Why does youtube allow this dangerous pedophile to have a platform?

why does youtube allow this dangerous pedophile to have a platform?

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What a funny little character

[citation needed]

Why not. Did he hurt anyone?

literally who?

Okay I'll bite, tell me the eceleb drama before the thread gets nuked by the mods.

look at this sick post he made a few days ago.

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Oney's a pedo? How?

There is none, op is just saying shit in hopes to get a convo going

>another oneyplays thread in the same day
moderate these threads you autistic fucks

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plot twist: op works for crest and is trying to see if its worth the money to support this YTard

no, op. we don't know him.

Why did Sleepycabin have to die?

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They should have kept sleepycabin going, if just to keep Stamper safe and alive

Because Stamper is insane and YouTube doesn't reward creative content anymore.

wtf I miss ding ding and julio now

If you had a tiny version of a pedophile with all the original's memories, would you torture it?

lmao love the animated version of this

Is it a clone or a perfect copy

This is the most disgusting shit I've ever seen.

A perfect copy but he's 6 inches tall.

The only one that was right in this debate was Julian who said he would be irrationally angry.

post it

the same shit that happened to grumps after jon was replaced has now happened to oneyplays. what started out as friends joking, calling eachother out and being on a level playing field. has turned into boss/employee dynamic where the co hosts all try to suck up to the host. the show has just turned into forced laughter now, and i'm afraid that it will never recover.

My favorite OneyPlays team?
Chris, Lyle, and Zach of course.

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First 12 seconds

>no jontron
neither based nor redpilled


its chris, zach and tomar btw. but it's a shame that zach is too proud to become a regular member

I wish he would play games with Cory and Zach. That would be 10/10

JonTron's not a regular though.
I fucked up the last post fuck


I like Lyle.
I don't get why reddit hates him so much.

Great. Yea Forums manufactures drama yet again. Thank you for confirming this

I hear Lyle isn't either so what's the problem :^)

the best taste itt

I'm a Chris, Zach, and Tomar kind of guy, just because I enjoy Tomar's suffering

he should've embraced being the straight man but instead he tried to be a funny guy too and just failed horribly

He always seems like he's trying really hard to me, sometimes it works but sometimes it's obnoxious

user I will grimace at you I swear to fucking god.

>tfw rewatching episodes with zach
I miss him.

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I'm still waiting on that fucking Witch Hunt series to finish
Any day now

whats stamper been up to?

Nah, it's mostly because he constantly speaks over people and interrupts them by being obnoxious as fuck. Also his humor is pretty r*ddit

>Recently let a crackhead into his apartment
>That video of them sitting in the dark arguing because people were scoping out his place looking to kill her

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Letting homeless crackheads into his house and getting involved in gang beefs, just the usual Stamper things

literally losing his fucking mind

What fucking video is that, link?

He dipped out of LA after constantly getting into trouble with cops, running into fucking weirdos, getting guns pointed in his face, and taking in a strange hunted homeless woman. He lives in Texas with his sister now I believe.


Oney said he isn’t doing any more of that because the game started sucking fat ass

The fuck, is Texas going better?

I want them to continue NV, and play more games like that, it gives them a lot to talk about and they seem like they're having fun playing it.

Maybe it's because I've been watching him for like, 12 years at this point and I've gotten used to his humor and I have a bias but I genuinely get a laugh out of Lyle really often.
Never been on Reddit though so I can't argue for or against that.

Damn, well can't blame him there

Where did it go so wrong, bros?

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It was on his twitter but he might have deleted the stuff related to that already


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whats with him dropping of the map?
wasnt he an animater or something?
didnt he work with the behemoth on battleblock?

He supposedly still works in voice over with Behemoth. Though I have no idea WHAT he works on. He eats out like twice a day, so he's getting that money from somewhere.

>He eats out like twice a day
I'd let him eat me out like twice a day.

speaking of him eating didnt he have some vlog video of him eating arbys i cant find it on his youtube channel and i feel like it got deleted with other vids

mentally ill probably