Analyst predicts 20M people will abandon gaming PCs for consoles

Discuss, Yea Forums

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the M is a typo.
its 20 people lul

Surprising amount of normies who chase trends have gaming pcs desu so I could see it

imagine being a single-platform pleb

>*checks notes*

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>journalist is out of touch

well imagine my shock

Are they just counting the numbers of phone gamers ?

Because i could see them doing that just give them a unified platform like android and they wouldn't expect much from it

Hasn't PC gaming been dead according to these journalists and analysts for like 20 years?

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It's a site dedicated to PC gaming, of course they're gonna take the piss out of it.

Didn't they say this about a decade ago and there's more normie shitters playing PC vidya?

Analyst is not the journo, analcysts are just old people who like to throw up graphs to feed their agenda (companies they invest in)

>Play minesweeper once
>straight up pc gamer no doubt about it, they have been playing on pc since minesweeper came out.

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>pc games will die, desktop pc will die, says nervous man for the 15 time

The title tone implies the journalist doesn’t find it plausible, but it is in fact what they have been told. Which is a pretty rare event.

Seriously. Switch/PS4/PC is great.

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Trend chasing makes it a possibility.
But I don't know what the next trend is that could lead to such a major shift.
Since most free games with record setting numbers are on PC and run on potatoes.


What the fuck is ''TV gaming platform''?

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I like to own physical versions of games so I pretty much have abandoned my PC.
Still pirate everything though lol.

Gacha trash isn't

Yea Forums has been telling me PC gaming is dead/dying every day for over 10 years.

So a console? And haven’t “analysts” been saying this for decades now? There’s an article about a shitty “universal console” every year.

How do you pirate everything? Do you burn your physical discs or rob the store?

>Muh Moore's law ending we basically maxed out guys!
>He doesn't know about 3D stacking, chiplet GPU's, and other technology AMD and Intel are investing in.
>Even if we had a complete hault on PC hardware, somehow PC components will never decrease in price but consoles will

Make it fucking stop.

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>Analyst predicts 20M people will abandon gaming PCs for consoles
except that's not what it says moron. tv gaming platforms can be anything. by next gen you'll have services like stadia and xcloud offered on tv's as an app and both companies have confirmed. that's probably where their logic lies.


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Oh sorry I meant that I pirate PC games.
I mostly buy legit physical copies of console games.

People who use PCs specifically move to PC because they want the advantages of PC. Going from PC to consoles you know what kind of compromises you have to make.

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>All PC gamers will switch to console gaming by 10:45 AM Central Time zone tommorow


>normies will leave pc
>we can finally have the mature audience we had in the 90s
>western rpgs and rts games become decent again
Unlikely to happen but one can dream.

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So, they're buying HDMI cables?

This honestly

Remember a few years ago when they claimed tablets would completely kill the PC? Not overtake or even dominate, but kill. Offices and homes wouldn't have PCs anymore, just tablets.
Without any indication on what was the reasoning behind the analysis, I think it can be safely dismissed.

>discuss clickbait

/sage /thread

>its a Political Correct Gamer article
into the trash it goes

Are you people saving still images as GIFs to create suspense where there is none?

Technically this isn't wrong if you include every PC ever made previously to the PS3 in those numbers.

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Journalists *gasses a journalist* in 2019 *whips out cock* are a fucking joke

Gif have uses outside of being an animation.

>Moore's Law doesn't apply to consoles
Are analysts always this retarded?

ok. the developers who remain will create games because they want people to play them, not because they want to nickel and dime the good goyim with shallow content.

So your logic is that when more people leave the platform, thus having a smaller consumer base, will encourage developers to make wrpgs and rts games for it? Wut?

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Because if people had a choice and had a chunk of around 600$ would they be tempted go spend that on a pc instead?
Console players accepted that keyboard and mouse players are on another dimensional plane of existence already.

It's annoying me how the editor didn't capitalize Steam

Is this worldwide? Because a shit ton of people are going to be becoming "aged" gamers around mid 30s to 40s who don't want to fuck with PCs, consoles, or any of that bullshit anymore. When 4k TVs come with enough GPU power to be equivalent to a PS4 that will be good enough for them.

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Its like video game violence analysts all over again

Hopefully mobile trash games will be destroyed by stadia though, mega normies will creep into the regular gaming market

>abandon gaming PCs for "checks notes"
What the fuck is this? Does he mean checkbooks?
Who the fuck writes like that?

no, i think he means he's checking the notes taken about the subject. And that's a good thing!

This is like what, the 20th death now?

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These are the people who populated he triple or quad digit games on steam

Well you got me there user, guilty as charged

yeah right lol

the analyst is a retard because he said 5g will increase this.. 5g has nothing to do with shit you do at home.

20mil people probably will buy playstation4s for DeathStranding thou.

ive been tapped out of consoles for like 8years missed the entire generation but I might pick up a super cheap busted up PS4 and fix it to play deathstranding and some other shit especially considering Kojima kept hinting it had some form of multiplayer or connection at the film festival he was at on the weekend.

if its like DayZ metal gear … it could be keno as fuck.

I will get a cheap busted up PS4og or slim thou. and fix it my self.

PS5 has backwards compatibility but will fail as a console and PS4 versions of PS5 games will continue for at least 4years imo.

this desu
planning the exact same for next gen
used to have an xbox too but nogames

is there any way to force a OG or slim ps4 to play games at 720p and use the extra power to make them run faster?

fairly sure lots of ps3 games let you do this like GrandTrismo that had a "fast" 720p mode.

Even if that's true, which I doubt, until consoles have real mods idgaf

yeah for all the great games that had modding capabilities this gen like

I think I'll drop Sony for the next gen, not enough games to justify the platform, and their first party games are not my thing at all.

wake up consoles/pc are already dead in 12months time every one will be streaming.
and you wont have to pick a streaming platform because they wont do it via subscription but store.

And it's more alive than ever

>out-of-touch retard telling suits what they want to hear says stupid shit

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PC gaming is dead

how the last good pc game came out in march2017. and even that was just a fast form version of dayz that's almost a decade old...

pc scene is bored as fuck atm desu.

but console scene is even worse with decima over the sholder boring as fuck ass open world RPGs/muh story shit that is best played on youtube..

just format ya pc maybe...

Analysts are about as useful as influencers.
*honk honk*

There will be 20m more next gen consoles sold than previous years records that's not a bad prediction

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playstation games are best played on youtube
> "the way its meant to be played"

So they will drop gaming PCs for gaming PCs?
Or did the retard not realize you can connect your PC to a TV too?

Yes, actually. Economists too, economists in the US have a less than 50% track record for correctly prediction fiscal outcomes, so it's actually better to do the opposite of what they say more than half the time.

Why don't they tell us which retarded analyst said this

cheating on console is too hard thou let them go imo im happy with my cheats on pc.

The last of us killed console gaming now every game is a shitty clone of that. even assassins creed/halo soon.,

US is the only place video game stocks are publicly traded and even then nun of them reflect success of console vs pc.

I wish I could upvote this.

how switch is 100% emulated at higher performance on PC and PS4 games are literally movies you just click play on.

PC has been the only gaming platform since 360 died in 2011 or some thing with gears3 being terrible as fuck

>if we tell them what we want to happen is going to happen then maybe we can phantom peer pressure them into doing it for us
that worked out great for the 2016 election didn't it

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Take out the PS4, there's nothing to play on it except bloodborne. Seriously, it's been collecting dust for the past 3 years for me, only reason I'm keeping it still is that I'm invested/interested in Dreams

>that image
what in the goddamn

I’m one of them. PC gaming has nothing of value these days since it’s all games as a service or indie shit.
Maybe I’ll go back in the future if things get better, but I’m not interested in 4K60 undertale

It actually is. By 2010 most computers were quite similar to PS3, and the ones that weren't were too slow even for Internet.


In my little brother's generation you'll be shunned from the social activity that comes from gaming if you do not own a gaming PC. So nah.

>such as the prediction that the bulk of those defectors will come from low-end builds—ones that cost less than a grand

Laptop fags will switch because their 650m won't be able to do shit and they don't want to pay out for a 20xx series laptop.

Yea Forums analyst user predicts that's false

>normalfags fuck off back to consoles
Yes please.

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way too many pedo jokes in there

>Playing anything with more input latency than usual


It really worries me just how immune to sarcasm so many Yea Forums users are.

does it? with every other post being some faggot frog or wojack being XD LE EPIC PRETENDING, what else did you think would happen?

Nah, its just time to change to something midrange again.
Will serve well enough for the next 5 years since who would seriously hope to play all settings to max on a 17,3" screen. What would be the point.

Why would you downgrade? There is literally no reason, console exclusives are only getting worse with time, hell in the last 10 years there has been only 1 (ONE) exclusive worth getting a console for.

Years ago they said console and pc gaming would die out and everyone would be using phones and tablets instead.

They've been saying this shit for a little over a decade now

>PC gaming is going to go away in favor of mobile
>tablets and mobile gaming is the future
>streaming your games where it's at, people won't have computers anymore

Touchscreen controls, controllers, etc. will never be able to replace keyboard and mouse for a wide variety of genres and is heavily favored in shooters. All these game analysts get paid money apparently but seem to know jack shit about the medium.

Oh wow, remember tablets?

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Like what? Is it a file size thing? Only other things I can think of are hiding content between frame 1 thumbnails.

People has been predicting the death of PC gaming for nearly 20 years, and yet it is still here.

Bunch of good games on PC. If your cup of tea is over-the-shoulders interactive AAA movies on PS4 then perhaps it just isn't the platform for you.

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They're talking about chinks being allowed to buy consoles, that's all there is to it

I track vidya deliveries on big container ship, the I gather together my salty crew and we launch our skiffs onto the high seas. A few days pursuit and we have the ship in sight, so we wait till cover of darkness to bring our boats alongside, then grapnel hook onto the sides and climb up onto the deck. Then its simply a case of taking the bridge and forcing the captain to change course back to my port.

The authorities find out, of course. So to throw them off I make a ransom demand, something reasonable, just a few million dollars. In the meantime I get the crate code, find the crate in the stack and bust it open to get that sweet, sweet vidya. The shipping firm cave and agree to pay up, but its a fake account, and anyway I have already abandoned the ship, motoring back home with the precious physical in hand. Then me and my pirate bros fire up the PS4 and settle down to a proper session, with popcorn an mud cakes. You might think this is extreme, but at least we aren't stupid buyfags.

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If actually taking this "article" seriously this might happen actually.
Considering the whole Ebin vs. Everyone shit going on currently I'm very tempted to bite into the cucksole meme. If talking from my own experience of course.
Dunno about you lads tho.

They're always wrong.

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exclusivity in games is dying in general and that's a good thing!

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But this was true

it's misleading

>was true
2008 - 2009
in 2010 gpu market blew up and in 2011 it confirmed once and for all with steam blowing up.

What's actually going to happen is that mobile and streaming is going to become the new mainstream and kill off consoles, while the PC survives as an enthusiast platform, at least for a while.
The next gen will be the last actual consoles to run anything on their own hardware. The PS6, and equivalent MS offer if there will even be one, will be a dummy terminal connected to a streaming service.

name 1

I unironically play on PC 247 and love CSGO battlefield and being able to play random old racing games and now forza and being able to play 99% of stuff.

but seriously PC gaming has been boring for a VERY long time with only dayz and BR(which is a dayz mod) being the only exceptions.

Gaming in general is nothing like it was in the 2000s or late 90s when new shit was actually coming out.

Yeah, nah, you're a moron jumping on the bandwagon.

risk of rain 2

like the fact a single mod dayz and a mainstream "fast mode" of that mod "battle royal" being the only new things in the last decade is depressing as fuck.

not saying console is better I literally think the games on console are not even video games and just some weird narrative abstraction of gears of war.

gaming is fucking dead man its sad as fuck more people are working in the industry than ever but there is literally no new ideas. like DeathStranding which is probably the most interesting new game on the pipeline is purposefully teasing what the game actually is because its probably just dayz with a storyline.
dayz is literally a decade old.

in the 2000s we had the first battlefield the first big mmo dota… crysis+farcry1 halflife+mods TF2 portal. L4D

PC gaming has been fucking boring for the last decade. and console gaming just "seems better" because they release more shit but its just the same 2011 era game "last of us" being made over and over again.

>People think streaming is going to become viable anytime soon when you still can't play fighting games and MMOs without shitting out, and these are the games you have installed on your drive

deamonsouls came out a decade ago you idiot artstyle doesn't = not a new game.

i think the implication is streaming will suddenly become viable but probably not

We never needed those 20M crypto normies anyways

>pirate PC games
>Buy FIFA 2019 on PS4
>Wonder why gaming sucks now

This is you

This is inaccurate, but not entirely wrong.

It's been years since people have predicted "abandoning PC gaming for smartphones", but all we have is a decrease in PC players, and an increase in smartphone gaymers. What this really means is PCfags grow old, have kids, and drop vidya, while the younger generations adopt smartphones. There's no switch from one platform to another, but the entire smartphone segment is surely growing.

We've all seen the younger generations being crazy about Angry Birds, and praising some poorly drawn cartoons. I know some of the oldest generations, raised reading Mody Dick, Jules Vernes, or the Count of Monte Cristo, can't believe this is real, they can't believe anyone would fall for such superficial shit. But it's happening.

And worse of all, they're poorly educated about technology, this may just be the first time in all history that a generation is technologically more retarded than the previous one. They don't even understand the stakes of computing, they don't understand the concept of a Personal Computer, and why it's important to keep that computing power in your home, and ownership of your games and software, and most importantly, data, they don't know about the dangers of the cloud and other online services. They don't realize the importance of all this, and will dismiss personal computers for what is literally IBM-era terminals.

They don't own their pictures anymore, they're stored on Instagram, they don't own their music, they have Spotify, they don't own movies, they use Netflix, and now they're adopting digital voice assistants, and they're not owning any of their data anymore, nor maintaining any control over it. Won't be long before we see "streaming exclusive" vidya which can only be played on some Google box.

This is sad, but this is happening. Though if you're old enough to care, well, have kids and educate them properly about these things.

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I think it will happen. PC gaming hardware has become too expensive and many of the games are console ports anyways. I'm a long time PC gamer but am considering switching to console next generation.

half of America streams 1080p Netflix every night in high quality 1/4th stream it in 4k.

you just live in some shit place. a ps4 already has 90ms lag due to vsync stadia only has 100ms lag and doesn't use vsync.

not even esport players will pick up that 10ms difference the people saying it was laggy at the event are sanfran tech larpers that just wanted a story they felt nothing.

It must have been written up by some ignorant boomer, Consoles literally use PC hardware & PS5 & Xbox 2 will be around $500-600 due to rising costs also

People still think Consoles use magical super special hardware

>PC gaming hardware has become too expensive
It's never been this cheap. Still a PC does a lot more than vidya, meanwhile a console these days barely does anything more than a smartphone.

Wake the fuck up.

>*checks notes*

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Whats wrong with you?

I have neither the time nor the money to spare for a console, especially since they started to charge money for their online shit, I already pay for my internet. I have a very strong dislike of all recent trends in video games tbqh and if they really are going to pull that "gaming as a service" bullshit they are talking about, across the board, that will be it for me, that's the line where I will abandon this hobby and maybe play some of the many old games in my backlog now and then, I have enough other fun hobbies nowadays to occupy my time

tbf tablets are the new Gameboys for the tots of today, it's what all the chilluns are playing their Minecrafts and Fortnights on

Boomers are literally the bread and butter of the PC industry.

dude you realise the top end GPUs in the 2000s that ran games (back then) at litearlly 200+ fps like the 2080ti was 3x cheaper even in todays money.

I had a GeForce 3 500ti it was only like 399$. power relative it was like a Titain today.

hardware was way cheaper in the 2000s cpus and gpus are expensive now. in the 2000s you could get a cheap as shit atherlon cpu for 250$ and clock it as fast as a 750$ intel cpu. while today no ryzen is going to overclock to 5.5ghz like a 9900k can.

Death Stranding is a PS5 game & no it's not going to sell 20m copies, not even MGSV sold that much

>PC gaming hardware has become too expensive
>many of the games are console ports anyways
[egg timer ticking]

PC has the intangibles

>never have to worry about PC2 wiping out your library
>better control over games

and with graphics hitting a plateau you rarely have to upgrade anymore

>I need to buy the most expensive GPUs which were always aimed at retards that like to waste money


I've never modded a game. The idea you are playing something the devs didn't intend somehow rubs me the wrong way.

shh don't tell this to anyone that consoles are just entry-mid level pcs. You'll hurt their feelings.

99% of your PC "master race" is running on shit house PCs that are literally worth 50$.

the amount of people on high end PC is small as fuck just afue rich idiots in Europe and Texas (who are literally developers/streamers)

you realize NVidias European shipment data leaked and 90% of 2080ti's all went to Germany you can even tell by the after market brands the top ones are all europian or American now while in the 2000s they was all Asian brands. the market has moved away from PC gaming

sure fuckloads of people in china play on PC but they use such shit PCs they cant even use steam and needed a special gimped version of PUBG made for them that runs on some random Asian launcher that's literally the mobile phone version.

people who see charts and shows PC gaming as same size as console are stupid as fuck there is way more hardcore gamers on console on pc 90% of them are playing sudden strike or CS1.6 or warcraft3 and cant boot any game released since 2011.

>Consoles are barely even consoles anymore, just closed down computers that you can't change parts with
>People are going to move from PCs to worse PCs


I remember when "analyst" used to say the same 7 years ago.

Fortnite players?

ok but many maaaany people end up on PC for it. there is no alternative.

and "mod" doesnt just mean "add titties to skyrim".

what does the M stand for? Male?

fpbp kek

With how aggressive the release schedule is for gaming PC components, I don't know how anyone could even think that the PC market is dying or will be dying anytime soon.

Gaming *checks notes* "Journalist" Says Dumb Shit For Clicks (And That's A Good Thing)

Lmao, based

>Hasn't PC gaming been dead according to these journalists and analysts for like 20 years?
Yup and it never has. Things have gotten easier over the years, there's more resources than ever and consoles don't offer even nearly the same amount of configuration to sate people's autism.

The people making these predictions forget that the pros of PC gaming still aren't available elsewhere.

most video games are just movies now people forgot how to make gameplay after they all got addicted to wow and running quests.

I seriously cant remember the last game with good gameplay its all just missions now. so I just play first person shooters online now.

its all over games was a mistake.

& 90% of people on Consoles are playing FIFA & Fortnite

Also PUBG in China using the phone version is due to Tencent

>Falling for the stadia meme
>He doesn't remember onlive

If you see the big picture you can understand why. PC requires some kind of dedication and minimal knowledge what normies can't really afford between their diazepam dosages.
Also it gives them that corporate pride or something feeling when you NEED to justify your purchase. consoles ended with the PS2.

With any big release that gets delayed indefinitely practically guaranteed to get put off to next gen and every dev shy of Nintendo gravitating to PC anyway, feels good knowing I won't have to bother getting a new console when it finally does come out. It took three years into this current gen for new releases to stop getting cross-ports with the previous one and people still want to act like new consoles are necessary at set intervals.

I would consider the 1060 6GB the minimum you'd need and is about the same price as the PS4. Plus you need to buy the ENTIRE rest of the PC.

evry tiem

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I don't own an 8th generation console as there's nothing I want to play on them, I'm sure the 9th gen will be the same.

good, and it should stay that way. nothing is better than gettin comfy on a console + tv and having a computer to do misc tasks on the side

"analyst" lmao he's literally just a rando

You could play God Eater 3 with me on ps4.

>how switch is 100% emulated at higher performance on PC
Emulating Smash Ultimate Arenas too?

1060 6GB is if you want someone on par to PS4 Pro/Xbox X
Really you can get a $150 RX 570

PCs aren't TV gaming platforms?

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ROLL CALL Yea Forums

What's your build and when do you think you'll consider upgrading?
I built in 2016 when the 1070 8GB launched, before miners fucked the prices, bought 16GB DDR4 3000mhz before memory prices went insane. Not planning on a new build until 2022 at the earliest.

Buy me a ps4 then we'll play

Is there a faggier sentence than "I prefer to own physical games?"

2700x 2080 3200mhz
Built for 2k last year
Probably not going to upgrade for a long time
Half a decade, particularly if advances slow down even more.
I was running a 670 for awhile there with no problems

>99% of your PC "master race" is running on shit house PCs that are literally worth 50$.

Steam Hardware survey disagrees with you

You can come over to my house, I live in Arizona. I have punch and pie.

Ryzen 7 2700x and a 2080. I did this build a few months ago. Won't be upgrading for at least another five years.
I was running a 4690k with a 390 for years before this and only decided to change because I wasn't too pleased with performance in some games.

Ma nigga

>Steam Hardware survey

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Next gen consoles will support mouse keyboard and high framerate out of the box, and be half the price of a comparable pc. I'll be switching

Sure they will buddy, sure they will

That's very antisemitic of you.

If something doesn't change soon with PC hardware I'm just going to fucking join then.

I'll at least probably buy a ps5 now that I know it'll play ps4 games.

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Mouse and keyboard use on consoles has seriously ramped up in use/demand this gen, and xbox one x already supports high frame rates. Take you baseless patronizing elsewhere

*rolls into thread*
If you don't think people won't play Stadia you are wrong. We already know many don't care about FPS or ping (have you seen a game showing ping without some console command in the last ten years?) but everyone likes convenience.

Kek, like 10 games on Xbox One support M/KB & there is only 60fps options in some games because X is a mid gen refresh

They probably were. I mean, if you think about it, the majority of PCs are cheap pre-builts. Most businesses have countless cheap PCs for employees to work with as well. Even putting those aside, there are far, far more PC owners who use cheap store-bought pre-builts than there are those who actually build their PCs. Not to mention the sheer number of laptop owners.

If you put at that way, the idea that a PS3 would be more powerful than 90% of PCs isn't really all that far-fetched.

Are you underaged? It's been supported since at least nes.

While I don't agree with the analyst that made those statements, I see why they'd make those statements. These could all be valid reasons to make that assessment.

1) Moore's Law is dead. GPUs and CPUs aren't massively faster over previous years offerings.

2) Top tier GPUs have increased in price dramatically in the past few years, and this has eroded the previous decade's sub-$300 sweet spot GPU that's 1 or 2 ticks below the best-in-class model.

3) Short CPU availability by Intel makes available CPUs (in general) more expensive. (Although cheap AMD options are there which are just as good)

4) Windows 10 is a rolling release platform, and we're not getting Windows 11 or anything of the sort, so a brand new OS isn't a selling point for PCs anymore.

5) Consoles are becoming increasingly PC-like under the hood. PS5 specs belonging to next-gen 7nm AMD parts suggest that it'd basically be a balling late 2019 PC in terms of performance, and such a PC would easily last 7+ years without major upgrades.

6) Digital storefronts are becoming increasingly PC-like and more of the norm than physical disk media. (So PSN Store is essential the Steam Store for most Playstation owners).

So, given all that, I can see why someone might make that assessment, but we all know the gaming desktop isn't going anywhere.

mouse + keyboard is only good for first person games, point and click games, MMOs... controller will always dominate as it is a jack of all trades option. i still use a keyboard for FFXIV on my ps4 tho

X goes above 60fps in games that support it already fool.

>my anime reaction picture disagrees with you

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>abandon gaming PCs

Maybe not consider it their favourite platform for gaming sure, but abandon? That's completely retarded when PC gaming enjoys more multiplats than it ever has before.

Graphics aren't the only reason I like PC over consoles.
Unless they open up consoles and stop charging me to use my own internet to play with a peer to peer connection anyway, I'm never playing multiplats on consoles again.

Literally the only thing consoles can do to make me want them is to have a large amount of really cool looking exclusive games.

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Some Xbox One titles have been getting mouse and keyboard support in the past few months. Although it requires the device publisher push drivers for Xbox One specifically, there is a list of qualified mice and keyboards that work with Xbox One. I can only assume that Sony might follow suit. So the keyboard + mouse argument may not hold water in the future if consoles will take standard USB mice and keyboards too.

Transport Fever 2 just got announced. If they don't make it drastically worse than the first one, it's gonna be great.
Not every game needs to be a cinematic open world shooter RPG.

Him and the VR is the future guy should get together and have lunch.

Off the top of my head PUBG shows ping (and packets lost etc) without a console option, and it's the most-played PC FPS, even when you don't include the Chink mobile emulated version

High framerate refers to framerate above 60

>X goes above 60fps in games that support it
lol too bad your television doesn't.

VR is the future guy doesn't go to Lunch you retard. He exclusively attends brunch.

>most popular anything
Are you posting from the distant past?

But my monitor does, and my tv specifically doesn't but a fair amount do.

*checks notes*
*does the ssoy boy mouth gape*
*drinks a high sugar ssoy milk*
*allows his wife to be gang raped by niggers*


We win again

Buying PS5 day one

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Something tells me I won't be one of them. Feels good.

>Next gen consoles will support mouse keyboard and high framerate out of the box
I hope they support up to at least 240 fps, selectable resolutions and full potato-ising and rebinding too.

BUT you can play the newest games on medium at 1080p on 5 year old budget-enthusiast hardware.
Now try to picture playing HL2 on a 1999 PC.

In what, Minecraft?

I used a keyboard for cuphead and the only with the depressed girl climbing the mountain. I don’t know what is truly optimal, but I have zero difficulty with it because I’ve played too much vidya, and I notice I am slightly worse with a controller because I haven’t used one extensively since the 360 days.


consoles are actually gonna be pretty usable next gen.

HDMI 2.1 has variable refresh rate built in which means the usual console framedrops won't be as much of a problem anymore.

I don't really care about FPS anymore so I'm kind of excited to be a consolebabby for once.

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>i hate PC gaming
>but i want Mouse & Keyboard on Consoles please

fps meaning first person shooter here

>HDMI 2.1 has variable refresh rate built in
Does Freesync even support

>consoles will just be bunk ass PCs with no upgradability in a locked down ecosystem
I can't wait to switch!!!!!!

Lmao, you can't use this in multiplayer & this was only when the game was upscaled 540p before the X patch


Most games on Consoles are locked to 30 these days, only bad performing game are from Jap devs

Even if you werent lying that would still be irrelevant

>*checks notes*

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consoles are so far behind pc, they can claim they are improving the specs of their consoles for another few decades.

I asume it's at a similar rate to non whites replacing whites

OK bucko name me a PC FPS which gets more daily players than PUBG. I'll wait.
It's decliners from its astronomical 2 million concurrent players, sure, but it still gets more daily players than any other Steam FPS and we don't have reliable numbers for other PC FPS.

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>pirate only fags have nothing to play

Only poorfags will switch. The people with 1080/2070 or better won't give a fuck about how good it is.

Rich people will have all of them.

Unless devs remove 1080p and lower for some reason, there's really no reason to switch.

Fortnite :)
>b-but i said FPS
PUBG is a TPS too so.

Nearly everything in gaming can be traced to the fact that there’s more nonwhites than whites, and they’re dumber, and consequently both easier to sell too, with a higher potential for sales.

Things "gotten easier" because 90% of the games are console ports.

Fort is entirely run on consoles. I’d be surprised if the PC numbers are even close to the top.
Doesn’t matter, both are shit games.

The only reasonable post in this thread. It's true that the PC is on decline, but why is that? The newer generations are shifting to mobile platforms and laptops. I feel that only businesses, esportfags and PC enthusiasts only run PCs nowadays. I barely seen anyone in college have their own PCs anymore.

Analyst is a retard that doesn't know about the mobile gaming market.

Understandable. PC is just riddled with pixel-indie shit. All it's good for is trashy BRs. Singleplayer games/RPGs are so few inbetween that you have to upgrade your rig for every new release because shit takes so long to come out.

Might as well buy a console at that point, the graphical difference isn't that bad anyways. Everyone knows the PCM stuff is just self-conscious elitism anyways.

I can't blame anyone for wanting to get away from Microsoft

I play on console more. But I use PC for piracy and emulation.

>Building a PC is now easier than ever because 90% of the games are console ports
>game config is now easier than ever because 90% of the games are console ports
>modding is now easier than ever because 90% of the games are console ports
Game config is the reverse with console ports too. It's easier for you to get the most out of PC gaming since there's a tonne of wikis and resources out there.

If a game is released on PC and console, I always get the PC version. Why would I want a game that is downgraded and runs like shit? I only have 3 games for my PS4. It literally just collects dust now. It's sad there are people too poor to afford a high quality PC and a console.

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>I use PC for piracy
i wonder why PC gaming is dieting

Send the analyst to Yemen.

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Let me see those credentials

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And I only play on console because majority of my friends are on it. I just see no reason to spend money on games if I can avoid it.

>when she pulls out her dick

Dumb nigger lmao

Still using paper and pencils for notes
I don't play games for the mummy masses
Ain't going to be one of them

let them leave. My games will be completely unaffected by normalfags leaving PC

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It will happen. The vast majority of PC players are Chinese kids using shitty prebuilts playing low end games like LoL and Fortnite. As soon as the Chinese govt approves more consoles and other non-PC platforms to market, expect PC numbers to crash hard.

PC gaming died, then came back, and died a small death, and is still lagging. The coming next gen of consoles will officially kill off any hope of PC becoming a real gaming platform, at least for anyone who doesn't live in a basement.

Lagging how? By not having paid online and 15FPS moviegames?

How about they support low fps of 60 first

>analyst predicts

Attached: frog4.png (1228x1150, 230K)

Based retards

the people who can afford a console can afford a gaming pc

Every fps I play shows ping with tab score

Yeah, but the point is, why would they want to? I have no reason to build a PC, when my audience is primarily on Xbox or Switch. If console gaming dies, I feel that video games in general will die.

>consoles will kill PC gaming
>laptops will kill PC gaming
>consoles will kill PC gaming (for real this time)
>smartphones will kill PC gaming
>consoles will kill PC gaming (come on just let us already)
>streaming will kill PC gaming AND consoles
>smart TVs will kill PC gaming
>Netflix will kill PC gaming

Meanwhile in reality
>PC gaming is growing (6 million concurrent steam users in 2012 vs 16 million in 2018)
>pretty much every title gets a PC release nowadays which wasn't a thing 10 years ago
>market is big enough to have multiple successful big storefronts around

Why do so many people want PC gaming to die? Basically from 2005 onwards gaming sites and individuals have been saying any chance they got that "PC gaming is dying", and yet it never does. You almost never see constant articles saying that "the Playstation is dying, the Xbox is dying" but every time there's a bit of lul in PC releases all these wolves come up to circle, AND YET THEY'RE NEVER RIGHT. Just what have some ppl got against PC gaming?

I predict OP will suck at least 10 cocks tonight

Because saying that Sony/Nintendo/MS is dying gets your outlet blacklisted

Saying that "PC is dying" doesn't get you blacklisted anywhere because nobody owns PC gaming

Can you explain this meme to me?

Not quite. The hardware was quite confusing for devs because it was different than how most console chipsets were built at the time

They use macs, no games on macs.
Besides gaming on PC too complicated.

Analysts can't go to Yemen.

>>pretty much every title gets a PC release nowadays which wasn't a thing 10 years ago

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Because they're retards that don't know how to build their own systems and are ignorant to high end prebuilts or SIs that offer easy configuration tools so you can pick parts you want and if they have any conflicts.

I hate consoles and they won't be getting even the pleb 60fps standard, but new TV's will support high framerates and adaptive sync which will help those peasants to cope

PC had next to no JRPGs, no Metal Gear, no Yakuza, next to no fighting games, no Dark Souls, no Halo and so on.

The only things not getting a PC release nowadays are niche japan games, Red Dead Redemption and selected first party console titles.

10 years ago PC at least had exclusives. Now pretty much all traditionally PC exclusive franchises are popping up on every console imaginable. Until PC starts getting true exclusives again rather than shitindies and porn games that wouldn't fly on consoles anyway, PC will always be lacking in that department. Don't get me wrong, PC is my platform of choice, but we're certainly lacking in any real PC exclusives to sell the consoletards into considering PC as an option, since multiplats being better on PC clearly isn't enough to convince them for some retarded reason.

> Niche Japan games
Except that's false.
PC has a plethora of games from Japan that won't ever release on console.
It's even laughable that people even call a console the """"weeb""" option when PC has always been that

I remember microsoft jumping on that ship immediately. Hence the mess we had with Windows 8

Actually hl2 was amazingly optimised and ran on tnt2 which is 1999 card

It's true, read the comments & Rainbow Six was upscaled 540p on Consoles before the Pro/X patch

>*shuffles deck*

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Actually Phones/Tablets on Fortnite surpasses Consoles

underrated and only human

He's absolutely right.

It happened to me

As an IT guy, this shit was just ridiculous. Who the fuck expects someone to work 8 hours on a tablet? Even with a docking station and peripherals the Microshit Surfaces underperformed the cheapest of laptops in every fucking way.

Nope, Chinese & Korean people do not like Consoles, they didn't grow up on single player Mario & Zelda games in the 80's like the West & Japan did, Chinese & Koreans think Gaming is online competitive multiplayer on PC

Right now in China shit like Dota Auto Chess is all the hype, while Westerners prefer the latest cinematic experience like Days Gone, huge cultural gap

That's the industry in general, 3rd party exclusives are dying, only Sony pushes out big AAA exclusives anymore

It's especially funny when all they do is play Fortnite on PS4, a genre that started on PC

This guy is a retard But you aren't fully right either. It's true that Koreans and Taiwanese are dedicated to PC because of the competition and online appeal be it in form of ASSFAGGOTS, MMOs, Star Craft 2 etc. but Chinks are pretty out of it in comparison. They prefer mobile games more. League of Legends isn't as popular in China as its mobile rip-off Arena of Valor. This is because they all travel 6 hours a day to their work and back and can only play mobile games in the bus. Chinks will never jump to consoles but they are slowly drifting further and further towards mobile due to their shit lifestyle.

They say this every time a new console is released. I've been a PC gamer for nearly 30 years and I have never abandoned it for one of these toys.

A ton of kids are buying PC's to play Fortnite on because that's what Ninja uses
But they only play Fortnite, so yeah, maybe when they are older they will try out other shit on Steam

>videogame analyst

Upvote your grave and die nigger

anno LITERALLY came out now and its awesome

This is a Pachter-tier dumbass analysis.

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It's doubtful considering the rise of Twitch and streaming in general.

Has anyone taken a look at what this analyst is known for? have they accurately predicted anything or is it just someone who claims to know how to do the math just "telling us like it is"

Fuck off shill. No one is going to stream games faggot.

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Outside of Nintendo and some first parties, the PC market has exploded with ports

Yeah say what you want about Valve but their QC and coding has generally been top knotch

Theres always someone who thinks a home product will replace a commercial one even when its conceptually dumb to do

dude anno is like a 20year old series you fuckwit 0iq zoomer

how does how you acquire some thing effect what you have to play

even pirates have the 40$ or so you need a year for multiplayer cdkeys.

literally list 2decade old franchise as new games you realize nothing substantial has changed with their gameplay at all other than quality of life stuff.

steam is only installed by 5% of that number when they show pc the size of console

steam only has 3million people online each day and that's not even playing games just running the app in the background. yet that chart that says pc = console market says there are like 200million pc players.

literally just turning ya pc on or watching Netflix all day includes you in that steam 3mil a day.

wake the fuck up.

exclusives are bad for the consumer. fuck em'

You can't say that's a bad thing. Look at FF going down the shitter because they changed their formula. Also inb4 popularity implies quality.

This, I have a PC and ps4, still trying to decide if I should get a switch for the next fire emblem.

Ehhh on the one hand, it encourages competition which *should* make for better games.

I want to buy the dr cunt bracelet for my brother since he graduated medical school recently and hes a cunt.

Fucking mobile will fuck everyone else before PC dies.

whats a check notes TV gaming platfrom?

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PC gaming is becoming like the HAM radio of the 21st century

it will always have it's selective and slightly daft following

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What gameplay innovation have the last 2 generations of consoles brought?

>which wasn't a thing 10 years ago
Just because you were a console fag or never born doesn't mean the PC didn't get multiplats. Nearly all xbox titles were pc games and PS2 only had anime gay shit as exclusives.

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Xbox was always weak on the exclusive side and you calling Sony exclusives gay is not an argument.

Steam can peak at 16-18mil users now
also funny you mention Netflix, do you know how many people use their PS4 as a netflix machine?

He also called them shit.

And to be fair, they were pretty shit.

>Transport Fever 2

Hi dad

According to journalists. Steam alone reports a 30% increase in PC gamers in the last 8 years.

>steam only has 3million people online each day and that's not even playing games just running the app in the background
are you retarded

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how long will my 1060 last to run games?
i dont care about high settings


oh boy I love fucking being eye gouged by games as a service.

PC fag here, that was true back when the PS3 launched, there's a reason why Sony was charging 600$ for it and still selling it at loss
of course, the 7th gen was so fucking long consoles quickly got overpowered by PC hardware and PS4 didnt help at all launching with laptop tier Specs, its very unlikely consoles will ever be as powerful as the PS3 was back in the day


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20m is a pretty reasonable number honestly, when you consider the "gamer" pool to be people who play casual phone garbage.

They'll probably be the next gen of Angry Birds/Farmville players.

That having been said a bit optimistic because these tv gamers would be held hostage to their TVs to play and would need a proper controller, so some food for thought.

>is there any way to force a OG or slim ps4 to play games at 720p and use the extra power to make them run faster?
Nope. You would only be able to do this if console devs added options to their games, but they don't.

the jews will never stop fucking pushing games as a service

The xbox 360 was 1 year older and $300 cheaper than the PS3 while also beating it on every multiplats. How did Microsoft do it?

I guess this is Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo’s tactic to get people interested in their next gen paperweights.

Is it same analysts who predicted Battlefront 2 and Anthem will be massive success for EA? Or those that say developers should abandon traditional platforms and move onto mobile gacha crap and live service shit because 0.01% of games in that market collect 90% of the revenue.

Yeah, I tend to not trust garbage analysts who are never right. If they were capable of predicting shit like they want you to believe, they'd be the ones running big companies.

Analysts are never wrong afterall. Stadia will be an insane success especially in the US with piss poor Internet.

360 ran games better than ps3. Cell was powerful on paper, but ps3 was pretty shit as a whole.

what the fuck are check notes?

>have pc
>still play console games on emulator
>also visual novels
>also ports from console
>and that one 15 y.o. pc game
Feels good being master race.

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Maybe if I could use KB+M

and that's a good thing because aside from the very rare outliners the PC versions are leaps and bounds better, and you can play them just as well or better when you upgrade your build for the new generation.

It still amaze me that people can play modern games with a cpu from 2007 on a 775 socket motherboard.

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ps4 is seriously fucking redundant.

PC/Handheld is objectively best.

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go back

>zoomer cancer disappears from PC
Absolutely based.

if you have the 6gb and dont care about high settings it should last you a while depending on the resolution you use

I believe it. It's all retarded shills fault too. People keep shilling intel and Nvidia, but they are both overpriced. To make a gaming PC that's worth it with those, you would want the k version of an i7 and a 2070 level graphics card. When you get below this, you enter the budget category where you start competing with the fidelity of a console.

Now you can save money with AMD and get very similar performance, but it's not shilled, so people are just going to throw heir hands in the air and get consoles.

Pc gamers are the ones hwo know what is going on in the vidya world, they know that game streaming is a distant dream

its almost as games hardy look much better from crysis eh?

in reality, people won't have TVs anymore in the near future.

Every time a new playstation gets announced, analysts predict the death of pc gaming with such reliability that it's almost like they get paid to do it.

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lmao you dont even realize how far behind consoles are with their CPUs.

Investor bait

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sony literally paid for the development of the Cell, M$ simply bought the complete product for the 360, the complexity of each system is not my point, im just saying ps3 was indeed more powerful than most computers back then

>TV gaming platforms
>fortnite in the background

This industry is a joke. Next crash when?

>people choosing Stadia over a gaming rig

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No joke, i'd rather dump $400-500 every 6-7 years and keep my library AND have a work station than keep paying for xbox live and psn. Dont plan on going back. Well, maybe Nintendo, cuz hey where else am i going to play Luigis Mansion or get a handheld

I actually discovered tons of good games through steam alone. My wishlist has 230 game and most of them weren't even mentioned in mainsteam sources.


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"most computers" is one of the most vague statements on the matter you could possibly make. Do you mean most computers of all kinds all over the world no matter how old? Do you mean all computers built around the release year of the game console? Do you specifically mean all computers built for gaming around the release year of the game console? Because I have a strong feeling that you're being disingenuous and are not referring to actual gaming PCs.

Who fucking knows

Imagine being this out of touch

>all that rambling about how games consoles are going to become general entertainment hubs

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PC gaming is supposedly dying.
But nowadays game choices on PC are indistinguishable from what consoles used to have.
And once you get used to 60 fps its hard to go back to 30.
And lets face it consoles will push 30 fps even next gen because all the console fanboys are used to games running just barley good enough.

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>one person predicts this
>somehow it's news

picture this:
>little jimmy has a poor as hell family
>his friends only talk about fornite at school and social interaction is basically dictated by are you playing the game or not?
>little jimmy only has 1 shitty family laptop at home with internet
>Stadia is offering fornite free to play through streaming
>little jimmy can now play fornite on his shitty laptop, no need for a new expensive gaming rig or console
the crash cant happen soon enough

Guess what, the guy who was behind this huge TV push got fired, and do you know where he ended up? That's right, Google, where he's heading up the Stadia project!

yeah i think gaming computers, only the top 1% had PCs with comparable specs to PS3 back then

pc gets Console ports of polished AAA titles
Consoles get pc ports of pixelshit indie games

post the guy

When will literal boomers learn

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>jump force
choose one

Chiplets, when will they learn.

this post is too good for this board

>sony literally paid for the development of the Cell
And you paid for a shit product when you bought a ps3.

Phil Harrison, he's the product manager for google's game development now.

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I think you mean paid shill because the people behind these projects are going to be killing themselves when they fail.

How will I play RTS, TPS and 4x with a controller on a big ass TV? I already play everything else on my TV, though.

kek mobile gaming is the future though. Nobody realises that mobile gaming has the largest playerbase compared to other platforms.

>assuming i bought a PS3

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>Nobody realises that mobile gaming has the largest playerbase compared to other platforms
now tell me what game this huge playerbase plays

Gacha shit or any trending games like Pokemon Go. I'm sure chink mobas and any battle royal like RoS or PUBG mobile has shitton of players playing too. You can que in under 5 seconds or less.

funny though, the xbox one so called TV integration is simply a HDMI pass through to connect HDMI TV set up boxes, you can literally connect any HDMI device and it will work, some people connect other consoles to it if they run out of HDMI ports on their TV

yeah that sure seems like the future of gaming, user

He's being disingenious. Absolutely everyone and their mother own a PC for general use, and they should never be compared to consoles, since their main objective isn't gaming.

If only we are that lucky. Get the normies out of gaming.

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Unfortunately, yes. I wish mobile gaming can get actual games though and not just some "watch ads for 5 gems" or "take shit and come back to recharge" bullshit. I'm unironically having fun with mobas and battle royal on my phone though. I probably invested thousand of hours at this point.

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>google stadia launches
>somehow actually works
>no noticeable lag, runs great
>gaming pc is just overkill now
>all you need is a low end pc with a good internet connection

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phone's main problem is controls, you will never see good games on it as long as they still have the retarded touch controls that allows only the simplest tasks
phone manufacturers are too busy with notches, copying apple and foldabled screens so don't expect to ever see something like a xperia play ever being standard

Takes little over half a brain to know this is impossible, user

That's because EVERYONE has a phone. It'll never be the dominant gaming platform, though. All serious gaming will still be done on consoles and PC.

Very clearly a catch all term for consoles and "game streaming services" that will TOTALLY be the next big thing guys PC gaming is on the way out incels ;)

Why are you guys pretending to be retarded?
You know exactly what they mean and how ridiculous it is.

again, consoles were, for a very short period of time, more powerful and cheaper than the best gaming rig you could buy back in 2005

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There can only be one. People that have all systems rarely ever view all systems as equal. There's an obvious winner in every generation. As an actual gamer, the pattern should fall on the system with the largest library.

High IQ

Yeah, I bought one of those controllers for phone but it is shitty as hell with stupid input lags.
RIP me then since I live in a shithole.

Spending 300 vs 1,000.

Mhm, wonder why are they leaving.

The last time I bought a console was when I bought a premod toxic ps2 that for some reason still works. I got a fat PS3 from a former g/f but It got old pretty fast. Bad company was fun but FPS with sticks just sucks in general even when you can consistently come in on top. Some people like myself just wound up hating physical media along the way and hating consoles in general. When the switch to x86 was made I totally lost any interest because consoles are now just crippled PC's with a custom OS that can only play games. These days all I have patience for is my boomer rig that emulates everything I want and plays games i'm more interested in. There's just not enough tactical games or autism simulators on consoles and the multiplayer on PC is so much better. There's really nothing comfier than playing a game on one screen and watching something you like on another.

you can spend around 400$ right now building a rig and it will already perform miles better than any console

yes and a new one came out you absolute shitstain american that cant read

lol say PC isn't dieing precede to post a bunch of 90s Japanese PS1 games given the HD treatment up on ya pc.

fucking sperg

Really can't understand the infatuation with games like Day Z. Really tried to get into it but all the BR games feel like walking simulators with brief janky combat. There were some novel moments I had like managing to axe geared up people trying to camp new spawns or goofy firefights where we both wind up with mortal wounds and bleeding out but you had to invest huge amounts of time for brief burst of action.

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still that chart that shows PC same size as console claims PC is 200mil and console is about 200mil

if only 14mil people have steam set to auto launch when they turn on their PC saying its steam hardware survey is a good poll of all PC hardware is fucking retarded.

its not even 5% of all PC gamers. and even then very fucking fue have high end shit most have a 970/1060 and a slow as shit quadcore which could literally mean a cpu from 2008 q6600.

>high framerate
they need to remaster all games first

nd that was the best at the time so you have to consider the price difference. Even the PS3's 600 USD was more affordable then the best PC you could get, for not that much difference and significantly less features.

This Gen's consoles sucked pretty hard because they were basically PC boxes (Especially Xbox with it's Windows 8 UI). They dont walk that fine line of price versus power expect for MAYBE the PS4 Pro at 300 bucks if you can find it that price. All their versions still lack settings options even basic PC ports have.

I think the really problem for me too is UI. I cant be the only one that noticed how progressively SHIT console UI has gotten. Microsoft went from having one of the best to the absolute fucking worst from 360 blades to the W8 abomination we have now.
PS4's is just a more laggy PS3 and it's store front runs like absolute shit
Switch its the best of the 3 but it's also completely barren.
They really need to figure that shit out next gen.
Gen 6's UIs were clean, had a distinct presentation, smooth, made you excited to turn them on, etc.
PC still has worse presentation, and is obnoxious to use on TVs, but at least its fast and has tons of customization. Launch Box Big Box mode is also just the best.

and that's the top 5% of all pcs gamers image what 50% or the average is.

its way fucking lower than steam hardware survey

while the average console is a PS4 og model or 3ds. which is way more recent than the hardware the average of(200mil) pc player would be using.

the reason you don't see many Russians or turks or Indians or Chinese on servers is they literally have to have their own version of steam to run shit house games that we would consider 2003 teir requirements.

>Moore's Law doesn't apply to consoles
there it goes again

That's stupid. I will use my monitor for better input lag times.

Wouldn't the lack of moore's law apply to consoles too? Now more than ever?


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So consoles have both hit the same moore's law plateau as PCs while also containing much slower and older hardware than PCs? Sounds contradictory

That's not true at all. Jap games are the only ones I can find at 60. The whole platform has some shit uncapped framerates tho

>you can play them just as well or better when you upgrade
I fucking wished that applied to consoles as well but Red Dead Redemption still runs at 30fps max on new hardware


PC for the last 10years reminds me of PS3 in the 360 era. it has no games

all we have is dayz and the casual friendly mod for it BR

just like all PS3 ever had was deamonsouls

its quite ironic really.

PS4 is a shit generation thou. I don't like using generation names really we just had the c64 generation the PS1 generation the Xbox generation and then the 2010s have just been shit. unironically we should start a movment to call the PS5 gen8 because gen8 definatly didn't happen on the ps4 it was just a continuation of 360 shit. the 360 cpu is literally just as fast as a ps4pro's one the 360 ran at 3.2ghz the ps4pro at 2.2ghz and the ps4pro jaguar is only 30% better ipc than the PowerPC cpu in the 360 so they literally are the same. its why gaming hasn't improved gpu improvments don't change gameplay that's all limited by cpu which hasn't improved in consoles for 15years its why gaming is shit as fuck atm on all platforms..

the PS5 zen2 3ghz and xeon 2.7 ghz (on Linux which makes it 3ghz because its more efficient) of google stadia is all the same speed

but ya its going to be a massive jump thou the new cpu on every thing is going to be like 2x faster than all the shit we have had for the last 15years.

this is the initial post, and it also happens to be the post of the highest quality

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The thing about PC is that games can also rise from the dead and be maintained by communities. A lot of the stuff people have nostalgia for can still be accessed while all those console servers have gone long quiet.

I bet she fucks her back up because of those giant melons weighing down her spine.

I have both. Honestly I like couch gaming more but I play a lot of shooters and the lack of accuracy on controllers is upsetting.

debating the PC is betting is stupid as fuck just stop. every one knows.

the fact is thou sony and google and probably amazon (via a hypothetical twitch console) are going to like they have for the last 25years pay companies 100s of millions to not release stuff on it.

like why the fuck do you think rdr1/2 was never on PC sony showed it at PS3 announcement they paid Rockstar off caved and said xbox is ok but still never let PC happen. sony and google are so cashed up now they will do the same thing to GTA6 or what ever new IP Rockstar make up + lots of other games. hideo kojima met with gabe in seattle afue months ago they want there games on every thing but they need to literally go to them and beg for money as they cant just put it on steam unless gabe pays hideo like 200mil.

I don't doubt that but I also don't really care about exclusives when i'm swimming in an ocean of games.It will eventually get to me or i'll emulate it or laugh at the drama.

These are the people consolefags believe!

>like why the fuck do you think rdr1 was never on PC

Because the code was complete garbage and they couldn't get it to work properly.
We'll see 2 on PC later this year/when Rockstar release the PS5/Xbone2 "remaster".

Can anybody explain why people do this? I never cared about plattform wars so I never participated and read reasons so far, it just doesn't make sense to me. I abandoned consoles 15 years ago.

>he got into pc gaming after Dota and team fortress guide
>he got into pc gaming before gaben put everything on sale for 90 percent off
>he doesn’t have a full credit headset and have his girl suck his cock copying the exact motions widow maker is doing when she’s sucking your cock in vr
>he doesn’t have his girlfriend ride his cock while mercy does it in be
Lol must suck to not be idort chad race

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The price of PC gaming has skyrocketed due to cryptominers purchasing all the high-end hardware. And we're reaching a point of diminishing returns when it comes to hardware so the additional fidelity you get with a very expensive PC is becoming more and more negligible. It's not like PC has many worthwhile exclusives these days either, so there's little reason for anyone to want to buy a gaming PC.

Oops, I fucked up real bad right babe?

>*checks notes*
*grabs you by the throat* back the fuck off??!

De jure, the PS3 had a more powerful processor. De facto, it was functionally worse because the architecture of the cell meant performance on the average game was shit compared to the much more straightforward 360 architecture.

Saying it was "more powerful than most computers" is another one of those statements that's technically true but practically false. Yeah, it beat the hell out of a lot of the econoboxes people were using back in the day, but so do most consoles these days anyway.

>polished AAA titles
>that list
pc ports of AAA titles are normally dogshit, you arent fooling anyone user, just look at mk11

Bitch Piana

Ah correct, I'll fix it
pc gets buggy Console ports of our sloppy leftover games that we don't mind being non-exclusives
Consoles get pc ports of pixelshit indie games

>De jure
>De facto
Fuck outta here, you absolutely fucking pretentious asshole

Anti intellectual hick...

Latin isn't that scary, kid.

>not understanding high-school level words
user i...

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>using fucking latin to talk about fucking videogame consoles
This is some next level shitposting

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>And once you get used to 144 fps its hard to go back to 60.

>parent buys new gaming thing for kid
>kid plays it for a month
>kid stops playing it

No, I understand them, but refer to

They're stock latin expressions dude, if you were a B student in high school they shouldn't be unfamiliar. It's not like I'm writing in Olde English just to be a pretentious dick. I mean, I could, but there's no actual purpose to that.

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no they do it because it's cheaper/more accessible in their country nobody is talking about the us

>he's shitposting at sub-optimal levels
Remove thineself from my internet domain you foul reddit-browsing cretins.

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>be called out on being a pompous dipshit
>lol u dumb
You're discussing bideo gaems in Yea Forums of all places, you don't need to write like it's some kind of college paper, you dumb fuck

It's how I write, dipshit. It would take more effort for me to write any differently, and I'm not going to change that because it offends your sensibilities because you think everyone should write at a 4th grade level.

Do you have any opinion on the actual PS3 Cell issue, or is that too "smart" of a topic for you as well?

>be called out on being a pompous dipshit
>lol u dumb
>You're discussing bideo gaems in Yea Forums of all places, you don't need to write like it's some kind of college paper, you dumb fuck

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>believes shit people tell you on voice chat.
its money you retard. rdr1 sold a fuckload of ps3/360s and rdr2 sold a fuckload of ps4

stop being a ignorant twat expecting the best of people.

no 2 wont ever come the only chance it would was if its online took off but it died in days after launch.

>like why the fuck do you think rdr1/2 was never on PC
Rockstar learned if you do a staggered release of console, 2 year late PC port, and 1 year after that next gen port you can get your game GTAV to sell over 100M copies. That's why.

I have no idea what this post is trying to say, but if you're arguing that money is the driving force behind business decisions then you'd be retarded not to think rdr2 is coming to pc. Miss me with that "never ever" fag shit. I'm an idort and I've already killed Arthur and built a house.

the entire console industry is based on exclusives always was always will be. the only exception was the c64 but it was really the "pc" of the 80s.

the only place the console industry is authentic and actually releases stuff for quality not exclusivity hype is japan. where owning a PC is considered the same as a sex toy.

only reason GTA5 came to PC was its online was popular.

every one knows Rdr2 online is shit every one would just pirate it.

and yes sony can pay Rockstar more than they would earn selling a game people know has no decent online on steam.

They have no reason not to. I doubt that console manufacturers would be able to pay them 100m.

Why does no one in this thread know how to fucking spell?

e3 1280 v2 (equivalent to i7 3770k without the overclocking), 12gb ddr3, gtx 950. i only upgrade when i have a good reason to. right now i'm waiting to see what the valve index system requirements are and i'll probably get a used 1060 6gb.

>mad cuz you’re still human
Lol ima need you to do 4 scoops

so everyone is going to dump the hardware that gets them exactly what they want in favor for locked down shit boxes with $60 been there, done that games? i don't see it.

The people who will leave are normies who play on PC so that they can play console games with higher graphical settings. The people who play on PC for actual PC games will stay.

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thats all of them you fucking retard.

Switch/PC is all you really need.

people don't just become tech illiterate when they hit middle age

i think she does this on purpose because who the fuck buys a normal bracelet like that

if it was, it would be


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>*checks notes*

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these people have no idea

stadia is fucking gross

This. If you think the PS4 is essential you're either a goldfacing retard who thinks Bloodborne is the second coming of christ or some contrarian faggot who posts phrases like PC.uck or Soitch when there's plenty of evidence that Sony fans are the true cucks and basedboys.

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or anyone who unironically console wars is retarded

>People will buy the new boxes
>Few years in, they'll want something the boxes won't give them (Be it higher resolutions, framerates or something else)
>Either switch over to PC or get a decent PC to accompany their boxes

It's the same shit that happens every generation, outside of the single platform only folk.


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2700x 980ti 32gb ram @2400 (it was on sale)
will probably upgrade the 980 next release cycle, but I may put it off longer depending on what I see performance wise

for gaming only I suppose? Does this includes pirates? nah

I was working at gamestop when this shit started, and we got an Ipad that connected to the register. you needed to log in to use it, but like most corporate logins you needed to change your password every 3 months and it needed all sorts of dumb requirements. So logging into it on a touch pad keyboard and then trying to search for the game you needed was a complete fucking mess. It was actually quicker to walk across the store and just type it on a keyboard, but corporate wouldn't accept that answer. A few people got fired for not wanting to use it. Not only that, but the search function was absolute garbage without half the filters the normal pos had, so if you did something like halo or call of duty, the games wouldn't even be on top it would have like random collectibles or action figures that came out along side it, so you'd be scrolling through all this trash that hadn't been in the store for 10 years just to find out if you had a used halo 3.

if anything, tech illiteracy will be on the decline, even later in life, as people will have been living with evolving tech their whole lives


>Using words to talk about things

>some random dude said crazy thing about the future, and here's what you should think about it
I'd laugh if it weren't so depressing.