What are some terrible trends that still happen despite the current year? When will it stop?

What are some terrible trends that still happen despite the current year? When will it stop?

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I see no problem.

I guess that's why they keep selling those to idiots like you.


PC gaming in general

games released blatantly unfinished with the expectation you buy DLC and wait for patches
mobile """"games""""

Name 1 (one) in the last 2 years

Yea Forums still existing

i would say switch ports but that would be too high for them


>Have a potato pc
>Forced to play games on 1024 x 768 on 30 fps
>Have to set my graphic settings on low
>Still have fun
>Realize that gameplay and story is vastly more important than graphics
Fuck your pretty textures. If the gameplay isn't good then miss me with that gay shit.

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yeah but I have both.

always online DRM
gargantuan file sizes because of shit like uncompressed audio in 10 languages
having to update a game almost every time you start it


Indie games with rogue-lite bullshit to add the illusion of content/replayability and pad out the game time
RNG-based loot drops with a billion possible gear modifiers that also serve the same illusory purposes as above.
Musou games.

Or you can save up for an upgrade and play older games in the meantime.

>tfw only need 720p since i stream my pc games to my vita
Only use the big screen for browsing and watching stuff

>only need 720p
nigga the vita screen is 540p

>Realize that gameplay
Clearly not, as framerate and resolution directly affect the gameplay.

Ok Yea Forums, you have a choice. Choose wisely.

>1366x768 resolution
>Medium gfx settings


>1920x1080 resolution
>low gfx settings

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720p is usually the lowest setting for 16:9 screen in games nibber

Rogue lites are the worst trend in game design. It's just an excuse to make less content.

It depends on the game, really. Older games look fine at 720 and thereabouts, but newer engine games look like dogshit at those resolutions even with full retard SMAA 800X turned on. Unreal Engine 4 games come to mind, but it's pretty much anything with a modern engine.

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>muzzle flash

in the context of the most notable titles in the genre (isaac and gungeon) I feel like this isn't true.

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720p minimum resolution is acceptable. 30fps is only acceptable for old sprite games where fps literally doesn't matter.

I like that shit. It allows my potato to run things.

What shit? You sound like a shortbus kid.

Well they couldn't put in enough content to make them actually rogue-like so, yeah.

1366x768, 30fps. When things are that underdeveloped my shitty laptop from 10 years ago runs it fine.

>30fps is only acceptable for old sprite games where fps literally was 60fps*
kids these days baka