Is it still the greatest game of all time?

Is it still the greatest game of all time?

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no, some other games are better now.

It wasn't even the best when it released, or even among the best. Boring, generic adventure game.


Fuck off, Arin

>generic adventure game
The fuck are you talking about? It was one of kind when it first came out
Back when Nintendo had the best hardware at the time. I was blown away by the atmosphere of the game, despite the ugly graphics.

Yes. No. Maybe. I don't know.

top 5 at least

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>despite the ugly graphics
they are part of the charm

I unironically prefer Wind Waker. Bigger sense of exploration, plus the graphics aged more gracefully

Its not even the best in its series. Link to the Past is the best Zelda.

Before some moran says Breath of the Wild is the best shut the fuck your casual garbage opinion isn't welcome here.

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OoT is great but people who say what you say never had a PlayStation.
It absolutely wasn't unique, it's cookie cutter and conventional, not that that's a bad thing.

>modern anime reaction pic
your opinion isn't welcome here as well, ironic weeb

yes. it laid the foundation for literally every single third person action game with a targeting system, something that's barely been improved since then.

I had a Playstation. What does it have to do with OoT not being a unique game?

That PS has a boatload of similar action adventure games.

>OoT is great but people who say what you say never had a PlayStation.
>It absolutely wasn't unique, it's cookie cutter and conventional, not that that's a bad thing.

Mentally ill seething sonyshit lmao

No, no it doesn't. PS1 was a JRPG machine. OoT was the first of its kind

There was literally nothing like OoT on the PSX. The closest thing was Soul Reaver, which is a way different game and came out after OoT.

Don't turn this into a console war, poorfag.
If you're not an idort you shouldn't be here in the first place.
If you see PS and immediately draw conclusions like this you're the mentally ill one. I didn't even own a PS1 back then, I just know what games came out in what era.
Yes, OoT was the first semi-open action adventure with item based progression, now I remember.

Literrally YIKES!

>OoT was the first semi-open action adventure with item based progression
It was the first game to do it right that wasn't a first person dungeon crawler.

>I didn't even own a PS1 back then, I just know what games came out in what era
Maybe like play the games or something or is it too much to ask since we are on Yea Forums and people here know jackshit about vidya?

I'll just leave this here to trigger the seething kiddies and watch them sperg.

Can you at least agree it's the best 3D one?

Kill yourself Retardera.

He probably pretends to hate 3D Zelda and AlttP is the only 2D Zelda he has ever played for 2-3 hours just to fit in and say it's the best one

No Ocarina of Time is the best 3d Zelda. It actually has meaningful content all over the place instead of a big dead world for them to hide shrines that all follow the same theme and korok seeds.

Played master quest back in january. Felt very little nostalgia yet still fucking loved the game. Folks who play it and say it ain't good just don't like zelda games. It's still amazing.

In my unimportant opinion the only thing that holds wind waker back as the best game ever is that the islands were mostly too small. Imagine it but with big as fuck islands to ramp up the exploration, oh fuck.

>don't like zelda games
Is this even possible to dislike Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask?
It was a gamecube game you know, it came out in 2002

No, it's even, if not worse than MM.

"people" with short legs SUCK.

>just don't like zelda games
OoT+MM aren't like anything else in the series which is WHY they're better.

But future Zelda games except for BoTW all follow the same formula. OoT and MM are undoubtedly the best though

Not even turn best 2d Zelda game (Oracle of ages and seasons)

Just looking at the pic posted reminds me why nothing else is even in the same league as this.

This isn't quite true, as other games share attributes they have, but overall the N64 games have an entirely different level of ambition to the rest of the series as total immersive experiences.




>want to replay this game
>cutscenes aren't skippable

Greatest game my big round ass

This was similar to OoT and came before, IIRC. But because of its lolwackyjapan nature, I can see why it never got as much attention.

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Not by a longshot (pun intended) but it was amazing for its time

No you're thinking of the Playstation, where you had to wait several minutes for loading screens every few seconds.

>Link to the Past is the best Zelda.

>authentic boomer old school opinion
>marking all your objectives directly on your map is totally OK and not a violation of the exploration that makes Zelda compelling

>Not by a longshot

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It's not even the greatest Zelda game of all time.

Why did Ocarina of Time multiplayer died so quickly, Yea Forumsros?

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>Yes, OoT was the first semi-open action adventure with item based progression, now I remember.

Yeah in 3D it genuinely was and that was a huge part of its popularity, just like LoZ was the first open world action adventure with a fully intractable world. At least you actually admit to not owning a PS1, which explains a lot. Absolutely nothing prior to OoT had a fully realized handcrafted 3D world to explore, as opposed to isolated levels. The closest thing to something like this was Daggerfall's procedurally generate overworld.

That title goes to Majora's Mask. OOT was merely a very tasty treat before the main course

>it did it first so it will always and forever be the best
Why though?

>This was similar to OoT and came before

In the same way Megaman and Tomb Raider's auto-targeting systems are "just like Z-targeting".

MM feels like a great add-on to a main game that is OoT

It wasn't even one of the top 5 games of 1998

If it was released today, It likely would have been.

It's still pretty high up there, yeah.

I think this opinion is pretty common and pretty fucking braindead.
OoT aside from being twenty one years old is also a fair bit less gratuitous than majoras mask, majoras mask is by a lot of measures a better game, but it will never be a game that did what OOT did for the first time. OOT is without a shadow of a doubt the most important video game of the 90s.

As for me I don't care that OoT was revolutionary and all that, I just like it more than MM and genuinely think that it's more fun

Also MM is kind of a chore to play with backtracking both through terrain and time, neat feature though

Get it? Upgraded hookshot in the water temple?

If this did happen, how would they incorporate MM into OoT in a way that makes sense?

No, explain more.

If it was released today we would get 1 MM dungeon for like 20$ and everybody would say that it's fair. You'd just choose it from the main menu I guess

I know players take the story seriously. I just don't think the Devs do.

The hookshot in the water temple expands it reach and is called the longshot. Better?

OoT was originally going to have an 'expansion' through the N64 disk drive system that was meant to extend OoT and give it more quests etc. The idea for the 3-day system came later, and possibly could have worked in context, especially since child Link could mostly have just carried the abilities he already had and the magical arrows could have been used differently (you get the bombs etc at the start of MM).

Not by a longshot.

>came out the same year MGS came out
>somehow is remembered as the most innovative game ever made while MGS gets pushed aside

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MM was born out of disk drive content they worked on for OoT.

God damn it, how hard is this to understand.

>new quest to find Navi
>go to Lost Woods
>actually get lost and perma die
>MM happens

christ, you are a dense one.

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They are both great but OoT was innovative. Also lots of people enjoyed OoT more than MGS

That's not Majora's Mask.

How? All it was was disk drive content they worked on for OoT.

No, I'm the guy telling the joke here. Me.

>Arin fags actually exist

No way is MGS more innovative than OoT.

Yes, only people who disagree are these 100 % of the time
> A: Autistic Console War faggots
> B: Contrarians assmad at its critical acclaim
> C: Brainlets who couldn’t get past the Water Temple
> D: Zoomers who never played it & parrot all of their opinions from EgoRaptor

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Who cares what the dull shlub masses think. According to what people want and consume, McDonalds is the best food of all time and Apple makes the best computers. Their opinion isn't worth anything.

>Famitsu (Japan)
Why do Japs have shit taste in literally everything they produce? Be it vidya, manga, anime, literally everything. But maybe they are right and we are the ones who have shit taste... Maybe Sword Art Online and Darling in the Franxx are really the greatest and we are just delusional

The Japs probably look at us with games like FIFA and CoD topping the charts and think we have shit taste.

Amerispergs have shit taste in anime unlike weebs.

OoT didn't innovate anything other than z targeting.

>OoT didn't innovate anything other than z targeting.

Dear god educate yourself.

> Ocarina & Mario 64 are the two Most influential games of all time - Dan Houser (Rockstar Founder)

Anyone with a bit of taste knows link's awakening Is the best game in the serie.

What joke?

The one about the longshot.

>not the first 3D action game
>not the first game with an internal clock or day-night cycle
>not the first game with time travel
>soulless art direction
>only claim to fame is that the was first to market with the death of action games (z targeting) and the game didn't have any bugs while every other nintendo shovelware title was riddled with bugs

oh no no no no

Anyone with more than just a bit of taste knows 2D Zelda is total shit.

>Dan Houser (failed rap producer turned video game publisher who insists on writing the stories for the games he publishes even though he has absolutely no talent or background in writing)

>soulless art direction

Nigga, i literally don't even odd

Hm, never heard that one before.

All of that is factually incorrect & i need sources on where you got this information

Yeah it's not the best game anymore, not by a longshot.

Get it?

Cope more contrarian, Rockstar & Nintendo are the faces of the gaming industry & have been for the last 20 Years. Modern AAA games literally don’t exist without GTA 3, GoldenEye, Ocarina & Mario 64

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Maybe in your delusional mind, but sorry to say it but it’s The Godfather & SGT: Peppers of gaming. It will still be officially awarded as the GOAT 30 years from now, no amount of contrarianism will change that.

Not him but I'm pretty sure it's about that item upgrade you get in the Water Temple, that shitty dungeon, literally one of the worst dungeons in any game. Dark Link is a cheap boss fight

>Sword Art Online and Darling in the Franxx are really the greatest

SAO legitimately is better than it's made out to be here. People who've never watched it have actually been memed into believing that Kirito is some flawless hero who never screws up and that the whole thing is supposed to be terrible because of this. It defiantly is an above average anime at the very least, and especially so for the 'isekai genre'.

>>soulless art direction
I'm so fucking mad right now even though I realise this is a masterfully crafted bait

> Crying about the Water Temple
Pleb filter working as intended, Opinion invalidated

Yes, walking in empty green fields is the best feeling ever And don't forget the instruction everytime you grab a bomb from a chest.

>It defiantly is an above average anime
Watch more anime my dude

I guess you've only ever played the 3DS version. But there is one dungeon worse than the Water Temple. The Great Bay Temple, hands down the worst 3D Zelda dungeon. Literally everything about this dungeon is bad

You would understand if you were there Zoomer, i feel bad for anyone who didn’t get to experience legendary masterpieces like Half-Life 2, RE4 & OOT when they first came out

great bay temple is so fucking bad holy shit.

Okay, but what does this have to do with my amazing pun?

I have and that's exactly why I can say that and know you won't be able to actually counter me. The *average* anime is bottom of the garbage can barely watchable trash, SAO simply exceeds this very low watermark with the merits it does have. I have no doubt that most people who claim to loath it are bandwagerners who shit on stuff they perceive to be popular if it has a vocal enough collection of people shitting on it already. It's exactly the same reason people started dumping on SnK only once it became an anime.

Have sax

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It's better than harem shit like DxD and trash like Konosuba and most certainly RWBY

SnK is good though. Don't tell me you think it's in the same league as SAO. I'm not a bandwagoner, I genuinely dislike it

It never was

yeah id have to agree here, i love oot for lots of reasons, but i have better these days. feels pretty nice.

HL2 is overrated, it has some great moment but when it is bad it sucks, everytime you have to solve a ''puzzle'' is retarded.
Resident Evil 4 was the shit, fuck people saying it ruined the serie.

This, it was always 3rd best behind FF6 & Chrono Trigger

Comparatively? Of course not, but I don't think it has been surpassed in terms of the impact it made on gaming as a whole

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>FF6 & Chrono Trigger
Story games that utilizied the JRPG formula that had been the same for 10 years by the time these came out. Boring stuff

>SnK is good though.

>Don't tell me you think it's in the same league as SAO.

I'm not saying this at all, I'm just saying that if any MMO isekai trash would get popular, it makes sense to me that SAO of all things would appeal to people over so much other stuff, while so people shitting on it clearly haven't even watched it.

It's the Godfather of videogames. It was groundbreaking at it's time and it deserves respect, but what was once unique is now easily copied.

Same thing with RE4. Both of these are GOAT games. Now God of War is the GOAT.

Dan Houser is still a shit that got lucky. I attribute none of Rockstar's success to him.

If calling everyone who disagrees with you names makes it easier for you to live with being wrong, you go do that.

You're still wrong, the game is vapid as fuck.

What's the Citizen Kane of video games then?

Tetris. Or Pong? Maybe Pac-Man

As far as Movie comparisons go, this is pretty much accurate
> Godfather = Ocarina Of Time
> Godfather 2 = A Link To The Past
> A New Hope = Mass Effect
> Citizen Kane = Super Metroid
> Snow White = Super Mario 64
> Pulp Fiction = Grand Theft Auto V
> The Avengers = Super Smash Bros
> Spirited Away = Chrono Trigger
> Gone With The Wind = Pac-Man
> Nausicaa = Final Fantasy VI
> Good/Bad/Ugly = Red Dead Redemption
> Shawshank = Metal Gear Solid 3
> Pan’s Labyrinth = Shadow Of The Colossus
> Empire Strikes Back = Mass Effect 2
> The Dark Knight = Resident Evil 4
> Boyhood = The Last Of Us
> Space Odyssey = Bioshock
> Fight Club = Star Wars: KOTOR
> Titanic = Final Fantasy X
> Mulholland Drive = Silent Hill 2
> Laurence of Arabia = Breath Of The Wild
> Metropolis = Panzer Dragoon Saga

Super Mario Bros

>is now easily copied
Then how come none have succeeded in surpassing, equaling or even come close to it, not even Nintendo themselves?

What about Silence of the Lambs & The Wizard of Oz?

I agree, but I'm not sure what the joke is here.
Seems like a stretch to me.

This, Nintendo themselves publicly stated that Ocarina of Time is the best game they’ve ever made

>Scarface = Vice City
>Hedgehog in the Fog = Ico

>Shawshank = Metal Gear Solid 3

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Missed a couple
> Raiders of the Lost Ark = Uncharted 2
> Grave of the Fireflies = Mother 3
> James Cameron’s Avatar = Wii Sports
> The Lion King = Final Fantasy VII
> Return of the King = The Witcher III: Wild Hunt

>This is mine now

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It was never better than ALttP.

I often feel like revisiting OoT but never ALttP.

I can kinda feel you on that. ALttP is a game that gets you hooked on obsessing over every nook and cranny until you find everything and then you're pretty much done with it, unless you want to three-heart it. Fantastic experience though and I've played it a handful of times regardless.

I can probably count the number of playthroughs of OoT I've dropped during the child portion on more hands than I've actually gotten farther in or completed. I wish the 3D remake had some kind of tanker/plant split on replays like the MGS2 chapters, and let you play as an adult right away on a new file. I can forgive the lack of foresight in the original release but everyone knew by the time 3D came out that the adult portion was when the "real" game started.

Everyone ITT that likes OoT, should play using randomizer. My favourite game became a totally different experience using it.

>implying I don't already

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>OoT was the first semi-open action adventure with item based progression
Here's a (you)

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It's a fine game, but it's not deserving of the massive acclaim. In fact, Ocarina of Time is one of the weakest 2D->3D transitions in gaming. The dungeons are still designed like they were in the 2D games, with areas split up into tiny rooms that consist of very straightforward piecemeal challenges. You can't jump freely, jumping is a contextual action like you would you see in a modern cinematic game like Dad of War. Rooms 'reset' to their default position if you leave and return, e.g. broken pots are restored, meaning there is no real world state persistence. There is very little organic gameplay, everything is super scripted.

All in all, the 3D Zelda's prior to Breath of the Wild barely utilize 3D space in any meaningful way.

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I recognize this pasta

the water temple isn't hard, reddit.

Not personally for me, but I do understand the great strides and innovations this game had for console gaming as a whole.

It's not. It's just tedious

Yes it is. Next question.

You're factually and objectively incorrect, by the way. Next question.

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I was playing it with the people from Yea Forums in Discord, we were playing it like 2 or 3 days in a row, then on like the fourth day nobody else wanted to play for some reason. We were playing a randomiser. I ended up finishing it by myself because no one else seemed to want to play.

I'm a still a member of that Discord server and I might be up for playing again if other people want to. Like, in the evenings (European time) preferably. Which is sort of around midday in North American time.

Not since sekiro at least

>Absolutely nothing prior to OoT had a fully realized handcrafted 3D world to explore, as opposed to isolated levels. The closest thing to something like this was Daggerfall's procedurally generate overworld.

>What is Ultima Underworld 1 (1992) and 2 (1993)?
>What is System Shock (1994)?
>What is is Magic Carpet 1 (1994) and 2 (1995)?

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I prefer Minish Cap but you are entitled to your opinion.

Yeah let's just list all those games that have nothing in common with Ocarina of Time. Might throw King's Field in as well then

OoT fan here and I've never liked any other Zelda game as much as OoT. MM is okay, but not as enjoyable as OoT in my view.

But then my problem with the later games was that they feel much more kiddified. Maybe that's just because I got older though? Wondering if anyone else thinks the same thing.

I often think it would be really cool if they made a slightly more mature Zelda game, but I doubt they will.


Like all pre-OoT games of the genre, it was a lot rougher around the edges.

>the Water Temple, that shitty dungeon, literally one of the worst dungeons in any game
It's a perfectly fine dungeon. Just because you were too stupid to look under the central tower doesn't make it a bad dungeon. Dark Link is great you're just bad at video games.

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Indeed, I don't think it is, I dunno why people crap their pants over it, it's pretty straightforward in my view. If you just go into every room that you possibly can go then you soon come across the dungeon map and compass, and then you can use those to see every room you haven't been in yet, and be like "okay so I need to go in those rooms to progress because I haven't been in them yet". It's very straightforward, in my view.

In fact when I last played through OoT, last year, I think the Forest Temple baffled me more than the Water Temple. I remember losing my bearings in the Forest Temple and forgetting where the fuck I was supposed to go.

I completely disagree. If you follow the designed route of the Water Temple, i.e. you don't end up going back on yourself or making stupid mistakes, then you won't have to change the water level very much at all, and in fact you'll naturally find yourself at the places where you do change the water level. It's only if you make really dumb mistakes that you'll have to constantly backtrack to change the water level. Protip: try and do everything you possibly can at the currently available water level; check every accessible room. Only when your options are completely exhausted should you then change the water level.

I rather play Twilight Princess

>Dark Link is great
Once you figure out the right time to attack yeah. But before that it's just cheap

I mean I don't do stupid mistakes. It's tedious because you always need to switch boots. And I don't like Dark Link as a boss fight. His arena is so fucking good, I love it so much but the fight itself sucks

> Rooms 'reset' to their default position if you leave and return, e.g. broken pots are restored

The hilarious thing about this is that OoT was originally going to have *radically* persistent state, the the point where all your footprints would be recorded on your save.

What does this even mean? The mirror boss mirrored your attacks too much?

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I like how low the user scores are comparatively for the other games.

Not any of the people you were replying to, but I have never played the 3DS port (and never, ever, ever will because it's a steaming pile of shit made by some "literally who" third-party developer who decided to take a big steaming dump on the art style), and the Water Temple is not difficult at all. If you think it is, you're an idiot, it's as simple as that. And Dark Link is a fucking GREAT boss fight because it actually forces you to think.

As for the Great Bay Temple, I recently tried to replay MM for the first time in donkey's years and the Great Bay Temple is where I've basically given up. Not because of difficulty per se but because I've just sort of lost interest. I never really did like MM as much as OoT anyway. But anyway, I can't fully comment on Great Bay Temple because I really don't remember any of it after the point where I just gave up (which is right at the beginning). I think from what I understand people do dislike Gyorg though.

"spergs" (tasteless, hyper, impatient jerks) like to call non normies "spergs", schizos, or austists.
Most normies have no clue and are somewhat deceived by "spergs".
WW caters to psychopaths with ADHD who enjoy its stripped almost abstract "aesthetic".
One trait in this style is very short legs and long arms: chimplike bodies.

>You know guys the Water Temple is tedious and unfun
>Huuuh? Why do you think it's difficult? It's not hard, the difficulty is just fine, you are just an idiot. What, are you saying it's way more challeging? I disagree
Holy shit you are a bunch of idiots

>now some snoy-infused walking simulator is the goat

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> I think from what I understand people do dislike Gyorg though
All of the bosses in MM are garbage except for the Snow Temple one. He is great

Who are you quoting?

Did you reply to the right post there? You've replied to my post but I didn't say anything about "spergs".

WW is a pretty cool game though, but like I said in my post, it is a bit "kiddified", like all the Zeldas subsequent to it as well, in my view. Even TP and SS.

>moving the goal posts
The only thing you specified that was that "nothing prior to OoT had a fully realized handcrafted 3D world to explore, as opposed to isolated levels." Obviously, that's blatantly false.

Not to mention that something like Ultima Underworld with its simulationist aspect is a lot more ambitious and complex than something as scripted and on rails as Ocarina of Time.

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FF7 had more of an impact on the industry at the time than OoT. Not only did it sell more copies, it also sold more CONSOLES than OoT did.

OoT was on a console that lost that generation. It wasn't a good enough game to save the N64. FF7 was one of the main reasons that the PS1 won that gen.

It doesn't mirror your attacks,
it does the exact same using the exact same hand.
C and D are mirroring. S and Z are doing the same as you just coming at you.

Is OoT Rando the most frustrating experience of all time?

Majora's mask will always be the better N64 Zelda

Ah yes, forgive me for lazily describing the doppelganger boss as a mirror when it's actually just a copy boss.

How? All it was was disk drive content they worked on for OoT.

I was literally never bothered by boot switching - unskippable cutscenes in the game bother me a lot, but the boot switching never did. You don't have to do it THAT much. Anyway there is a ROM patcher these days called Better OoT if you find the boots thing annoying, it will patch the ROM with various quality of life changes, such as being able to equip boots with the d-pad instead of going into the start menu, skipping cutscenes, etc.

I think Dark Link is awesome, he forces you to think. Although I guess these days I don't think when playing him because I've watched speedruns where they use a very quick strat. Throw a deku nut at him, slightly away from him (like 45 degrees away from looking at him straight on), and this will stun him if you throw it right, and you can just jump slash him. Repeat that same thing just a few times and you'll kill him.

Why? Just because it's dark and edgy?

>FF7 had more of an impact on the industry at the time than OoT.
lolwut. Why would FF7 have any impact on the industry, considering it was essentially IDENTICAL to the (S)NES final fantasies before it

>environments are 2d backgrounds
>no voice acting whatsoveer, characters don't even grunt when taking damage and dialogue is depicted through text boxes rather than being voiced
>rather than occuring in the environment, combat takes you to a separate and static battle screen where you can't move
>the entire game doesn't use 3d space in any real way outside of some mini-games

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Thanks for the link user but when it comes to games like OoT I prefer not to mod them

There's no such a thing as a best of all time or best of all series.
It's all about current standards. Back then there was no competition so OoT was hailed as a savior of video games. But by today's standards it's pretty mediocre and the game gets stomped by BotW.

>reuse 75% of the assets
>hide it all behind the 3 day cycle
>lol4dungeons, only one being actually good

Replied to the wrong post (UGH)
>FF7 had more of an impact on the industry at the time than OoT.

lolwut. Why would FF7 have any impact on the industry, considering it was essentially IDENTICAL to the (S)NES final fantasies before it

>environments are 2d backgrounds
>no voice acting whatsoveer, characters don't even grunt when taking damage and dialogue is depicted through text boxes rather than being voiced
>rather than occuring in the environment, combat takes you to a separate and static battle screen where you can't move
>the entire game doesn't use 3d space in any real way outside of some mini-games

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If you're talking about my post here - - then I was DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the most commonly-cited source of "tedium": changing the water level. I didn't raise the points of "difficulty" or "challenge", I was directly addressing the issue of "tedium".

If your post was meant in response to a different post then I apologise, but otherwise, you have completely misread my post and I suggest that you read it properly before making brainlet posts.

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>>lol4dungeons, only one being actually good
Yeah, the Wood Temple and it's still mediocre compared to OoT dungeons

fuck you

That stupid simplification of FF7 will never cease to annoy me.

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Goht? Eh I'm not a huge fan. He can be a very frustrating boss because you're rolling around and if you slightly miss one of the magic pots then it can completely screw you up. But also you don't actually need to be Goron link at all to beat him - speedrunners will kill him as normal child Link, just using the bow and arrow to damage him from a distance, because if you're far away enough from him he stops moving so you can just keep shooting him (and dodging his lightning attacks).

I did an OoT rando with people from Yea Forums (there's a Discord server which I can link you to if you're interested), and I thought it was awesome. I didn't set up the rando, but whoever did randomised all entrances (so the Deku Tree entrance took you to the Water Temple, for example) and all text as well (so Navi would say totally random things, signs said random things, etc.). It was cool though and it wasn't very hard to beat, but I think we probably got lucky with the seed.

I completely disagree, personally. It's an okay game but I definitely don't think it has the same level of thoughtful construction and design as OoT. Which is understandable because it was made in a fraction of the time.

I like that ad, but $1,200 IS a lie.

>It's an okay game
Nigga you don't call MM an okay game

Simplification of what? FF7's game design is identical to the 2D FInal Fantasies. Why would you be in denial about this?

And what is that image supposed to disprove? Do you seriously think FF7 was the first game to use CDs? The CD format had already become commonly used by games for nearly HALF A DECADE before FF7 came out.

I can understand that - I always play the original N64 version of OoT and I have no interest in playing the 3DS one, for instance. But I played with Better OoT recently and it is quite cool. And the patcher gives you complete control - you can choose whichever changes you want, and deselect the ones you don't. So you could just enable boots on d-pad and deselect everything else, for instance.

Why are there near-constant threads asking this same question?

It may be the "greatest" in the sense of popularity, acclaim, influence, etc.

However it's definitely not the best. It's too easy and simple, it has no challenge or depth.

It really depends on what settings you roll with. Tokensanity and Keysanity are pretty surefire ways to make a playthrough become frustrating at some point.

Amazing game. It along with FF7, Mega Man X4, Klonoa, and Einhander are the only games I still occasionally bust out and play.

Thanks, I'll try it out eventually when I'll want to replay OoT

I just don't like it as much as OoT personally. In fact I probably even prefer WW to MM as well, even though WW is a bit too kiddified in my view.

I guess it is. Let´s reminisce about everything that happens in this game
>undisputed 10/10 melancholic title theme
>going into a huge tree as a dungeon (in 3D)
>finding goma in the ceiling
>going outside for the first time
>sneaking yourself into hyrule castle
>going to mt death
>finding zoras domain
>searching everything so you can get the boost to dive deeper
>going into a fucking whale
>Oh man that was some fun game, let´s kill the boss and get over with this game --- psyche
>here is adult version
>go now search 7 distinct temples, each you first need a way how to get in
>finding your old pals and seeing how they changed
>time paradox in kakariko town to get yourself in a hidden torture room in a fucking well
>need to go back in time to find a complete optional secret item to even access the shadow temple
>everything regarding shadow temple
>Gerudo and ghost temple fuckery
>realizing sheik is zelda
>rainbow bridge
>ganons tower beeing another secret dungeon
>you can get titans gloves, which gives you access to a hidden fairy
>ganondorf battle, run and then realize there is ganon
Only from has some of that magic left.

>What is Ultima Underworld 1 (1992)

A game that looks like this.

Doom style pseudo-3D is hardly what I'd call fully realized, and the game's title basically admits to lacking an actual overworld.

>Magic Carpet

Never played it, so I don't know the extend of its world or how much 3D interactivity there really is in it. This is possibly a fairly decent objection.

Examples? (Perhaps you dont have any because you are wrong)

>>Oh man that was some fun game, let´s kill the boss and get over with this game --- psyche
I fucking knew that a game with such a big open world couldn't be that short. But I didn't expect that I wasn't even halfway into the game. Damn that game was long but it was fun and diverse unlike Final Fantasy games that are 45 hours long and you just sit there and think 'can it end already what the fuck'. Every dungeon in OoT is different so you never get bored

>Doom style pseudo-3D is hardly what I'd call fully realized
You can't possibly be this ignorant. Ultima Underwold was notable for being truly 3D, unlike Doom which was 2D and merely faked being 3D. Also, Ultima Underworld predates Doom by almost 2 years, so calling it Doom-style is even more erronous.

Not only is Ultima Underworld truly 3D, but it has a much greater degree of player interaction than Ocarina of Time. For example, the player in Ultima Underworld can freely jump and (using a spell) fly, whereas Link can't even jump outside contextual hotspots where jumping is automated.

>the game's title basically admits to lacking an actual overworld.
How is that relevant? OoT isn't open world, it's overworld is merely a hub area with a skybox. The average environment in Ultima Underworld is much larger than even Hyrule Field.

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Even when I first played OoT, I found Din's Fire as young Link.

>the game's title basically admits to lacking an actual overworld.

>has to use the game's title as material for arguments
How about you actually play the game before making wildly unfounded statements about them, you imbecile?

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>go now search 7 distinct temples
There are only five adult temples. Ganon's Castle is a dungeon, sure, but not a temple. And Ice Cavern and GTG are mini-dungeons; again not temples. And also when you turn to adult, the five temples are the only ones that you will be aware of (and the only way you could be aware of all of them at that stage is if you check your start menu, see the Light Medallion in the Quest Status screen, and think "oh those other gaps must be for other medallions that I get at temples").

>Cloud, like Terra, has amnesia
False. Cloud had all his memories (and Zack's) and remembered everything except his mako brain mush escape with Zack. Most of disc 2 revolves around this storyline.
>Sephiroth summons meteor to destroy the world like how Kefka destroyed the world by pushing the goddess statues
That's not even an accurate description of what took place in FF6. Kefka pushed the statues after going off the deep end after going off the deep end after killing the Emperor who was trying to stop Kefka from using too much of the goddess' power at once. He doesn't intend to become a god, just to ruin everyone's fun on the floating continent and incidentally gets that power. If he wanted to destroy the world he wouldn't have stopped at what the World of Ruin was. Sephiroth summons meteor not to destroy the world, but to absorb all the lifestream and become a god. There are more vague similarities in what I just described than what is in your image.
>Sephiroth gets one (1) angel wing compared to Kefka's six
Sephiroth has 7 wings because he's one more than Kefka in the same way that 7 is one more than 6.

Also worth noting is the fact that almost nothing from the WoR is described because everything other than Kefka is optional at that point. Meanwhile, in 7, there's an entire second disc of content and story not described because there are no similarities with something that isn't there.

I agree. OoT's dungeons are really well-designed and the unique theme of each one is done really well. I think OoT is definitely going to be a pretty long game if you've not played it before and have to work out everything by yourself, yes. I can't remember how long it took me to beat as a kid but probably quite a while, and I knew things from watching my brother and friends play it, so I had an advantage in that respect. These days, knowing the game well, it doesn't take very long to complete it though. Maybe a couple hours. That's not a bad thing though. I guess most games are probably like that. It's still an amazing game.

Quality article that explains Ocarina status. Haters probably didn't read it to understand why.

Forgot to mention that Ultima Underworld also has actual world state persistence, where your actions have a lasting impact on the world, you can freely kill NPCs and any items you drop remain in the game world. By contrast, in OoT areas 'reset' to their default position when you leave them and then return (e.g. any broken pots will respawn in their original state), you have very little player agency and can't even attack NPCs and any items you drop immediately vanish in thin air.


>Link to the Past is the best Zelda.
Imagine being such a clearly nostalgia-goggled delusional faggot, holy shit!
LttP is already the worst 2D Zelda, which instantly makes it below all 3D ones.

>OoT is great but people who say what you say never had a PlayStation.
Fuck off. I was a true idort w/ N64, PS1 and potato PC, and OoT is still the king of all games.
And no, there wasn't anything quite like it, besides the other Zeldas.

It's amazing how game like Ultima Underworld never gain the recognition it deserves. I think for all the praise OoT gets, it should've been Ultima. But of course, nintendo can do no wrong.

>mfw i defeated dark link by out button mashing him
am i a pleb ?

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Or just use the hammer.

it's literally PERFECT.

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This will sound corny but sometimes I just wanna go back man. Everything is so soulless and ironic now

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it never was

Not that corny, there's some truth at the bottom of your statement...

You say that. Tons of other people share the opposite opinion though.

manchildrens aren't people

OoT is not a game for manchildren

im so hungover today, i needed this

It's the most impactful game of all time and that's what matters. Everyone itt saying iTs bEeN SuRpASseD, no shit, eh?

The thing is Ocarina of Time is both one of the most revolutionary games ever and it still hasn't been surpassed. As far as action-adventure games go unironically Dark Souls is the only game that comes close to OoT

It never was when it came out.

It's still in the Top 10 though.

>shitty kiddy adventure with terrible framerate and gameplay

console babies and nintentoddlers everyone!

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it wasn't even the best when it released

it was a great 9/10+ game, but tendies overhyped it because the terrible N64 drought

>terrible gameplay

Historically, it will always be one of the most important video games ever made. As for how it compares to new games, it’s aged like milk. For all the shit it got, Twilight Princess made OoT obsolete

considering they are still copying it in 2019 yes
not even nintendo can top it

Actually, I'm willing to wager that Ocarina of Time is more than a "shitty, kiddy adventure."

Ocarina of Time is probably one of the most mature games of the 90s, as it deals with the mature themes of growing up, death, and a third reason.

I definitely believe it's more mature than pretentious garbage like "The Last of Us" and "God of War" because Nintendo understands how to make a mature title by not making maturity the main focus.

It's sad that you don't understand that.

This pasta is good bait because every point made in it is deliberately and factually incorrect.
But only people with actual experience of the game, and knowledge of the time period will get it. It will hook a few of these, but primarily the bait is an open invitation for noobs to make fools of themselves.

he nailed it

oot made you wish you were link going on adventures. hitting on fish pussy and petting epona at the ranch. it was the ultimate adventure fantasy

Imagine liking Ocarina of Time more than mature games like The Last of Us, God of War and Fortnite. Fuck off retard, go back to r*ddit

>Ocarina of Time is probably one of the most mature games of the 90s
Also, it invented 'cinematic' gaming, years before most developers developed an inferiority complex about this.
It's 2019 and game devs are still chasing Hollywood in games 21 years after Miyamoto showed them how it was to be done.

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Ico and Shadow of the Colossus also did it right in my opinion

At least I am comfortable with my masculinity and my adulthood that I don't need to compensate for it by playing "mature" ""classics"" like ""God of Bad Game" and "Last of Shit".

Go back to your mother's house, you overgrown child!

I'm a mature person who only plays mature games like Fornite and Eastern Mind: The Lost Souls of Tong Nou. Ocarina of Time is shit!!!

Nothing corny about that. I feel the same every day.

Respectively 18 and 12 years ago.
Yet major studios still angst like adolescents about games "maturing" and offering "cinematic experiences".

Minish Cap is the only correct response

You're a pathetic baby who can't handle reality.

The sad thing is that there are plenty of games out today that can only surpass Ocarina in graphical fidelity.

>in graphical fidelity
But not in aesthetic and style

I'm more and more convinced that 1998 was the greatest year for video games and it took place in a supreme golden age lasting from 1996-2000. Coincidentally wrestling was also at its peak during this timeframe.

>that 1998 was the greatest year for video games
It really was.
>Ocarina of Time
>Resident Evil 2
>Metal Gear Solid
>Sonic Adventure, yes, fuck you if you don't like this game
1998 changed vidya forever

That's not cinematic experience. That's just purified gameplay, aka, dumbed down gameplay.

>That's just purified gameplay, aka, dumbed down gameplay

lmao the state of kids these days

that game is not even better than zelda 1 let alone zelda 2: adventures of link which is objectively the best one. in fact i fuckin hate the snes one and up basically, the nes ones are the only good ones.

you're right

At the time of it's release, yes.
I've played it so many times that it's lost its magic, so I'd rather play anything else, even Skyward Sword

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You have to be retarded to believe that target-locking and dumb AI which waits for you to kill them is anything but dumbing down.
And it's FINE.
For a game like Zelda which was never focused on battles and action, having such mechanics is fine.

I liked these more on N64:

Jet Force Gemini
Majora's Mask
Castlevania Legacy of Darkness
Clayfighters 63 1/3
Buck Bumble
Conker's Bad Fur Day

So not even best of it's console for me

Ocarina of Time isn't nowhere near the GOAT, it's a great, if flawed, classic, but without the Nintendo Bonus it's barely top 50 of all-times.

user is correct about one thing though, it's a more mature game than God of War.

What fucking Nintendo bonus? Nintendo made genuinely great games back in the days. Old Nintendo games deserve every bit of praise they get. That's coming from a person who preferred Sega back in the days and now owns every Sony console except for Vita

You have to be retarded and underage to be able to understand you've grew up un a diet of games which only exist because developers had OoT to look to. Nintendo had noone to look to. And they changed gaming forever.

You can literally spilt the gaming landscape into BEFORE OoT and AFTER OoT. That's why its so acclaimed.

Attached: Cluelesskiddies.png (939x576, 172K)

Not even the best 3d zelda, which goes to MM. Best zelda is link to the past, which is a strong contender for GOAT.

Stop reposting this retarded image. It only makes you look like an idiot.

Thanks for the suggestion user

Maybe. It's definitely one of the greatest, lots of other contenders though.
The real question is, are there any real contenders for that bracket from the past decade?

When people mention OoT they always bring up stuff like FF VI or VII, Majora's Mask (its sequel), or one of the Mario games. The only more recent stuff people ever dare raise up as a rival for those are the Soulsborne games.

> the Soulsborne games
Because they are literally the only modern games that matter

Why can't you handle reality? Why can't you handle the truth?

Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Wario Land 4
Katamari Damacy
Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions

No, but close if people can dump 1,000's of hours speeding running it and playing zelda bingo with said speedrun tactics.

>Soulsborne games are literally the only modern games that matter

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There was one speedrunner who had 25k hours in OoT. He was caught cheating

>Dan Houser
Dude's retarded.
You can jump in Mario therefore all modern games where you can jump were inspired by Mario.
You save a female character in Mario/Zelda, therefore all modern games where you save a female character were inspired by Mario/Zelda.

why so insecure?

>that image
Even though this twitter is ran by some retard from either America or Europe it's not a secret that the gameplay from Souls games was inspired by Ocarina of Time. Also bonfires in Dark Souls are literally owl statues from Majora's Mask. Miyazaki is a fan of Zelda and Team Ico games. If it wasn't for these games we wouldn't get Souls

lmao you're clueless aren't you? Concepts of game design escape you. No wonder you're baffled.


Dan Houser never did any game design nor does he have any knowledge of game design.

Are Americans unable go grasp sarcasm? Wtf dude.

Of course. Without Zelda gaming would be dead today.
Just like without Eva, anime would be dead today.

I never did game design either but I understand it so much better than you. And clearly so does Dan.

He's right in the sense that while it is a good quote, you can't rely on it as if it's some be-all-end-all argument closer. That because Rockstar said Ocarina is the best that now these naysayers must shut up.

>Just like without Eva, anime would be dead today
Gonna disagree with you on that because shonenshit is still the most popular and adapting long shonen manga have been a thing since like Astro Boy

Evangelion did not change cartoons the way Ocarina changed games.

3D Zeldas never impressed me that much.
I like LttP and Awakening way more.

That's just bias. Every time there's a mechanic you'll like in a game you'll say that it's thanks to OoT.
It's like saying without Columbus, the US wouldn't exist today.

Just look at the amount of replies, the amount of praise & the amount of rage this game has created for 20 years : time itself proves that indeed, Ocarina is, alongside Mario 64,Chrono Trigger, Thief, Âge of Empires 2 & GTA San Andreas, APEX material.

By the time Chrono Trigger came out there already was a shitton of Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest games. It wasn't special like OoT and other games you've listed

So what?
Chrono Trigger is still a masterpiece.

I never understood why people praise this game so much. I played it and it's ok, it's definitely not a bad game but it's far from great honestly. The story is generic, combat is boring and exploration is alright. Characters are all unique but simple, which I wouldn't consider a negative but again, it's not great I think. I guess it's not my cup of tea.

Unironically yes. No other games has come close to this level of great pacing and atmosphere. There is something undescribable and unique to this game.

1998 is widely accepted as the peak year of gaming. Still, the end of 1990s and the early half of 00s were arguably the true golden era of vidya.
Each year brought something truly new and groundbreaking, for all systems.

Attached: Some great 1997 - 1999 games.jpg (3252x2824, 2.35M)

I also like LttP more but OoT still holds dear to me cause I was more optimistic about the future of video games cause of it.

Instead video games became the fumbling mess it is today.