Those are Eldar? I thought they'd be taller

>Those are Eldar? I thought they'd be taller.
wow what the fuck relic?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>winter assualt

I don't think I was ever more excited for a x-pac.

All I remember about WA is the suffering that is mission 4 Chaos side, that and anti-vehicle Horrors which is still funny.

>A good nigger obeys without question. A good white man commands without doubt.
How did relic get away with these quotes?

Wow Relic, that's a big Yikes! from me

Attached: khorne-bz.jpg (1080x1920, 171K)

To be fair, Eldar are identical to human.
But they failing more than the humans.

Attached: Dating an Eldar.jpg (793x960, 92K)

Vanilla >= DC > WA > SS


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>to each of us falls a task, and all the emperor requieres of us guardsman, is that we stand the line, and we die fighting, it is what we do best, we die standing

no more Kino DoW moments like these will be had, fuck this timeline, all of it, and fuck relic aswell for becoming so shit

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>we will never listen to LORD Commissar Bern inspire the men again
This is by far one of nu-relic's greatest sins

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>You have come here to die. The immortal Emperor is with us and we are invincible. His soldiers will strike you down. His war machines will crush you under their treads. His mighty guns will bring the very sky crashing down upon you. You cannot win.

Attached: Winter_Assult.jpg (1680x1050, 502K)

OP don't play the 3rd because the writing makes no sense and the gameplay is boring.

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I will destroy their minds and burn their bodies.

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Ok listen, im not one of those pol incels that cant handle women in video games but if you were to fucking tell me that when you commanded imperial guard during winter assault (or any other DoW 1 expac for that instance) and fucking tell me that when you send off one of the fucking imperial guard guardsmen to go do something that if you hear a womens voice saying some bullshit responding to you unlike that fucking manly ass fucking badass soldier voice they use and it wouldnt take phase you out of the game, you can fuck right off. The fucking guardsman voice acting is some of the best in video game history. Its fucking on pair with how the space marines sound in DoW 2. Jesus christ if i were to legit hear some fucking SJW guardsmen do something i would fucking start shaking in rage. Holy shit would they try to fucking buttplug this game with fucking shit like that if they were to remake it. I don't have anything against females in this setting. Don't get me wrong, im fucking happy that the Sisters of battle are getting a new model line. Its just that the fucking Imperial Guard belongs to god damn testosterone and nothing but that.

sorry very high and drunk making this post. God damn do i fucking love DoW 1 & 2

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Gabe killed him and didn't took it like a bitch


Sisters are cute and I don't mind them in the games.
Also did Avitus have a thing for Sisters?

Attached: sisters of battle 2.png (707x1000, 546K)

Here's your new Assault Marine, bro.

Attached: Assault_Marines_with_Autocannons.jpg (1000x845, 105K)

Drive me closer, I want to hit them with my sword.

Attached: Rt_ig_commissar_lord.png (500x800, 405K)

Best voice acting in gaming.

The first couple primaris models looked fine to me, they generally didn't feel like they went overboard with details or anything, but now they're stepping into the "lets make stupid looking overdesigned shit so we can get more model lines to sell" phase. And the design doesn't even make any sense in universe, fucking GW.

who has got the city of heroes pic of the guy who made a space marine?


Attached: executioners primaris.jpg (1280x720, 218K)

all the females and trannies who made dawn of war 3 wouldn't understand any of these quotes

>Gorgutz (Soulstorm)
Sounds like crap


>Trannies and females
it's just relics incompetence of what makes dawn of war fun.

Attached: dawn of war 3.webm (720x480, 2.93M)

Speaking of Primaris

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the fuck is this? league of legends?

Spit in their faces.

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how the fuck did this company not stop and say, hey this is fucking terrible why dont we make it good instead?

he probably respects their lust for battle