Anyone playing the new update?

Anyone playing the new update?
Do we have a server for this, or does anyone want to invite to theirs?

Attached: minecraft.gif (600x450, 3.01M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Fucking die faggot, I know who you are

what the fuck
I admit I am the guy who made the last thread with the same image, but I didn't think I did something wrong?

please respond

still looking

Yea Forums servers are cancer

Save yourself the sanity and play alone

I tried but it kept loading in and unloading chunks at random and Minecraft isn't that fun to me anymore so I quit after 30 minutes and realized it was yet another pointless patch which added zero gameplay.

this is one of the few games that you want to stay away from Yea Forums in

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Maybe someone can host a beta 1.7.3 server.
We can play minecraft without the bullshit

I've found decent people, you just have to convince the host to not allow piratenigs. They always fucking cheat and grief, pretty comfy without them.

1.7.3b server when

When you set one up

I really want to play multiplayer, I've had enough singleplayer games for a while.
know any good non Yea Forums servers with no plugins that started a fresh map for 1.14?

fuck of nostalgidiots

Warning, Incoming Game

alright, i want to test if you can play with lan using hamachi so if anyone is interested please help me and join
server name (in hamachi): v test
Server IP should be

Attached: 1540132553497.png (315x274, 20K)

also the game version is 1.14

cmon bros lets do 4craft again :DD

Why not just forward your fucking port?



>Bought parts for a cheap build for my brother to setup a server on, and gave instructions on how to do so (I'm overseas atm and it would be dumb of me to host when 90% of the players are on the other side of the planet)
>lazy fuck still hasn't set it up

Fuck, I don't want to play some dumb Pub server.

i could do it i dont know to which one. should i port forward to the lan game's port or should i use some random ip with one guy? am i retarded?

Call him and tell him to get the FUCK to it
Scream at him

Are you not using a dedicated server?
In that case idk then, pretty sure minecraft use some level 2 thingy to discover players so unless hamachi is tunneling at level 2 it's not gonna work.

I love my brother to much to scream at him for anything, But I do need to pester him more about it.

What did you buy anyway?
What instructions did you give him? Maybe you can have him do the assembly then you would remotely set it up.

Don't join the Yea Forums server, it's full of nepotism and disgusting builds

nope, not using dedicated servers.
ill try to check things out and maybe later ill be able to set it up.
also noone seems to be interested so im closing

The bigbutts4k one? Yeah, it's fucking trash.

The dude constantly shills it to Yea Forums so this was bound to happen.

I have never used hamachi and I am not going to start now, sorry senpai

Yikes, say hello to people freely looking into your PC

Man I might have to actually shill out a few dollars to buy a server host,

Just host it yourself m8

Just a 500 dollar rig with a bunch of 1 TB HD's for back ups. It might be a little much for it minecraft but I can use the build for other things down the line. He already has it set up assembly wise (I helped over discord on it) and he just needs to install the OS using a Rufus USB boot and from their game and port forwarding.

Last year I hosted a server and it went OK-ish. My computer is pretty old so loading was slow but otherwise it ran without issues.
What server will you use? OS?
Is this meant to be a home server? If yes then tell him to leave it out of his room.

Post your Minecraft ign and I'll invite you to my Minecraft Realms server. Fresh world. PvP off.

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hamachi should work I used it in the past because my router doesnt want to open any ports

I was going to have him use Ubuntu and walk him through the steps on it, But I might give up and have him use a pirated windows or something if it seems to hard for him. Server? Probably just on the default one from their download site. Is there better options?

Just ask him to install Ubuntu server edition and check the SSH server option, then sort the rest yourself.

Well I used papermc, it's more heavily multithreaded than the default one.
You can just have him do the initial Ubuntu setup then you can do the rest remotely.

I'll look into these, thanks.

>no pvp


i could make a server on my HTPC it has 16 nigs ram and a engineering sample of a I7 eighth gen but my upload speed god tier shit

Eh fuck it I wanted to see it again.
Just reopened
Version 1.13

Attached: 1539564213824.webm (800x450, 2.81M)

version 1.13? are you serious?

The server for 1.14 isn't ready yet

sounds better than nothing, hit me up
IGN yellownarwhalrus

why not? will it be soon?

I want to ruin my dumbass coworker's server, are there any dupe glitches in 1.14?

>one of the few games
You don't play ANY games with Yea Forums if you know what's good for you

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Isn't there a server with mechanics similar to SS13 where each player has a role and task to complete and we all must work together to maintain a town or some shit?
That would be cool

I'm referring to the server software I'm using, the 1.14 version is still in testing.
Also the server has some plugins that may not work on 1.14

This should be possible

Attached: file.png (600x450, 273K)

I have yet to see a single needed plugin in all my years of playing.

It's just some basic plugins to make things easier.
The only one that directly affects gameplay is a chest locker.

>chest locker.

I ran something like that once, had to be some of the best times playing minecraft.

>chest locker
Fuck niggers that go around stealing peoples shit

Based mentally ill paranoiac poster.

ok so convince me, actually convince me, what the fuck am i supposed to do in vanilla minecraft after i get diamond weapons and armour? there's nothing. no reason to dig, explore, oh look a premade building/village/cavern with a preplaced chest with some crap i don't need or a record for the music player. it's just so pointless, i don't get how you play without mods. even if you just build shit, imagine building with such a limited toolset

Why won't it let me make a torch?

Attached: trotch.png (2560x1400, 799K)


there's literally a final boss, if you don't like sandbox building go kill it


Why does she have her napkin on her head?





partyvan is great

Aren’t Nether Boats a real thing in Vanilla now, or am I just misremembering?

i cant believe they ruined all the fucking textures in the game. they have completely lost track wtf

Attached: Netherrack_TextureUpdate.png (300x300, 11K)

>Game about creativity and using your imagination
>What the fuck do I do??? What's the point???

Play with friends and build things, go on adventures, keep expanding and evolving your home and designs. It's just a neat virtual space to hang out in, user. Don't be so jaded and if you genuinely don't enjoy it then play something else and maybe wait for Hytale

this until the hytale part. im too lazy to check how is hytale doing

that looks like just a rip from one of the mods like natura's alternate netherak types

In development. It seems to be more action and narrative focused than Minecraft while still providing similar freedoms. Where as Minecraft is a genuine sandbox with adventurous elements, Hytale seems to be the inverse. Actual combat, RPG lite mechanics that aren't half baked and shit, and even an established big baddie and some lore.
Not saying Hytale isn't a sandbox, it is, but the developers want all players to have the opportunity for a specific hand crafted experience before all the rng world generation stuff takes place

I hope this made sense, if not then I suggest you do a little research. Even if it's a YouTube video you leave on as background noise, there's plenty of coverage for the game

>that round hobbit hole

they're all edits. It's supposed to be a round cave entrance I guess

you dumb fucking children.
You are really outing yourselves as being little kids you fucking idiots.

why are you here then

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the enderdragon final boss
enchanting your diamond weapons and armor
the wither EX-Lunatic boss.
pimpin on the world with a house made entirely out of diamond blocks

it's all impossible in vanilla minecraft. it's all done with mods, but i dunno which ones. some of those, like the ender portals and breaking water source blocks, are probably from creative mode or early beta versions of the game or both. some others are probably texture/behaviour edits. the ones where the blocks do fucked up shit like being round is definitely mods.

i can try to make a server, but it will take me a while.
anyone here is still up for a game and if yes, do we stay on 1.14 or do we move to an older version?

This is what Ender Chests are for


oh is still up

“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”
C.S. Lewis

Personally I don't play it a lot, but minecraft can be very enjoyable for people to fiddle around in. Why would you deny them that, just because it is not an adult themed thing? Can you truly say that you have no childish things?
Animu/Cartoons? Superhero movies?Video games?

Is there a way to get on servers without legitimate accounts using the cracked MultiMC? I managed to set up the server and have a legit account connect to it but was unable to connect with the cracked version. The cracked version couldn't join any servers.
I tried the LAN mode over WiFi but it didn't come up on either of our computers. Fucking Uni wifi.

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Use offline mode for the server

Just finished this SHIT (forager). The game just die after 8h~10h in. After that there's nothing more to do. Dificulty -200 retarded level.

Attached: forag.jpg (1008x390, 190K)

>t. plays mature games for mature gamers such as himself, for example, bioshock infinite

>t. buyfaggot
maximum comfy is shitty kitchen sink pack and not inviting anyone on Yea Forums

you can play on using pirated minecraft

>Says he got Cookie clicker
>but beat it in 8-10 hours

Nah mate, you got shortbread cookie clicker

Minecraft is the most masculine and mature game on the market right now, you are just not white and do not have the genetics to appreciate such an outlet to channel ones inner creativity

The new update is actually pretty cool.
I love the new utility blocks.

Attached: 1200px-Mojang114.jpg (1200x675, 158K)

>join last 4craft server
>the one with coty
>mfw Yea Forums faction leader was reiko
>the whole /r9k/ shit then happens
>even ED issues a sick fuck warning about him
IAmA survivior AMA

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>chest locker

was he who must not be named a faggot before the /r9k/ drama happened?

honestly he was a pretty scummy player
he singlehandedly managed to build a redstone lag machine big enough to crash the server and made coty install a redstone clock blocker
Yea Forums was the only faction cheating. Had spies and shit everywhere too. made a lava cage around the entrance to the end keeping the dragon to themselves and claimed it all
only thing they didn't find was our (/g/) secret vietcong tunnels

I'm gonna kiss you :3

>he fell for the viral marketing

ah, i see. once a faggot always a faggot. why is he allowed to exist?
>only thing they didn't find was our (/g/) secret vietcong tunnels
based tech nerds dabbing on the weeaboo spies with crypto-protected procedurally generated defensive structures

we were seriously going to build a 8bit calculator just to show off but the clock thing prevented us
On the other hand we got to see Yea Forums's lag machine turn to granite

In this sense, all late game items need this two materials. The 'strongest' item you need 100x of each of above, what give you a need to farm:

64000x coal
18000x sand
18000x fiber
8000x golden ore
8000x iron ore
1000x crystal
1000x gems of each type
4000x hide

Autism level to get that. And all that just for 1 item that do nothing.

pic related

Attached: forager.png (486x268, 12K)

anybody joining

Reminder that people that grief Minecraft servers have severe autism.

Attached: Minecraft SwoleBenji.png (1503x818, 246K)

>what is EYE
>what is risk of rain
>what is terraria
>what is team fortress

i actually heard that terraria servers in Yea Forums get flooded with griefers that destroy everything that was made before in minutes.

Get in here

>With Yea Forums
This sounds like the dumbest idea ever.
I can't even coordinate people giving their discarded pickaxes in a specific place when they get a better one with normal people, asking it of Yea Forums sounds suicidal. There would be three super decked fags spawning bosses ahead of the curve and causing the death of everyone else, and later people would just log on with their alternate endgame characters and wreck shit in retaliation.

cursed image


why would anyone ever play mc without mods? Its so fucking boring


Build it, wreck it, build it again.
