I have hacked my 3DS. It is full of 3DS, DS, GBA, SNES, NES and GENESIS roms. Am I missing anything?

I have hacked my 3DS. It is full of 3DS, DS, GBA, SNES, NES and GENESIS roms. Am I missing anything?

Attached: 3ds.png (470x503, 240K)

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yeah, a life

pwn complete

ouch you hate to see that


t. tranny

Fucking gottem! How will OP ever recover?!



a girlfriend

hah epic... for the LULZ XD

The fear of God.

tfw /hbg/ will never be good again

damn dude thats brutal

OP eternally BTFO

Attached: 1551927888692.png (435x434, 227K)

Piracy is wrong. You should be buying those games on the virtual console eshop.

i fucking hate this website on weekends

>1337 h4x0r

Yeah... A LIFE!

>ds emulation

I though that didnt really work unless you have a flashcard

Anyone got a good guide ?

>fell for the 3ds meme last year
>played maybe 20~ hours total
it's the worst nintendo handheld ever. so many shitty and mediocre games that got a pass for no good reason.

Does anyone have the latest 3DS game recommendation chart?

Attached: 1553823432169.jpg (640x479, 36K)

>tfw for like the last year, I've only played Picross on my 3ds.
That game is way to addicting

Attached: 1528687143485.jpg (603x625, 102K)

What method did you use? The games running smoothly?

How do I load Genesis roms to 3DS?

Was it hard to do?

Not OP, but I hacked my 3DS on Monday. I used 3ds(dot)hacks(dot)guide, and since I still had that temporarily free copy of Four Swords DSiWare, it was a simple but tedious process. Playing Earthbound currently.
