>Western devs
>Move on and be an adult
>Spanish publishers
>lata bitch
Why are they so based bros?
Western devs
Other urls found in this thread:
the whole industry needs to burn
>the Spanish games industry
The literally who?
>lanzada de piedra
spain is in europe tho
MercuryStream and uhhhhh
>spanish game industry
Are we talking about below the american border or spain? also is the publisher badland games?
What games do spics make?
What will we do without gems like this?
>Spanish publishers
what the fuck games do spaniards even make
Spain is Western, they belong in the West not in the filthy Latin American countries
>Spain is western
>the western most European country is not western
Venezuela is farther west on a Eurocentric map. Geography doesn't mean shit when it comes to "The West."
Isnt fucking Suriname technically part of the EU?
VA11 Hall-A? That's all I can think of
you're thinking of French Guiana which is part of EU
based, we always welcome foreign shekels
>in b4 they get mugged as soon as they step off the airport
based aryan cholo
What is your point? Venezuela is western, educate yourself
There's also guacamelee
Well maybe those niggers shouldn't have had spices if they didn't want to get G E K O L O N I S E E R D
>Americans don't know difference between Spain and south America
I have an irrational hatred of paella. It's so bad. Who would ever willingly each such a shitty food? Spaniards, that's who. Seriously though, fuck spaniards and fuck their shitty foods.
>Loud, disgusting food, tasteless wine
>Nice and easygoing, some of the best pastries in the world, their wine region is on the UNESCO world heritage list
How can these countries be so close together geographically yet Spain is bottom of the barrel shit tier?
In our defense, ton of latin american mestizos basically LARP as spainards nonstop and sometimes we forget theres a difference
It's OK we also tolerate you guys LARPing as white people
The spanish Castlevania games were OK.
Aurelio x Hunter
look it up sweaty
Despite being a big country with a lot of people almost nothing relevant comes out of Mexico.
>Spanish games industry
literally and figuratively who
That's not true! If it wasn't for mexico I wouldn't have adobada fries, and if you don't know what that is then you ain't my nigga.
Reminder spanish industry and journos are in cahoots with radical feminist whores who would dox other women just because they are not feminist enough.
Reminder the head of this feminazi movement called Daniel Vavra a nazi, harassed him online and forced Gamelab to cancel hi sspeech.
Reminder to vote VOX today.
What about drugs?
they posts non-spanish games, well done retards.
Pic related is an old ass Spanish game.
what happened now
did they cancel the sequel to neng
I've met trash Portugese. Still, they sent their worse to colonise Brazil, with the end result we all know.
it really makes you wonder, right
as someone who lives in Spain (sadly) I know nothing about our Portuguese neighbors
kek, what are they even going to do in my shithole country? they clearly didnt think this through
We made Pato Box, Suda 51 said it was his favorite game of 2018.
Who are you going to vote for to today?
I have already decided
I'm not happy with the course Snoy is setting Japan on, censoring in-house like they have been but it's still salvageable for now. The western industry has been beyond a lost cause for years though.
>rock throw
You've got to be joking right
This happens at every game studio towards the end
You wouldn't trust a Spaniard with your money, now would you
That's from the land of leaves, friend
Wine is all absolute garbage.
I'm going to search for the weirdest option available.
t. underdeveloped palate babby
t. retard who got used to rotten grape juice.
>tasteless whine and bad food
You absolutely nigger.
he's pretty based actually
>t. burger flipper who can't afford the good stuff
Is Trump retard cousin.
At least Trump maked hus money, Abascal is a talentless hack who cant work and was taking money for doing nothing for years.
Probably a Fish&Chips Britbong scum.
You know who was a REAL total nigger cunt?
Fernando Álvarez de Toledo
So basically, he's like the rest except he won't have the gates opened to sandniggers.
Based Dutch poster
Jammer zijn de mods faggots en mag je je eigen taal niet meer gebruiken, anders was dit nu een kankerdraad
you poor, pitiable bastard
>woman tweeting it
Oh gee, I wonder how much of a nothing burger this is
>fyre fest invoked
Dumb garbage whore couldn't even last one tweet without being a drama queen. Nothing will ever be fyre level again. No one cares about some random spanish devs. This is why women cannot be trusted.
>nothing burger
We need to make it ilegal for millennials to make up expressions.
Or to have opinions altogether.
>spanish games industry
polished turd
all wine is boomer dogshit
I fucking love how he draws retards
>term from the 50's
Are you esl or just stupid?
>spanish game industry
Why do you millennials obsess only over the expressions that make you sound like 5 year olds like "nothing burger" and "yikes"?
Are you telling us something?
Maybe admitting that you are a generation of infantilized autists?
>run off to peru
so they'll be dead within the month? ok then
If you're on Yea Forums and you're NOT a millennial you need to leave. You're either too young or too old to be here.
Okay but nothingburger is from the 50's retard. Don't make me reply to your drivel ever again.
late zoomzooms are in their early twenties now
Underage confirmed
whats a nothing burger?
This story the dumb yeastie roastie is trying to make a thing. Protip:It won't be a thing.
A hamburger bun with nothing in it. It's a sort of diet for Americans.
umayyad caliphate left portugal alone brah, that explains it yepsir
media really doesn´t offer escapism anymore
it´s all just feminist or sjw propaganda all the time
It's millennial for: it's nothing.
Of course, like any self-respecting millennial, you need to show off to the world that you are mentally 5.
And you are still an autist who speaks like a kid.
Anyone born between 1985 and 1995 should be simply put down.
if you think it got bettet after 95 i have sad news for you zoomzoom
do you even know what a millennial is
It's in "Europe"
I do know that people are getting tired of your retarded culture "war" that's been going on for like 10 years and has achieved absolutely nothing save for ruining a ton of entertainment media because you don't care about them except if they are propaganda.
You are a generation of cultural terrorists.
Next time there's a feminist, neo-nazi or antifa rally, we should send in the military, you are our real enemy, not sandniggers in the other side of the world.
weird formatting bruv.
Why is every sentence on it's own line?
Maybe you...don't belong here?
hmmm, yes, you should go back.
I wish we weren't.
Country went to shit the moment we joined the UE. Doesn't help we have burgerclaps and their cancerous culture pushing SJW shit all over the west.
>Spanish publishers
Is the spanish gaming industry one guy with a laptop?
>your retarded culture "war"
maga kids are zoomzooms
remember the smirk kid that made national news? zoomzoom
the bald sjw mutt from that schoolshooting? zoomzoom
from where i'm standing zoomzooms are millenials with adhd and screen addiciton
with worse taste in music
now i want to go to peru. looks cool.
artzy ones with little to no gameplay
Who the fuck do you think subverses and manipulates these gullible and malleable retards. Spoiler: they're probably much older than you and me.
go back
Damn, 3 examples, I now truly believe that the culture "war" was started by zoomers even though back then they were like 9 and 10 years old.
pendulo studios are spanish
Not an excuse.
>spent the entire decade going at it
Look at the millennials, they are growing old, they know they are not going to achieve anything and now try to save face due to the fact that they spent 10 years making an ass out of themselves.
I don't even live in America and I finished my education before it got pozzed.
okay thiago, only thing you're good at is building houses
Thiago is more Brazillian than portuguese. In Portugal it's just Tiago.
I'm not saying millenials didn't do shit, zoomzooms (here's the adhd kicking in, no attention span, can't read for shit)
I'm saying zoomzooms aren't any better, if anything they're upping the ante with all the new pronouns and genders becoming a norm now
based zoomzooms indeed
>dumb esl keeps saying "zoomzooms" instead of zoomer because he doesn't know enough of the language or the nomenclature of Yea Forums to fit in
Please just leave
That was made by huehues tho
Your country went to shit way before that, Pedro. It was already a irredeemable shithole under Franco. Btw it should be nearly noon in Spain, so I don't expect any answer. I know you will probably go for lunch then for a siesta, sleeping like a lazy fucker until it's time to eat again, and then drink yourself to death in the evening, doing nothing productive and wondering why nothing is ever achieve in your country these days.
t. Alberto Barbosa
Mods please just end this shitshow
>More than one-third of Generation Z said they knew someone who preferred to be addressed using gender-neutral pronouns
you know, this shit isn't exactly lacking in coverage, zoomzoom
Actually i've been awake for about 50 hours now, and I need to last 14 more.
Spain has a relatively high weekly/yearly hours worked compared to the rest of Europe, alongside Greece.
Only Runaway 1 was good.
This is the only good spanish game, disregard all other opinions spaniards are mostly ultraplebs
>triggered by newlines
Stop seething, Habib
Hooray fellow Steves! We got mentioned! We're relevant! Have some tits that I found off of /int/!
They probably thought they could make a safehouse in Miraflores or something.
couldn't finish it desu
>the language or the nomenclature of Yea Forums to fit in
Oh wow, games have been made here?
>seething reddit mad she got called out by their bad spacing so now trying to deflect and call out others on regular spacing
Also my image moved my sentence to the next line.
Spics are good at crossing borders
Also Locomalito games.
And Severance.
Lol, another ass-backwards dickwad afraid of modern supercountries.
Oh yeah, lets take an example from the USA.
I will celebrate the moment the UE collapses.
Sure you will. Then you'll blame the jews for what happens after.
>His gut doesn't reflexively wrench at the mention of supercountry
Go get minced into onions, faggot.
Preventing Europe from becoming USA 2.0 can only be good.
Uropoors fuck off my american website.
america didn't have 2000 years of bad blood between nations keeping it's member states apart
it also didnt have a bunch of retards in ivory towers importing savages to replace the native populace in a desperate attempt to not have to make a new economic model to follow
vote vox
This but unironically.
why do you think half the country speaks spanish now?
>it also didnt have a bunch of retards in ivory towers importing savages to replace the native populace in a desperate attempt to not have to make a new economic model to follow
It does, despite what American politicians say everybody is importing Mexicans.
I love the abbey so muchas
The remake is free on steam
Nigger what. America was pioneer in welcoming subhumans in.
Wait a minute, do people really thing Europe is doing worse off than America when it comes to immigration...?
We're both fucked. Support eachother, this isn't the pain olympics.
>not wanting to be the most powerful country in the world
>not wanting to tell america to fuck off and follow our own doctrine
>not wanting our glorious shared european culture to rise again
It's like you faggots want your culture and country to follow the path of the UK and become just another US state
That's a nice utopia you've built in your head but reality is the polar opposite of your fantasies.
cry more, faggot
>not wanting to be the most powerful country in the world
What do I get out of it?
>not wanting to tell america to fuck off and follow our own doctrine
We can do that by forcing a war between them and China.
>not wanting our glorious shared european culture to rise again
There's no such thing as European culture.
There's British culture, French culture, German culture, Nordic culture, Italian culture, Greek culture...
You can't mash it all into one.
I wanna fuck alexa holy shit
... Europe is FAR more fucked than America. Mexicans are fucking annoying and fuck up society by stealing all the blue collar jobs but they aren't evil subhumans like Muslims are.
Americans are taking loads of muslims too, there are growing somali communities especially in democrat states and they will spread from there.
>Wine is all absolute garbage.
America wants to stiffle immigration
The EU supports and promotes immigration
You have muslims, spics and niggers my friend, on top of lower percentage of whites. You're getting dangerously close to never being able to vote for an anti-immigration party ever again because minorities don't vote for that.
>not evil scum
Muslims plant bombs.
The Cartels will take your daughter and hack her into pieces in front of you before doing the same to you.
Because Portugal is Galiza, that's the only explanation as to why they are so based compared to the failed imperialistic dream that is Spa*n
They both support it you mentally gone retard. At least EU still takes preventive measures while posturing how much they love it.
Spacelords was absolutely suspect so this isn't a surprise
Pyro devs were pretty based and they made the Commandos series before they fucked up hard.
Severance was a Spanish game and tty damn good
Yeah, no idea why Portugal still exists and why Spain didn't invade them.
Because Spain is a bunch of fascist pussies that can't even understand basic politics so they vote a lazy retard like Abascal, and because Portugal was quite powerful before the EU and shit, iirc
As opposed to what, a bunch of leftists?
Why would anyone be a leftist today?
No, I mean, at any moment over the past centuries.
Why did Spain allow Portugal to exist?
Because the Spanish right is absolutely laughable, they're just a bunch of inbreds and deserve to be shot at sight
have sex
Nobody would support the far right if you SJWs didn't insist on filling all nations with muslims.
This is your doing.
I'm sure not going to vote for a bunch of communists, and even less for the party that changed it's name to be more inclusive.
If I remember correctly, some king gave away that territory to a prince or some shit, then stuff got out of hand and Brazil became a thing
test nintenbroters
This is the third time I've spoken with a Portugal citizen (I don't even know your denonym in English lmao)
I thought you guys were bros, guess there's pozzed apples in every tree.
This past century was mostly spent in dictatorship, both in Spain and Portugal. Surprisingly, Portugal's dictatorship was relatively neutral when it came to world war 2.
Portugal has the longest lasting alliance in history with the UK, which obviously helps a lot. Also technically Portugal had one of the longest lasting empires, only ending in 1999 when Macau was given back to China.
If you think that PSOE and Podemos re Communist you probably need to reconsider your life choices, also, Spain has been getting less and less mudslimes, which is good, and basing your whole ideology on "I don't want niggers in my nigger land" is retarded, and it's the only argument Vox shitskins have to justify their shit choices
You mean Unidas Podemos.
>Spain has been getting less and less mudslimes
Ah yes, only 4000 a day instead of 5000.
Until all muslims are kicked out, I won't even bother listening to the left.
I'm not even Portuguese, sadly I'm a Spaniard and if you think that any of the Spanish right wing is even decent, you're delusional
>and basing your whole ideology on "I don't want niggers in my nigger land" is retarded
no, it's a legitimate concern
bad economy can always be fixed
bad demography is always trouble
Less than 250000 illegal immigrants have arrived at Spain since fucking 2005, and less that 50000 since 2016, spain is absolutely not getting invaded by niggers, thankfully
Unironically better than the left. I'd vote Ciudadanos if they weren't so obviously on the same path Macron is in. I'm forced to vote Vox because of anti-immigration and lower taxes (because I'm done funding anythig in this shitty country that doesn't give me anything back), but I'd fucking give my right testicle to have a left-leaning party that's all for the workers and doesn't tolerate none of that feminist and immigration bullshit.
I think I speak for most of the western world there, the left is utterly pozzed. People are desperate for a robust left that actually focuses on their citizens, which is the whole point. Immigration and artificial feminist friction only benefit the economical elites, it's a joke.
That's 750k too much.
Okay, real fucking talk.
Spain tried hard to capture us back. Like, outnumber us 5-1 hard, and it failed. Repeatedly. It became the laughing stock of Europe because it wasted a phenomenally high amount of manpower and failed to raze this puny nation so many times in a row that we ended up growing substantially. It also helped that we weren't on Frances or Englands shitlist and they were.
We got a good alliance with the Brits, neutral with everyone else, got Brazil and the biggest slave empire in history, to put the USA to fucking shame, so we got gold, influence, power and all that shit. Had they tried to fuck us up later after all their failed attempts, they'd have been crushed.
So, tldr, they thought themselves the big daddies and came into our rooms with a belt, we pulled out a glock and shot daddy thrice till he fucked off, declared ourselves legit, made niggers into slaves, proxy made Brazil for money, literally split the word in two by papal decree and then just chilled.
Consider voting the PCCE or whatever they're called, they're very small, but are more of a "pure" left with basically no SJW bs
France should have taken advantage and invade both Spain and Portugal.
>bad demography is always trouble
Based luso brother exposing Spain's cuckery
This games great and apparently it’s Spanish
and now you're latino-poland, what happened?
smug kid did nothing wrong
>a bunch of unsourceable cropped porn
i wish i could hate you to death
Yeah user, weakening themselves and opening up a breach in security so that Germany and England double dicking would happen would have been a great idea, what a shame you weren't a tactician for the good old baguettes back when, oui? They could have truly ruled like the absolute Hon Hons they were, putain de merde.
The nordic somalians wished we were half as bitches, sorry, half as Kurwa as they are. Unemployment down as fuck, the economy slowly becoming decent, low as fuck crime, good food, good culture, almost 0 refugees, while maintaining catholic tradition and a solid third of the country praying atleast daily? People forget this place is a little slice of heaven.
Napoleon did, he failed. Not enough man power to actually hold the country, only enough to walk in, fuck shit up and fuck off.
It's not like it would have taken much effort to take over Spain and Portugal.
I don't know anything about Portugal, but I'm glad for the bacalhau trade with Norway. It gave us the tastiest fucking traditional dish. Fuck smalahove and fårikål.
>There's British culture, French culture, German culture, Nordic culture, Italian culture, Greek culture...
You're right to an extent. Each european country is a bit different, but in the grand scheme of things it's like the difference between oranges and tangerines. It's all the same shit with a twist. When you take a look at far-away foreign countries, only then do you see what an actually different culture is.
and here I was thinking no one was ever going to post some locomalito.
And the US shows what happens when you put places with "only slightly different cultures" together.
The midwest is almost an entirely different nation than the coasts.
>while maintaining catholic tradition and a solid third of the country praying atleast daily?
The fact that you count this as a positive speaks volumes about the country in itself. Shit was sounding pretty good, too.
Commandos, Castlevania: LoS series, Deiland, Ryse. I guess there're others but I don't remember them.
Man, you really love to exercise your right to be a dumbass, eh user? Gotta respect that, I guess.
Nobody wants one central EU government though. The EU is about being a bloc of nations who cooperate with one another, not fuse into one.
Wasn't the publisher that fucked over Axiom Verge Spanish?
You get that same effect even at a national level, the countryside is practically a different country to the cities in Britain, German states in some cases are practically separate countries, etc. You may as well say nation states are a mistake.
People already signed up to the worst part of it (The euro), may as well just get the rest done.
I don't want to cooperate with the rest of Europe.
Europe has always been at odds with each other, forcing it is the same as forcing immigrants into a nation.
Who is the anti neoliberal party in Spain?
The euro is a huge advantage in international (internal EU) trade. Why do people think it's some sort of political bond?
Am I supposed to know what those flags are?
Murrica education everyone
>leave EU
>no deal, no nothing, no brexit fuckery, just bail out
>drop the Euro scam
>kill every single member of PP and PSOE
There, I saved Spain.
Do you want another needless world war? Or world police America to take over Europe? It's pretty much the only way of keeping America in check.
Because you can't set monetary policy on a national level, currency sovereignty is a HUGE deal. The Euro is why Italy has shit growth and France is in permanent austerity.
Imagine trusting fucking krauts to print money.
Your country went to shit somewhere around Charly II's reign
I know that walking peice of human feces ja rule has floated the idea of a fyre 2. Fucker should've gotten the same shit billy did but being richer than a scam artist was good enough for him to weasel out of it
>I don't want to cooperate with the rest of Europe.
Generally countries either cooperate, or don't last very long. As long as countries and their artificial borders exist, they will have to cooperate, due to the laws of economics. Otherwise they'll either struggle, or dissolve entirely. To get a basic gist of it, find a book about ricardos comparative advantage law.
Portuguese cuisine is the exact same as British traditional food but done poorly. And everyone that isn’t white and middle/upper class is complete trash and are just like subhuman Latinos
>European Union
Literally the 4th Reich.
If you are part of this, you are just a puppet of Germany, and I don't think I need to remind you that Germany only exists to ruin Europe periodically.
Congrats, trade is now infinitely harder, less profitable, you lost a ton of benefits, your currency drops in value accordingly, you go into another recession, sooner than the global one, and you accomplish nothing at all from doing so, as you also lose funding you rely on for infrastructure and the like the EU sends your way.
There is a difference between working and "working". Greece for example has a lot of work hours, but their work ethic sucks dick
>not wanting to be the most powerful country in the world
how do I manage that when the country is majority muslim?
see here's the thing mexicans are for the most part just desperate mgrants, something like 60% of muslim migrants still think that women are little more than housepets and that the life of a non-muslim is inherently worth less than a muslims.
islam is a blight on humanity and anyone who supports it is an enemy
Yeah I'd much rather become a puppet for the US, Russia or China who clearly only have our best interests in mind.
>Because you can't set monetary policy on a national level, currency sovereignty is a HUGE deal.
Currency is a big deal, you're right. And that is exactly why it's more efficient for trade to have one common currency in the economic bloc. It removes the volatile nature of trade for import and export, and allows a more stable and healthy growth in trade. This is what matters in the long run.
What interest does Germany have beyond filling Europe with muslims?
What do you think a Publisher is
fuck off
Epic meem, did you come up with that yourself?
Spain should start developing it's own industries instead of relying on foreign scum to make a living.
>you lost a ton of benefits
I also lost the fact that I don't need to bow down to Germany's demands anymore.
Spanish here, like half of the people live of the Govt. grants and scams.
No, seriously, what benefits does Germany bring to Europe?
Not disbanding Germany after WWII will always be the biggest mistake the west has ever done.
>Literally the 4th Reich.
If that were remotely true /pol/ wouldn't be so vehemently against it
That's because absolutely no one wants a superpower with modern Germany in charge.
>using /pol/ as indicator for anything
Based anti-eu spanish bro
They tried that. Repeatedly. It never worked.
The thing that made Europe so great is that no nation was ever powerful enough to take over all the other nations, so it made them compete (innovate and expand) to try and keep up with all the others.
Seeing how Germany's economy heavily depends on exports of mostly expensive goods, I'd say to create a union where most people can afford such goods. No reason to invade Poland or France when you can just sell them a lot of BMWs. Germany is the one who profits the most from a healthy economy all over Europe
I'm a spaniard and i hate paella and fabada, but we do have good food, like cachopos
>Do you want another needless world war?
Currently we are just delaying the inevitable.
>Hating on fabada
>Seeing how Germany's economy heavily depends on exports of mostly expensive goods
So, all it takes is one pact to ruin Germany forever.
That's what Europe should focus on.
There is also something called work efficiency. Maybe look up those stats too and compare those. It won't help your narrative though.
>this is your brain on Jewish mutt education
The alternative of just getting it over with is not much better.
How did you arrive at that conclusion? And what would the other European countries even gain from trying to ruin Germany?
Somehow the people who would be against a literal 4th Reich don't seem to mind the EU
Europe should be destroyed.
>Yeah I'd much rather become a puppet for the US
>option 1. world war
>option 2. surrender to germany
You're telling us there is no option 3?
Lol. all these seething spaniards replying to this comment.
Not true, FN in France is a direct result of the fiscal compact. The euro can't function properly without huge pan-european structures being put into place. Because Germany will constantly have it's currency devalued, the eastern/balkan countries economies can't handle the strength of it, the French operate on deficit spending as do the Italians, these things don't work in a loose union.
It's much better if you can print and run deficits than it is to have to ask Germans to print money, while only barely having any real lenders of last resort (and that only exists because otherwise the European banks would have collapsed overnight)
The quickest fix for the euro would be for Germany to leave it. And this is without getting into the MMT benefits.
>Just look up stats that don't exist and compare them with existing ones
That Germany is the reason Europe is in its current state.
They are a terrible country who cares not about the well being of European citizens.
If I recall Gris is Spanish but calling that a game is a stretch.
it's a filthy piece of shit country, except the eastern part down to ~Tarragona
it's a 3rd world country
Germany actually has caring about it's citizens written into the constitution.
Then why did they fill Germany with millions of muslims?
German conservatism is all about being as magnanimous as you can so you can point at it and say how you're better than other conservatives.
>Germany is the reason Europe is in its current state.
Are you retarded? Do you huff glue as a hobby or something? Let me guess, Germany is to blame for the refugee crisis instead of France, Britain, the US and Israel? Jesus, just lobotomize yourself
If you can think of one that doesn't end with Germany once again declaring war and taking over Europe for a third time, which results in half the continent in debt to America for rebuilding, feel free to go into politics.
>once again, the salvation of the world relies on burning Germany to the ground
Why does it keep happening?
i didn't even know spics could afford videogames
No, America being the lapdogs of Israel is the reason there's refugees in the first place, but it's Germany the one who could have told refugees to fuck off elsewhere instead of filling Europe with them.
Then again, Germany being a traitor of Europe and the west shouldn't be unexpected.
Stop browsing /pol/, it's bad for your brain
I thought /pol/ liked nazis.
>trade is harder
No it isn’t, you just go to a country and say we want to make a trade deal and then sign off on it when you make a mutual agreement of benefit to both sides. It only takes months to do so if you are dealing with retarded EU pen pushers who make thousand page trade deals because they are worthless bureaucrats
Maldita Castilla is a good game, but sadly unknown.
Even normies hate Germany. They only speak highly of it when we're talking about emigrating for monies and fucking German women and fuccbois.
The truth isn’t bad for your brain
>refugees are what's wrong with the EU
go back to /pol/ fag
The EU (Germany) is actively working to destroy public healthcare, retirement funds on other countries to keep their crummy banks ridden with debt afloat
It doesn't, split the US into a dozen countries, split china into a dozen countries, split russia into like 3 countries, stop fucking about with the middle east/africa for cheap natural resources.
>Germany could have told them not to do something that was deemed legal.
The countries of first arrival were straining to breaking point. If Merkel had tried anything like what you're suggesting the supreme court would have thrown the book at her. Germany doesn't have a system where parliament reigns supreme.
it is if you reject it
how will mass importation of foreigner remedy this?
This is actually true, but it's also to keep French banks afloat.
t. G*rman
We already know what happened the last time we let you loose.
6.4. At current prices, relative to a country or aggregate (HVGDHR)
And who do you think is complacent with these changes retard? Refugees will nod their mouthbreathing heads to anything as long as they get their pitiful gibs. It'll take AT LEAST a whole generation for them to realize they've been had and join the natives in their protests, if at all.
>but muh immigrants!
post a screen shot
Why is spain the laughing stock of europe? They seem pretty cool
Those apes are not Spanish, they are south American spics. Spanish means either the language or the country, don't call those monkeys Spanish.
Please learn to speak.
answer the question zoomer-chan
And gen-x are in their 40s and 50s. Let that sink in.
>nation states and differences between populations don't exist!
Looks like you live in cloud city.
Portuguesefag here, this place is literally fucking Brazil 2.0
You do realise refugees don't get permanent residency right? and that deportations are on the rise because several hotspots aren't hot any more right?
Refugees don't get a vote.
Portubro we were supposed to be friends, don't be mad.
>mudslimes are western
no lev goldburgheimerschmidtgreenstein, fuck off
They think they are special when in reality they are ineffectual pedos
Are you implying /pol/ is a rejection of the truth? I suppose your news media which censors Muslim crime and doesn’t reveal the Jew scoundrels in charge of social liberalism
But yeah I guess watching an atrocity play out, like a shooting committed by Muslims or video evidence of black violence is a rejection of the truth. I guess I should just let the media censor what I see, then tell me what to think!
is that why so many educated liberal teachers move to London and tackle juvenile delinquency in the big cities?
which countries if I might ask?
Spain was only worthwhile under Franco.
Trash Souls games haven even surpassed it in gameplay even decades later.
Hey Galicia bro, have you gotten the internet over there now?
Glad to hear, you'll love smartphones.
They are just a lowly middle-man for Colombia
>Richer countries whose main economic motor isn't tourism produce more
whoda thunk it.
Ireland tho what the fuck? When did the potatoniggers get so good?
The answer is: It's irrelevant
Unless it's those evil immigrants imposing austerity policies on other countries from the European Council and the other institutions
I don't give a shit if you are a racist fuck, but you are ignoring one issue in favor of a totally different one
Lol 99.9% of the Portuguese in London are from shithole backwater towns and are all drunken retards
yeah it's (((burger claps))) doing that
>which countries if I might ask?
Tunisia, Morroco and Algeria specifically, Syria still has active conflict and the country is still kinda in ruins so trying to rush people back would be a humanitarian disaster. It'll have to be done in phases.
>so they vote a lazy retard like Abascal
What do you mean? He's gonna make Spain great again, I don't wanna end up a communist hellhole like Venezuela.
They're just a tax haven.
You need to have the US try to topple your government for nearly 2 decades to have that happen.
>Richer countries whose main economic motor isn't tourism produce more
I whoda thunk, but I also whoda thunk not to boast about work hours when most of the time is spend idling around at a workplace that requires little labor input instead of actually working.
>Refugees don't get a vote
"Refugees" work for peanuts and drive the standard of life quality down, and they don't care. If people can't affford to live, then they'll have no choice but abide by the rules.
Revolutions aren't like before, where every fuck had a pitchfork. You need a platform and the bare minimum economical security to even think of fighting back nowadays. When you have neither, you're nothing. Immigrants help against this.
I didn't imply anything, you did all the job yourself
you stated that the truth doesn't hurt, I simply said that it could, giving you a context where it does
He's Spanish, Spanish lefties love attacking their own country and saying how dumb the rest of us are while the loathe not being born in California, specially online since foreigners can't really tell he's retarded at 1st glance.
Good thing they're so retarded they implode themselves every time they try to rise up.
Refugees don't do that, bosses do that, lack of unionisation does that.
>Refugees don't do that
But they compound on the issue, and introduce a ton more.
Spain has always been shit, you're talking about the country that was still living in the middle-ages with the inquisition burning witches when the rest of europe was embracing reason, constitutionalism and the enlightenment.
The truth does not hurt in the slightest. Enjoy being lied to. The truth is as simple as uncensored information. Information is censored to set a false narrative. If you don’t reject that, you are a moron
Just get out of Lisbon, you hipster fuck. Or leave the country.
Outside of Lisbon you actually meet nice people and eat good regional food.
Even lefties like my mom are starting to be tired of the migrants shit in Europe, she was voting podemos but now she isn't anymore.
People are slowly starimg to realize this is just a US high spheres play, but we're not as gullible as the Americans so we'll realize.
Luckily Franco left a strong sense of patriotism in many people, retarded cuck leftist notwithstanding, so in the event something really big happens, the Spanish people won't stay quiet.
Spaintards are the mexican of europe.
Spain's service-based, Germany isn't, comparatively at least.
Any more of this girl?
Blas de Lezo.
no, we are the Africa of Europe
>Europe starts at the Pyrenees
>the inquisition burning witches
We should go back to that.
Just burn feminists instead.
if I told you your mother never loved you in the slightest and tried to kill you many times when you were very young, it would hurt you
Spain is literally impossible to take without nuclear weapons, it has one of the most insane terrain advantages of any country.
Spain's had a major problem with total work hours not being properly accounted for that's just recently being addressed. Our labour based work is about as respectable as any other EU country, it's just that bureaucracy is UNFATHOMABLY slow in this fucking country, on top of less money overall.
how can you be so angry at living in a country artificially kept poor by Germany so they can abuse cheap labor and slave agriculture? How ungrateful.
Same boat as you, i don't like PP and PSOE seem to follow Cánovas del Castillo bipartidism, Cs aren't to be trusted, Podemos went full retarded and the catalan parties are full of independence, wish there was a nationalist not separaist party. Vox doesn't seem that bad compared to the others. Maybe i'm an idiot who knows.
You have no evidence of this. Your claim is as wrong as when journalists spread slander from “a source familiar with the matter”. A video is clear - it tells everything. The media tries to lie mostly with words because videos are hard to fake. People caught the fakery in Syria even in video form (people handling “gas victims” with bare hands)
>a fucking steak coated in bread, cheese and grease
>good food
see? you're rejecting what I said because you know it would hurt you if it was true
>Vox doesn't seem that bad compared to the others
>Maybe i'm an idiot who knows
of course! let's vote the fascists!
eres un idiota
Portugal has a salty ass steak with egg on top and soggy potato chips, they are no better. Shit tier food and beer
The other choices are the thieves, the slightly leftist thieves and the SJWs.
It's tasty, that's all that matters
>the laughing stock country of the laughing stock union
That's sad
You aren’t telling the truth because you have no evidence. Not even evidence that points to that conclusion. Enjoy being lied to. These media and expert figures definitely have your best interests at heart, fool
There are probably a lot of small, mobile focused gaming studios in spain.
Hell, even here in portugal we have gaming studios that only make mobile games.
>VOX doesn't seem that bad
>want to destroy the public health system, public education, public retirement funds, separate boys and girls in school
I probably missed a lot of shit, but whatever
And they are going to sell the spoils to their friends, since Abascal was just a goon of PP until recently, so you know what to expect
oh, so one one of those kids who doesn't like fabada because can't deal with legumbres or verdura
do you want a purecito? or a tortillita francesa? fucking faggot
>wish there was a nationalist not separaist party
There's several. PCPE are nationalist, Carlists are all nationalists.
can someone explain what's going on and forget /int/ for a while?
pic not related
>Vox are fascists
Of all those things, I only care about public health system, and even that is being exploited by subhuman immigrants and Brit expats.
Pensions are fucked and unsustainable anyways.
expectations are incredibly low in this country
the population has to choose the party that will steal less from them
but voting the party that represents unrepentant fascism is surely not the way
Spain has a democratic problem, and I don't mean the separatists, I mean that the people is so used to be robbed by their government that this situation is seen as normal
people should be educated in democratic values or we will never break away from the corrupt government
este es mi granito de arena
>tasteless wine
Fuck you Rioja is delicious
they're the shitty castlevania one right? Are they the same ones that were working on metroid prime 4 before the restart?
France is already Africa.
Go visit and see for yourself.
Dunno man, all the other parties programs are full or promises without the action of how they will do them, and i'm legit worried about the rampant feminism, two friends of mine were threated to be falsely accused of rape, and if "yes means yes and everything else is no" it's gonna be a shitshow. All the major parties want to give even more power to that, fuck that.
Do it for her.
>voting to fuck your country over because of women.
That's the Unidas Podemos motto though.
I trust the fascists.
you are voting VOX, right anons?
now you're just playing with words and moving the goalpost
truth can hurt and you are proving it right now, don't respond to me from now on because I already know what you're going to say and I don't want to spend more time trying to explain to you what you are doing and how it's proving that my claim is true
is it Mercury Steam?
not that user but I think so, they're also the same company that made
>raiders of the broken planet
which got renamed to
because despite the great artists on staff the dev team refused to consider any player feedback at all, the people making decisions at that studio really deserve to die
we should vote with reason and clear mind instead of fear
with the main parties represent things we don't agree with, we should move so they hear our requests
democracy is not only voting every four years
I've visited the UK and France.
I'm sorry but I don't want my country to turn into Africa like those did. I mean, Paris and Marseille were surreal. It was like I was in an alternate dimension.
I'm from Castellon and we are invaded as fuck here already, I don't want this to continue.
I will vote to whoever is willing to prevent Spain's demographic suicide. The economy can always be fixed, but when you have a +20% muslim population, your country is irreversibly fucked.
>American education
and how do you thing an authoritarian government will benefit you in any way?
do you think that the government will protect you from some sort of undefined threat to the country
you will only feel liberated from the weight of critical though but you will suffer from not having any freedom whatsoever
you will raise them to power
you will feed them with your resources
they will spit on your face and convince you that is raining and somebody else is to blame
Debt is a jew concept, so running away to a different country is the alpha move. Betas are seething because they themselves are trapped by Shekelstein and will never be free.
Fuck off, you retard, go shave your wife's moustache
>you will raise them to power
>you will feed them with your resources
>they will spit on your face and convince you that is raining and somebody else is to blame
So, the dictatorship never actually ended, it seems.
Spain is a third world country. It's run by mobsters. No surprise it's collapsing.
>from some sort of undefined threat to the country
Not undefined, I want them to kick out the muslims.
Your point is meaningless, you’re a dumbass and your attempt to use intelligence has failed
t. Alberto Barbosa
How does it feel to be the side country?
>have several left wing nationalists you could vote for
>instead vote to cut your own leg off because of brown people.
>is that why so many educated liberal teachers move to London and tackle juvenile delinquency in the big cities?
Why do you have to lie
>living in constant fear and paranoia of boogeymen
Sorry you've got brainwashed by social media user.
>left wing
They are not going to do anything at all about immigrants.
Hell no
perhaps you should abandon preconceived notions of Spanishness
these people can be educated to act as citizens and then they will be indistinguishable from any other Spaniard
any violent behavior is condemnable from any direction it comes
Have you tuned in to the news lately my friend?
You know nothing of the left. There are plenty of nationalist left wing Spanish movements. Not everyone on the left is a Trotskyite internationalist.
you are not entirely wrong, which is really sad...
As I said, I do not trust any leftist.
They have already ruined the west enough.
Well yes, all the changes they want to make affects the resources managment, jobs production and society moral.
My problem with feminism is that they already acomplished their objective, but the data they use to show the enemy is the new generation they created, but the old generation that still use the old values. They try to fight an enemy that needs time to go away, it's pushing from feminism to misandry. So yeah, anything to stop that is of value to me, because i only need 10 to 20 years for the feminist move to slow down before it truly gets out of hand.
The left are not neoliberals.
Ah, and the truth is revealed at last!
Integration is a joke. It only works with like-minded countries, neither Africa and the middle-east are like-minded in the slighest. Fuck outta here with that bull, or go preach it in the rough neighborhoods in Andalusia and see how the Spaniards there will respond.
No, i prefer non-fictional pastimes of entertainment.
I mean the data they use is the old generation with the old values and not the new generation that already has equality in mind.
Non-neoliberal leftists don't seem to exist at all, seeing the past 10 years.
I suppose that in this country we never learned to clean the mess that was the postwar and the dictatorship
we are still hurting and some people still benefits from that
as Spaniards we still need to learn true democratic values
>there's no such thing as X culture
And then you'll talk about how fascism totally isn't the solution.
I'm tired of putting up with your cancer.
Cope harder ameriburger
Then you'll like the news. The mental acrobatics there are borderline surreal.
Liberalism is a right wing concept, the American "left" (and thus liberalists) is in fact, center right.
>the ones who want to fill america with spics are actually right wing
American education
Pyro studios, you zoomer.
there is really a unique and single Spanish culture?
things change with time
we should resist change but not fear it
we should adapt to it and see how we can benefit from change
everything is constantly in motion, even culture
if you insist that Spain should not change in any way, this is the only way it will become stagnant and die as it is
Do what we did friend, and fucking shoot them.
Modern culture is a joke. Most countries are influenced by american's / current global trends. Local/regional culture still exists in rural villages that maintain family traditions and that's it.
>tfw just living in spain so all this circus of a thread is hilarious
>Seeing the past 10 years
Where every attempt to move away from it gets punished by the eternal kraut?
Social progressive right wingers are just in it to protect capital. Throw some scraps of social progressiveness and present yourself as the opposite of the big nasty ones when really you're the same brand of exploiter.
Damn, I guess we should just fill our countries with muslims.
Aragonese union is based. That is all.
They want immigration to fuel capitalism. Since when capitalism was a left wing concept?
The difference is between conservative right and liberal right, there's no such a thing as left in american's politics.
>all the independentist parties are europhiles
>tfw no catalan nationalist party that's not fucking retarded and doesn't cater to feminist retards
Or maybe do some research and look at the ones who are full on "Socialism in one country"
You can find them because they like starting their conversations with "as a marxist-leninist"
you are talking with someone from a country that had a dictator die from old age in his bed...
we need to learn a lot of things
You can do and think whatever you feel like it's best for you, just stop acting like you uphold your country's culture or roots, if it has any to begin with.
I hears Spain once almost became marxist but kicked their teeth in only for them to come back decades later and gradually subvert the government to the point they are now digging up and desecrating the graves of former political rivals.
this and the current constitution had to be approved article by article by the regime's army before being passed. What did you expect?
Yes, it's called Podemos, it's pretty much a parody of SJWs, except they are unironical.
>have a world war to stop Germany from taking over and uniting Europe
>proceed to make a united European Union and put Germany in charge of it
CNT-FAI was based
it will be a surprise for these parties to discover that Europe dosen't give a shit about Catalonia
I think that we will need to change our relationship not only with Spain but with Europe as well
we can be a country like Andorra
I speak as Catalan separatist
No. It's about being cautious and observing before making such decisions, and clearly no one did either when they decided to take in refugees. May I remind you that nobody voted to have Spain flooded with sandniggers? There's no benefit to that and politicians know it, because their "culture" clashes with ours and our values, and the resulting amalgam leads only to worsening conditions for the natives and friction that wouldn't have existed had they not come here.
You live in a utopia, you preach concepts that are positive and virtuous in a vacuum where everyone is the same and bad shit doesn't happen, and base your entire arguments on this vacuum instead of adapting them to current events. It's sickening for the average worker, because they don't have the benefit of abstraction from reality that being a student or a NEET allows you. You're delusional, get off your ivory tower and come back down to reality.
>Spain almost becomes communist with the 2nd republic
>Francoist regime rises due to the backlash. Full fascism ensues
>Franco dies due to old age and a "transition" occurs (transition meaning the regime was involved in approving the next government)
>Years later the political parties join to take the corpse of Franco out of his HUGE ASS MAUSOLEUM HE MADE THE OPPOSITION BUILD AS SLAVES and bury him somewhere else
I really hope that Podemos has some common sense and doesn't fall for that SJW nonsense that comes from North America
>May I remind you that nobody voted to have Spain flooded with sandniggers?
No one has said "lets leave the UNHCR charter on refugees!" have they? because staying in it sounds like agreeing to take in refugees.
Feels bad man, imagine how black the black pill is when you not only see what's happening to the world, but seeing the people that should be fighting the most to avoid be its biggest cheerleaders
Thank you Germany.
they've already changed their name to Unidas Podemos to appeal more to feminists
>You're delusional, get off your ivory tower and come back down to reality
I completely agree with you
my arguments are based on pure theory and are not contrasted by reality
but this is what I think it should be done
obviously is not that easy, but perhaps there are some other ways to look at this problem...
Sorry what exactly do you plan on exporting? Toros fiesta and sangria? Spain biggest industry is tourism, thats why we are a fucking joke and Germany's bitch
>appealing to women voters by changing your name
It's just good politics.
Maybe she's trying to turn Europe into China/India where an elite political/corporate few live in hyper luxury while the other 97-99% live as literal slave labor.
If your argument isn't based on reality, then you shouldn't vote. Period. There's nothing that should be more based 100% on reality and cold hard facts than politics, well except law, and people are sick of this bastardisation of politics.
Shut the fuck up, go back to a philosophical debate and spout your asinine bullshit there.
the only thing spics are good for are women, coffee, and coke. they're useless parasites otherwise.
>There's nothing that should be more based 100% on reality and cold hard facts than politics
>ideology shouldn't be in politics
real galaxy brain.
this is something that I find really amusing
as someone with a college degree about linguistics, changing the common "neutral" form to the feminine because it's the same as the masculine is even more sexist
people should be properly educated and not believe what is strictly politically correct
anybody can be offended at any time by any reason. If they are offended by something that is not factually correct, they are wrong
Southern ''''''''''''''europe''''''''''''''' is mostly composed of arab and turkish rape babies
>they will spit on your face and convince you that is raining
Based and Castelaopilled
Ideologies not based entirely on observation of reality shouldn't be in politics, yes.
africa begins at the pyrenees
Vox, but they're just piss-poor bootleg Trumplings
All ideologies are made based off observations of reality, they just disagree on the underpinnings.
>I completely agree with you
>my arguments are based on pure theory and are not contrasted by reality
Copy pasted to the post I responded to.
not so fast surrendercountryman
I have every right to vote because I'm a Spanish citizen
this is the problem I've been talking about... without any form of debate there is no way we can benefit from a healthy democracy
I should shut up just because my believes are idealistic? I wish for things to improve... why shouldn't we talk about it?
still the only party with balls
Podemos. Anyone that thinks the far right aren't neoliberals in disguise is a fool.
His English being poor doesn't actually mean there's no reality to the theory.
Ignore the cynic bro. Technocratic attempts to have politics without ideology is what's been killing Europe since the 80s. Idealism is in demand right now.
They did.
They are now called Unidas Podemos, they changed their name to a female one for inclusivity.
At least they no longer have as much presence as, say, 5 years ago.
it was me who said that
I agree that my believes are just theory and perhaps too detached from reality
this is why I think I should not have my head in the clouds all the time...
what do you mean my English is poor?!
ok... now I'm feeling insulted...
Disappointed by the lack of Spain girls not being posted.
If no one ever tries to do anything new, then all you get is the same shit on loop forever. Don't stop being idealistic.
>They are now called Unidas Podemos, they changed their name to a female one for inclusivity.
Wasn't that because they absorbed Izquierda Unida?
>the lack of Spain girls not being posted.
So Spanish girls are being posted?
In most cases, taking in refugees or not is not something you can decide, especially if you are geographically close to the regions they come from.
If they are at sea, your state is legally obliged to take them in and confirm their identities. Even if they have no refugee rights, their home country may not take them back and you cannot just drop them outside of your border.
Other than that, even the political parties "against" immigrants have interest in keeping them as flaunting them as invasors gets them votes. Here in Italy for example, the current right-wing leading party abstained from voting the renegotiation of the Dublin treaty, which would have helped us with the redistribution of migrants coming from the Mediterranean sea.
They used to be called Unidos Podemos.
It just reads a bit weird. Not trying to insult.
Tax haven. Ireland is the new Luxemburg
>Why shouldn't we talk about it?
Says the guy that literally told someone that perhaps it's better to "abandon (your) preconceived notions of Spanishness"
"Talk to me, but only after you radically alter your worldview!", Christ. And you want debates? Fucking pathetic, you carelessly missuse language that betrays your true intentions yet you sit there and think people are too dumb to catch on. You've admitted your ideology doesn't contrast with reality, then your ideology has no merit. Idealism is already a shaky concept that doesn't work most of the time, but to completely sever it from reality, and admit it while claiming it should have just as much weight and validity as any other, is just a recipe for disaster.
Not even trying to be insulting, but you sound awfully young. Get a grip, experience the workplace a bit, then sit down and have a long hard think. The left has plenty of good ideas, but don't let the blight of neoliberalism and greed that pollutes it get to you.
>mfw people actually care about LA UNIDAD DE ESPAÑA
>A non-issue inflated by the right wing parties that are supposed to keep every CA united so they can say they are needed to fight the bad evil independentists and these independentists that just want to be "on the fight" forever without achieving anything
If Rajoy had let them vote on 1-O this would already be over, but I guess them and coke-man need to present themselves as the only way to save to country from breaking.
This too btw, the far right populists want to use refugees/migration as a scapegoat to push American capitalism onto Europe. If they could they'd sell the whole damn country to American businesses.
Refugees are exploiting the system by claiming they're moroccan refugees, when morocco is fine, or refusing to show ID by claiming it's lost, or faking their ID. A refugee can request asylum to the nearest safe country, but access to further away countries can be denied.
The system is being exploited by fucking everyone, it's sickening.
How is neoliberalism a lefty ideology? Cs is the most liberal of all big parties and they are right wing.
And yet the majority of us share a currency and the biggest members want to push for having an EU military. I want to follow in the steps of bongs, but it will never happen
They speak Spanish so they're part of the Spanish games industry.
That's the point: the left has been co-opted by corporations and power-hungry governments, they use it as posturing to deflect criticism.
Think: who does unskilled, low value immigration benefit? The workers? Who does derision between citizens of the same country that are otherwise decently like-minded via feminism and other artificial social issues benefit? Women?
"Spics" are hispanic, not Spanish. Get your racism right at least.
spic means spanish speaker idiot
Greek chickening out and UK's parliament refusing every option and postponing it should make it obvious enough that, no matter your opinion on the matter, getting out of EU is not a viable option for nations that want to grow.
"the left" has not, a few soft left parties did, back in the 80s to mid 2000s. Because at the time that was just how it worked, the post 2008 world has seen them either die, or return to their roots. In the post recession world anti-capitalism is back.
They can ban soccer for all I care if that means less downies horning and shouting from their car when madrid/barça wins something also Im not catalonian, Im from the other side of the country but you gotta be dumb to not see how both independentists and righties benefit from the endless conflict.
I don't think that's entirely true
even if it is... I think is just anecdotal...
Don't take it personally my man, don't be afraid to come up and debate ideologies, it's how everyone starts out at first, but politics is a cynical world. I didn't vote until I was 22 because I didn't feel like I had quite reached enough level of understanding to make a wise decision when I was 20, I just want people to treat voting with a modicum of cool-headedness and salt.
Yes and no. Bamco was making MP4 and MercurySteam made the Metroid 2 remake.
A Spanish speaker from Central or South America or the Caribbean. Which are all hispanics and not spaniards. It's literally a corruption of the word "hispanic" the same way that "nigger" is a corruption of "negro."
The education of the Amerifarts in this thread is hilarious.
there is nothign wrong with fighting dumb opinions with anecdotal evidences
Who are you gonna vote for user?
thank you for your input
I suppose I'm too naive
Forgot my proof.
They're still too insignificantly minor to do anything. I'm all up for a cynical left, but currently they're almost nowhere to be seen and things are spiraling out of control too quickly.
that's who I voted
I stated it here Not proud, but such is the hand we've been dealt.
Only on Yea Forums can people be this retarded and have someone else agree with them
>463 posts
good thread mods
true but he still deserved a hook in the gabber for being such a smug fuck
We call them dagos here, yank.
Do what my parents did and move to America. Although, Peru still has a few nice cities.
>weeb talk-a-thon
Wow, great game. Good job, Spanish speakers.
have fun dieing in the next war started by some petty strongman.
Spanish people can make games?
If they pay decently, I will.
I'll do it for free if the war is against the Germans.
Momodora games
Every spanish that can do something worth a shit runs away 750bucksminilumwageland
Literally no one cares about Portugal you fucking Brazilian
Some guy comes into his space and beats a drum in his face, so the kid should be beaten?
Fuck off.
>but they aren't evil subhumans like Muslims are.
found the spic
>Spain is Western
more like middle east, breh
It's fine now that the correct people are in charge.
it's amazing how in this day and age any retard can look up statistics from each countries data agency and see the massive benefits in economic growth that the EU is causing them and has caused since the year they've joined, but they still chose not to do so and continue being retarded
The benefits are not worth it.
yeah i mean just look at countries that have not joined the EU like Turkey or the Ukraine, if not for the shitty eu we'd be as developed as them
>see the massive benefits in economic growth
The EU is good for capital cities, and that's about it. If you live in a literal shithole they might force your corrupt government to spend a bit of money maintaining roads and converting your fucking wiring system to something ass-backwards, but for the vast majority of people, EU membership is just slavery with a new coat of paint.
>tfw even greece has a higher GDP than turkroaches
Maldita Castilla
Go play it now
only per capita, nigger
The inquisition wasn't what you think it was read up on it sometime, they were actually the ones who stopped things like that. History has been skewed severely on this topic by people pushing an agenda
Feel free to do an *xit and become a third-tier dumphole then.
Fifa or something
I don't know
We already are.
At least we wouldn't be slaves of Germany.
They also made Guacamele, you pleb.
No it isn't, you don't have weekly shootings on your fucking street. You don't have weekly parties where 12~14yo have a public orgy. You don't have 60% import tax on EVERYTHING, and over 200% tax on certain products.
the one that actually matters yes
Vox is pro-Israel and Zionist to the core.
Pay debts.
In what way is the EU treating you like a slave if, by your own admission, it's thanks to them that your area receives any funds?
5 bucks you're a dumb zoomer who has no idea how good he has it
i've lived in my country before we joined the EU, and the difference is heaven and earth
But is going to change everything, caralho! Brazil world power 20XX!!!
No, they became independent and extremely corrupt. The Dutch Caribbean is though, Aruba, bonaire and curacao.
Spain is not eastern Europe.
This country's economy tanked due to the EU.
It'll be a world power eventually, if only because new technologies will force it so. By the time genetic editing becomes a thing, even africa might finally turn civilized. Now let's just hope we will survive until then.
you voted VOX today, right Yea Forumsros?
I was way too fucking drunk to go to vote.
Can't really find any backup of that claim in world bank stats, care to elaborate?
I voted Unidas Podemos, Spain's alt right is fucking pathetic.
Due to EU, or due to your politicians doing jackshit to improve the nation?
So you instead voted for the blue haired SJWs who changed their name to be more inclusive?
hating Paella it's like Hating pizza. There's a lot of different ones so saying you hate it in general just makes you look like a retard.
But idc, I'm here enjoying my ham, paellas, tortillas and more. Based mediterranean diet.
Better that than Abascal that's for sure.
>SJWs better than alt right
So, you are an SJW?
You were never going to vote for a right wing party if you are voting for the complete opposite.
Who are you fooling?
I never vote but I hope VOX win. Not gonna happen though
EU and Europe are two different things. One is a globalist scam the other the name of the continent.
>if you don't vote right wing you're an SJW
I voted for PP.
This country deserves to be ruined and it's people die in poberty.
A country of scum, lead by scum.
I have no idea why anyone would be interested in the well being of the human trash that populates this country.
No, you are an SJW for voting for SJWs.
There are some good people
that's why he said UE
All the good people will die within 10 years of old age.
Everyone below 40 here is scum.
>vote for SJWs
>get called an SJW
t. scum below 40
disfruta tu 1 (uno) escaño Abascal :)