What multiplayer games do you play on PC? I used to play CasualWatch but recently uninstalled it. I was 3900+ and could only have fun on smurfs in diamond. Eventually got tired of that. Pic unrelated.
What multiplayer games do you play on PC? I used to play CasualWatch but recently uninstalled it...
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I occasionally hop on Holdfast
bump, a lot of multiplayer games are shit
League of Legends is always fun, even if the game is shit or whatever people say
Speedrunners and TF2
Roblox (If only to play the only good games left, Super Nostalgia Zone ad Super Bomb Survival) and Sonic Robo Blast 2
Imagine only failing one class
>nu-v plays zoomer meme multiplayer games
surprised have sex virgin incels
Escape from tarkov
Only multiplayer game I play consistently is R6 Siege. Mostly because it's what my friends always play. Game is pretty good but I wouldn't play it without a good group of friends.
>drop out of one
>failing another
>took only 3 classes this semester
everything is gonna be fine everything is going great i'm totally not absolutely ruined
from /o/ apparently
Did he died?
probably not
>Escape From Tarkov
>WoW private servers & Classic WoW when it hits
>If you wanna include coop stuff: Killing Floor 2, Risk of Rain 2, Outward, and EDF 4.1
Waiting on new PVP games since Siege has long since gone to shit and current MMO options are trash. Waiting on Pantheon and for shooters to drop the hero and BR gimmicks. Waiting for casuals and SJWs to fuck off forever. Waiting forever.
Dirty Bomb
Video says accident but doesn't look like it
Is BF V any good? I didn't like the beta, but at this point I don't know what else is out there that's bearable.
Literally just Gears 4 and probably MCC when it releases
Most of the multiplayer games I play I play on console because most PC multiplayer games are DOA. Also Splatoon and smash
If you liked 1 you'll probably like V. It's not as bad as either of the EA Battlefronts. Although I heard matchmaking times are horrible.
I am really sad that that game never got enough of an audience.
>Dev balance the entire fucking game based on excel spreadsheet
I'm glad it did
fucking what
can you explain that?
Who knows. I don
t understand whatever language he's speaking.
They made some really dumb balance change based on their "technology" which analyze choke points, pick rate and such
Mostly just ror2 right now. I want a mmo but nothing speaks to me currently.
its alright for about 30 hours but then it gets old fast
Legend of grimrock 2
Xcom 2
RoR 2
and modded minecraft with few other autists
still muh nigga though
I didn't even see the multiplayer in the OPs post
I'm retarded and I'm going to bed