So i just finally started to play Mass Effect 1 for the first time. I am enjoying it so far even if it's a bit janky...

So i just finally started to play Mass Effect 1 for the first time. I am enjoying it so far even if it's a bit janky. I wanted to know if 2 or 3 are even better in terms of character, story and combat? I also know to stay away from andromeda at all costs.

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2 and 3 have better shooting, but they feel more like third person shooters rather than proper RPGs

Both are worth playing though for story purposes, even if they're a bit watered down

I heard 2 was the best in the series. What makes the first one stand out?

Better RPG elements, better story, it's clear that it was made before EA's involvement

2 fucked up for a lot of reasons mainly that they removed so many features from 1 instead of just fixing them.
3 is a complete shitshow

>I heard 2 was the best in the series
You heard that from the faggot contrarian on this board. It's by far the worst.

combat and gameplay:1

Don't listen to the cynical fuckers here, just go into them blind and make up your own mind.
Except andromeda, listen to the cynical fuckers on andromeda

I guess i will form my own opinion since it seems divided here as it should be i guess. I was just thinking there was a general consensus here of how the trilogy is viewed.

3 has excellent combat and good characters but clearly more of a dumbed down action movie type story with a totally different tone than the first game.

2 is the worst of the three in my opinion with a story that doesn't even attempt to make sense, thoroughly mediocre and clunky gameplay, limited enemy and weapon variety, and a cast mostly consisting of cringey over-the-top cliches, but it's generally the most popular one.

Sounds like a plan.

>general consensus here
>on Yea Forums
no such thing
I guess you could say most people agree that 1 was good and 3 at the least had some faults (for a variety of reasons, many valid, some simply cannot view it as anything but utter trash), the real battleground is about 2. though considering it's Yea Forums half the bullshit is just outright contrarianism

Yeah, saw you in the last thread, said thread was deleted even if it was about video games. Funny that. Finish the trilogy, come what may.

Glad somebody else noticed me.

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No prob. Liara remains best girl btw. Enjoy the games, user.

I hope i will ^^

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She wins because she's basically the canon option, only romance you can continue in all three games.
paragon jack is pretty based though

Astral Cotter on xbox or pc

2 adds some good characters but really, the original squad from the first game is the most solid. 3 adds some mediocre ones

2's story is like an aside. When you think about it, it doesn't really matter in the overarching plot. Think of vignettes with your squad leading up to that final mission. 3 is a mess aside form 2 missions. They really lost their way without Karpyshyn

Objectively speaking, 2 and 3 have improved albeit streamlined combat compared to the first. Feels more like gears of War than an original third person shooter focused on strategy.

Just be reminded that Mass Effect 1 is the best and the series and it's all downhill from here

Thanks for your input.

On the basis of the factors you're looking for:

Characters = 4/5
Story = 4/5
Combat = 3/5

Characters = 4/5
Story = 3/5
Combat = 3/5

Characters = 3/5
Story = 4/5 (a lot of fan service)
Combat 3/5

Based retard.

I never played 3, but both 1 and 2 were good. I liked the gunplay portions of one better than two, because two gave you a limited ammo inventory in a game where sometimes you had to shoot a lot of dudes, and I enjoyed the way the run and gun segments went in one better. Two did an amazing job with character development and the companion stuff, and overall had a better story to play through and better missions.

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Proper rankings:

Story etc...=4/5

Story etc...=2/5

Story etc...=1/5

What made 3's gameplay so great? And why are you talking about a game that you appear to dislike?

>no side content besides "drive to system, pick up thing from ship, then turn thing in"

Mostly the multiplayer.

>HUGE variety of weapons and powers
>extremely good enemy AI, probably the most underrated aspect of this game
>good variety of enemies, all of them are easily recognizable and have distinct roles that force you to adapt
>decent amount of customization in regards to weapon and loadout, especially in MP
>damage values are just right, neither you or the enemies die too quickly or too fast to break verisimilitude or gameplay flow

>ranking 2's gameplay below 1's
nigger what the fuck

2 was bare bones as fuck and it got boring really fast.

bare bones compared to 1?
1 fucking sucked, it was awkward and janky

Yes even compared to 1. You barely had any choice at all.

I'd rather have the core gameplay feel good than have a couple of worthless extra options.


Mass Effect 1 is lovable for it's RPG elements. Yeah it's clunky, but it does play like a proper RPG with some shooting. Mass Effect 2 in turn plays like your run of the mill shooter with the RPG elements reduced to a very small choice of skills and good vs evil decision making that boils down to "Sure I'd love to help" vs "Punch in face". Your choices are effectively meaningless because since it is a "big trilogy" you can't have them have major impact, or else they would have to program large differences in the sequels based on choices. So they get a mention at best or are completely ignored at worst.
as for ME3, by then they pretty much phoned it in, development wise. There's still SOME quality there, but they did absolutely lazy things, like doing a Tali face-reveal using a stock photo from the internet and using photoshop to change the color a bit, cut off two fingers and draw some lines in her face. They've also been accused of stealing some guys artwork from DA. then of course people found out that the conclusion of this "epic decision based RPG-shooter" was literally the same cutscene with a sort of "explosion" happening, but depening on what choice you made at the end, it would be a red, a blue, or a green explosion and stuff would glow in that color. People. were. pissed. So much that it started a "Gamers are entitled" controversy:

honestly were it not for the fact they shoehorned in "this kills other people you like or just saves" destroy is objectively a fine ending, and as its clear the tack on is just to make people actually choose one of the other two just headcanon that shit out.
But yeah the problem was expectations were set for a LOT more "your choices matter"

Oh what I didn't mention about 2: it started to feel incredibly "formulaic" as well. You get a bunch of crew mates, and each of the crew mates then has a job, a "Loyalty" mission that you need to do with them, in order for them to survive the end. And since you have a bunch of them, it starts to feel unrealistic and forced. Like your mom telling you to take your little brother to play too.
You also get an alternative outfit as a reward, but before you think "oh neat" it is just a lazy recolor of the original. So far that Garrus alternative suit even still has the same damage marks on the top. Fucking hell.

I mean, nobody ever said that it wasn't a good ending for one of the choices(well, maybe a mediocre one). It was just terrible that despite this being a decision driven game series, all your decisions in a series that ran from 2008 to 2012 boiled down to a fucking color filter in an ending cutscene.

1 is fucking boring. I tried to replay it recently and couldn't even stand to make it to the Citadel. People act like it's way more of an RPG and it technically is I guess, but it's in all the worst fucking ways. Clunky combat, needlessly incremental stat changes, and the worst inventory system ever designed. The side content is boring and repetitive, and the main choices aren't any more complex or diverse than the latter games.

At least in the sequels you can play Manguard and enjoy the combat.

This is pretty good, though I'd disagree and set aside 1's combat as separate. It plays differently than the other shooters at the time. It's clunky but I like it, you can tell it was made by people who prioritized story and that's ok. I loved the guns not needing to be reloaded, it helped make it feel alien and unique.

I'm going to be that guy. I enjoyed all of them, including Andromeda, some obviously more than others.
1. Kaidan and whatshername did nothing for me. Million drops to sort through annoying. I liked the freaky Mako movement. Spent hours hopping to every planet to read the little details.
2. Streamlined the customization system. Hated the change to ammo. Killing Shepard just to bring him back strange. Loved they kept the planet hopping, annoyed at the change to manual scans.
3. One word: Javik. Good DLCs, great combat systems, fond memories of yelling "HE TOLD YOU SO" at opening cinematic, revisiting worlds to see how invasion effected them entertaining.
Andromeda: Graphics look good, smooth as silk vehicular exploration, combat system the best out of all of them. AT TIMES, the story can be good. You can see it had potential. However...

I am not stupid enough to deny that 3 and Andromeda aren't seriously flawed. I think 3, with some work by the player and done right, has a satisfying ending. It wraps everything up. Andromeda is very, very broken and ripped apart by SJWs and people who don't care about source content or who don't reread their work. But it gave me hours of enjoyable playtime if you just piddle around with its chores and submissions.

TLDR: Play ME1. If you enjoy it, play 2, etc. I recommend the trilogy. If you enjoy the planet hopping and quest hunting of the first game, try Andromeda and play it purely for the fun, but be prepared to be frustrated at the wasted potential

This tickled me.

>worse than 3
fuck outta here negro

>Combat staying the same through all 3 games
>Story improving over 2
All wrong. I could see someone taking 1's combat over 2's as it is more unique but 2's combat is much more smooth and has a better approach on how to handle the mix hybrid classes.

When/if you play 3 play vanguard, Hes fucking broke as shit in that game and its fun as hell.

3 did everything 2 did right better

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Couldn't of written that better myself.

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Other than story and character interactions? My biggest gripe about 2 was not getting legion in the beginning, but mods fix that thanks to the game still having lines for him in the beginning.

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I enjoyed the whole trilogy but they all have their own pros and cons.

ME1 has janky combat and lame vehicle side-quests, but the main story and atmosphere are both really solid.

ME2 has stronger individual character arcs and a great final mission but the main plot is more of an excuse to string them all together.

ME3 has some good character moments and choices that carry over across the whole series regardless of people who say it was garbage from start to finish, but the last hour or so is pretty shite compared to what people had hyped up for it over the years. So you just have to appreciate the journey more-so than the bungled EA riddled destination.

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>> ME3
>> Combat 3/5

You disgust me

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ME1 combat is unironically better than ME2.

As uninteresting as the weapons are, at least I can fucking move worth a shit and use powers without every one of them going on cooldown. In ME2 you literally feel like a 20 tonne piece of paper mache that can't safely leave cover under any circumstance mid-fight. 'Caster' classes cuck you into shooting 90% of the time, forcing you to take squadmates of the exact same type (biotic/tech) with you to combo with - because fuck having a varied squad.

As shit as ME3 is, it at least has the best combat in the series.

1 > 3 > 2

2 would be fine if it were a different series, but it accomplishes nothing. The world building, atmosphere, and rpg elements are worse than in 1, while the combat is worse than 3. The story is a literal 0/10, completely irrelevant to the world of ME. It does nothing better than the other games, coming out completely average. It's an okay game if you ignore the name tag.

The characters were always my favorite part of Bioware games anyhow. So I appreciate ME2 for making them the main focus and setting the stage for things that otherwise might not have had the time. Even if Harbinger was a dud compared to Sovereign.

it is

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They are better in terms of characters and combat, but ME1 probably has the best story of them all. Still, I'd say disregard all the memers and play the whole trilogy because it is very good. Spergs here wont change that fact.

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There were a lot of neat characters, but none of them had much depth. Even a fan favorite like Garrus was reduced to a fucking meme because they couldn't bother to give him some dialogue in between missions.

You'll hate it the first time around, but if you replay the trilogy a couple of times you'll realize its charm.

>mfw I realize I've just spent the past two hours writing a 1000+ word screed against ME2 fans because I'm still so pissed about the ending reaction
I think I might need help at this point

1 - hey this game's actually good
2- holy shit this series is amazing!
3- aw damn oh well