Worst voice acting in any game?

Worst voice acting in any game?

My votes for Xenoblade Chronicle 2

>'ello guv we're off to Ellisium we are but first we've gotta 'ave a punch up with that Mallos git. 'cor blimey Mythra you got a loisence for those milkers

I love this game. I have put over 70 hours into it, but it seriously has the worst voice acting I've ever heard. Had to switch it into Japanese to make it playable.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I liked Nia though. Mythra/Pyra just sound bored.


>I liked Nia
>oi rex gimme that shiney you just found an i'll let you slip me one up the shitter

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Why was the voice acting so much better in XC1? The english voices were even better than the originals, i don't know any other jrpg that achieves that

Better voice directors, the voice direction on XB2 was atrocious.


How is the dub in other languages? The English dub sounded like very rushed and half-assed.

Xenoblade 2's voice acting is absolutely terrible. It's atrocious that they couldn't manage to sound even a tiny bit believable. That being said, it's not the worst one. Try listening to Chaos Wars voice acting.

this, the cockney accents were a nice change of pace. then they fucked up by giving Pyra and Mythra that awful hoarse teenager voice that every popular actress seems to use nowadays.

Is that an abridged? Jesus.

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sheltered much op

XB2 is literally the Sonic 06 of JRPGs. Literally nobody on this board likes anything about it.

The deal with XC1 is multi layered, the JP cast was mostly amateurs with relatively poor direction and a rushed schedule while the EN cast were seasoned actors with good direction and a lot of time to get good work out of them. This basically never happens, it's almost always the reverse and that's why XC1 is such an anomaly among games.

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If you think XB2's voice acting is the worst from any video game you're absolutely retarded. Try this on for size, faggot.

Legend of Dragoon had hilariously bad voice acting in the cutscenes.

Why are weebs so triggered by this dub? It's a parody dub for a parody game, it's better than the soulless sub where everyone sounds like a generic anime character.

The joke is bad, but the voice acting is fine except for the "shut up" at the head that has no impact whatsoever

Where do they think nipples are?

Megaman X4 is way worse.

unironically dub kino

a classic

it's megaman 8 pretty easily.

I feel genuinely awful for anyone stubborn enough to stick to the dub because they're afraid of being called a weeb. This one was truly awful, imagine depriving yourself of JP Zeke.

Zeke is based, he makes up for everyone else being lame.

Only absolute plebians can't appreciate this scene

The people they got for 1 were seasoned theater actors so they had a unique approach to it that turned out great, the people they got for 2 were just random interns/bums off the street.

this is comedy gold because of how generic, awkward and stilted it is

Nothing beats doctor wahwee


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Someone post that "funny" dance



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I will never not laugh at this.



Did you fucking niggers ever listen to Arc Rise Fantasia's absolute clusterfuck of a dub ?
Why do you keep talking when you have no idea what you're talking about ?


The dialogue might be a little naff, and the delivery on the lines, but the transition into the battle is fucking great.

worth getting game just for him


ESPECIALLY THIS PART youtu.be/MLaEgbEanqM?t=379

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Oh my sweet summer child OP, sometimes I forget how young you are. Let me remind you of the original resident evil release.



Why the FUCK do Japanese anime characters have these awful fucking accents? It's so retarded.

Where did this reddit cancer come from?

>It's a parody dub
it's not a parody dub, it's a shit dub as a result of nepotism

Best Jrpg of last ten years, fight me


The Engrish Text still exist in tthe PC version dwespite being somewhat new.

I mean, you're entitled to your incredibly incorrect opinion.

>Japanese """humor""""

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Unironically pure kino, dumb bitches have to embarass themselves because everybody agreed that they were bitches

*towers above your shit game*

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OP you do realized that those are UK accents, right.

The voice acting is good, it's just not Americans doing it.

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Xenoblade Chronicles and X came out less than ten years ago and they shit all over 2

I'm sure plenty would like to crucify me for saying it but I liked TMS a lot too. XB2 was great but could have been better, glad it got some decent post-launch support though. Loved P5 in the moment but not sure I'll ever replay it.


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might be the worst "shut up" ive ever heard
shulks VA hard carries it most of the time until he is relieved by metal face

both of these VAs are 20x better than anything in XC2

The only thing X shit was the bed.

>b-b-but UK...
fuck off with that weak excuse

>the goddamn animal going *gasp*
fucking LOL

If you don't like this you're gay.

>The voice acting is good
No, the voice acting and voice directing are really shit.

OP here. I'm from Ipswich. They're not UK accents, they're Dick Can Dyke Mary Poppins accents

kino voice acting

It has a droll charm, at the end of the day who remembers ol' american mary sue and larry stu in other vidyas.

>The voice acting is good

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That race car comment will always stick with me, it's so fucking true.

>Western """humor""""

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Jesus just compare the "I'll kill you!" to:

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I wonder how many more (You)s this will get.

Well (You) gave them another.



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It's not hated, you just believe shitposters. The dub sounds goddawful, but the rest of the game is said to be amazing

Rex at the end of the game completely ruins any sort of emotion the final act has. In japanese, rex practically screams his fucking lungs out. In English, it's like a fucking whisper yell. Hes just a little louder than normal. How the fuck did they go from XBC1 to 2 voice acting wise?

>those retarded subs

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2015 black twitter meme that spread through reddit and facebook

Always choose superior Japanese voices unless you want to have English/American earcancer dubs

>Worst voice acting in any game?
Chaos Wars. This isn't up for debate. It makes XB2's dub look like Space Dandy.

explain to me what you think is uniquely good about space dandy's dub

>that emotionless "shut up"

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>it's memorable because of how bad it is!
That doesn't justify its quality.

I wanted the first dub that came to mind that everybody praises.

What is Yea Forums's obsession with this game? Shitposting threads every single fucking day

Why does Yea Forums have such a hate boner for this game?

I fucking adore Pandoria. The shit she must have seen though.

Pandoria is the cutest.

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>"Oh Nia. You're the only one who gets it."
What did she mean by this?

she's calling rex a fucking retard

Holy yikes

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I know this is the usual shitpost, but you're beyond deluded if you think XC2 voice work is anywhere in the ballpark of worst.

Absolute kino

>you know what would be really great?
>if I filled a game with all the most tired, generic anime tropes and cliches from the 80s and 90s that were never good and existed entirely to please socially inept losers

Boty Zeke and Rex are shellheads.

The only thing I didn't like about Zeke and Pandora was the typical stupid japanese shit where they have basically been a couple for 10 years but still haven't passed the handholding stage. Give me a fucking break. The game was about different relationships with Blades, Zeke being kicked out of the country for having sex with the royal treasure should have been one.

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Nobody cares about old piss take VA work. It's modern games with bad voicework that are interesting.

Then find something else to obsess over XC2's wasn't amazing, but it's far from shit.

and it worked lol

came into this thread to make sure someone linked this specific video thanks user.

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Nia's dub VA put on a masterclass in voice acting performances.

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It's surprising that you dislike Nia's voice actress because I believe that the voice actress for Pyra/Mythra gets criticized much more.

Imagine being this fucking mad at a single gag.
That webm and the awkward dance have been forced so hard as them being representative of XC2 as a whole for a year and a half now.

It's the same fucking retard who has been shitposting XC2 since it came out, probably before that in all honesty.


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Who is her VA?

They’re still cute together regardless.

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i agree with ultimaphoenix2405

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And he's entirely fucking true.
Japanese Nia sounds like trash and Japanese Rex is generic beyond belief (his english voice is rough, but he was mostly inoffensive outside of having trouble with yelling)

Catrin Mai Huw, see she even has cat in her name.

>someone sent this to Pyra/Mythra's voice actress

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mediocre voice acting but the audio quality is the absolute shittest ever. 90s games had better audio quality.

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I agree, I forgot to download the Jap language pack but hearing Nia speak for the very first for convinced me to stick with the dub.

Why don't Yea Forums appreciate how each nation had different accents? That alone made this game's dub better than most.

If you think that's the worst then you haven't heard truly bad voice acting

that is cool but it's been done before

>Xenofags basically never talk about Persona
>Personafags constantly bring up Xenoblade
What's up with this?

Personafags have always had an inferiority complex. Seems like they've finally accepted they'll never get any recognition from SMTfags and are just trying to compete with any jrpg now.


>Xenoblade - Von Leibniz, Platonics and Jung
>Persona 5 - SHITTY ADULTS
>people defend P5 over any Xeno

How do I stop my cat from getting all mingy with me?

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I didn't know Jerry Seinfeld did voice acting.

Just embrace the minge.

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but I have 250 hours in it and loved it

But the only people putting on fake accents in the dub cast are Brits putting on American accents. Maybe some of the Aussies, too.

I want to see her on catnip.

Holy shit that's pretty bad. But I might have one better.


It'd probably be something like this.

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It was a one man operation the dude literally recorded his kids in his basement.

The welsh cat is the bets part.

man her tits just scream to be titfucked, her clothes are even exposed in the right places for your cock to slip right in

nia always gets what she wants eventually

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>you will never play XC2 for the first time again

Having British VA was genius
>Best case scenario: The VAs are good and the game is well received
>Worst case scenario: The VAs are dogshit and people think it's funny because accents

This video actually does a pretty good job explaining the localization changes from Japanese to English: youtube.com/watch?v=r460h4n9oI0

I personally prefer the Japanese, mainly because I don't like how they changed Nia's character and personality with the localization, but both aren't too bad aside from the mouth animations not matching the dialogue in English.

What Cockley accents? Rex has a Yorkshire accent and Nia is Welsh...

in JP she calls him "kame atama" which means "turtle head" which is also a slang for penis

Are they any good to play as? I dislike them so much that I completed the game without using them once

Haven't you seen Madagascar?

The worst thing in this scene is the classic Japanese tradition of explaining the joke.



Nah, the ratchet and clank remake made me actually turn off voices when I got to the snow planet.

I first found this in one of these threads, and now I'm repaying that debt.
Feel the power of my.. maaAAaaagiiiiiiIiicc!

Time to bring out my stash then.



they tried hard to be like XC1 and completely ruined it.

The bread and water girl's moans kill me. I can't understand how the actors never figured out what a sound effect is. It reminds me of "mrgrgr" in Bravely Default.

why did you have english voice-acting on in the first place? retard

Never heard the english ver of it and if you're comparing it with alchemic drive's, i dont think i want to

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>oh no...a dike

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Oh come on that's fucking kino. You flaming idiots.

Either Xenoblade 2 or Heavensward.
>Hey, lets get an all english (The country not the language) cast but not bother to spend money on good actors besides maybe three or four

I honestly have no idea why they chose that direction with the voice acting.. Why the heavy british? You also hear the clear... lack of interest in the voice actress. Especialy when you look at Nia during the "One Eyed Monster" bit. Whille the english one sounded like she was just talking normaly. Whille the japanese one shows that she was clearly agitated and pissy. The japanese va at least had some bite. English one had no bite.

>Why the heavy british?
1st Xenoblade had it and people apparently loved it. Always thought it was horrible and I'm glad it came back to bite all of you.

The thing that sucked was the shitty casting and direction. I've got no problem with different accents.

I don't really think people liked XB1s voice acting because it was british, but because it was good. XBX had Shulks voice-actor as an option but the other characters weren't british, I think that they misattributed people liking the VA from XB1 being because british and not because it was quality when they made XB2

People also had no real choice now did they. If they could have somene else do it better. I would have wanted some other people do the english va of that game. But this is what the localisation idiots were thinking was fitting. Good they kept the option to change languege... Otherwise listening to the british va would be unbearable.

>but the other characters weren't british
This absolute zoomzoom not knowing the meme

This and other memes for XB1 that filled the board back when it came out have me 100% convinced people liked it ironically.

You should get some reading comprehension, he was talking about XBX. Infact, it's only 2 words before the word Shulk.
>This and other memes for XB1 that filled the board back when it came out have me 100% convinced people liked it ironically.
Ah yes, because gauging a community's approval of the voice acting based on a bunch of silly memes is surely the way to go. Not to mention that the other characters in the game make fun of Reyn for half his goofy expressions. People enjoyed the strong British talent because they were first and foremost a good job. The British accents part of it was just a refreshing, different flavour compared to the generic neutral American accents you get in every game.

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>People enjoyed the strong British talent because they were first and foremost a good job
Its the same as XB2 and you should feel bad for liking one and not the other.

Why the fuck would anyone play a JRPG, out of all games, with a dub of literal whos instead of the top tier cast carefully picked up with the voices intended and the acting/takes validated by the director? And on Yea Forums of all places.

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>Its the same as XB2
This is false. If you dislike it for preferential reasons then good for you, but the difference in quality between XB1 and XB2 is night and day because of how good of a dub XB1 is and how poor of a dub XB2 is.

It's pretty poor compared to 1, but I've heard worse.
Can't stand a game which uses a honorific in its dubs, no matter the quality.

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You just have to shave her minge

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[Spoiler]i kinda liked the dub desu...[/spoiler]

Because Japanese VA got no soul.
English VA got flaws that give it soul.

>this thread

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dub is better in this one to be honest
original sounds as lifeless

Personafags start shit with everyone
Especially FF and pokemon for some reason


This is the official dub in Spain.

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People who believe the cringe from this scene stems from the dub and not the actual game itself are absolute children.
Christ, how can ANYBODY play this game?
Literally every scene is just le quirky humor where the girls get embarassed and everyone stands around awkardly.
Get some self respect.

I'm sorry but that can't be the original dialogue it has to be edited in someway

The quality varies a lot, often for the worse but welsh kot, scottish reverse trap and Malos were so good it made me stick with the dub

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Retarded dubfag

Everyone else sounded like they gradually got better as the game was nearing the end. But the voice actor for Rex just sound disinterested the whole time, no emotion and dead pan shitty acting pretty much 100% of the time. Definitely the last Xenoblade I'll play with the english dub on.

same shit mohammad.

Did Torna have a different voice director than the main game? I honestly think the dub of that was almost as good as XC1's, even Mythra's VA gave a drastically better performance there (just compare the two sleepwalking scenes).

100% agreed, my friends and i could dub it better than this shit

oh my fucking christ that "shut up" was the worst

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I played in japanese after completing the game in english and I felt like 90% of the japanese voices didn't fit the character at all

yes but I want mythra to pee in my mouth

This, especially fucking Rex.

>How come after +90h of being with them I think I prefer the dub voices
Yeah, that's called conditioning, user. Same way I got conditioned to like the Tales of Xillia dub, yet nobody can ever top Sawashiro. Same way I now can only watch the big movies of my childhood I saw dozens of times like SW, LotR, Back to the Future and many other in my europoor dub language, even though the original english voices are obviously better.

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It is mostly because most of the girls have the stereotypic high pitched japanese voice, and Tora sounds like a fucking 4 year old

Jap: youtube.com/watch?v=PBu0kbLcy28&t=1m50s

I swear I only hear anglos complaining about high pitched voice. Might be something related to your own language. Wonder if it's the same for krauts.

Deep Fear.

Played this last night and completely lost it at this guy.

Eh, I actually enjoy the dub 90% of the time, though I can admit it definitely has some rough parts.

How much do I actually miss by switching to jap voice? From what I understand it is only the battle dialogue that is unsubbed but thats just "WE'LL WIN WITH THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP" and other such stock lines.

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You're like the people complaining about Grandma Goku and how he doesn't sound like the stoic discount-Superman dubfags think he is. Jap Rex and Jap Goku is how the character was designed to sound like. Dub Rex and Dub Goku are practically official fanfic versions of the originald.

I showed a friend who doesn't even play vidya Rex's scream and he pissed himself laughing.

They're the only popular rpgs with simpler mechanics than purse owner. They need someone to look down on, even if the people they're looking down on barely recognise their existence.

Japs sure are retarded.

>kotaku video
>its actually good and pretty informative

Does he have bladder issues?

Best part is that the guy French guy is definitely an Australian VA.

Your post would've made sense if he said he literally pissed himself.

The camp value of these shouldn't be undersold. X7 on the other hand is legitimately godawful.

I want to know what the developers were thinking when they gave this the green light.

>complaining about Grandma Goku and how he doesn't sound like the stoic discount-Superman
Explain to me why Goku is the only character whose voice never ages. That is the issue. Nobody would care if that was just kid Goku, but keeping Nozawa around just because "that's always been Goku's iconic voice" shows less about artistic intention and more about how retarded the Japanese are.

>Explain to me why Goku is the only character whose voice never ages
Krillin too

Jay Cee Denton, in da fresh

>localized "shut up"


Not as bad as you make it sound, but Rex is so awful I switched to japanese pretty early and never looked back

Its Shenmue. Before you were born OP.

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There was no nepotism. The dude who directed the dub tried to get the game published sub-only, but that was against Sony's policies at the time (look it up if you don't believe - a number of other niche publishers had to put up with this for physical releases of their media). He was forced to make really bad lemonade from really rotten lemons.

Its an American thing. Meanwhile I can't stand the way America sounds.
Listen to Trump vs. Trudeau if you want to hear what I mean.

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Why is Yea Forums so mean to women in the gaming industry?

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That's actually the way Yea Forums shows affection.

Yeah that's all you miss. Not sufficiently worth it to keep playing the subpar dub. You can switch to the dub for some battle to hear what they're saying here and there, and go back to the original voiceover easily anyway

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I they didn't reuse Rex's yell three times in the same cutscene.

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That's why I've learned Japanese and don't care for English translation. I heard rumors about English in Xeno 2, but this is really bad.

>claims Xenoblade 2 is best jrpg in decades and to fight them
>get proven wrong by showing a better one
>w-why are you s-so insecure

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>get proven wrong by showing a better one
No. Persona 5 is a VN with some gameplay, Xenoblade 2 is a full old school adventure. The level design of the first titan is better than everything in P5

Go back to Resetera, they hated the game so much they banned discussion of it.


It's like a bad anime

this is the actual voice acting in game? i thought it was a parody jesus

>its another "Yea Forums can't handle anything anime" thread

>Literally every scene is just le quirky humor where the girls get embarassed and everyone stands around awkardly.
You haven't played the game
>they hated the game so much they banned discussion of it
Not true at all, a simple google search finds a very recent thread with people praising the game

as if anyone would turn that offer down

I've seen better dubs from 4Kids.

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They did the same thing in the Japanese voiceover. Weird.

I get that a English VA may not be able to capture the JP voice acting and that they may have to compromise, but what in the ever loving fuck is going on with Feli in the dub?

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You clearly haven't played the first Siren game on PS2.



Dynasty Warriors 9 in English. Not even close. I have never seen any medium, not just video games, with worse voice acting.
Webm unrelated

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What about Dynasty Warriors 3?

In my opinion, outside of the censorship 4kids dubs weren't actually that bad in terms of voice acting.

literally obsessed

I love the obvious SEETHING by whoever made this, you can just feel how mad he was one while creating it.

I actually think 9 had even worse voice acting. 3's was at least funny enough to be so bad it was good, like the "I don't believe in magic" guy.. 9's is just painfully mediocre and flat.

worst voice acting is probably youtube.com/watch?v=bangt7d9vGA

but since this is cleary a xenoblade thread, let's talk. Xenoblade 2's voice acting is fine, but inconsistent. The actors do a generally great job outside of emotional scenes, except for Malos, who absolutely kills it every time he is on screen. During emotional scenes, most of the characters can't fully express the range they have to in order to match the scene. This creates a dissonance because we are often having very melodramatic, over the top scenes with full violin vocal sad tracks playing as OST, while the characters are only voicing mildy unhappy voices. Rex's english VA also cannot overact or scream at all, which fucking sucks, because nearly all of his major moments involve screaming and overacting. The english cast also visibly struggled with trying to match the Japanese lip sync, leading to awkward sounding delivery in many scenes- this is why post battle dialogue and hearts to hearts sound 100 times better than the cutscenes- the actors are not trying to match lip sync and can deliver lines naturally. Give Rex a voice coach to help him scream, let everyone redub with more direction specifically on overacting for emotional scenes, and then have animators resync the lips to the english voice cast after their lines are recorded, and Xenoblade 2 would have a perfectly solid dub.

dude thats my fucking boy Elk
even though the english voice is superior, suck my fucking cock

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>Rex's VA cannot overreact
Imagine if they got Azwel's VA in for him.

Also Pyrrha/Mythra were pretty shit

>but since this is clearly a xenoblade thread
This is what pisses me off, make any mention of Xenoblade 2, and the XC2DF will take over the thread, and autistically fight anyone that doesn't follow the narrative of it being the greatest JRPG ever made.

They also defend the dub, and find it superior, but will get really pissed when you call them ironic weebs.

thats just toddlers for you

Ironically laughed at the bad mutt dub

>post smt
Kill yourself ASAP

>listen to a cuckold leaf
Nah, you are a southeastern Asian sissyboy

Oh yeah, it's THIS bad...


>this is why post battle dialogue and hearts to hearts sound 100 times better than the cutscenes
afaik the battle dialogue and h2hs were also the last things recorded for the dub, meaning all the VAs were pretty used to voicing their characters at point

Nia is a great character in her own right, but the dub put her in wife for life territory with me.

I've wished a fictional woman was real as much as Nia.

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What about giving me that sauce boss?

Christ XC2 was so awful

The Happy Housewife

that could be cool. I think Pyra and Mythra did fine, although Mythra definitely was much better in Torna (as was the VA in general)

I'm the person you are replying to, Xenoblade 2 is in my top 10 for sure, and definitely the best JRPG in recent times. Like I said in my post, The dub is fine, but inconsistent.

This also played a part, I'm sure.

Does the first XC have an option for Japanese voices?

based, thanks user

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She looks cute as fuck though.

if you play the wii version, yes. they were cut in the 3DS version

I know this is supposed to be a Xenoblade hate thread but there are worst voice acting out there
>Batten Kaitos
>Summon Knight 6
>Arc Rise Fantasia
Are all worse

shut up

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Jesus fucking christ, and there are people who suffered through the entire game with that shitty dub.

I can't even, lads. I can't even.

In New Game +, you can unlock a special ability for Zeke that basically turns him into a powerhouse with Pandoria. It’s legit crazy.


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Dynasty Warriors series. Every single name is mispronounced, and don't forget gems like:

Are you six OP?

>Dynasty Warriors
This, especially 9.


>being this mad

>game has a limited budget, made by a small team with a tight deadline
>surprised the dub has all the hallmarks of a rushed low budget dub

How are people still shitposting this game a year and a half after it came out? This doesn't even matter because jap audio is free DLC anyway.

The voices/acting is fine (except Mythra), it's the dialog itself and the horrible animations and lip syncing, or lack thereof, that makes it bad.

There's a few dedicated faggots on this board that want to make people hate this game.

That's all there is to it.

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You don’t know video games very well if you think XC2 is the worst.

It's not just the voice acting, but the game altogether looks bad. The fuck is up with those character designs?

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Typical JRPG designs.

the japanese dub was fine, and full of high-profile VAs.
the first xenoblade's dub had a budget that likely wasn't any larger than this one's, but it still turned out amazing, because the directors actually cared about doing a good job, and did things like go over the japanese cutscenes with the VAs to make sure they were getting it right

>personas have creative designs
>blades are just HURR WAIFUS MUH DICK
kys xeno faggot

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You know what's wild? Eric has posted that webm hundreds of times and every single time there are magically ~50 people that have never seen it before.

And a 300 page thread discussing how its shit.

>creative designs
Creative=/= good if we talk about most of main cast.
If you mean the general fusable ones, then I agree

People complain about the actors but it's the voice director's fault. I can ignore bad direction over bad acting. The Megaman clips are bad acting, the XB2 clips are bad direction.

Just like Yea Forums, it's almost like it's a bad game or something.

where? I couldn't find it by googling

Damn, is this just a really niche movie or is pirating shit becoming harder these days? Barely anybody is seeding it, what are some good sites to download movies from these days?

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Have you thought that maybe it is a bad game?

Just don't use your dick to drive your movie watching decisions and you'll be fine.

>agreeing with Reeeesetera
Maybe you should go there, I'm sure they would love another convert.

Wait, KOS-MOS's VA played Pico?

Let me guess, you're a YIIKposter.

I'm not gonna watch it, just gonna skip to the good parts, I know there are clips online but they all look like 240p garbage

Don't they hate that too?

Exactly my point, you're acting like if ResetEra hates something, it has to be good, so we have to like a shitty hipster indie game to trigger them.

>like a shitty hipster indie game to trigger them
But that game pissed off everyone, so you have to be some sort of hyper contrarian shitposter to do that

There's also that generic zombie shooter that just came out that SJWs hated, should we like that just because it pisses them off?

>you have to be some sort of hyper contrarian shitposter
You're on Yea Forums

If you like generic trash, then sure. Same thing with XB2 outside of gameplay.
Oh right.

Honestly XC2 gameplay doesn't really save it.
At least X had good exploration and mechs.

I think Xenoblade 2's voice acting was bad as a whole, but I like Nia's English VA over her Japanese VA. I feel like her English voice fits her personality a lot more than her Japanese voice. If the English VAs had some good direction then this dub would've been great. Good direction makes all the difference. Even unknown VAs can steal the show with good direction.

Definitely up there

>Welsh kot
>Scottish reverse trap
Unironically these 3 are the reason I can never play with sub. Especially Malos, man hams it up beyond all expectations and it's Glorious

Attached: 70f.jpg (400x400, 18K)

Voice direction was definitely the downfall of this game. Obviously there's no Adam Howden stealing the show and carrying the dub, but for the most part the VAs are serviceable. Hell David Menkin's Malos is the best performance in the series behind Howden's Shulk, but the director for the dub definitely shit the bed big time

>The true power of the Aegis...aAMAAAAAZZIING
>Hey, hey! No cheating!
>This...is the REEAALL ME!!
>all that dialogue during the final boss battle
None of the battle dialogue was particularly important to the story, but I'm glad I didn't miss out on it, because all of Malos's lines were great.

>Baten Kairos
"Go away!"
"I am hungry!"
"Damn, the Bastards!"

Gibari is pure gold


Origins is a better game with actually decent VA but there's still some charm in the original.

>carrying the dub
I thought all the party members were pretty good; it was mainly the Mechonis characters who were pretty weak. I personally enjoyed Metal Face's hamminess.

Metal Face, Malos, Albedo
How does the Xeno series create such charismatic antagonists?

the absolute state of snoys

they had more time

to protect the LOYF SOIKOL