
fuck off retard
Yes but Widowmaker, McCree and Hanzo players are all cheaters
come now
>that snapping
nice hacks
Flicking is a garbage practice for low tier scrubs. Maybe awping bodyshot's in CS:GO, it's even then needlessly low percentage in comparison. Tracking "makes it look easy," which contrasts to how excessive flicking is, making it worse for a montage, much more reliable. Generally good Widow players don't launch themselves into melee distance and flail wildly, for every one Webm you see of something that retarded working they're will be twenty times that player got shit on for their montage and just didn't record.
1)already have a 144hz monitor.
2)Got a medium size mousepad, and tuned down my sensitivity by a lot already.
3)i have over thousands of hours in fps games.
I only feel like i'm the 30th % of the player skills.
I'm not so bad that i can't aim, but i can't do insane flick headshots, nor tracking someone without breaking like shroud did.
Either that's where my limits are, or i'm doing something wrong.
Well, I don't know. From your description you should be good already.
I don't see a problem? Projectile hitboxes have always been huge out of necessity and bigger hitscan hitboxes is required when multiple characters share the same HP pool but vastly different profiles.
But why does he snap to players, then back to exactly where his mouse was before, only to do it again a second later?
Wouldn't it make more sense just to keep aiming at the person you're shooting instead of "flicking" to them from the same position 2-3 times?
based on a lot of the webms that have been posted it kind just looks like he has an aimbot that lets him aim in the general direction of someone and corrects the aim when he shoots
mad as fuk lmao
>twitching is considered "snapping" now
Get a load of this retard.
You havent seen an aimbot in your fucking life if you consider that snapping.
>Wouldn't it make more sense just to keep aiming at the person you're shooting instead of "flicking" to them from the same position 2-3 times?
Yes it would, it's the difference between properly flicking and having a playstyle build around flicking
no it's not good enough.
I can't play snipers and flick like a pro.
I can't even track enemy properly when they are spamming left & right.
I can't even go above master in overwatch.
and can't go above legendary eagle in csgo.
That's how bad things are.
I wanted to git gud, but i can't.
I just can't.
Not him, but I've always flicked and snapped back to my original position. My reasoning is that its generally easier to gauge sweeps of motion, than it is nudging your mouse. It's also quicker. It's mainly a comfort thing for me. Also, when you're trying to snap onto a small unit side-strafing like a madman, it's impossible to track that sort of thing normally. Even the best players can't immediately just adjust to a player side-strafing correctly, snapping is one of the ways to deal with it.
Get kovaaks and grind for two hours a day every day if you want to break through your current aim level efficiently
You also have to "un-flick" after a flick, if you want to flick again afterwards.
Only way to improve when you're at pubstar level is to play and practice with actual competitive players or scrims. If you still can't improve, then you just hit your cap. Tons of people have a cap on skill, where they can't just improve further.
Kovaaks is bullshit that doesn't actually work. Deathmatch in your game of choice is a much much faster improvement vector. You want to learn how players move, not preprogrammed balls. 90% of aim is predicting players' movement
>(very subtle, it has AI integrated quantum computing to see where the enemy will move)
It, uh, it's really not that hard. Predicting a future location based on past data is like 1st year university, calculating where and when to shoot the rocket based on that is maybe 2nd year if you want to get an LSE.
Could you show me the equation that allows me to know whether the enemy will airstrafe left or right or forward or back?
imagine fucking caring about overwatch, the most normie and unimpressive competitive game on the market
fucking hilarious. i'd rather piss in my own asshole than have spent 10 minutes of my life saving and uploading a single wemb like this faggot has for apparent weeks and months, maybe fucking years
If it's not hacking, it's disgustingly bad aim. Who the fuck is retarded enough to flail their mouse away from what they're shooting at between shots? Those shots are by no means impossible to hit, easy to be quite honest, but aiming as such is is exclusively counterproductive.
It's actually just a bad habit for players who flick, see it all the time.
It's not really up for debate that flicking is an awful habit. I'm in the top 1% for Hanzo accuracy this season, ask me anything.
Kovaaks or other aim trainers are excellent to build up general skills
Of course you still need to play the actual game to be able to react to enemies and learn about all the other aspects that go into shootans, but there's no better way to learn how to get your crosshair on a target than clicking on targets with 0% downtime
That's just a fucking aimbot. Even if you are a ''pro'' at flicking, you will never be able to return the crosshair to the exact same spot afterwards.
>shoots you with diamondback crits
alright this is bullshit, i'll give you this one
>stairstabs you
do you know what year it is?
stairstabs worked in 2013-2014, and even then rarely
now people already know what that shit is and NO ONE falls for it
>facestabs you with a script
what script?
you mean cl_interp 5?
>gets hit by flamethrowers and explosions and runs away unharmed due to spycicle and dead ringer
dead ringer was nerfed to death, it's practically useless now
i still don't get why they decided to give it the speedboost
as for the spycicle, the PSHHHHH sound instantly gives away your position so it doesn't matter if you don't get burned
anyone with half a brain can follow a spycicle spy after melting his spycicle
it's brainlessly easy to reverse the mouse movement you just did
Nah, it's a cap on how much they're willing to face failure to improve. US Air force has spent millions of dollars to conclude that the average humans are capable of training reaction times to 1/240th of a second, and never actually stop improving at things like hand-eye coordination or muscle control. "Skill cap" arguments only really serve the purpose of convincing idiots to play mercy
get a fucking life you pathetic fucking loser you're on Yea Forums shilling your own mediocre flicks at best and bragging about your lowtier aimbot that you actually fucking paid for at worst
your inane faggotry has alreayd been exposed previously in a thread. seek a mental asylum and get a hold of your life and maybe do something productive
>US Air force has spent millions of dollars to conclude that the average humans are capable of training reaction times to 1/240th of a second
I think you mean 240ms.
>Simple reaction times ranged from 143 to 461 msec, with a mean of 223 msec (SD = 0.055).
Eucgh. That pause to line up the headshot.
how is it both mediocre and cheating?
I mean, just in that webm I replied to, the guy was already strafing in that direction. The computer gets to make decisions up until the very last second, when it fires, and the time it takes for the projectile to impact is negligible compared to the time it'd take to juke it out and switch directions. It physically takes time to change velocity and based on the data we have we can know which keys the player is pressing right up until the frame we fire. There are only a limited number of places the player could go and a rocket shot to the right spot will hit most of them.
I can just as easily turn it around on you, what's the "mental algorithm" you supposedly go through to determine the direction they're going? You probably don't have anything concrete. You just guess, or "make a prediction" based on data you can easily input into a computer. Anything that is making YOU better at hitting strafers is something that could make a computer better. WITHOUT using a neural net, I might add - your behaviour is absolutely not that complicated.
That's just not true, players do exactly what you're describing as a force of bad habit. The reason people always accuse this guy of cheating is because it provides no advantage unless you're trying to hide cheats, which, granted, but doesn't really discount the fact that it could just be a guy who doesn't know any better.
>Most of the webms in this thread are that enumbre/kisser hacker fag
Wew lad
I have no idea why you would flick to hide cheats. If you wanted to hide cheats you'd just "track" with a triggerbot
>it's brainlessly easy to reverse the mouse movement you just did
Not to the EXACT degree that you are showing in your ''pro'' webms. You are so obviously cheating that it's not even funny. It's actually a pretty bad habbit most sniper type players use, since it's usually easier to ''swipe'' across whatever you are aiming at and fire once you notice that your crosshair is aligned with you target.
It's just slightly above aligning your shots with character movement rather then aiming with the mouse, the only real difference is that one forces you to plan out your shot and the other forces you to rely more on your muscle memory/reflexes.
Some of these webms sucks dick too, like, they are not impresive at the least since you are just moving the crosshair like 2-3mm but the speed over-exaggerates the actual movement, making it look more impressive than it really is.
and people wonder how he got muted on both accounts for YEARS
The reason is because most games these days like OW are super casual so they reward players for instakills because tracking as a skill if very low. Its the reason a lot of skills in that game are shoot and commit rather than pure tracking. Its also why soldier 76 has massive spread.
You are right actually, it's not an aimbot, it's probbably a trigger bot.
why does he post his videos if he only gets hate from them? is he mentally ill?
Why would you try and predict his movement with hitscan?
Just use his character model, draw aline from your gun to his head, align the angles and boom.
Note that projectile aimbots do exist.
There already are some deep learning chink cheats.
I think the guy who has spent like three hours samefagging about him is probably mentally ill.
Sniper rifle mechanics have been an abortion for decades.
They both are, one is an obviously obsessed ''RENT FREE'' retard and the other is some faggot who is so attention starved that he keeps comming back for more abuse even after it has already been proven that he both sucks at the game and is hated for his actions.
Because you can't hide aimlock with a track. Obviously a player wouldn't have to hide aimlock if they weren't aimlockong, how cheaters choose to cheat is entirely up to them and not really my concern.
That's not really likely either. You'd probably see triggerbotters sweep back and forth rather than snap their mouse back to center pad. It really is just a completely valid force of bad habit. You probably wouldn't see top level Widow players making such a mistake, but Ana players in GM are literally all over that shit.
strong jawline
I'm surprised that OW is still going. OW is dead on consoles at this point.
I mean, I have no idea why someone would cheat in the first place. Since I can't determine why a cheater would pick any specific cheat, it makes perfect sense to me that regardless of what cheat they use they'd go their greatest lengths to avoid getting caught.
>Suck at game
>Use aimbot
That's how
It's a cluster fuck on consoles because the game hardly works when no one can aim. The biggest problem with the game today is people who play it yet don't own mics.
How is that aimbot? You must be bronze, I've hit shots like that and im a low gold.
>It really is just a completely valid force of bad habit.
Are you really trying to defend this fucking faggot?
>You probably wouldn't see top level Widow players making such a mistake
That is because (just like you said) it would be worse since you would have to hope that your reflexes are good enough to not undershoot over overshoot your target, unless you knew that you have perfect reflexes in the form of a triggerbot
>You'd probably see triggerbotters sweep back and forth rather than snap their mouse back to center pad
No you fucking wouldn't, you could spin your character around at the speed of fucking light and you would still be able to hit your target the moment you crosshair aligned with the target, there is no reason to use on over the other outside of trying to make it less obvious that you are cheating. Ever heard of spinbotting in TF2 or CS:GO? It's the same principle.
His webms makes it obvious that he is either cheating, nitpicking his own vids to make it look more impressive or both.
I have never seen a more bitterly jealous person. Just practice and you can be good too.
>ITT: Underage zoomers crying about getting killed in one shot in kiddiewatch
is this entire thread just one guy replying to himself and having an argument
Upside down shitposting
>I have never seen a more bitterly jealous person. Just practice and you can be good too.
What makes you think that... oh, I get it. You are the guy who posted all of these EPIC SICK replays. I can't believe that I didn't think of that sooner.
I don't even play FPS game competitively, so couldn't give less of a fuck even if I tried. But you can believe whatever you want as long as it makes you sleep better at night I suppose.
holy shit cry more
go menstruate someplace else
The porn is the only thing that makes OW memorable in any way.
such nice memories though
KEK, can't believe that my pointing out your bullshit actually made you this mad.
dude you have been samefag melting down over some random bullshit for going on 4 hours now
you need to get some sunlight
/vg/ is really the worst with tripfags and I really don't get why they're not just fucking banned instantly. Tripfagging is fine if you have a specific reason, but constantly posting in /vg/ with trip should be just as bannable as avatarfagging.
I personally think it's because of the longlasting nature of /vg/ threads. They know they'll have roughly the same people in the same threads and the threads get remade as long as the game has a healthy population, so they know they'll have an audience that "knows them" while it is much harder work to be Yea Forums tripfag, considering the nature of the board and the chance that most people won't see you twice.
tl;dr please ban everyone tripfagging kkthxbai.
I'd rather get one shot infinitely than have to deal with stuns. Fuck stuns are the single most frustrating mechanic.
What? I just entered this thread like 15 min ago, I just have not left becuase you just made my day dude
>Used to browse OW threads when OW was the flavor of the month
>Remember that enumbre sperg getting shat on by everyone
>3 years later he's still here and going full force
Imagine not having anything better to do with you life for that long.
>trip should be just as bannable as avatarfagging.
It really should be, It's essentially the same thing.
This flicking shit just looks like pure autism actually
Rule 13: "Do not use avatars or attach signatures to your posts." If not used for the express purpose of identifying yourself where needed, what else would tripfagging be but a sort of signature/avatar?
Thanks user, Im dedicating my next fap too you.
this samefag is boring, you don't have the legit autism of that ankama hater that utterly destroyed threads for years
if you have to shoot before your target is in your crosshair then it isnt hitscan.(its shitty coding/ingame autoaim)
it just shows they have adjusted to shitty internet speeds of today(most noteably shit upload speeds because not enough packets and info are being registered when they are supposed to be)
i grew up in the 90's and early 2000's where online games had proper shooting, target in crosshair they get hit when button was pressed.
the fact dialup internet gaming was better then todays is astonishing
He isn't saying that he presses down before he's actually on the enemy because the game is laggy or whatever, he's saying that deciding to click and then clicking takes 100 ms or whatever so you want to do so 100ms before your brosshair is actually on the enemy
wish you faggot would stay contained in your aids ridden stupid widow servers
^this triggers my autism.
that chat ban!
And I thought my 30 day ban was bad!
reflecting pants.
This would looks so ridiculous IRL
designed to reflect the male gaze
It even returns to it faster than before shooting.
Can't stare rape if you can't stare.