Why are the gerudo so homogeneous ?

Why are the gerudo so homogeneous ?
Shouldn't they look more like the people they racemix with?

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Aggressively dominant genes

Their genes take dominance over others with good reason.

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>tfw no gerudo wife to love and raise a family with

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they literally rape you and send back home

>Why are the gerudo so homogeneous
Every Gerudo king is a genetic bottleneck for like the next 100 years.

>Get raped by a women and sent home
Oh no.. What poor, poor men
Shame those "Men" in OOT were homos

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didn't that midget queen say that ganon was the only king?

So it's a win-win situation

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>Get raped by tall dominant muscular woman, cum inside, get sent home and never have to think about the child ever again

Oh no!?

Quelle horreur! I'd hate to be dominated by thicc desert amazonians, without any repercussions!

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>implying that's a bad thing

ITT: Beta male fantasies

>Implying you can be raped as an adult male
Maybe if you're a 12 year old child. Otherwise you're just meekly going along with them. Women are weak.

No! Not my virginity! I've been saving that for a special occasion!

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>when the blond one shoulder checks him into the door

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i don't know if you know this but i wanna shoot hot cum inside gerudo women, i wanna lay down the entire gerudo race and mating press them, to create the ulitimate race, but you might wondering, isn't that a terrible idea, what if you have a son, all the men of their race turn evil like ganon, but thats where your wrong kiddo, ganon wasn't evil by nature, he became the way he is because of a single mother household and a lack of a father, that and not knowing the feeling of blasting hot cum in a tight gerudo puss

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>self insert bullshit

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I find it cute that they earnestly look for alternatives to rape, like clumsy romance.

>TFW want to be dominated
>but it will never happen because I'm too tall and love the gym too much

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They used to have normal ears but by the time of BotW have picked up the hylian pointy ears. Obviously due to eons of race-mixing.

>That feel when you know you'll not be sentenced to death by Snoo Snoo
the Giantist fetish is fucking awful but I would break my hips against these bitchs

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Same. 6' tall and can deadlift 375. Although, I am a slim build, not strongman fat, so I might have a little easier time with it.

And I mean, sometimes I want to be the dominant one, sometimes I want the girl to shove me around. It just depends on what mood I'm in.

The unfortunate thing is that the overwhelmingly vast majority of women are exclusively submissive, and most of the ones who are okay with or prefer being the dominant one, are only okay with it if they're being paid.

Sad life. I also prefer tall girls, like 5'10+, but all of the actually attractive tall girls absolutely refuse to date anyone under 6'4. They'd rather be alone than date a king of manlets like me

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>king of manlets
please don't say this

>implying you're not atleast 7'
What a Manlet!

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Well yes but not for the person that post was quoting.

You best start believin in manlet lives

you're in one

>And I mean, sometimes I want to be the dominant one, sometimes I want the girl to shove me around. It just depends on what mood I'm in.

>The unfortunate thing is that the overwhelmingly vast majority of women are exclusively submissive, and most of the ones who are okay with or prefer being the dominant one, are only okay with it if they're being paid.

Yeah same. It's a tough life.
Also it seems chicks that actually do want to be doms are all fat which sucks

Good thing neither hylians or gerudo are humans.

All fat or have some pretty severe psychological flaws.

Like why can't you fuckers just be normal, but also be into pushing me down on the bed sometimes, or tying my hands or blindfolding me? It's fun, damn it.

Scooby, pls come back

>Gerudo with a bob cut

Etiquette, cooking, love classes. They really did everything they could to try and find a man.

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>All fat or have some pretty severe psychological flaws.
This so much, dom women are so fucking weird inside and out. It's not worth going for one of them in my opinion, just pay someone to dom you so you don't have to deal with the even more bullshit coming from a female.

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>just pay someone to dom you
Honestly wish I could, but sex just doesn't work for me unless the other person actually cares about me, at least a little bit, on a personal level.

I mean I "can" do it without that but it's not very enjoyable. Feels more like a chore in that case.

>no big, strong amazon with a fat, uncut cock to plant her seed in your belly
just take me out f a m

So what happens to Gerudo males? They're just born one day and become king?

Only one gets born every 100 years.

yes, and they all get raised by two old lesbians

Even worse, what few doms there are, it's usually faggy shit like ballbusting, cum denial, hinted cuckoldry, mean spirited shit.

They're twin sisters.

You faggots really need to have sex.

>mean spirited shit.
Exactly. That shit sucks.

Good (counter)example: I'm into breathplay, both giving and receiving. Not anything crazy, literally just "hand, lightly/moderately squeezing on the throat while having sex". If the girl's into being choked, sweet, if she's into choking me, awesome, and if not, that's fine too. The point is it's thrilling, it makes things more intense, and in my opinion it makes it more intimate because you're handing over a lot of control to another person.

All that shit you listed that most doms are into, isn't any of those things. It's just unpleasant and dehumanizing and awful. I don't like walking away from sex thinking "wow I feel like a bag of trash".

Some girls find more pleasure in dominating tall/strong guys, since it makes you even more pathetic.

they're just the female arab version of the goblins from goblin slayer. They're a parasitic species.

>twin lesbians
ganon was fucked up from childhood

Reminder that the Gerudo Amiibo for BotW makes it look like she's taking a super sized dildo up the pooper/vargooba

More please.

>blocks your path

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>blocks your path
Fool. She was the destination all along

In Ocarina of Time they have round ears, but in Breath of the Wild, due to interbreeding with Hylians, they have pointy ears.

Can male gerudos even exist without being ganondorf? Like, after Ganon's final death in the child timeline another Ganondorft is born, and it's just another fucking Ganondorft, a bad guy. Is the "one male every 100 years" rule only a thing because Ganon?

That's just an inconsistency, Ganondorft had round ears in his debut but pointy ears in every other game (despite being the same exact individual)

Pffft ohnononono

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They didn't have pointy ears in OoT, so they're gradually looking more Hylian

Dominant amazon genes.

it's just magic

>that video
Now there's an user with some class.

Too bad she didn't do any more.

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Their genes are super dominant like their love making styles.

>all the men of their race turn evil like ganon
But that's not true

Things would be a lot different around here if a Gerudo put me in a reverse mating press!

What is it, source?

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>cursed by genes to only have daughters
>still raises them to be hyper chads like himself
>creating a culture of chads that’s has lasted eons

>tfw you'll never have a Gerudo lady's painted lips all over your cock

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Teeny Astrologie

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>tfw you'll never have a Gerudo lady paint your lips and smear them all over her cock

>tfw there's thicc Gerudo girls

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remember this is a series that had a race of fish people that could easily survive in body's of water... evolved into bird people when the world got covered in water

she can get it to

That's just propaganda propagated by Twinrova to install their puppet leader into power who they created with dark magic and demonic rituals

I will never understand people that want "hardcore" femdom. I can't comprehend the mindset necessary to find any of it appealing.

I think if anyone knows the feeling of "blasting hot cum in a tight gerudo puss" it would be Ganondorf

they should have decided between a beehive or pig tails. Having it be both is ridiculous