World War Z sells 'way above expectations' on PC thanks to Epic Store exclusivity, dev says

>The game passed one million copies sold this week across PC and consoles, and more than a quarter of those sales were on the Epic Games Store. Saber Interactive chief executive Matthew Karch told VentureBeat that the game has sold particularly well on the store outside of the US.

>“Overall the US and EU have been equally strong in sales. We have had 70,000 people playing at once across all platforms, with very similar distribution among PC, PS4 and Xbox," he said. "What surprises us is the fact that sales outside of the US on the Epic Store have been so strong, with the US being only one quarter of sales.”

>In a separate press release, Karch added: “On the PC specifically, we are performing way above expectations thanks to the support we have received from the Epic Games Store." He did not expand on how exactly the Epic Store had helped the game exceed expectations.

>It's another indication that launching on the Epic Games Store rather than Steam is not harming developers' sales figures: last month Epic said that Metro Exodus, another exclusive, sold 2.5 times better on the store than Metro: Last Light did on Steam.



Attached: epic store pc gamer.jpg (953x981, 210K)

Other urls found in this thread:

"thanks to exclusivity"

based off what proof?

Got it on Xbox.
It's pretty good

i bought it on EPIC to just try it out
i liked it so much i pirated it because fuck epic

easy to reach sales figures when epic buys it themselves

>thanks to exclusivity
Pretty sure it would sell even more if it was on more stores

>It's another template Epic shill thread repost
Why do you niggers even bother? People on this site can see through your shit and are not buying it.

Attached: 1500857159389.gif (536x440, 156K)

>23k concurrent peak on PC is amazing
The absolute state of epic shills

well someones doing the buying

You get paid to repost this all day everyday

>Posting the same thread again
I used to think this was ironic shilling, really not so sure anymore

isn't this game just a Left 4 Dead ripoff?

>another one of those copypasta threads


McFucking Kill Yourself

Why does PC Gamer shill Epic so hard? Why do people even give online publications any attention at all?

Based and chinkpilled.

Mad that people bought it?

It is for a program supposedly being boycotted right now

the game would've been buried under a sea of other shovelware in the steam store

As a steamfag, I suppose that's fairly reasonable

>Mad that people bought it?
No I don't give a shit if the Epic store is doing well or not. I'm mad you dumb faggots are marketing here and keep copy and pasting the exact same fucking thread over and again following the exact same fucking template. Your not fooling anyone. Go jump out of your fucking building Chang, wait you can't because there are fucking nets outside.

if borderlands 3 sells 1 million or more copies on Epic i will eat my physical copy of borderlands 2
screencap this

It's called being on the winning side of history.

This. People just forget just how much junk is on Steam.

Junk like broken ports like MK11 or shitty looking visual novel indies

Attached: new and trending steam.jpg (1175x1000, 91K)

Are you counting Epic's guaranteed sales? If so you'll probably have to eat it now

Still no numbers

If disney buys tickets to their own movies I don't see why epic wouldn't do the same.

Telling you now, get ready to eat a peanut butter and BADASS sandwich, because that game is gonna sell like crazy. I honestly doubt PC aren't going buy it out of principle

Alright, does anybody remember the first World War Z game? It was a shitty Pay 2 Win battle royal/dayZ clone? It eventually cought shit for infringing on the recent WWZ movie that came out and changed it's name to Infestation Survivor Stories?

Why is't this game catching that same flak?

It will sell like crazy on console and steam, yes.

Because this is licensed, the other one was called The War Z and wasn't

because this one is the official one

It's based on the movie


Attached: wwz world war z.png (957x990, 143K)

Well you're totally fucked user BL1 and BL2 both sold millions and there is no reason people wont buy this shit again

Hell it didn't look that fucking bad anyway, it has less shitty writing now at least since the hack isnt involved.

250k with an install base of 80 million seems like a badtie in rate.

Because this is a totally different game by a totally different developer you absolute moron and is licensed.

no one on the epic store is going to say anything but good things, they're being paid to be there so why wouldn't they?

I want to play this but the friends I've asked either either "muh steam" fags or just aren't interested in the game itself.


>AA game with paid streamers + TV ads only sells 250k
>epic shills think this is good

the game is subpar and epic is shady, your friends did you a favor and you should be thanking them

Fuck off, spammer.

You're friends are smart, game is worth $20 tops and definitely not worth making an epic account for

>checks filenames
>checks hashes
Oh, so it is you again the chinkoid VPN lord? Got a new VPN after previous one got banned not long ago?

The last number they gave was 85m, so that's a 0.003 rate with a fuckload of advertising. Ouch.

that has nothing to do with exclusivity. it could have been on both and gotten more exposure overall.

Do people not use the discovery queue?

Too many clicks

This might be true, but we still need numbers

guys seruous question here
my steam wont open
i click on it and double click on it and it doesnt open
what do
yes ive tried turning it off and on again

>sells 'way above expectations' thanks to epic store exclusivity
>thanks to epic store exclusivity
>thanks to epic
Really, nigga?
Can they be any more transparent with this shilling?

Give me ONE example of a product that SELLS MORE because it's only available in one place

I'd rather suck Satan's cock than fall for the chink meme

>He did not expand on how exactly the Epic Store had helped the game exceed expectations.
>He did not expand on how exactly the Epic Store had helped the game exceed expectations.
>He did not expand on how exactly the Epic Store had helped the game exceed expectations.
>He did not expand on how exactly the Epic Store had helped the game exceed expectations.

go into kfc and ask for a micrib then see what happens

sony exclusives
sony ponies wouldn't buy those trash movie games if they didn't have the sony stamp on it

>He did not expand on how exactly the Epic Store had helped the game exceed expectations.
fucking lmao, I wonder why

close the steam processes

based retard

I do, but despite filtering MMORPG and MOBA, I still get a lot of shit.

>Give me ONE example of a product that SELLS MORE because it's only available in one place

Nintendo products you goober

So the hack isn’t writing for them anymore and you for some reason think he hasn’t been replaced by someone who is just as cucked and probably more of a hack?

>Female Protagonist is a genre

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The game is complete ass, though.

Attached: 1533142221586.png (480x480, 265K)

>literally left 4 dead 3
>nobody would notice it

Reminder that this game doesn't have private lobbies so if you have three mates and are looking for a coop experience you are forced to constantly kick the chinks and other mongoloids that join your game.

Also there is an epidemic going on where people just join lobbies and kill their team (ending the match, the new player gets all the experience you farmed up till that point). its so fucking poorly made

at least its not anthony burch

Attached: smug q.webm (1280x720, 1.79M)

Yeah because thanks to the exclusivity they expected it to not sell at all.

It doesn't sell more thanks to exclusivity retard

that might be true but I doubt it
if a game is available on multiple platfroms, it will always sell more, you literally can't prove me wrong

and how the fuck are you supposed to know nintendo games 'sell better' because they're just on nintendo?

For example, do you think a Mario game wouldn't be succesful on Playstation?
See Monster Hunter World and reconsider.
Nintenbabs cried for months before release that it would flop BECAUSE it wasn't on nintendo but guess what happened

Take skyrim as another example, it's a multiplat that is sold LITERALLY EVERYWHERE and it makes a shitload of money than what it would have if it was on just one platfrom

>console analogy
Gee no wonder Timmy boy tries to do exactly the same shit by bringing consolitis to PC market.
I mean in their announcements it's not just a PC anymore, it's the name of store which sounds like your typical console game announcement.
What a fucking joke.

t. Bugman

>give numbers for this but use ambiguous shit for metro

Because Metro sold like shit and this one sold...acceptably?

>post yfw you aren't Anthony Burch

Attached: 1552327931524.gif (498x280, 423K)

>Madam President gets 3 million more votes than tRump
>dump voters: sHow mE teH nuMberS

Because according to their own words they are referring to launch sales of Metro: Last Light (not Redux) which sold like shit.
It's probably around 40-50k copies which of course doesn't justify the money they spent on exclusivity deal.
They needed to swing their mongoloid dicks around in a hurry hence why 2.5x number instead of real numbers.

An attach rate of .003 is pretty fucking bad. I mean, 250k units is decent for the developer but to imply it's because it was an epic exclusive is a joke.

It's a tag

it's on the contract

>using drumpf analogies
dumb burger

I wasn't looking for a review, I dont trust Yea Forums to give a non biased opinion on a fucking PB&J.

And what would the same sale figures say if it was sold on Steam?

>It's another indication that launching on the Epic Games Store rather than Steam is not harming developers' sales
Well fucking yeah, launching on a platform at all is better than not launching at all.

>broken ports like MK11
what, mk is fine from what I've played?

Pb&J's are inferior to ham and cheese

This kills the steamfag

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Anyone who uses EGS will eat their words here by the end of the year. Just wait
t. Insider

Whatever the news say. It's not like I am dropping Steam for another digital store.

my wifes sons uncle works at nintendo and says that EGS and Tim Sweeny will arrest after the muller report is released

>VPN lord gets smarter and starts renaming his pics and tries do crust them as much as possible
Hey anons, here we are seeing the evolution of subject called chinkoid.
Aren't you tired of posting the same shit from thread to thread?
Oh and btw the guy behind this game is now working for Capcom.

I mean, they probably won't lose access to the games they bought at the very least if anything happens. I'll bite though, what'll happen, a wegame client merger or something?

>indie trash with 0 marketing
nice comparison, chink

Damn that's really decent for a megaman fan game. I bet he's proud. It also has a 91% rating.

yeah because its shit. at this point, people only know about this game because epic not shutting the fuck up about every game that sells on their store. bad publicity is still publicity.

>hey look guys we bought out exclusivity to a game, literally creating a monopoly. devs get more money while you get fucking nothing out of it. fuck you, buy our shit and boycott steam because fuck them right? xDD

>Dev goes to Epic store
>Sells 9 copies

>Other Dev goes to Epic store
>Sells gangbusters

Seething Steam-drones

damn i didn't know this was exclusive and i kinda wanna play it but i guarantee none of my friends will buy it since it's egs exclusive. fucking bugmen store.


EGS will take a huge cut into Valves markeshare.

Mark my words

>movie licensed zombie game expected to sell less than 250,000
i feel like this is pathetic and hilarious. no wonder they took an exclusivity deal

Never heard of this game before. No ads, no commercials, no nothing. Zombie shooters are old news, quite honestly a decade ago I never thought I'd hear myself say that, but they're overdone. If it only sold because of exclusivity then people are worried about it being buried under shovelware which speaks volumes of the weak qualities of the game itself.

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Someone post it

why do I keep seeing this shovelware game posted in epic threads

I'm not even a steamdrone, but do you think that Valve will allow this exclusive buying bullshit to continue? Not at all. Infact they're gonna play fire with fire. Steam has several golden nuggets sitting in it's pockets that no one has even though about.

It was at e3 last year and this year they paid a bunch of streamers to play it

It's safe to say they're lying.

Like what? There is nothing Valve can put out that would somehow stop EGS gaining marketshare.

>valve has kept silence all these years
>seriously thinking they'll suddenly break their silence because of some chink slave throwing temper

I don't keep up with streamers. I don't do zoomer media. I don't remember it from E3 last year, either, which speaks of its memorability. It might be a fine game, but I must have completely glossed over it existing. I never saw anyone talking about it at all outside of epic shill threads on Yea Forums, which says something to me.

oh no
im so scared of halo

Attached: watch-out-we-got-a-badass-over-here-meme.png (769x569, 154K)

sounds like bullshit but ok

The only winning move for valve is to not say anything and keep going on like they're not a big deal, because in the sea of shit game launchers and platforms they aren't.

ironic because wwz is already dead

>Steam has several golden nuggets sitting in it's pockets
Hahahahaha, there is nothing they can release, they have nothing.

>Epic shills coping this hard
>250,000 copies.
>Being this much of a retard
>Mfw Tim sweenie acts like a single game sale on his shit launcher means anything when it could be getting 20x the amount of sales on steam.
>Mfw Epics ching-chong funds will eventually run dry, their launcher will improve, cost more to upkeep and they'll be forced to set their profit splits on par with steam.
>Mfw Valves been holding radio silence because they know it won't last.
>Mfw they inevitably go under after losing Their Rice Patty lunch money because they decided to double down on forcing exclusivity deals.

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I was interested to try it, but completely skipped it because it so no, they are already a one sale short.

The same thread with the same OP. Shill somewhere else retard, no one cares about your lack luster game.

Please don't actually reply to a serial rapist

>the same thread 3 times in 24 hours
come on shills

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>20x the amount of sales on steam.
>he seriously and unironically thinks WWZ would sell 5M copies, which is a number only a few games sell on Steam

Steamfags this delusional

Albeit exaggerated I think the point user was trying to make is that it would have sold a lot more copies in general on steam.

non pc gamers call every pc game a broken port

>game devs make game timed epic exclusive
>get money from epic
>when it releases on steam people buy it just to spite epic
i wouldnt be surprised if this will start to become a thing

kys bugmen

Attached: 154965255554.png (691x619, 781K)

>>Albeit exaggerated I think the point user was trying to make is that it would have sold a lot more copies in general on steam.

It wouldn't though

>The Switch though has seen a number of ports sell better than anticipated. Despite already being out for over three years, the Switch version of Shovel Knight sold better than any of the other versions at launch according to its developer, Yacht Club Games. Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap, Forma.8, and other games have seen similar success. SMG Studios noted in September that Death Squared sold more on the Switch in the first three days than all other platforms it released on combined, while the same thing happened to the Zelda-like exploration game Oceanhorn. And then there was SteamWorld Dig 2, Immage & Form’s action platformer that sold 10 times more on Switch than on Steam.

How can you fucking cunts be so dumb?

How do you not realize that this is the exact same thing as console wars? These fucking threads only serve the purpose of giving Valve and Epic more publicity and you are eating that shit up.

People like stirring the pot. They're also paid to in some cases.

T. Outsiders
That's the whole point you fucking morons, is to get chinese chink loving faggots like you thinking only retarded chinky thoughts. How do you know they have nothing? The moment Valve even lets out a whimper, will be a thunderous roar for everything. You have absolutely no idea the amount of shit that's gonna happen this October.

How the fuck does that make any sense
>It sold more cause you can't get it anywhere else on PC

Absolutely retarded

Cmon, then tell us.

There is nothing going to happen, Valve will do nothing. You can screencap this post.

Nigger I'm pro-valve and the winning move for them is not to take the bait. The second they acknowledge epic as a viable competitor is the second they lose lots of face to consumers.

>sold 2.5 times better on the store than Metro: Last Light did on Steam.

Lol meaning metro Exodus failed like fuck

my library is still on Steam, that is where I am staying.
add in EGS isn't supported by launchbox and i care even less.

Attached: 1332142794099.gif (200x150, 2.96M)

you can add non steam games to steam library
you just mad gaben isnt getting any money

Steam didn't bent over for them.

Steam just have to wait it out, tim sweeny literally wants the % to drop so he can put fortnite on steam, his own words, his platform is fucked and ge kniws how bad his exclusive buying us, satisfactory has resorted to memes with how poorly it solf

I'll bite again, fuck it I'm bored. What's one thing that's going to happen in October, and where can we expect to see it for the first time?

How did they determine it was because of exclusivity and not in spite of exclusivity? Did they have a version of the game that's only on steam and a version of the game on multiple platforms to compare with?

I can also add steam games to my library by buying on steam, fuck off with your barebones launcher

then how do you play non steam games faggot

>steam store naturally sorts itself out through user ratings
>shit gets filtered to the bottom

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By the end of summer, maybe in august. You're going to see A LOT of these "timed titles" as we call them show up more and more frequent. To the point most triple AAA or even AA titles will only be EGS. Fortnite will also take a huge roll into this as well.

>thanks to Epic Store exclusivity
What kind of fucked up logic is that?

Correlation = Causation

>>steam store naturally sorts itself out through user ratings

I love this Randian fantasy world Steam drones get themselves worked into believing they're apart of

Attached: 7gfa reviews.jpg (1964x958, 152K)

I was curious and fired up a few streams of it, queue times for public games are fairly large.

makes me think

Attached: Filter List V3.png (1920x1080, 220K)

>we have a shitty marketing team that can't make our game stand out.
>so we'll blame steam and put it on a chinese scam store where it'll be the only game on there instead.
fair enough.

It's weird, I honestly haven't heard anything about this game outside of my two chink friends.
They literally buy everything though. They bought Anthem, they bought Destiny 2 after playing the first one for 2 hours and hating it, they buy loot boxes, they buy micro transactions for games they rarely play and some they claim to not even like.
I've been trying to civilize them but it is a slow process. Is this just genetic with chinks? Anyone else have experience with this?

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I love how they keep bringing up that this is good for developers when it's actualy good for publishers and devs don't get anything unless they self publish which these titles clearly don't.

I mean, that's literally the strategy they said they'd do for the first year or two. Assuming you're not just larping, in which camps would Dying Light 2 and a hypothetical X-COM 3 fall?

well steam does have more then x20 the userbase of epic so while it is an exaggeration (mainly because wwz had incredible shit marketing, I've only heard about the game ever existing when sweeny whopt it out with his epic store cock). It would be able to reach more users on steam though.

through GoG you dense faggot

>>It would be able to reach more users on steam though.

>#NintendoSwitch community is a blessing! #BlossomTales is now a turnaround story: Humble indie dev @castlepixel can stay in business and continue making games. Love y’all! 3 months #Switch revenues surpass #Steam lifetime revenues 20 times!

i feel like this is a false equivalence because switch has a very limited library so people are more likely to go for whatever they can get

The funny thing is most of the developers don't even know that deal was made until it is announced to the public.
Swiney boy is on Todd levels of being a liar lmao.

>6.8 million 2D sprite RPGs on Steam

I'm gonna go buy it right now on the epic store. thanks for reminding me user.

This is what happens when you sort Steam by user reviews.
Meme games, weeb games and Factorio

Attached: Capture.jpg (873x1238, 130K)

Or maybe thanks to it being a decent game in an empty genre. People want L4D go figure

The key to success is promoting games to the Fortnite audience. An Audience Steam can't reach. That's the whole appeal of the Epic store.

Steamcucks lose again, aren't you tired of losing? How does it feel knowing you wasted thousands of your neet/parent bucks on a dead store platform?

because polititcally correct gamer dont want free speech or creative freedom and they actively dislike steam for allowing user reviews and pornographic content on their platform

contrary to what's intuitive when you take things at service value modern progressive are puritan authoritarian fascists

I wanted to like Amid Evil after playing Dusk but something about that game just hurts my eyes and makes it uncomfortable to play


>We live in a world where 250,000 sales is something to brag about for a AAA title launch that had massive financial and marketing support from a 3rd party that was interested in seeing it succeed on their platform.


PC gamers are an embarrassment

It's getting flooded with chinkshit too. Wait until all the top game names are unpronouncable chinktalk. Ironic considering how obsessed Steam faggos are with China

>Witcher 3 and Portal
>meme games
Nigga, what?

So why does Timmy boy talks about Steam all the time and tries his best to make games not available on Steam?
I mean if he targets his own audience why he is fucking around in other audience?

literally meaningless as epic only has AAA shite and doesnt even have user reviews

So you agree not every game needs to be on Steam, thanks

>muh exclusives
when are people going to stop sucking corporate cock for 'exclusives'?

6 hour walking simulator with baby tier puzzles only sold on whacky humor. It's a meme game

Okay so what Epic achieves their endgame and now all the shovelware is on their store instead, what then?

good one brainlet boy

This. Hatred really was the tipping point when a media blitzkrieg couldn't force Steam to comply. An open platform actively weakens gatekeepers.

>for a AAA title launch

It doesn't cost $50-$60 so it's not AAA

Some of the Chink games are good too like Bloody Spell, but chinks hate translating most games to English for some reason.

Valve drones don't want to be reminded that they supported a meme game akin to Undertale

>70,000 in real countries
It's literally the chink store.

Attached: 1536624013917.jpg (225x225, 11K)

>Everytime you launch up steam, you get blasted with note-worthy releases or updates for games
Why do game devs think Valve has to do all the marketing for them?
Also I don't buy that crap, WWZ devs most likely have to lie to the media. I believe that they haveb70k players, but claiming "they are evenly spread" when PS4 outsold Xbox 13:1, I'm not buying it.
Satisfactory devs are in hot waters with epic because they stated the exclusivity is hurting them.

Attached: 1517278086949.jpg (1200x1045, 160K)

So if you offer a good in two places, it will sell worse because in one of the places people might no notice it?

t. you right now

WWZ would literally be compared to L4D2 or Vermintide 2 if it were on Steam, being on Epic Store provides the game with its own little niche as the only co-op styled game like it on EGS

Attached: brainlettttt.jpg (800x450, 45K)

>He did not expand on how exactly the Epic Store had helped the game exceed expectations.
Every time.

Part of the exclusivity deal is shilling the store without any real facts. I guarantee it.

Attached: 1517279614866.png (1000x800, 245K)

portal is a fucking classic you shit eating mouthbreather lmao

probably similar, they shilled the fuck out of this including paying shroud to play it. The game would have been on the top sellers list of Steam for multiple days and not buried in the endless sea of indie/assetflips that everyone claims happens to games.

Okay, bud.

>>Everytime you launch up steam, you get blasted with note-worthy releases or updates for games
>Why do game devs think Valve has to do all the marketing for them?

What if Steam deemed your game like say WWZ not worthy of being advertised?


>He did not expand on how exactly the Epic Store had helped the game exceed expectations.

>What if Steam deemed your game like say WWZ not worthy of being advertised?
literally would not happen and advertising and sales are negotiable

then ill make a better game

just buy it you fat yank pigskins

Attached: 1521193655568.png (241x255, 113K)


This but unironically, Epic will ultimately win and Steam will become a program known as being used mainly by the alt right.

The brilliance of Epic's strategy comes in a two pronged attack: The EGS exclusievs and UE4, so even if you buy MORDHAU on Steam, you're still giving Epic money.

Attached: epic revenue steam 2.png (714x1017, 58K)

Yes because just pleasing your publisher is not enough, pop a second cock up your ass and please the store owner as well. Don't forget to please the customers too

So many threads over so many weeks, and I still never get an answer to "why should I install the Epic client?"

>being retarded enough to think selling in a single store means more sales than if it were to be sold in multiple stores
>being retarded enough to think literally anyone is stupid enough to believe such a statement
>being retarded enough to believe such blatantly false assertions

good one brainlet boy

If "because you get free games" isn't a good answer for you, I'm not sure what is

You didn't address my point, so thanks for playing.

>thanks to Epic Store exclusivity

You know those pop-ups can be talked about with valve employees?
Novel concept, to keep touch with your storefront, I know.

Here this nigglet comes again.
Same text. Same pics with same filenames.
Just a couple of hours ago he got all his posts btfo by jannies and yet he does it again. What stage of autism is this?

The honest answer is because it's the only place you can get X and that's really the only reason. Which is why Sweeny said something like "consumers don't matter only devs matter" because people will go where ever the games are.

how would exclusivity increase overall sales?
that's fucking retarded

Functionally identical to piracy. If I'm not supporting the devs anyway, what's the difference where I get my free game from?

Yes user I'm sure every time someone asks to be on storefront Valve puts them on the storefront. Nobody thinks to ask, you're the first one to come with this idea

not only do publishers treat consumers like this, now also devs themselves are tripping over themselves to shortsightedly procure more profit when the profits are already insane in an industry that continues to push out the most lazy shit month after month

fucking nuke this industry it needs to crash, it need to crash in 2013

>how would exclusivity increase overall sales?

Google Nintendo

Can you imagine people that sell on amazon saying amazon is bad because they don’t advertise their products for them and then switching to a shitttier online store with four things on it.

>Yes user I'm sure every time someone asks to be on storefront Valve puts them on the storefront. Nobody thinks to ask, you're the first one to come with this idea
you still haven't explained why that isnt a valid argument, also if some bigger game happens to be first you can go before or after lol

don't you mean thanks for winning since i keep getting (You)'s and you're trying your heart out lmao

>implying i won't self-publish it
store owners help me reach my customers, if i only wanted to please myself i won't sell it

>hear about that WWZ game
>think to myself it's going to be a huge sucess like all those survival multiplayer shit games
>it's released and I barely hear about it anymore
>figure it's console exclusive
>turns out it's Epic exclusive
That explains everything.
I don't play shitty zombie games but that shit would sell like hotcakes if it was on steam.

>make the game exclusive and we'll pay you
>you also have to shill our store by saying sales exceeded expectations, but don't exactly explain how

Publishers are the bad guys here.

>Functionally identical to piracy
No it isn't, updating pirated games is a pain in the ass and online stuff you can't pirate at all. Again, if free games are not a good reason you're probably not into the idea of owning games at all, move along to your torrent shop

Nobody randomly browses the fucking upcoming and newly released games tab when buying a game ever. People who buy games generally learn about them through media, friends, advertisements, review sites etc. If your game is so garbage that it needs a front page ad just to sell then maybe you should take your game to

>also if some bigger game happens to be first you can go before or after lol
Are you 12 or something? They're not letting a game that's not big enough to be on storefront on their storefront. After a bigger game they'll find another bigger game. That's just capitalism sweatie

What free games has Epic given out that have an important online component or weren't already months past the update window?

>They're not letting a game that's not big enough to be on storefront on their storefront.
there is literally no proof of this, they even let indies have banners

What's the point of self-publishing your game and then bending over backwards to please a fucking storefront?

Slime Rancher and Subnautica

There is literally not a single "epic exclusive" that is any good.

The Witness, What Remains of Edith Finch, Axiom Verge, Transistor, got them all for free, they're pretty good

> how exactly the Epic Store had helped
Seething retards were crying about this game and epic store on every internet forum. Obviously this game received much attention.

>all the cope in this thread

Attached: 1543101809997.png (592x492, 60K)

70 million of people who use it only play fortnite on net cafes.

Wow, years old humble bundle games, thanks Epic.

I often wonder who the fuck these people are talking about "shovelware" on steam as if they haven't gone to the store with a specific game in mind 100% of the time. I'm assuming they're being paid.

>“On the PC specifically, we are performing way above expectations thanks to the support we have received from the Epic Games Store." He did not expand on how exactly the Epic Store had helped the game exceed expectations.

What help? Did Tim buy 200k copies?

well, where else would i sell it? i need to reach an audience somehow, and selling it myself will take longer for me to turn a buck due to less exposure, unless im selling a porn game

They got money from Epic to cover millions sales.

This is retarded they dont know how well it would have sold on steam

Or maybe you should actually spend money on marketing? The fuck do you expect to happen when you enter an oversaturated market with no publicity whatsoever?

So why do devs think steam is a free marketing platform? Isn't steam just a distribution? What am I missing

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>"What surprises us is the fact that sales outside of the US on the Epic Store have been so strong, with the US being only one quarter of sales.”
I fucking called that most complaining about EGS are mutts. It's like Chink smartphones all over again:
>mutts lose their minds over people buying them
>nobody else gives a fuck
>mutts go apeshit over it every time
>data comes out
>literally every country but muttland is buying them in droves
>mutts have a meltdown

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>old games that can be pirated with no updates needed

So once again Epic offers nothing, got it.

Epic paid them in advance for the exclusivity deal, they'd be performing "above expectation" even without a single copy sold.
But then again, it's not even sure since they could have sold more copies than they got paid on Steam.

You're missing the journo agenda against Steam ever since Valve refused to let them thought police their games.

tons of people have steam and steam shoved new releases in peoples face, it's a marketing line straight onto people's computers, also steam handles the management of the storefront

Or maybe we just have enough taste to not buy a fucking ZOMBIE SHOOTER in 20 FUCKING 19.

>there are hundreds of thousands of kids who only play fortnite and don't have steam
anything that appeals to them, or their twitch streamer shills, will sell well

Attached: 1507665158851.jpg (440x660, 31K)

>well steam does have more then x20 the userbase of epic
But it doesn't

shit nvm i misunderstood

they're greedy and they want more more more forever

I'm rooting for the Epic store to succeed actually. The more successful they get the closer we are to getting HL3.

>wishing for pc ecosystem to be ruined by exclusivity garbage because you got cucked for one game


>the closer we are to getting HL3.
nothing will ever make that happen, the management culture at valve is so fucked they wont do anything anymore because all their leaders are woefully out of touch

"It sold pretty well because we didn't have anything better to offer to our users"

it's really tough to do so, even more if im not releasing on an instantly recognisable storefront. i'd have to be paying extra money for advertising, probably server costs and learning how to integrate that on a website which i need to pay for as well. that makes it harder for potential customers to buy my game, and inconvenience produces apathy

>Nobody randomly browses the fucking upcoming and newly released games
Myth. Normies and casuals do, and they are the majority of Steam audience

This, you can already see the fire being lit under Valves ass when at GDC they just bragged about how great Steam was

Valve ruined the PC ecosystem with Steam you fucking youngfag piece of shit.

Here's how it used to work before Steam

>Buy game
>Install game
>Play game
>Lend the copy of the game to friends

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> pc ecosystem
What do you mean by this? Steam?
HL3 will never happen. Valve are just lazy retards.
Or actually they can outsource it to someone else.

Then just gather some friends around and do viral, it costs nothing but time. Even if you generate some bad blood in the process, bad publicity is much better than obscurity.

you only ever see them by browsing for upcoming and newly released, you basically have to go out of your way to find them

even so only x amount of games are released a day and decent games immediately end up on top selling or popular/trendings tab, the only games that get buried are likely garbage. That's why you really only ever see crappy (((devs))) with 30 minute walking simulators complain about the Steam store.

and origin, uplay, gog and whatever else there is

the precedent of non publisher exclusivity is cancerous and not in favor of consumers in any way

You're gonna look a bit silly come wednesday buddy.

The rumours are a Half Life VR game, L4D VR and something else called Citidel is coming with the Valve Index.

Valve also has hands in the Boneworks pie, guessing boneworks comes out soon.

This is my reasoning too. I hate Valve for what they did since Portal 2. No single player games, shitty MOBA, Shitty MP FPS, shitty cards.
If EGS success means Valve will actually do something either themselves or by licensing to another dev, I am all for EGS.
Valve needs to get fucked.

>Lend the copy of the game to friends

Attached: funny-gifs-sweet-crotch-rocket-bro.gif (240x318, 2.08M)

we'll get tired sooner than it would for the storefront to recommend my game for those with similar interests using tags. with marketing only, i'd get whatever small sales i'll get, but with marketing + storefront, i'd get the small sales and extra residual sales when people discover it later while browsing the storefront

Why is everything that PCGamer produces now fluffpieces on the EpicFailStore?

>check out who owns them
>check out shares of Future PLC
>biggest investor is a company with a chink name

Every. Single. Time.

Attached: aqua.gif (200x200, 2.57M)

>crappy (((devs))) with 30 minute walking simulator
and what a coincidence these are exactly the types to be progressive and be friends with modern games journalists

>expectations: 0
>reality: 12


>The rumours are a Half Life VR game, L4D VR and something else called Citidel is coming with the Valve Index.

Which will all flop

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supporting epic wouldn't make things better for physical owners though, would it? it would be better if you bought it off gog if you wanted a buy games and lend it to a friend. even better, i'd argue, since you could just copy the installer for your friend and then you can both play it

>valve ruined pc ecosystem by bringing a service that got rid of searching for game patches on the net and looking for a physucal copy when there was a shortage of them leading to many others doing the same with their own features for customer
Sure thing nigger. Go on.
Before epics bullshit.
>Microsoft Store
>and many others
After Epic bullshit
>it's either ebin only or ebin and launcher from publisher/dev
Yeah. PC ecosystem is not just a Steam, but many others. Which Sweeney tries to cut off throwing stacks of vbucks money.

I just want revenge against Steam for putting us in this digital hell, and Epic is the one to do it.

GOG has been around for 10 years and done nothing to combat the Steam monopoly, so they can suck a dick for all I care

>>valve ruined pc ecosystem by bringing a service that got rid of searching for game patches on the net

Oh no, having to do work :(

Poor steam drone probably chipped a nail installing those patches

BZZZZT, no you never manually installed a patch in your life, Steam drone

>and looking for a physucal copy when there was a shortage of them leading to many others doing the same with their own features for customer

??? The fuck are you talking about?

>Its all bad! Epic best! China no 1!

I find it hilarious that even in this article, no sales numbers for WWZ has been posted. They just say a million copies were sold, and a quarter was PC. Why not just say pc sold 250k copies? Oh yeah, because that number is total shit.
Oh and speaking of, where are those exodus sales numbers?

Fuuuuck, I really wanna play this game but I don't wanna support epic and I'm scared it's gonna die soon, and maybe it's a timed exclusive and will come to steam

>Steam monopoly
>monopoly means the only 1 company on the market controlling everything and not letting anyone to come in on said market
How is Steam a monopoly when there are aother digital storefronts as well?

Wait is this scam shit finished already or it's still on beta 423334423435346543543564?

You've never spent hours and hours going through torrent sites, forums, blogs and download sites looking for a patch only to find out later that it was removed, have you?
>Reddit spacing

Patches were easily available from the official website or fileplanet, my man

They'll be low adoption sure, as how many headsets could valve get in peoples hands by months end? 100K? max?

Goal is probably a million headsets by years end, a left4dead/hl game in VR thats included and built to the standards of something like the lab or boneworks would help sell headsets.

The biggest factor is price, i doubt the typical gtx1050ti user is going to buy a htc vive priced headset.

But valve might sell headsets to a large chunk of enthusiasts, 100k headsets shipped by june 1st if it includes some big valve games is possible.

Sure its not crazy numbers but i guess gabe is playing the long game here, battle royales are not going to carry the pc market for the next decade, VR might though. Steam unironically has the best VR software right now.

>Have to bring in consoles Switch shitter to prove his point

gog is trying to make things better for people like you though. they're getting better, at the very least some pc publishers like paradox are open to release games on the same time for it

physical media was also nearing a worse digital drm hell back then. remember securom? that would've been the future we have, one with two activations only regardless if you had the original game

>oh no having to do the work
>oh no they are doing the work for me that means they are BAD!
>what are you talking about
You know where the whole preorders bullshit started. Because of said shortage of physical copies.
And shortage was even when there were no preorders around. Shortage = you won't get your game to play.
Digital distribution removed that problem.
And you are the one calling me a young shit. Wow.
I'm not gonna bite into your shitty bait anymore. Go suck my dick while I'm allowing you to do so.

>WWZ would literally be compared to L4D2 or Vermintide 2 if it were on Steam
Both Vermintide and L4D2 sold better than WWZ though

>I don't like steam therefore I will shill for an even shittier storefront run by even shittier people
I hope you're joking or at least being paid

You're inventing problems that never happened with big box PC games you retard lmao, what a terrible post trying to make yourself seem like an oldfag.

>Valve ruined the PC ecosystem with Steam you fucking youngfag piece of shit.
>Here's how it used to work before Steam
Exactly. This is why I prefer GOG. No need for stupid launchers. Just buy, download and play. Easier to backup games too.
BTW did anyone ever mentioned how rudimentary Steams game backup feature is?
>Storage on CD or DVD
>in 2019
Pic related, fucking hilarious. Valve is a joke

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> le industrial terrorism

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>still replying to the same exact threads with same exact filenames and posts
come on people, you know better
how many times are you planning on replying to the tayal guy or the guy ranting about the revenue split?
their goal is just to provoke and nothing more

>I want a patch! I'll get it on fileplanet!
t. Someone who never patched, cracked or pirated a game in their life
Why dont you go back to whatever cesspool you crawled out of?

The fact they feel the need to push the narrative of
>Games doing better because of exclusivity
Without any evidence or arguments, is clear proof of the opposite. It's clearly not going too well for Epic. They need to get the big bucks with BL3, or they'll probably change their model. The sad thing is that they probably will. Why are consumers so retarded to support stupid exclusivity shit. We already have games separated by entire consoles, we don't need the same bullshit within the same platform.

>I wonder what would happen if I pressed custom...

>if necessary
you could just choose custom and have it on an HDD, that option is IF you want it on CD or DVD

>sales in a vacuum
>being a valid metric

Why are you acting like finding patches was so hard to do you retard lmao

I remember patching the buggy ass Fallout 2 in 2000. Why couldn't you? Brain disease known as retardation that has followed you since childhood?

Attached: fallout 2-min.jpg (500x500, 68K)

>File Size
You truly are a retard aren't you?

>about 10 low tier timed exclusives
>30-ish indie scraps from Steam
Nice library!

Brainlets, have you tried this "feature", like ever?
>Backup takes pretty long time
>creates files that could only be restored via steam (hello DRM)
>restoring takes like an hour per 10gb
>literally faster to download
>sometimes files could get corrupted
>If game is not up to date, you have to verify it, which could take from dozens of minutes to hour
It's a fucking joke

If this is about library then nobody would have installed as well. A few very good games count and establish a platform. Steam has no geams

imagine being this dumb

Sounds like a pretty normal backup procedure to me buddy

Gosh, I must have imagined Sekiro, DMC5 and RE2 in just one month on Steam, each far better than anything on Epic.

downloads depends on your internet speeds of course, and it's a nifty feature for singleplayer games if everything goes right. it's better than nothing at all id say

gog does it better though i agree

Even if it wasn't spyware giving 40% of the profits to China seems rather dumb if you have any sort of affinity for existence.

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Next From game will be epic exclusive