Only games with SOUL may enter

Only games with SOUL may enter.

Attached: SOUL.png (490x647, 710K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: tropico 2 intro.webm (640x480, 2.88M)

'scuse me fella

Attached: passage.png (640x480, 1K)


Attached: 45384-legacy-of-kain-soul-reaver-dreamcast-screenshot-title-screen.jpg (640x480, 51K)

Got ya covered champ

Attached: donte.png (801x599, 438K)

Step aside bitch. The VIP has arrived


Attached: 51F3ZJE8K7L._SX342_.jpg (342x348, 29K)

>Not cave of fear

Attached: A7D5B96A-1347-43C0-9C9E-01DA09FE4D22.jpg (640x360, 66K)

got it

Attached: bb2.png (650x428, 707K)

warning: extreme soul

Attached: 1551464724087.gif (640x480, 1.98M)

I swear I'm funny

Attached: soul_blazer.jpg (640x445, 73K)

Original release, obviously

Attached: 9ea11e76-c5b8-4d1e-a97e-b59023e1e97d.png (765x1200, 678K)

Attached: C5828D38-0447-4441-8675-799335501336.jpg (640x448, 108K)

Attached: monkey island.jpg (1024x819, 204K)

Attached: lotus land story.jpg (1066x720, 123K)

Attached: USAbox-acz.jpg (250x354, 31K)

black and white 2

I also propose Destroy All Humans

Attached: 4A6F352C-B3B7-48EA-A995-CE50EE3AF37A.jpg (253x354, 28K)

Attached: 1556243096782.jpg (800x1200, 683K)

Attached: dw3.jpg (492x500, 69K)


Nigga please.

Hello, I believe I have a reservation?

Attached: 1dmhj10ges811.jpg (1678x2047, 736K)

My nigga


Come into my domain

Attached: SOUL2.png (600x584, 680K)

The most soulful game to ever exist coming through

Attached: Fablebox.jpg (220x283, 21K)

Anyone order a pizza? Anyways mind if I come in.

Attached: 41917-lego-island-windows-front-cover.jpg (800x800, 184K)

Overrated garbage.

This, and also pic

Attached: D26A3WWUkAANQlv.jpg (920x1282, 168K)

Attached: spacefuneral.png (870x480, 4K)

The last Sonic game with soul

Attached: 6843E0D6-DF95-44E5-8773-E50973B6888C.jpg (1024x576, 142K)

Attached: ps1_ape_escape_p_eycxeq.jpg (300x300, 39K)


Don't mind me, just making my way to my seat.

Attached: ATaleOfSoulsAndSwordsEternallyRetold.jpg (1907x1080, 161K)

Attached: 5a090e8bda43dd3772495c266db7d77d.jpg (920x673, 164K)


What happend to the other guy? Normally you have to have really shit opinions and taste to land this job?


Thank you friend, have a Curly

Attached: 88343426-ed7b-4686-9658-fa615ccae2d6.png (1280x1249, 271K)

I really fucking hope the new Fable breathes new life into this series

Wadda 'bot dis masta piece

Attached: Chaotic Neutral.jpg (1807x1013, 507K)

Attached: donkey_kong_country_2_world_map_by_gpuronen-d8wsw64.jpg (941x849, 207K)

Attached: 1554015638869.jpg (800x600, 77K)

Attached: 1454489670355.jpg (1580x896, 1.9M)

Age of mythology

Attached: 84-c8269.png (320x288, 5K)

Attached: 220px-Crash_Bandicoot_2_Cortex_Strikes_Back_usGame_Cover.jpg (220x218, 15K)

Attached: 220px-Empire_Earth.jpg (220x312, 33K)

As clunky as the series is, you can't denied that at least the first games had soul.

Attached: gothic.jpg (800x600, 271K)

Musou genre coming through~

Attached: SW2 Bois.jpg (1280x683, 148K)

It'll work if it goes to ps4 and pc, please I need fable back in my life

Attached: Seiken_Densetsu_3_Front_Cover.jpg (243x409, 31K)

worst boss

Attached: ape escape pal cover.jpg (500x502, 62K)

I think the series should have ended either here or after 2.

Attached: kh cover.png (970x1386, 1.68M)

Attached: 324243423432.png (100x93, 27K)

Attached: image.jpg (240x240, 36K)

Attached: WL4-WarioFalling.png (240x160, 12K)

Attached: 3j46MjE.jpg (1484x2112, 470K)

It doesn't get more soul than this

also very high soul level

Conspiracy theories everywhere. And ALEINS.

Attached: 07298178-8AAB-4192-94EC-F28D49E8ABDD.jpg (1002x857, 77K)

I have reservations for the VIP lounge.

Attached: 195536548519121316.jpg (1280x720, 239K)

Attached: 1469708207106.jpg (1280x1307, 361K)

There isn't a more soulful game than this.

Attached: Master_of_Magic_boxcover.jpg (296x350, 55K)

1 defintaly had the most soul, but 2 was as perfect an ending to the franchise as anyone could have wanted.

My nigga
>dat battle theme intro

Attached: 1556437540077.gif (680x383, 3.22M)

Attached: katamari.jpg (900x526, 149K)