how goes your adventure, arisens?
Dragon's Dogma
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Pretty good I'm min maxing and playing as a warrior, why do people say warrior is bad? I'm having a so much easier time than playing Strider or 1h/Shield and I don't die in a couple hits
is the endgame really that unforgiving for warriors?
Bretty gud. As a hardcore Soulsfag, I put off this game for a long time, but now that I'm finally playing it, magic's pretty dope in this.
I really wish I could fuck Grigori
I tried starting a new game after not touching it since the port came out and its rough.
god I want to fuck the dragon
How will Netflix ruin the TV show? Will they fuck up and not license Into Free for the op?
0 range
>First time through
>Ranger because I like big fuck-off bows
>Pick up the Maker's Finger early on and just hold onto it
>Fight Grigori for the first time
>Equip Maker's Finger
>"lol this couldn't possibly work"
>It does
>It just kills him straight up
>He goes through five lines of overlapping dialogue before the cutscene cuts him off
>World explodes
>No idea what's going on
>My face
That first run through was a weird one.
>switch vocation from strider to ranger
>notice that the bow I carry is strider/assassin only
Warrior isn't bad per se, just not as good as it should be for dealing damage compared to other classes. Don't listen to anyone telling you what you should or shouldn't do in DD, just enjoy not knowing and then learning and experiencing the game like you're supposed to.
>how goes your adventure, arisens?
Pretty good, completed a quest. Can't believe you grab this sick ass gauntlet. Too bad the guy that made it is fucking dead tho. RIP Tony Stark
>why do people say warrior is bad?
low test
I have this on PC but I haven't started it up because I don't know which vocation I like.
I did both playthroughs of BB with warrior just fine. The tones of stamina and HP he gets while tanking more damage will charging up your helps. The only time I felt like warrior was the "wrong" choice was offline Ur-dragon farm.
you need a big boy bow now
Playing as a bard for the first time and idk how you guys didn't kill yourselves when doing so
How is it on switch? Playing it portable sounds very appealing but the hardware limitations worry me. Plus it would be like the 4th version I own
Is dark arisin worth getting? I have vanilla dd on 360 and feel like it's meh. Does da improve on it?
I have the most fun with warrior even though other jobs are better. All issues with it would be alliviated by letting use use the other should button for 3 more moves
>why do people say warrior is bad
least flexible class, only one set of skills for some dumb ass reason
DA has bitter black isle which is peake level design and is the best thing in the game. It is such a shame the rest of the game is no where near as good as bbi. Hell, bbi recycles some rooms but it doesnt matter because the gameplay of it is so good. Its such a tense area.
>How will Netflix ruin the TV show?
By making it in the first place.
That would be neat but it's not like there's a plethora of warrior moves to begin with. You would have almost all the skills equipped and that's a bit much compared to other vocations who have to pick and choose.
It really was dumb, having Arc and the spinning one that stun locks mocks felt like mandatory picks to to me, just leaving 1 slot left for utility was lame.
It's alright, played in handheld only until Gran Soren and and not problems to speak of. I've read that frames can drop in most intense and magical fights though.
Warrior by default is a pretty limited class. They work best on the ground (yes they have the best air attack), so I feel its only fair. Yes, maybe they should have had more abilities, even still i think a lot of their abilities combo really well with them. It wouldnt be so broken and it would help fortify it being a devestating melee class
I watched a switch review and they said the pop in was really bad, is that true?
I like chasing enemies down it makes me feel big and important when they run from me
Roger that
don't you mean low int? You would need high test to charge enemies in combat. also that meme is "on fleek" my friend haha
I thought that was the point of playing all classes so you get cool passives, I like that he makes me feel like Hurk and I can stun gryphons
I can't get into any of the classes, they all feel lacking in some way or another
Oh I wasn't denigrating their abilities user, just pointing out that there's so few opening up the other side would likely make them one of the most versatile classes instantly, while also still being slaughter machines. That's the drawback, like a mages fragility and an archers need for precision, the warrior is single minded. That single mind is fucking based though I tell you what.
play around and see what works for you. I chose strider at first cause I wanted to mount enemies but mages easily out dps'd me. I went mage but it takes a while to get good spells, I went war which is really easy and fits my playstyle. There's a bunch of different classes to try.
You might feel differently when enemies with hard to reach weak points and flying enemies show up
By skills I meant the moves you can do in combat. Every other vocation gets six but warrior only gets 3
I haven't been in any of the really open ended areas where it would be noticeable, but I'm ready to believe it is true. It's probably the compromise they made to make handheld run.
Yes it's very bad
btw warrior gives you a damage resistance passive which really helps in combat. you might just be missing the right perks
Did this "artist" even play dogma?
don't you mean low int? You would need high test to charge enemies in combat.
>lacking reading comprehension
Well I forgive your low int user, You do seem high test so you're alright.
Yes but I'd rather get it on a newer platform. 360 servers were shutdown a while ago and all newer editions come with the dlc anyways.
This is why you train your pawn as an arching strider for the first ~20 levels or so.
Just from Grigori's demenor I don't think so.
Lads.. Mystic Knight, Magick Archer or Strider for maximum FUN? Also, what's the most in demand pawn type?? I want hires
Oh for sure it's definitely a bit of a challenge, but I like a good challenge. I'm doing alright so far I just gotta see what happens, my abilities aren't even maxed out yet and I'm doing good dmg
That's alright I'd rather hit them with my sword, 6 is a bit excessive and it's not like I've had to cycle between them at any point
I still don't get it can you explain what you meant? And thanks.
Well I just made my pawn to suit my taste in women and she`s pretty popular I`ve only been playing for a week and I already have a ton of summons
Just so you know, the endgame is about minmaxing your stats with the other classes until Ng+8 or so, then switching to one of the specialized classes so you really shouldnt worry about playing with warrior, you should finish the game as warrior atleast once to level up your strenght.
>I still don't get it can you explain what you meant? And thanks.
user(probably you) wanted to know why people thought warrior was bad
Other user said low test (implying that low test people thought the warrior was bad)
Two things. Firstly you have less skills than any other class and second you have zero range or magic. In the endgame dungeons you will come across enemies you literally cant do anything to.
Doesnt matter though, Warrior is objectively the most fun class and all other classes are played by low testosterone manbabies.
>Lost and Found
Cool, guess I didn't want to do that fucking quest anyways
my plan is to do it til 100, then I'll play whatever feels the best by then or just ignore min maxing altogether cause one guy said it doesn't matter I haven't decided yet
Yeah that was me, I just like getting up close and personal. The one thing this game needs is 2 player co-op with another bro and his pawn and a good cestus so I can get even closer and punch dragons to death. Besides that this is pretty fun. I like taking the lead and protecting my group from things 10x my size
So you're saying I literally can't do anything, I think I'll still find a way and figure out how to make warrior viable like I did with that gryphon in BBI
>So you're saying I literally can't do anything, I think I'll still find a way and figure out how to make warrior viable like I did with that gryphon in BBI
As long as you can climb it or hurt it physically you're fine. This is why you have three pawns
Is it going to be that 3DCGI? That shit looks awful.
I bought DD when it first came out for PS3 but dropped it and completely forgot why. Kind of remember now that I got it on Switch.
The entire game feels like someones first time DMing. No sense of direction, no sense of what anything does, no sense of what you should do, concepts brought up like the player knows what they are immediately, no clear way to know what to do or what not to do, you feel completely powerless, zero explanation to anything. It really feels like you are just some shmuck that got his heart stolen by a dragon and told "fuck you, go do something" without anyone ever specifying what that "something" is. Directionless is the best descriptor of it, overly complicated but with no sense of direction.
Honest to God, this is the one Yea Forums recommended game that I cannot see a single thing that makes it worthy of this much praise.
I am having some trouble summoning pawns. I am lvl 30 right now and most of the pawns I see have bad inclinations. I tried search by lvl but sometimes it returns only 10~20 results, other times I get 70~80 results. Not sure what’s causing the issue.
Combat BGM also glitches out and won’t stop once it starts playing.
Nah thanks not what I meant, I'm just going to melee it to death somehow
C'mon, you got to post the right version.
Quite possible, the reason it isn't in dark arisen is that the band wanted too much money
>get lost in the day in a forest
>just picking off goblins
>drake casually wanders near me
They can't handle the bantz
You should also mention that bottom of the barrel dps
Just about everyone can kill things faster than warriors
How the fuck do I get garms to drop bestial eyes? Is there some secret condition? I even tried gouging their eyes out with thousand kisses
That's sick I like that. Do you have any more .webms or .gifs of dope shit?
I hate that there's no save/character slots.
had this game in my game's library for months, but I cant decide what class to play as.
please help
Post Arisens. I need to take inspiration from other people to create a decent looking waifu.
>mfw spending hours trying to perfect the right looks and then seeing them in the first cutscene
I think I fucked up. I hit the explosive barrels and the guy near the pawn stone in the encampment took off.
how the fuck do i get to gran soren
You will play a fighter
Anything except mage is viable (it's weak and it's pretty sad to play as support character for AI pawns, sorcerer is good though), and you can change your classes at will. Equipment you wear is more important than minmaxing stats.
start as a fighter for the stat boost to level 10 then start testing out other stuff it's all about exploring bro. you just gotta play until you figure out what you're good at and like playing
you can't go wrong with an amazon but I'll check my pawn
Strider is instant fun: the class
All roads lead to Gran Soren Arisen
Different VA for Grigori
Aelinore will be the main love interest
Pawns won't be enough like pawns
No Ur-Dragon
Julien will just be token evil McVillain
Five minute sex scene between Quina and Mason
No Selene or Feste
I have no clue how the Pawn system works, everything in this game is so fucking poorly explained.
>all roads lead to Gran Soren
Clearly a lie, since the very first fork in the road right after the encampment doesn't lead to Gran Soren
Netflix is currently ruining Cowboy Bebop so I'm sure they'll find a way.
Start out as fighter and then change to ranger when you reach Gran Soren and then change to Assassin for the late game
Amazon might be the only viable look since the female characters still have the male model's animations. Sucks though because I wanted to make a cute sorceress.
First time playing, this game is cool.
>get ambushed by chimera in the dark forest
>griffon flies down and steals cattle
>fucking cleared out the south are of the map and a mass extinction of every creature i came upon
>glowing purple golems
>Getting arrested for tossing people into the brine
this is good shit
Sure it does you just have to pass through the mines to get there
scared the shit outta me, i bolted but he chased a good distance
Any vocation played right is fun, mages are least fun because they're just weaker sorcs but you can still have a good time. Change often and on whim, level-stats are minor. In my experience support mages or nuke sorcs are more favoured, but again any vocation gets hires, at end-game it's more about having the right tendencies and skills.
Why does everyone make fun of mercedes? She's hot as fuck, named after a sports car and has a sexy accent.
warhammer is hilarious, stun locking giant monsters and shattering anything else that comes near me
Will I ever get in trouble for grabbing people near the encampment and throwing them off the cliff?
I've got a shitload of webms, but I dunno if you'd call them all dope shit. Gonna be heading to bed very soon though.
Anyone else loves how (mostly) grounded the world design is? No floating platforms, majestically I practical setpieces or anything like that, just something that could barely fit into our world.
Dragon's Dogma? More like Dragon's Sugma!
Can I play as a shota? I heard that character size and height impacts things.
Because she's a useless she-goat only fit for warming bedrolls that was sent just to fulfill her homelands duty to aid with the dragon. But still she's a top tier waifu
i only got in trouble one time so far and that was for holding a pawn for a long time in the city before a guard ran up to me
What the fuck, they're making a show?
Yes you can
Yes and yes
An anime.
Yeah but when is she useless though? I just started this and she did alright during the escort mission I think I wasn't paying much attention inbetween killing to be honest
Whats a good level to start kicking ogre ass?
Seems like my teams does jack shit in damaged to them,but im strong enough to take on chimera
Im currently level 32 ranking up my assassin and warrior and my current main quest is everfall in gran capital.
Once i have them both fully ranked ill tackle the main story.
Till now just exploring and ranking.
apparently you can train pawns to catch you in the air
Striders have the lowest stamina loss while climbing and weight actually affects certain interactions (for example if you grab flying creatures heavier characters will wear them out and pull them down but lighter characters can be carried higher and for longer), point being if you play a skinny midget strider you can actually fly far away on a feelsbird.
On her side questline
I need to see proof of this
and a bonus shot
Keep playing
It's kind of impressive how your pawn actually learns behaviors from you
Small characters have faster stamina recovery and are harder to hit by enemies, but can't carry as much and are more vulnerable to anything that throw's characters around.
This only applies for PC because of mods right? Because making a loli character in DD is only good for screen shots since in-game they look horrid in animation
>most loli pawns just straight up looks like some weird skinny model heads on a goblin's body
>their voices sound way too old or sounds like chipmunks
Really early on, just finished the first Everfall thing, am I supposed to feel this fucking weak?
Either my pawns are useless and die immediately or annihilate the enemy without my involvement, the only constant is whatever class I'm playing as doing absolutely nothing.
I initially went with that hair till see that shit clipping into everything.
>you can destroy chunks off the walls in the Fallen City with bolide and shit
Any more examples of this elsewhere in the game?
NPCs reset after some time, I think three days, might be five (in-game obviously), so any you hurt or kill will come back after you sleep enough.
that seems like a good level already
Well she is a woman after all it is to be expected. I just think it's like bullying a dwarf for being short, they can't help it.
>named after a sports car
>sports car
Upgrade your equipment, 9/10 of your stats come from equipment
my bad I don't generally pay attention to details
You wouldn't fuck a Jewess
What the fuck, I never noticed that.
Would you Arisen?
found it
Had this in my library for ages and just installed it.
What am I in for?
>you cover more ground with blitz strike than running
But also confusion as to where roads lead to and which items are masterworks.
how do I teach them to do this?
Why does it seem like i do shit for dmamge as an assassin?
Arey they just normally tanky enemies?
I want to tackle that dungeon where there are like 6 ogre the moment you go in
Just focus on inclinations, for melee either scather or mitigator primary (and the other secondary) and for ranged challenger/mitigator or scather (depending on skills), mitigator/medicant for support mages. Utilitarian is for synergy sorcs only no matter what anyone else tells you. Everything else is a trap. Use elixirs from the encampment to get the desired inclinations and never use d-pad commands. That's about it really.
thats weird. I swore it did a specific amount of damage and it was like 2-3 for him. maybe they patched that.
Remember that Guardian is actually AIDs. Don't hire pawns with it, lest they teach it to yours.
I always forget about the really fucked up difficulty spikes with the bandits near witchwood and the ogre in everfall. Everytime I fight that ogre he ends up falling off the edge to his death.
>fighter with sorcerer pawn
>jump+heavy spam
>notice she keeps bunny hopping and attacking
top cute
Probably let them get carried away, shoot them down then catch them.
What Pawns should I be looking for if I'm planning on playing as a Sorc? First playthrough, just got to Gran Soren.
using a pig and playing catch with your pawn also teaches them how to catch you an bully small monster like goblins
I think they also catch you mid air and the camera slows down a bit.
Is there aught that wolves hunt in?
don't travel at night without lantern oil.
>escort quest to shadowfort
>turns to night as we get to bandit road
>instead of bandits find a fuckload of saurian and a chimera
>somehow keep escort alive and run like fuck
>bandits are lying in wait further up and now have a pet cyclops
>escape into the trees toward a distant glow
>quest failed
>You are not the vessel
First time in Devilfire Grove is a fucking trip, man.
At least one pawn that uses a bow will help. There's also some dumb shit you can do if you go 4 sorcs with that synced casting stuff.
Does anyone feel like protective to their pawn? She's like a warrior-lite version of myself for scouting & climbing enemies and I always protect her by getting in front when real danger shows up
How the fuck do I let other people summon my pawn, I need Crystals
I was headed towards the keep to free it from the goblins when a gryphon swooped down and attacked. After 20 minutes of wailing on it and taking it out of the sky it fled. Then I went and tried to fight the golem on the south cliffs. After nearly taking it down it caught me and crushed me to death.
I respawned at the castle. The life of an Arisen if full of hardships.
Dress it as skimpy as possible and rest at an Inn
They have to choose your pawn out of the countless other pawns made by everyone who plays the game.
The escort quests are complete fucking bullshit on your first playthrough. It's only later that you find out they're sending you into the fucking high-level boonies with some idiot NPC who's likely to die.
No, fuck that shit. Before you even take the quest, you go out and you dunk a warp crystal near that fort. Same for any of the escort quests. Go dump a crystal where they want to be taken, then accept the quest, then warp their bitch ass their.
It's not worth it otherwise. I still remember trying to get up that fucking cyclops, lesbian bandit infested mountain path while trying to escort some jack off to the damn end game fort.
What was on the other side of the fort? God awful tar sludge and chimeras, that's what. Fuck escort quests.
"Watch for the goat's magick!"
You make a good one.
Rent other people's pawns and hope they return the favor.
Whenever I rest the game just takes 20 minutes to 'Access the Server' then goes on like normal
just run dude
if you crossdress your male characters you can walk through/around the lesbian fort with zero combat
How long in will I know if its good or not?
I'm just wondering if its like Dark Souls or something where the early game sucks and your weapon choices are pretty shit
Or if its more like 'do tutorial, one or two story quests and the game is great since its open now'
Do each of the vocations play differently enough to warrant playing through the game with each of them?
Then your pawn suck and doesn't get hired, sorry
Ill summon it
You can swap vocations whenever you want. I'll say getting to gran soren and having the game/all vocations fully available to you is when it actually starts.
4Sorc is a crazy time. Look up spell synergy/syncing if you don't already know about it.
I thought a little redhead support mage loli was summon-bait, as told from you chucklefucks
Did you lie to me?
If you're thinking about refunding it do yourself a favor and pirate it first, then buy it if you're hooked.
You can change vocations so feel free to swap whenever. No need to start over from scratch.
t. currently have 9 different save files on my pc + an extra one for OP modding
Hot opinion incoming:
Eternal Return is a much better title song since it's actually about the game instead of being random cringy J-Rock.
That's how I eventually got past it. Shame on me for trying to fight things in a video game.
I learned about this after the fact. First time through it was soggy knees all over the parapets and scampering down a ladder while some menstruating brigand lodged arrows up my ass.
>if I'm planning on playing as a Sorc
At least one more sorc. Just wait for it, you'll see.
Did you dress her in a skimpy outfit? also what did you name her that might affect it
She sounds delicious, I'd summon her.
the quest isn't to kill shit it's to reach a destination. your fault for trying to fight stuff with a noncombatant hanging around
I wanted to get into this game but none of the vocations seemed cool enough. Just super generic. I'd like to give it another try though.
Wolves hunt in packs, Arisen.
Tis weak to fire!
All roads lead to Gran Soren.
And throwing your Pawn(s) off a cliff and into the Brine.
look up all vocation skills videos on youtube to see what you might like
Named her Yuki, was planning on making a slutty Asian loli but ended up making Wendy the fast food mascot as my daughterfu
Just post your ID and someone will babysit your pawn through BBI .2 on Hard and get you like half a million crystals. Granted it was easier/more reliable when /ddg/ was active, but it's still the best way.
Reminder that riftsluts belong to the brine.
Magick Archer literally lights themselves on fire and then hugs enemies to death.
>And throwing your Pawn(s) off a cliff and into the Brine.
Remember to take all the valuable shit and equipment they find off them before you do this, lest it be lost to void forever
Oh for fuck's sake can we go for ONE fucking thread without some dumbfuck trying to convince people that Dragon's Dogma somehow made a true learning AI?
The whole game is super generic, I don't understand the fuss
It's probably pretty simple like "see PC do X a set amount of times" tick learn box. but it's still a neat feature
Magic Knight summons a giant ball of pure magic, then proceeds to beat the shit outta it to fire magic missiles. That's just a mid tier skill too.
There isn't such a tick box. Even before the game came to PC, the entire code has been picked apart. There is no learning algorithm. It's just primary/secondary/tertiary inclination making them pick from a list of actions, more of which are unlocked using bestiary/quest knowledge.
How do I make a cute shota?
They're generic on paper, but not in practice. Spellswords exist in tons of games, but how many have just-guard mechanics and the ability to propel themselves mid-air and turn maces into chainsaws? How many warriors can send enemies twice their size flying and break a cyclops' legs? How many casters can actually blot out the sun in a storm of meteors?
larger eyes gives the impression of cute/younger and keep features rounded and soft
It's a character creator user. Just don't be retarded.
Should I use the face presets?
I suck at making faces
*gasp* how dare you, I'm telling Kotaku
No-one's talking about a learning algorithm but you, you fucking spastic.
>How many casters can actually blot out the sun in a storm of meteors?
Yeah it's definitely cool. It feels like many games don't have even half the attention in their magic systems as much as DD.
>finally killed the three orges
fuck niggers
Fun fact, elephant skulls are what people believe cyclops myths come from since their skulls make it seem like a one-eyed large creature. And this is why the cyclops in DD look like they do and have elephant skulls when they die/decompose.
Redpill me on Exequy
>invokes a magical aura capable of destroying outright any foe held within its span for a set of time
So far this game feels like a confusing, poorly explained, directionless, clusterfuck of half-baked ideas with the most generic fantasy setting I've even seen.
IIRC it's completely useless inside BBI, otherwise it's pretty good lategame stuff
A ring you move and hold over an enemy for a certain amount of time and insta kills the thing caught in it. Good for opening a fight or sniping unaware foes as a sorc.
The problem with Dragon's Dogma is that the gameplay is fun, and once you really get into the depths of it, crawling dungeons and slaying monsters is great shit. But for a game with so many details and a lot of shit to kill, the world itself and the actual story besides ol' Greg are pretty bland until you go do the Dark Arisen content. Besides expanding the gameplay, classes and other shit, I really do hope a theoretical sequel would do well to make the world and cast more interesting.
That’s really cool actually
Oh yeah, and the rough as hell early game before you start setting up a port stone network and trudge through quest after quest to get yourself up to snuff leading up to Gran Soren. And even arriving there still has a bit more shit to trudge through before things really pick up.
A lot of shit wasn't able to make it into the game due to time and/or money. The art book/design works shows off a lot of cool shit they didn't get to do. Someone was right when they said DD is one of the best 7/10 games made.
>A lot of shit wasn't able to make it into the game due to Resident Evil 5
Will my pawn be able to use it or is it a waste?
if you try to make an actual shota you will fail, just go with a short 15-16~ year old looking boy
I hope with the good sales DmC 5 had they realize there's a ton of demand for a sequel and people will actually buy it
It's basically the only game ever that does what it does. Climbing on monsters and exploring the world and becoming a cool RPG protag with your custom-made pawn waifu. It doesn't do anything particularly well, but the things it tries to do are all really interesting, fun concepts.
I'd never call DD a GOOD game, it's a 5/10 at BEST, but I'd absolutely recommend it. It's worth a play because an experienced player is going to understand all the good stuff it tries to do. And combat is reasonably fun at times. I really like the Daimon fight.
but why
Itsuno wouldn't stop hinting at wanting to start working on DD2 the whole time dmc5 was being made. Also it was confirmed capcom said he could make DD2 or dmc5 and he choose dmc5 to work on first. Also with DD getting anime on netflix all of a sudden and a port to switch makes people rather suspicious.
Plus no more development is occurring on DMC5 now and Itsuno's already working on a new mysterious project.
Because beating executioners at their own game is fun.
God fucking please
I'm having a bad year and this would make it all worth it
Even if they started development the second DMC5 went gold it's still not going to be announced this year (probably won't be announced until three years from now at least).
just give us a bullshit cg announcement teaser/trailer and that'll hold us over for however long it takes
>There isn't such a tick box.
>more of which are unlocked using bestiary/quest knowledge.
This is the tickbox, retard. When you or they do certain things in combat, it creates bestiary knowledge and they unlock that behaviour. They also unlock things like how to use lanterns properly, how to cancel spellcasting, stuff like that.
I don't know why you think it's unlikely that they went a little deeper in places, though. Pawns are capable of perfect-blocking, which already shows some degree of foresight and interaction with hitboxes. Most of the behaviour people describe isn't any more complicated than a basic pathfinding algorithm, and they handle that just fine.
I love the mystic knight absorption shield. Reminds me so much of Royal Guard from Dmc
>look it up
it's going to be a hard pass if it looks anything like a polygon pictures work or worse
That's because it literally is. Itsuno and the dmc4 team made the game.
>spending an entire night in-game filling flasks with Spring Water with crickets chirping and wisps in the air
Still with the train or learn meme. All their skills are based on bestiary knowledge, nothing else. Dumb fucks
Nah that's shit marketing. Part of DMC5's and RE2's success was having a solid and steady stream of hype from the reveals less than a year ago, people got excited and never stopped being excited. Announcing stuff too soon leads to hype stagnation and has a negative effect on sales. Anyone who's been paying attention knows that DD2 is coming already, anyone who hasn't won't benefit at all from an early reveal, it'd be a pointless move.
Still haven't started yet
At this point I'm sure the package is lost
I am waiting for sequel.
I hope the theme song is rock n roll
Get on my level, nerds
>Aelinore will be the main love interest
I hate this bitch. She fucking raped me.
I didn’t know about counterfeiting the ring. Can I get it in NG+? Can I keep my Eternal Ferrystone too?
I’m checking inclinations from now on because I keep getting Guardian fighters who don’t protect me, nor do anything for that matter, while I’m trying to cast.
I'm surprised the game never got a ton of dlc for other capcom character outfits
They would have started planning and basic asset and engine / system production around E3 last year, when DMC5 got so much hype. Maybe August. This is also when they'd be in talks about the Netflix anime and the Switch port. Itsuno would probably have been actively working on it since November or December. There's definitely time for them to have something to show at E3. Partially, this would also explain the minor lack of content and polish on DMC5 - they redirected resources towards DD2 when DMC5 was mostly done production.
>three years from now at least
No, that's ridiculous. DMC5 was announced around 2 years into development, and that trailer had finalized cutscenes because DMC's more story-focused and they wanted to hype it up. If it's not announced this year, it'll be next year. But if it's not this year, then why all the hype with the Netflix series and the Switch port? Just seems ill-timed.
>kills golems
>kills metal golems
>kills magic resistant enemies
It's a good spell, but situational.
I actually prefer it too, though I do love Flying into Free.
I’ve tried to get into this game like 3 times and I always give up after the cyclops
Bestiary knowledge is literally training them, you retard. They see something being done, they get a gold star, they start doing it themselves.
i think we all know what the best theme is though
That's rad. Nobody makes rad RPG's these days.
Even more based.
How's Daimon as a Ranger? Is it just spamming Tenfold? When I fought him as a Strider I had a few fun moments where my dodge took him too far away for a good counterattack so I just plinked him with a Mighty Bend, it made me think Ranger might have a fun gameplay based around something like that.
>Huge post-endgame DLC demonic behemoth fight
>Fights you with magic and martial arts
>Can cast spells that would take a player half a minute of wind-up with a flick of his dick
>Can insta-kill your pawns
>Music is a slow and somber ballad with the main theme of the game as its melody
>Lyrics that name-drop the game
Has there ever been a more hype boss?
Great gamble his head when he is doing his vortex thingy. I think..
absolutely based
When does Sorcerer get fun?
>people got excited and never stopped being excited
This, holy shit DMC5's hype train was insane. Back to back threads, anons basically just rolling around on the ground in glee and shitposting attempts just bounced right off them.
>Tfw still nobody knows what the Assassin's Preemption passive does
>Most likely its bugged and does nothing
It's too bad that won't happen with DD2, but what can you do?
Those were some fucking magical months, though. It's sort of collapsed into fujo gayposting now, but I spent literal months in DMC5 threads that were fueled purely by hype. It helped that so many people were playing through the games that summer because of the announcement.
Does hard mode change enemy health values at all or does it eventually become easier than normal mode since you end up doing way more damage from leveling up faster?
DMC5 was announced three years into its development (four if you count the time Itsuno was working on it unofficially, before he was given his team). During August Itsuno is on-record as saying he was going through the hardest difficulty (unspecified at the time) to make sure it was balanced, while the entire team were playtesting and bug fixing. Throughout the following months he was on a constant world tour at various cons and events, this idea he was starting on DD2 in that time is what's ridiculous.
>But if it's not this year, then why all the hype with the Netflix series and the Switch port?
People said the same about the PC port, and they did that for its own sake. Then people said the same about the next-gen ports, and they did that for its own sake. They're doing a Switch port because it will make them money. They're doing a Netflix series because it's a cheap and easy way to make some side-cash. A sequel is definitely happening but not everything DD-related is some holy sign alluding to when it shall come.
Daimon is legitimately the only fight in the entire game that made me think the series really had potential. The leadup to that fight and the fact that he's just a genuinely cool, actiony enemy sold me. I really hope they expand on Demons in general in DD2 (Demon's Dogma?), because the focus on Dragons creates a lot of limitations if you don't get really creative with their movesets. Climbing on gigantic monsters and cutting stuff off is fun, but Daimon feels like the only fight the game was actually designed around, the only one that takes advantage of its potential.
The show is not about the events of our arisen in Dragon's Dogma. He fights 7 random daimons that represent capital sins.
hard is only hard in the begining, but everything drops way more gold and XP so you get hyper leveled an geared to the point hard mode becomes easy mode after awhile
Hard mode implements increased difficulty for the Arisen:
Enemy damage is doubled.
The Arisen's Stamina usage is accelerated.
Enemies drop proportionately more Gold when killed.
Experience Points, Discipline Points, and Rift Crystal earnings from the Arisen's pawn's rentals are doubled.
>encounter first ogre in Everfall with all-female party
>shoot it with oil arrows, then blast arrows as mage pawn also scorches it with fire
>it burns, stumbles to edge, falls down and dies with almost 3/4 of it's health
Because they gain their best skills as you level up. How do you want to play? Chances are one of the advanced or hybrid classes will have something you're after.
>Equip Asura Armor and Discipline ring
>Lure the infinite spawnin guards post game in Grand Soren
>Stand on top of a wall while pawns kill them
>Get full level profession in 30mins afk
>Charge an attack for literally 10 full seconds
>it does less damage than a skullsplitter, which takes like a second to perform
Always hated that. They're cool for your first run, but once you enter BBI, you'll know what people are talking about.
Daimon fight is pure distilled kino
The hitstop and the dulled audio during the hitstop is really what makes Arc so satisfying.
I'm still really impressed they actually managed to keep the DMC5 reveal completely under wraps all the way up to E3.
NO ONE (Diehard conspiracy theorists and blurry screenshot enthusiasts aside) saw it coming, and it just blew everyone the fuck away when it happened.
Usually with big announcements like that there's a screenshot, or a trailer or some spokesperson blabbing their mouth. Here we only had Dan the Man going "Yeah now they get to bring us back", but that was years ago, and everyone was going "shut up it's not happening this year either, this is getting pathetic."
Honestly the way Capcom handled DMC5's marketing and hype management was applause worthy on its own. Everything went pretty much perfectly, all the way from its announcement to its release. It was really refreshing to see a game company doing it so perfectly after the PR disaster that was DmC.
Tips for ogres is to sleep them, next hit on a sleeping enemy does x2 damage.
It stacks with the elemental hit, example is lighting or ice do x2 damage on soaked enemies and fire on tarred.
>Tar Ogre, sleep him
>Fire endow Great gamble on his face for a x4 damage.
You can reach 400k on one hit
>put enemy to sleep
>you pawns wake it up immediately
God I was so mad when trying to test it out. Had to throw the fucking pawn to the abyss before sleeping it or unequip all his weapons.
Pawn control is really limited when you really get into trying stuff
>Try it out
>Kill the Hydra
>Get bored
Nice game, too easy though
Daimon isn't a demon he's a half dragon since he refused to make the choice between killing the dragon who was his original waifu and letting his waifu pawn die. That's why he has a dragon head on his chest. He didn't choose between being human and being a dragon so he got stuck in the middle.
>DMC5 was announced three years into its development (four if you count the time Itsuno was working on it unofficially, before he was given his team).
If you're going to bring unofficial planning time into it, there's not even a point, he could have been working on DD2 in secret ever since DDDA. When they said he could work on DMC5 or DD2, maybe he got to do both, and DD2 has been in development for just as long as DMC5 was. But you might be right about the 3 year thing, although I was sure their planning retreat was in June 2016, not 2015. But 4SE did release in 2015, so I guess I'm mistake. Still, DMC5 is a massively different undertaking to DD2. Even if my wild speculation is just nonsense, you can absolutely throw together something to show at E3 in six months, and I really suspect it's longer than that.
>a constant world tour
That's a huge exaggeration. Taking a plane trip every two or three weeks isn't "a constant world tour", it's a normal part of game development. You could just as easily argue that he only went to those events because he was taking the entire team to do photogrammetry in Germany or whatever.
>They're doing a Switch port because it will make them money. They're doing a Netflix series because it's a cheap and easy way to make some side-cash.
The timing is the big thing here. It's very strategically-positioned. Why did they let the Netflix guys announce their anime at this point in time? NDAs have defined expiry dates, and I doubt the series is really that close to being ready. Why did they choose the same time to release a Switch port? Of course none of this is ironclad, but it'd be an awful businessman who'd miss the opportunity to announce DD2 with this sort of timng.
Daring loli kicks dog
I don't know why, but for whatever reason, they were really hesitant about giving Warrior's long charge moves high modifiers. Reaper's arrow got a 900% modifier on it but Arc only gets 110%. Arc has way better base damage, but it's just weird considering Arc has such a long fucking windup.
People actually want to do damage. As much as I like Warrior, I have little patience spending ages killing shit compared to the other classes.
Loli cheeses the game for fast leveling
I always figured that that was just what demons were in the DD universe, they were Arisen who refused the choice and got mutated. Hence why they call him "the Daimon" - it's not his name, it's his species.
You've got that wrong, it wasn't because he refused to choose. When Grette (the dragon) proposed the bargain she didn't just offer dukedom but said he could have any wish he desired, and Ashe completely lost his shit when he realised that no matter what happened either she or Olra would have to die. He cursed fate, cursed the maker, cursed the cycle, and swore he would rip the entire thing asunder, and Grette took that as his wish so killed Olra and joined the dragon's power with him to create Daimon.
I remember I spent the Daimon and Giant Gorecyclops fights as a Warrior jumping+attacking like a retard for 15 minutes straight. Warrior sucks dick if you can't hit the weakspots without climbing the enemy. Something at which the Assassing is better at.
>barely play passed the tutorial
>duuuh too easy
The hydra was a climbing tutorial, silly
Souls tutorial are actually challenging but in Dogma I just flailed my flaccid dick around and won
Sure they can throw something together, but that's not the point, the point is why would they? It serves no purpose and would hurt their future marketing campaign. It was literally only Itsuno, Okabe, and Matt from the actual dev team who were flying out everywhere, guys like Yoshida only showed up to cons in Japan. You can't start development on a new game during a press tour, he's the director for fuck's sake, literally everything has to go through him and he can't oversee everything on a project as large as DD2 from the other side of the planet.
>but it'd be an awful businessman who'd miss the opportunity to announce DD2 with this sort of timng.
It'd be an awful businessman who announces it less than a year into its development. DD took four years to make, DMC5 took four years to make, DD2 is going to take at least four years to make, you don't want your audience to have completely forgotten your reveal by the time you're actually ready to show them more of it. Announcing shit as soon as it begins development has only ever hurt the marketing and ultimately sales.
Can someone link me the nsp please? I don't want to go on a tranny discord
>I suck at it therefore it's bad
If you are gonna bait at least put some effort, mong.
You will never go to the moon.
>Remake 2 marketing and hype handled perfectly
>MHW marketing and hype handled perfectly
>DMC5 marketing and hype handled even better
>they completly fuck up with Iceborne by showing a meaningless teaser trailer 1 year before release and not revealing anything else for 5+ months
Capcom is already shitting the bed again
Renaissance my ass
Its bad because all the warrior can do, similar classes do it better
Its not a bait though. Game was too easy and I got bored
>but it gets better at Xth hour
Is not acceptable
The only Arisen who refused the choice that we know of is Barroch, and he seems to be doing fine.
>can't tackle challenges in real life and copes with Videogames
>o-omg i-its not hard enough
Concession accepted
I agree wholeheartedly
That would be a good argument were the game actually notably slow to start. Dropping a game in the middle of the tutorial is entirely different, quit pretending to be braindead
Do pawns use any of the cool dagger stuff like dodge rolling or double jumping? Been considering unequipping the daggers from my Ranger pawn just so they'll focus entirely on sniping.
any tips for fighting a drake as a fighter? I wanna take out the wings but climbing and grabbing it takes forever
But that's just not true. Warriors are completely unmatched when it comes to throwing large enemies around and knocking huge enemies down, only Sorc comes close but has a completely different playstyle.
Took a 4 years break. Might return to this game to complete the achievements if they announce a sequel.
Fighter is a tank class, his damaging skills are poop
Barroch didn't refuse the choice he never reached the choice. He quit before he reached the dragon since he doesn't care about his heart so he's just hanging out never progressing his main story.
>muh stagger power
Waste of time
That's literally the only way to refuse. If you're actually in the room with the dragon and your beloved then refusal is not a choice available to you. At some point you'll have to leave (for food, to go take a leak) and either you leave your beloved behind (taking the deal) or try to take your beloved away (provoking the dragon). Or maybe the dragon just gets bored and says you've got two minutes to do something or he's incinerating your beloved. At that point you can't just say, "Nah I refuse," and go on about your merry way.
If you're mentally challenged, maybe
>It was literally only Itsuno, Okabe, and Matt from the actual dev team who were flying out everywhere
Why would they tell you otherwise? It'd be a secret.
>You can't start development on a new game during a press tour
Even assuming this is true, which it isn't, like I said, they easily could have just started development on it earlier. A FUCKTON of this stuff doesn't need Itsuno's explicit approval. You can start generic asset development years in advance. Getting the basics of the engine running can eat up huge chunks of time and input from the director doesn't help for much. World art design stuff doesn't need much if any input from him, this isn't DMC5 with its heavy stylism, it's a photorealistic medieval action game. You can get started on trees, grass textures, mountains, whatever. Getting NPCs working, getting your toolsets up and running for questline scripting, making sure basic concepts like locational damage on dynamic animating bodies have properly ported over to REEngine, this is all stuff that Itsuno himself doesn't need to be there for.
DMC5 and DD2 are very different games. DMC5 is heavily scripted, story-based, beat-driven. Itsuno has to be personally present for most of it, because everything relies on everything else. DD2 has a lot less stuff that he needs to be there for, mostly enemy and combat design, level design, and story / questline scripting. If it's DMC5, I literally just described the entire game, but if it's DD2, there's a crapload of stuff that isn't involved there.
A Warrior can drop a cyclops to the ground and AoD it right in the face to kill it in the same time most vocations would take to kill it through other methods. You're just too shit to understand how to Warrior.
> Dropping a game in the middle of the tutorial is entirely different, quit pretending to be braindead
Its you who is the braindead one. I dropped Dogma because from the very start I noticed the lack of complexity and difficulty which other games of the genre offer. You might be fine with mediocrity but Im not
Compared to this? Yes
>Spam jumping attacks 24/7 as Warrior
>Warrior pawn suddenly starts spamming jumping attacks 24/7 as well
>soulsbabby intellect
Bro you took like two steps lmfao you didn't even get to BBI shut the fuck up and stop forcing this low effort troll bait because you're too lazy to come up with a post that requires effort
Yes i understand fellow souls baby, i too much prefer the complex system dark souls offers with "hit enemy with sword"
You can do that with Living Armors too
It might be the only way for a pure melee to kill them
How is DD's "climb on enemy and hit with sword" any more complex?
>get started on the environment and textures five years before release so they can be completely outdated by the time you're trying to sell it
>the art design of the world doesn't require director-input because lmao Kinoshida just look out your fucking window
This conversation is retarded. Believe what you want to believe, just don't act like a whiny faggot when it isn't officially announced for three years.
Do you guys make alts or just wipe the old duos when you're done with them?
I wasnt even talking about Souls there. The fact that you associate Dogma with Souls instead of any other RPG just proves my point. Is a braindead 3rd person slasher akin to Souls. While Souls is a braindead slasher its actually has engaging combat unlike this garbo
>You cant shit talk candy crush, youre not even at 4th stage
Use the save transfer tool
>literally cry that it's not like muh meme souls
>"why are you associating it with souls"
Yes fellow souls baby, i too understand how it feels like to have a negative iq
Enemies actually have tactics instead of just vomiting their moveset on you like how the griffon goes back into the air and divebombs you
Literally part of its moveset that you memorize ala Dark Souls. I ask for how its more complex, and you tell me how they are alike.
>Smug anime faces
>Absolute bonobo statements
Jesus christ fellas, learn to recognize bait when you see it.
>five years before release
What, who said anything about five? It would have been around when DMC5 started production at the earliest, probably later, and that game's assets aren't outdated.
>the art design of the world doesn't require director-input because lmao Kinoshida just look out your fucking window
It does, it obviously does, but it doesn't require as much as something like DMC5. It's the difference between, I don't know, LOTR and the Black Cauldron. We know the sort of look LOTR is going for, we know how the landscapes should look, and maybe the country and the final choice of shot is up to the director, but the other guys can start looking for locations in New Zealand on their own. Black Cauldron needs to be heavily directed because it could literally look like anything.
>Believe what you want to believe, just don't act like a whiny faggot when it isn't officially announced for three years.
I won't but I think you're being a little more certain about this than you really ought to me. Maybe I am too.
Who are the people walking on the roof, just pawns?
most likely guards since the roofs are connected to the walls of the town in some places
One should never Finger Grigori on their first run, you miss out on one of the best fights in the game.
>Still no DLC that lets me romance Grigori
Until them, Dragon's Dogma remains a solid 9/10
Really, I consider Grigori to be the worst fight in the game.
There needs to be two versions of DD2. One with serious fantasy music and one with j rock that plays whenever a fight happens.
Why not both?
All I want out of DD2 is a few endless dungeons, more clothes to play dress up with, and a wider variety of weapons like crossbows, spears, halberds, etc.
I'm mostly hoping they just adapt the manga, which, other than ending a bit too soon (right after the Grigori fight and with no mention of all the shit that happens after) did pretty much everything right, more or less the exact opposite of .
>Grigori still says his usual cryptic stuff. Obviously doesn't have to do with the VA, but at least he behaves similarly.
>Aelinore ISN'T EVEN SHOWN AT ALL (on the contrary, the Arisen slightly flirts once with Mercedes and Madeleine then his beloved is Quina).
>Pawns, while having slightly more personality and some personal quirks, are still fucking autistic and completely suicidal and unafraid to die.
>Julien I think was given a fairly ambiguous treatment? I can't remember his part that well actually.
>Quina was the love interest and Mason didn't appear. She actually gets a bit more fleshing out at the start.
>Selene appeared but I'm actually not sure about Feste, since Aeliwhore wasn't.
it's been years since I played, and I'm in the thread for nostalgia
I remember there being a BROKEN AS FUCK combo with the magic knight, where you summon the ball, then do a specific attack to make it fucking rain magic missiles everywhere and they destroy everything
I'm torn. I've never actually played a version that had FLYING INTO FREE as the theme, and I'm way more attached to Coils of Light and Eternal Return. On the other hand, the concept is really cool.
I think judging solely based on the BBI content, and assuming that's the basic direction the series is moving, I'd prefer a more solemn motif.
I think the first time you play through it it feels fucking amazing and impressive. On later playthroughs you realize it's actually really easy. But just his lines are worth it.
You just stacked cannons on top of eachother and hit them all at the same time. You would get single digit framerate and everything would die.
Do not open
For even more ball goodness, you stacked three cannons, then did a reposte right next to them.
Then your console exploded.
Mystic Knight can stack like 3 cannons and then do a Holy-enchanted perfect guard that summons a bunch of balls of light that hit like three times per second, and each tick fires the cannons and it ends up being like a hundred big magic bullets when all's said and done.
I didn't know Brianna Wu was in Dragon's Dogma
that was it, thanks
I need some help, im a ranger and I can basically nuke anything in the game because I minmaxed via vocation training and such. But the Eliminators laugh at my arrows, they fucking curbstomp me, I barely do any damage. I can run riot over Daimon but I can barely kill them, I think iv got 2 Eliminator kills over 3 playthroughs and one of them is from baiting him off a cliff.
I wish there was a doujin where Madeline is traveling alone and gets violated by bandits and/or monsters.
If there is pls link.
Tier lists don't matter once you learn the game's heavily inspired by Berserk.
Be a Warrior with Caska as your waifu user. Save those Woke Behelit Stones btw to ascend to godhood.
>Buy the game for a 3rd time on the switch.
>Level pawn as a strider for the first time
>Does good damage when it wants to use skills instead of climbing
>no one uses her because she's a Jack the Loli from Fate
can you still get pawns on steam? haven't played DD in a long time and might DL it tonight
What's he watching user?
>anime avatarfag keeps giving out (you)s because he knows he's a casual.
Lemme get one too user.
so great cannon is literally the most retarded skill in the game. it has a base damage of 40 which is basically nothing so almost all its damage comes from your atk power. but this skill has a really weird 50% scaling for weapon attack and weapon magick and a 150% scaling for core attack and core damage (the stats you get when you level up). Normally when you increase your weapon damage by 300 (like going from BB1 to BB2 or something) you get 300 more damage and it takes like 100 levels to get the equivalent. but for great cannon you only get 150 damage and it takes 30 levels to get the equivalent.
it's really weird. when other classes want 300 damage on their fast-hitting attacks they get a better weapon. when MK wants 300 damage they get a better weapon and gain 30 levels. I think this might be part of why MK can sometimes feel so bad to play as. Like helm splitter's fast hits do twice as much base damage with 90% damage scaling, no wonder it's so much stronger.
>spend forever trying to hack off wings of a Drake as a fighter
>can only do it at a specific spot between the wings and body
>hard as shit to do because the drake spazzes about unless you climb it
>pawn team can't shoot off wings for some reason, only horns by luck
I didn't wanna switch to strider/bow again but I'll have to make an exception, I want those wings
Red classes need some form of range like throwing knives or crossbow. Nothing like what yellow has, but something simple to balance out shit like this.
Yes of course. Everyone's pawn is still stored in the server, though you might struggle to get your pawn hired though.
And since getting your pawn whored out is basically the only way to earn rift crystals, if you play now it's really hard to farm crystals legitimately. I would advise to just use cheat engine for that in the late game BBI when you need gorrilions of the stuff.
I don't mind the slow grind for crystals but are the event still a timely thing?
How bad is the Switch version?
I don't think you understand what I mean by gorrilions, but that's OK you will when the time comes. For most of the game you don't need to worry about crystals.
As for events, not sure what are you talking about. Ur-Dragon is the only MP online event and yes it's still going.
Oh speaking of that shit, does the Switch version get it's own fresh babby Ur-Dragon?
Equip with 2 Barbed Nails to help stagger.
When it fly, wait for breath, that when it stay still, run to attack the tail. Antler Toss, Full Moon Slash, Dragon's Maw did the job great. The dragon will fall down.
When it on ground, focus on staggering, attack at its heart. Antler Toss, Full Moon Slash, Dragon's Maw still did great.
If dragon attack with backhand slap, perfect block or use i-frame from Full Moon Slash, Dragon's Maw.
If dragon attack with grab, use i-frame.
If it breath (on ground) , just run away.
Keep stagger it until it fall down, then focus on damage. Attack at heart.
No need to attack the horn, if you want dragon horn, wait till it dead, you can break and collect its when it dead.
Hope this will help.
Mediocre. Gets the job done, framerate doesn't impair playing, but especially places like Gran Soren have problems with NPC:s just suddenly popping in the world. It hasn't happened to me with enemies so far.
I don't play the switch ver but I would imagine it has its own version like the Xbox and PC had separate versions.
Would anyone pay her travel expenses to Gran Soren if she wasn't a pretty girl?
Played a bit, killed a Cyclops and a Hydra and made a thicc waifu follower. Fun so far
If she wasn't a girl I would have let the goblins kill her. Disgusting ((( merchants ))).
can you search for peoples pawns?
Eliminators weak to ice and can be frozen. Use Dragon's Glaze and just freeze them.
>constantly break all containers looking for loot
>like to pick things up and throw them to break them like in Zelda
>buddy hires my Zangief pawn to help him out since its a high level
>PMs me and is pissed off because my pawn never helps in fights and just runs around picking up boxes and pots or gathering every trash item in the area
Too risky with goblins about.
Eliminators actually become easier to knock down while charging at you. A warrior can floor them with a single swipe with good timing, ranged classes can just aim and wait.
_ ____ __ ____ ____ ___
assassin's counter moves are fun as fuck to do to them too
I didn't like that manga Grigori is a generic evil dragon, he doesn't have the same charisma.
Biggest milkers
use the iraklis
>TV show
excuse me?
Dammit was the witcher not enough? Why must Netflix ruin everything?
So long as he still opens a shop that sells thongs, sure.
the gaben hungers
I don't think there will ever be another game quite like this. Dragon's Dogma has a magic to it.
Full of regret because I forgot to farm the corrupted pawns in the bloodless stockade before killing Daimon. Now finding an Idol of All Mother is going to be a pain in the ass.
Getting a blood red crystal on the other hand was surprisingly easy enough this time.
How do I make my loli Ranger pawn better so people stop bullying her?
The real challenge in DDDA is making a character that doesn’t have a bad case of derpface in cutscenes. Don’t worry too much about it.
>Mystic Knight
>Holy stuff out of the ass
This Paladin is ready to take on the fiends of the Black Isle!
That seems to be a capcom trademark
In mh world happens the same exact shit
t. she goat
I think the default female Arisen face is cute enough.
You will retract those words, Ser!
What is the current XP cheese anyways? Used to be you'd grind the guards but not sure that works anymore.
This is something I learned to live by. My arisen is pretty cute in game, but looks uncanny as hell in all cutscenes.
No choice to make your pawn your waifu I guess?
learn from daimon's mistake
There is? I vaguely remember that's possible.
Properly just like the castlevania show.
Daimon’s mistakr was that his Dragon was a total bitch and interpreted his temper tantrum as a wish.
If he had our Grigori, things might have turned out differently.
I usually hate bow classes in shit but assassin is so much fun to play I don't give a shit if its worse than MA after the Nerf
MA is fun too but leveling as sorc is boring, I'd rather just play and level as Assassin
Man I respect your opinion but I disagree with it immensely.
Dragons dogma is the king of "show, don't tell" and I wish more games were like it.
Stop minmaxing.
>Aelinore will be the main love interest
Not a chance. It'll either be shegoat for those sweet diversity brownie points or Quina since she out of all the potential beloveds, she feels the most likely to be canon being someone you grew up with, plus I recall on the wiki it mentions how while everyone bullied her you'd stand up for her and protect her, which is why she cares so much for you.
She's a coalburner nobody likes her.
I found that a problem when I tried to make a shota trap, they just look like midgets.
I really wouldn't worry too much about it for cutscenes man. I don't know what it is about Capcom but your CCs in their games ALWAYS derp in their cutscenes at least once.
>tfw got her as my beloved on my first run
>tfw torn because she's a jew but them tits
No because mine isn't shit and can handle itself.
>Selene finally realizes what it means to be human
>spends her life babysitting your wife in your tiny ass house
very original, wow
But what if she is your wife? Or your second wife?
Are escort quests on their own separate timer that expires randomly or is it just based on stages+affinity?
Feeeeeeels like I should be asking something
It feels like I should be doing something. I don't know what. I went and visited the Duke, should I be taking on more quests from the board or something? Should I try to grind?
>no eyebrows
You should buy clothes for your goblins.
Just wander around. Take up quests from the boards and people ect. When you want to proceed check out near the castle and theres a guy there who proceeds the story.
Alright. Sounds good.
A fucking shame then
Between she goat and the jew I rather have my adventure partner as wife
>look for dd thread
>all die
>come on Yea Forums for first time of the day
>400 posts
every day lol
>go to hillfigure knoll
>it's midday by the time I leave but decide to go anyway
>gets dark around fortress
>have to fight an (armoured?) cyclops and a seemingly never ending direwolf pack
That was some of the most fun I've ever had in a game, probably precisely because I levelled up my assassin weird and didn't have any op enemy melting skills on me
That said did the ogres in the quarry after and that was fucking agony until I went back and equipped the sword bomb skill sword ass has
Can you finger him for the clear skies glitch?
It's been a long ass time since I last did that and can't even remember if you needed to do something else than fingering him so no idea.
You just know Capcom named it Finger so everyone would talk about fingering a dragon.
Reminder that warrior class long sword fags are brainlets and shegoat is the worst waifu
Fuck you Grifith long swords are cool and your shitty ass sabre snapped in half trying to block one.
So I made a pawn at the encampment, ran to cassardis then rested at the inn, and apparently my pawn has been rented 27 times? wtf
PC version btw
Your pawn is a hardworking ho.
the pawn bicycle
carried over from old pawn
Fuck you griffith
Don't you have some more girls to rape?
Casca enjoyed it
post that cutie
Why the sudden interest?
Switch version.
is playing as sorc actually fun
never tried it because of how static it looks
DD2 was confirmed by itsuno but was immediately canned by capcom for breaking NDA
There is pop in, and at times it is noticeable, but once you start playing, you get used to it pretty quick. Or maybe it’s just me because I’ve played games with worse pop-in in the past, I dunno. Either way, I would say if you LOVE DD to death, it’s a very solid port.
>woke up
>already have 5 classes going
>now want to play ranger
>Do you guys make alts or just wipe the old duos when you're done with them?
I've gone back to ps3 and I just make new user profiles for every vocation
>everfall post dragon
>clear rooms which are relatively easy
>some hellhounds and shit
>enter one of the rooms
>chimera gorechimera lich and 3 hellhounds
what in the actual fuck is going on here
>attempt to take off all the drake parts early on in the forest
>trees get in the way of seeing where to climb the drake
>drake kept flying in and out indicating the wings weren't fully clipped off
fuck it i'll wait until post-game
>looking for new pawns to replace my outpaced ones
The rifts gone to shit since I last saw it
I couldn't do it as a warrior right after shadow fort because my pawns kept just fucking running into the fire breath and dying
Had to come back with curatives
H-how did I do?
Whatever man, i can practically one shot chimeras. gorechimeras aren't a problem anymore either
>No sense of direction, no sense of what anything does, no sense of what you should do
Thought for a second you were just rewording that one copypasta, but I have to ask how did you come to this conclusion? Did you pay zero attention to what was going around you?
>"fuck you, go do something" without anyone ever specifying what that "something" is
Literally the first words that come out of The Dragons mouth are "Come kill me and get your heart back, shitter", and from minute one the game guides you to just that; from Cassardis to the Encampment, from the Encampment to the Waycastle, from the Waycastle to Gran Soren. The very same Gran Soren that you'll immediately learn hosts the Wyrm Hunt, a hunting party for The Dragon that will eventually segue into letting you directly tackle Grigori. You are all but completely railroaded for this entire time, with your only secondary paths being fucking with bandits to the west (who will rip your ass apart before you meet a dead end anyways).
Bruh hellhounds are always a problem.
For you
Adding onto that, the most confusing part about your post is the thing people usually complain about is that the game is TOO straightforward, that the path of "knight must head to king and slay dragon" is TOO obvious and generic. And the game doesn't even try to hide it; it being as normal of a "knight slays dragon to save princess" story as possible is part of the overall meta-narrative, so I'm genuinely curious how you somehow ended up lost.
>oneshot chimeras
>fresh out of first playthrough
Is Caged Fury worth buying as a sorcerer early on or is there a better staff that's easy to find?
What’s with the DD threads all of a sudden? Did something happen?
it's on sale
The Switch release, no joke.
Too lazy to skim the thread for an answer, how's it play on the Switch? Tempted to buy it for the 4th time if it plays nicely
>he didn't grind to level 111 on his fist run
Level 50 is IDEAL for the first Grigori fight.
It plays nicely. Not as good as PC but better than original PS3/Xbox.
Third time for me.
All i hear is a baby who doesn't put 1000% into his vidya
no 30 is otherwise its too damn easy
Then you're not listening because level 100+ is over leveled for Grigori and makes it a piss easy, anti-climactic fight.
cute arisen, nigga
be sure to screencap Mason gawking
>implyign you dont makers finger grigori
>credits bug out
>no cutscene where he curses you
>no cutscene of gran soren getting blown up
>no idea what the fuck is happening
>go see duke i guess
it was the most confusing shit i have seen
I didn't find it anticlimactic at all, it was a pretty kino false final boss
When you learn Comestion/Frigor
the fight was boring as piss anyways, who cares lol
>equip makers finger
>try to kill grigori when you are supposed to run away in the corridor
>his health drops to 0
>you also get instagibbed by him running at you
fuck this
youre supposed to kill him at the balista part so the skies look nice postgame
I leveled as strider, then ranger all the way to 140's, then assassin till 160's, then went MA. i dont like most of MA's skills, but explosive arrow and immolate, especially when augmented by rings from BBI... sublime.
Now that im in NG+ on hard, ill try fighter/warrior.
Minmaxing is a trap for tryhards.
The way you leveled up ironically should have left you with a fairly balanced statline anyway.
if you want to play MA and just do 1-10 mage 10-200 MA you're as strong as a minmaxed build anyway
>spend money to help save a family from getting evicted
>Their house explodes and only the kid survives
my biggest problem with the game is the talking.
I hate every second of it and there is so goddamned much.
might just fire up shadow of the colossus to compensate
You can turn pawn speech off, and as for your own pawn, you can order it talk either more or less.
How badly do I need to worry about finishing every single quest? Cause there are some that look like they can be ended prematurely if you progress the main quest too much, and then there's all these fucking fetch quests and I don't know if the rewards are worth trying to find shit like 20 seeker tokens or 50 war bugles
Not very badly. You may miss out on some stuff, but if you liked the game, there s always NG+ where you can do things you missed.
Mindless so far. Got some papers for the wyvern hunt, trying to finish all these fucking subquest because lol. Going as an assassin to masturbate twice as hard on enemies and found some dope arcstaff in pastorna cavern. Was in a small cave with 3 chest. Gave it to my loli since she magical. Not sure where i can find better daggers than the fire enchanted ones. Almost lvl 30 too doing random shit without progressing to the story too much.
on the ps3 version?
and is that by the guy at the pawn quarter?
cause I couldn't really hear a difference in their endless diarrhea of stupid observations
Any tips on fighting Holy Bishop in BBI? I keep on getting assblasted by him
>MK with both dark/holy augments
>Kill dragon easily with holy great cannon
>Switch to dark for bishop
>Can't even phase him with full moon slash
>Dragon and preist merges, all my pawns get wiped by the stone attack
You can see the rewards on the quests when you take them, just look up what it is on the wiki
I just take them all and then do whatever comes about during normal play for the killathon/collectathon ones
From a different sky is the only interesting collectathon and that's because they're all hidden so its a fun exploration challenge if you're into that. Rewards aren't anything special tho
Same thing applies for most escort quests only a few have items worth getting and most of them have more cosmetic than practical appeal i.e. mercedes gives you her sword so you can dress up as her
There's literally nothing wrong with fucking your pawn
>400 hours in game
time to finally look at what I should be doing with pawn inclinations
Not with fucking your pawn, but there is something really wrong with swearing in front of the dragon.
after the dragon and the priest merge kill the dragon
the priest gets knocked out onto the ground where you deal absolutely ridiculous amounts of melee damage
>There's literally nothing wrong with fucking your pawn
Except that it will never happen...
>50 war bugles
there's another quest that gives you 40 of them as a reward
>tfw DD2 still won't let you romance your pawn
>kill the dragon
with holy or dark? i tried both and it never even flinches at my attacks
user is from the future where Itsuno has already made DD2.
You lie! Quit lying.
Holy or Fire, however do note that dragon does not have a crystal: it's weakness is it's head
oh also should be added, if you're not already doing so, ALWAYS keep abyssal anguish up as a MK, doubly so against the dark bishop as it deals utterly ludicrous damage to him
thanks, ill try it out
How the FUCK do I beat a fortresss beseiged
The god damn constant explosions kill everyone and I cant keep the faggot captain from dying
kill the ballista before you open the gate
Any tips for Bitterblack Isle?
Get on the ballista and shoot the normal arrows at the 2 Ballistas on the opposite side, then explosive arrows at the 2 Cyclops
what's the best way to grind Vocation levels with my pawn?
my bottom bitch has like 150000 Discipline so i thought i may as well level her in every Vocation
Warrior isn't "bad" it is just a pain in the ass once you get to bitterblack isle.
Plus only 3 skills at a time compared to 6 that every other class gets.
easiest way is to climb the wall by the guards in postgame and go afk
or just beat up loads of low level enemies
postgame, equip both of the DP increasing equipment (asura armor and the BBI ring), then go to the castle courtyard, climb on one of the walls and let your pawns kill the endless waves of soldiers that spawn while you go do something more interesting
No ranged attacks, no gap closers, no block/parry, no dodge besides an extremely clunky exodus slash, not climbing bonuses, can't harm ghosts, mediocre damage, arc of obliteration is a meme.
Sick jumping lights though.
wyverns are absolute and utter thundercunts when playing warrior, they can cast while in the air
real talk: warrior should have the sky rapture skill, not MK
Is the Switch version good? As in, does it run well? I was waiting for it to go on sale on Steam, but it's literally the Capcom sale and it's not even got a cent off on it.
oh god that would rule
Any kind of gap closer would be greatly appreciated. Savage lunge doesn't even classify.
Is the Switch port the exact same as PC since I'll pirate it first to see how it is?
And is it possible to let my pawns tank and me just hang back as an archer or wizard or is it not really viable?
Runs better than PS3 but not as good as PC. PC can't into handheld on the couch though. Switch is what the PS Vita was supposed to be: a portable PS3.
Yeah it's the same and yes you can do that.
thanks, i haven't really touched the main story yet so i guess i'll just stick to killing lots of low level enemies
PC version s 60FPS and Switch version has NPC pop in some places, otherwise it's the same.
Don't bother. If you're playing Hard Mode you really don't need to actively grind. Just keep exploring and doing quests.
PC version has multiple save games (when modded)
can't you just do user profiles or something on switch like you used to on ps3
Why bother? You can literally do everything on a single save, even change sex.
I like playing 10-200 as one class and really getting used to it
Also then means when I want to play something else I changed saves instead of having to grind up points and unlock skills
It already takes a whole save to get the skills for a 3+ weapon class and on my first save it wasn't fun trying stuff like mk for the first time in BBI
Not true at all but stats aren't a big deal once you get to BBI stuff anyway because the BBI gear is nuts
>Also then means when I want to play something else I changed saves instead of having to grind up points and unlock skills
Doesn't make any sense to me at all. The game is made under the assumption that you'll unlock skills and try different classes and mix-and-match abilities.
I want to start a new save but I want my old pawns bestiary and shit.. can someone hire my pawn and send back so I can keep all that shit? I'm not really sure how it works. PC btw pawn name is Jordynn
Doesn't work that way.