Hogwarts... home

Hogwarts... home....

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is that Dimbledore by the stairs? he looks short.

Collect the fire seeds harry

Whatever happened to that 18th century Harry Potter game that leaked, it would have to be close to being ready enough to announce by now.

Probably will be announced at E3.

Correction, apparently it was 19th century.

Hope so, I'm not that huge into Harry Potter but it looked interesting.

>cast expelliarmus at potions master
>get expelled

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GOG port when?

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I thought I saw a recent rumor saying it was now (or maybe always had been) a PS5 game. So we might see it E3 2020. Might be awhile until its official announcement in that case

I'm not huge into HP either but I've always wanted an RPG in Hogwarts.
No, that's just something someone on Yea Forums said. It's definitely a PS4/Bone title.

Fuckbeak game when?

If its next gen I hope it at least comes to xbox/pc as well, no way am I buying a ps5 after sonys censorship bullshit.


hogwarts is the true main character
so RPG, or something similar to recent tomb raider with semi open world would be nice

Can't wait to kills some (((goblins))) in (((Gringotts))) bank

Attached: Leaked Harry Potter game in development.webm (864x480, 2.99M)

>No, that's just something someone on Yea Forums said. It's definitely a PS4/Bone title
I won't be surprised if it's a cross-gen game, honestly. But anyway, considering how this is still totally unannounced, isn't what you're saying also "just something someone on Yea Forums said"? The literal only thing we've seen about this game was that leaked trailer. We have zero info whatsoever about the platform(s) it's on unless it actually showed them at the end of the trailer and I forget. But I really don't think the trailer even got that far
Yeah, I'm sure it'd be on PC as well, at the very least. I can't blame you

I liked the fact that each of the early games had a different interpretation of Hogwarts, it made exploration really fun
I hope this one doesn't end up being a carbon copy of movie Hogwarts like the later games

he looks like he fucks black guys

god damn that looks boring

>game is completely different on each platform
How did they do it, lads? Philosopher's Stone had like 4 or 5 versions and they were all pretty good.

That used to be the NORM back in the days.
Even the most faithful ports tended to be customized and optimized for each platform, individually, resulting vastly different experiences.

The PS1 & N64 era especially was a wild ride; each had very different DooM game from the OG, and even some generic F1 racing title could play all different on each system (ie. FMV pit stops on PS1, real-time QTEs on N64...)

but the goblins are enslaved by humans, just like the alverna.

>The literal only thing we've seen about this game was that leaked trailer
I think the trailer was originally posted with some info about the game, that's how we know it's 19th century

that's what they want you to think

Attached: goblins.jpg (1200x957, 377K)

Well, off to your lessons harry... don't be late...

>but the goblins are enslaved by humans
you're thinking of elves

The problem with OOTP and HBP Hogwarts in the games wasn't that it was a copy, the place was fucking huge, it was that it had very little content and you just kept walking around places you had nothing to do in.

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Dullest franchise

God I wish, running this game nowadays is a nightmare

EA has games on GOG though so it could be possible

Playing Philosopher's Stone on PlayStation as a kid could get spooky sometimes.
There was just something completely otherwordly in a scary way about finding a secret room with a huge bottomless pit and a platforming challenge to reach a chocolate frog card way above in the air in a hallway you already passed dozens of times.

Bully 2: Hogwarts

I would purposefully stall the story in this game, so I could maximize my running around hogwarts time

Jokes on you a game where you can be just a regular jerk wizard in Hogwarts sounds amazing, no Voldemort/Dumbledor's boyfriend bullshit, just a brat in Hogwarts

Recently replayed CoS on PS2 and the atmosphere they built is still mind blowing. The light coming in the windows, the Jeremy Soule music, all of the secret passageways to find, etc. I think with a higher budget they could have made a real 10/10 potter simulator.

I just had a hunch to replay Chamber of Secrets for PC. I would absolutely love a modern game with a similar style, especially with all the cool effects and tech they could incorporate with the boundless potential that magic offers.
Things like Reparo, Carpe Retractum, Piertotum Locomotor, etc could make for amazing Challenge levels.

This game was cash