Other urls found in this thread:
It's just not fair
Persona is made-for-gaijin garbage.
how do i get this to happen in real life?
The girl I love left me for someone else and it's been a month and a half now and I think about killing myself everyday
try tinder
if you have to ask, you already fucked up.
A real GF would be too much effort, I'd have to put so much time into maintaining a relationship and being someone she'd want to spend time with. It's much easier to just live fantasies of the most positive points of a relationship through media.
Enjoy your used whores
Use a proper dating site like okc
Met my ex there and she was a complete virgin
sure she was
did you rupture her cherry hole?
There was blood user
Sure did
You need to be extroverted and attractive
fuckin loser haha you are mentally ill if you rely on females to make you alive
>not knowing how the female body works
fucked her on her period haha thats fucking gross dude
>Tfw I dated a cute blonde bisexual tomboy that was just like Chie in high school
Good times. It sucked when we broke up thorugh.
>There was blood
It was ketchup.
Honestly a girl confessed her feels for me in a string of drunken texts a few days ago. I wish i knew what i did to recieve this affection so i could work on grinding it to max
Never think about taking your own life.
Eat some food you like, play/watch whatever you play/watch when you want some fun.
It's hard in the beginning but it gets easier. Even with the shitposters, some of us anons will be here to comfort you man.
How do you live with yourselves posting cringe shit like this?
reminder the no gf route is best route
bros before hoes. Yu has tons of city sluts waiting back home.
Just be Happy that he will treat her right while you enjoy videogames.
That's what I did to this delicious brown arab girl who I knew. I knew I couldn't have a chance with her so I hoped someone would treat her right and someone did.
Lily is the fourth best girl, user. Get your shit together.
>Don't you have a bunch of dates?
>"I'd rather hang out with bros than thots"
>"They were just side bitches"
why is yu so based
You would be incorrect. She is my wife and best girl.
But why?
I love you, Chie!
>my girl turned lesbo
>tfw a girl never told you she loves you
I have no image to convey this feeling. Only thing in my mind is how to escape this film reel of life, I just hope it ends burnt and useless like my lfie.
user you're upsetting me.
I wanted to call you a buzzword but you've upset me too much for me to do it now thanks a lot.
>dating a girl that looks like a boy
This has been a meme for like a decade now, zoomer.
Too bad chie a shit
This. I just hope things turn out right for most people
highschool gfs are temporary
bros are forever
i'm still holding out hope that the user from the last Naoto thread wasn't rusing me
I'm ugly. She's hot. I had no chance.
it hurts...
a copy of Persona 4 Golden, please
I did and no girl interests me like her
We were together for 4 fucking years
I don't have the heart to debate someone with such dedication to one 2D girl, so I concede the point. Though I'll always prefer Shizune.
Imagine not being so intensely heterosexual that you can instinctively sense wife material through any disguise
unga bunga me no english
Just be happy it ends with nothing serious. Always look at the positive aspect in life. Don't jump into conclusions and keep moving forward user,
Funnily enough, this is precisely why Kanji was attracted to Naoto before it was revealed she was female.
do the non-party member girls have scenes like this?
Post the follow up
I'll admit, in my play through I picked Chie.
No regrets.
Course I was playing the ps2 version before gold came out where she doesn't sound like a hamster breathing helium while being tied up and hung by its balls.
No, they are double cucked technically, also you can't refuse Marie if you romance her, she always ambushes you when you're going home
1st stop being a pussy
2nd stop looking for pussy
3rd take a shower
4th you actually need to go out, where? you may ask, pay a course or training you like, enter a club or society with relevant hobbies you like.
5th start hanging out with friends and maybe some friend will introduce you somebody
6th be yourself, don't try so hard.
Yu makes the gigachad move and knows expending afternoon with his homie is priceless
>you end up with worse girl regardless
wow this really is the saddest harem route
Poor Chiefags, their girl's voice got butchered to oblivion. At least the stand-in voices for Naoto sound decent enough in their own ways.
Daily reminder that one day the last Vita and the last Vita TV will die and no one will ever play Persona 4 Golden again because no Vita emu ever
Go to church to meet a good christian girl and marry her and make babies.
you guys are over exaggerating. I think her new VA is even better in some ways. they both have pros and cons.
What's the best p4 song and why is it the almighty?
Atlus will port it out of Vita before that r-right?
try actually talking to people
don't do this
But then you have to go to the church
>don't do this
Why ?
>meet a Christian girl
>"user, why are you playing the games where you summon demons? I burned all the copies, no go tell tell thus fat fuck about your sins"
no thanks
God dammit he better have fucking found her.
That it does. I can never marry Naoto IRL.
>wanted to fuck drills
>doesnt get her own route
>have to date deaf bitch then cheat on her with drills
I love Fuuka!
Now imagine this is a guy
>this fucker just cooks a nice meal for some cute girls
>see this
>genuniley start crying that I'll never have this
I'm too far gone.
Drills is a lesbian you stupid dipshit.
Why? It’s basically the same result if it was written by a guy.
I never saw the new blade runner, why has it become a meme for the pain of no gf?
I sat in 9th grade by myself when than new girl raised her hand and asked our teacher to sit next to me. She did and asked me if I could give her some tutoring in english (which is not our first language)
We met and ended up one night on her bed where she asked me out. I replied like the insecure idiot that I am and she forced herself on me and kissed me. She was my first real gf and also turned out to be my first one having sex with.
is this thing going to be the next
just looking at the thumbnail made rage
>can still fuck
At the very least shes Bi
>Why ?
because they don't exist
Dude I'm pretty lenient when it comes to english dubs, even ones that I'll admit are not good.
But her voice in golden is legitimately screeching chalkboard tier.
In the pic i posted he go see a giant sex AI and she even asks if he is lonely, then Yea Forums just went crazy
Of course not, he'd a beta creep
This happened to me a few times, and of course, I only realized their intent a decade after high school was over.
They were always fat or ugly anyway
Pic related
>fucks you
>is a lesbian
pick one
But I want her back.
I want her to hold me and put my fingers through her hair and scratch my back like she used to
I want to hold her in my car to warm each other up when it's cold outside like we used to
I want to fall asleep with her and have her drool on my chest again like she used to
I want to fucking kill myself
If you fucking read the sex scene it's incredibly awkward for both of them, she doesn't get any pleasure out of it and then calls it off. The whole thing wasn't even about the sex in the first place, but from her getting emotional about her love for the deaf girl not being reciprocated ever. You're both idiots.
That's because the almighty has the perfect amount of urgency mixed in with the song. see
That theme could have been Izanami 2nd phase, the pre final boss having cooler music than the final one is funny
user, face the facts. Its better to lose her like this, then she perishing away. Atleast she can be seen and talked too again. Be grateful you are alive and have a chance to find someone different who can share these feeling with you.
Nigger, I never even played the game past the first act. Why would I play a game where best girl is locked?
>picking a boss theme
I always felt like the non combat music was much more characteristic of persona 4.
I love that he's super vague when rejecting all the girls about what he's going to do after seeing them to the point that they all think he's seeing someone else, but then he just goes to chill at Junes.
>Chie in the anime
>Not bad, pretty fitting
>Chie in the game
>Holy shit shut the fuck up already
And it's the same person. What the fuck happened with the voice direction?
I hope one day I can be with her again
I love her too much
>4 fucking years
How do people stay together for this long and just split up? Unless you're still very young you should be married with a kid by then.
Whats her name, user
Energy compression
She left you for another man did she not? Why would you want a woman like this back in your life? I know the wound is still fresh but come on man, have some dignity.
>that transition into a piano/guitar solo chorus
God I fucking love when he does that. You see it in Fog, New World Fool, and Castle. Shoji Meguro will always be one of my favorite composers.
Her new VA is fine in the new content, but you can tell they were rushing her through the entire base game.
Overall I prefer her to her PS2 counterpart, she just sounds like she's a 40 year old woman a single glass of wine away from slipping into a coma.
I'm only 20 and going through college.
I told her I would marry her as soon as I graduated.
But apparently she got attracted to some other guy.
I wasn't the best boyfriend, I know this, but I wish she just talked to me about how she felt
If I could go back, I would treat her much better even if she still left me
Her name is Sally
I don't know, she just meant the world to me, and I dream about her every single night, and wake up halfway through the night and can't go to bed afterwards
the original voice made me not like the character at all, then once i heard the new VA she instantly become my favorite girl
>had a gf that looked just like Naoto but she dumped me and started dating someone else back in December
Is Vita emulation a thing?
Nope, not yet at least. Real Vita hardware is still the only way to play Golden.
Give it a year or 2
Dude she LEFT. You DO NOT want her back. She showed you how she felt and showed she doesn't love you anymore. Please don't waste yourself over some dumb cunt that didn't respect you.
wow, ok the I love you by a skinny girl may be good thing to have but what I really wanted is to have a bedroom in the 2nd floor with a view to a paddy field or any farming/vegetation at all. Also his bedroom is the size of my entire house.
Hey, at least your got farther than the rest of us. I knew someone who was basically Chie and still dropped the ball.
is she talking about sex? Last time I asked my doctor this, she asked me to leave
This seems like the best thread to ask in
What the hell can I do to improve my personality?
How do you even define what a personality is?
You're going to feel like complete shit for the next few months but eventually you're just going to want to kill shit and fuck pussy.
Oneitis can be conquered.
>Her name is Sally
stay strong user, may my lifeless husk fill you with hope
Yes she kiss you, also lazy Atlus
don't let your hobbies define who you are
Only one way:
>must be as much extroverted as possible
>find a hobby then find a club realted to this hobby or a group of people who share your hobby
this step is totally on luck
>find skinny, young girl in this group/club and ray for her to not be engaged or have a boyfriend
>try your luck after 6 months
>if it fails or the club doesnt have a girl your standards then move to another club/group of people
Works better in big cities since you need to jump to another club very often and something you run out of options.
>How do you even define what a personality is?
personality is a spook
>What the hell can I do to improve my personality?
change yourself to fit your person of interest
if you think it's your personality, just get more hobbies. if you're passionate about the same things someone else is, and you don't shoot down other people's opinions or talk yourself up like some toxicmasc dude, then you're fine. i got into my local music scene and more music in general just by going to cheap as fuck shows and suddenly my relationship points went up ten-fold because there was actually things i could talk about
Women don't care about personality. They care about money, and how patron-like you are. I.e. tell them what to do and treat them like a retarded child (which they are).
But I've spent 4 years of my life thinking about nothing but her
I can't even consider it, every other girl feels bland compared to her
But I still want to hold out hope that she'll come back. I want to treat her better, I love her so much
Thanks, user
t. incel
Wrong. You can also play it on Playstation TV, on your actual TV/monitor.
since everyone is dumping their baggage in this thread
I have had a childhood crush since I was about 7 with someone. I asked them out when I was 12 and they pulled the lesbian card. We are good friends now (it's been several years) but I still feel this way. I've dated other people but I still feel for her but she has a boyfriend already and lives further away now. Damn I feel like a dumb anime character that gets cancelled after 1 season
quiet incel
LMAO, are you 12? Don't bother with personality, feelings, social status, ideals and other bullshit.
Just do what you must (like work, study) then do what you want and enjoy in the rest of your time.
With time and practice you end noticing things you like and dislike then you can use these observations to simplify yourself for others. Example: I don't like talking much 99% of the time so when I meet someone I can say "im introverted" or "I'm INTF" or other bullshit by meyers briggs.
>improve personality
>personality is characterists, theres no way to improve because it is what it is. It is not bad or good so improving personality has no meaning. You maybe be talking about following common sense advices like hurr try to be sociable because it open doors in life.
so uh guys im only playing these games because i wanted to fuck naoto, you can do that one the ps2 version right ?
>not using the japanese voice action
lmaoing @ ur life
The Playstation TV is a Vita. There's a reason it's called the 'Vita TV' in Japan.
Fuck niggers
Elizabeth is the ultimate best girl of P3
dude just be yourself
take a shower
consume art written by women
explore yourself and other hobbies and actually be open minded to them. don't just be like "NAH IM NOT A MOVIE PERSON" as an example, actually give things repeated and honest tries.
also side note about some people in this thread:
If you feel like you're incomplete without a partner, then you need to be able to be happy without one to have a healthy relationship. Literally what codependency is
I don't even want sex. I just want someone to hug.
Yes as we all know, women love to date poor men, and men who are $0y enriched fags who act as unfatherly as possible and treat themw ith lots of respect, and tip their fedora to tip whi;e calling them mlady
>change yourself to fit
enjoy being sad
You can feel all the heartbreak you need to, but at some point or another you have to move on dude. You only picked one out of many woman who were right for you and while it looks like she's the only one for you now, there are stilll many moire possibilities out there. The important part is picking yourself up and making the effort to move towards those other possibilities. Its not easy but you at least have to try. Don't waste too much of your precious time on her, It'll be gone before you know it and you'll really be in a hole.
>improving your personality
What the fuck. If you can't define your own personality, you're a boring ass nigga. Just do whatever you want and bee yourself, trying to "improve" your personality is a sign to lie to yourself.
>Never experienced the touch of another woman
>Kissless hugless handholdless virgin
>20's were miserable
>Turn 30
>Get offered 550k/year as a data scientist
>Plenty of close friends than keep away the crippling loneliness
>Tons of energy from exercising and globe trekking
>Disgusting roasties now clawing at my virginity and denying them left and right whenever I flash my JP Morgan Reserve card
>Highschool crushes are working dead end jobs or single mothers chasing around screaming germ factories
So this is what wizardry feels like.
Sorry, user, Sony censored the hentai parts in the western release
Fellow Chie-chad and yes.
In P4 she sounds like a middle-aged woman. In P4G she actually sounds young albeit shrill.
Still enjoy both in the end.
Improve yourself like the game series tells you. DO SHIT OR FORCE YOURSELF TO DO IT.
Giving P4 a shot at a replay after having not played it since high school
Why did I ever like this game? People act like 3 has a slow start but this is absolutely fucking glacial
>after like a straight hour or so of dialogue, the three principle characters so far are finally in the TV world and taking a look around
>”well guys i’m pretty tired after being here for five minutes, let’s go home and hit the hay :)”
Nevermind Shadow Yosuke being like 1/10th of a character arc that the game is, regardless, treating like Yosuke’s shining moment
Based and chadpilled
I hope so, user.
I just wish she would come back to me though.
It's all I can think of
yeah it was a joke, you can still romance the characters right ?
P3 literally makes you do fucking nothing for 30 days till the next shadow after the first summon, P4 was much quicker even if the beginning is a little slow
>I just wish she would come back to me though.
why? things obviously won't be the same. She left for a reason.
P4 at least gives you more control once you're 'in' the game than 5. 5 sends me to fucking sleep because you're three dungeons deep and it's still treating you like you're in the tutorial.
While I mostly agree with you, I'd add that P4 Chie sounds like a morbidly obese middle aged woman.
Personas 3-5 all suffer long-winded starts. It's been awhile since starting P5 but they were moderately faster to get you into actual gameplay.
>>Get offered 550k/year as a data scientist
holy shit
lol prove it
What a chill thread. God bless you all tonight men.
My favorite part of P3 is the snippet of story they give you every 10 hours
I answered user's question, doesn't mean I follow it
since he's the type to ask Yea Forums for advice then he's also the type to change himself for others aka beta bitch
>5 sends me to fucking sleep
Don't do the dungeon in the afternoon and get greedy for something at night then
>Wanted to fuck shy crispy waifu
>Ended up with the game telling me I'm an insecure faggot instead
>Still single but with more money
Good thing I didn't hang around in /ksg/ for long after that I guess
People make mistakes in judgement and have temporary feelings.
If she came back and was genuinely sorry and felt bad, I dont see why it couldn't be different
I'd willingly take her back
So i am only a few hours in persona3 fes. How long until I can actually do something? Feels like I am missing a lot or is it because its not even one month in yet?
Anne is the only Lovers Arcana I will ever choose.
Yes. Tell Naoto you're glad she's a woman (and I think there's another important answer, just keep flirting) and you can date her by the end of her link
>This sounded like more fun.
Every time.
>my last childhood friend only speaks with me when it's about trying to get me back into church
>finally conceded and went to a late-night sermon with him to meet new people
>it turned out to be a money-grubbing cult-like event with spiritual leaders who claimed that they could totally cure cancer through prayer alone and only needed more money to spread their influence across the world
>I was the only one who wasn't interested so my friend cut off contact with me
Life's weird.
P5 is even worse
P4 still has you doing nothing, what are you even on about? There’s one dungeon per month, just like 3, and you should ideally do it in one go, maybe two. Except P3 actually has interesting characters to interact with and get invested in before the plot really kicks into full swing.
We played Uno all night.
>another woman
P5 toss you into the dungeon like 20 mins in
P4 had the filler events at least, also you could not interact with P3 characters at all cause only the girls had slinks
We have failed as a society
>P5 toss you into the dungeon like 20 mins in
lying is a bad thing to do user.
It's true, you arrive, talk to sojiro, sleep talk to igor go to school, go back sleep, then go to school and you're in castle with Ryuji
>is it because its not even one month in yet?
No. Look up a gameplay video on youtube. It takes you an hour to get to the tutorial dungeon and 3 to get to the the first actual dungeon.
I'm in no rush to replay it any time soon, and I think P3 did general character development and plot buildup better. But P4's still kind of a nostalgic comfort zone for me.
The small-town atmospheric music, the warm colors, the simple progressive gameplay, building up a group of friends for a Scooby Doo style murder mystery, etc. It has a lot of things that are easy to poke fun at, but at the end of the day it was just a mellow good time for me.
Not if you just skip the dialogue
Oh wow, you got me. Bravo user.
>P3 did general character development and plot buildup better
You're fucking kidding me, P3 character development was literally 5 mins scenes, P4 slinks at least were longer, and the 1 month to prepare for Nyx fucks all the build up
>change yourself to fit your person of interest
>mfw my last two gfs went out of their way to fit their interests to mine
>mfw that felt fake as fuck, and even though I appreciated the gesture, I ended up being bored with them really soon
>tried talking it out to no avail
>the relationships disintegrated in less than a year
I am most likely the asshole in this scenario, but god damn I can't handle when a human being tries to mimic someone else's personality without bringing to the table something of their own.
>You're fucking kidding me, P3 character development was literally 5 mins scenes
There is not a single character in 5 that has character depth that supasses the main cast of 3.
>P3 character development was literally 5 mins scenes
Junpei's arc takes place over almost the entire game, and he's not the only one
S-Links don't count as character development because they're optional.
>TFW WHEN NO GF :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
persona was a mistake, amazing games, cancerous fanbase.
no games should have romances, they always detract from the experience and add nothing.
>no go tell tell thus fat fuck about your sins
Hey retard, she's supposed to be a christan girl, not a fucking skaven.
Just by having more than 5 mins development they are already better
>Cries for 2 mins
>Good for life
Defend this
Yes he is, Yukari comes close but she mostly some months
Of course they count
dumb frogposter
>Just be Happy that he will treat her right
Might as well just tell him to kill himself, good lord.
He's the only one that stands out IMO. Mitsuru is rather boring and Akihiko's big moments are too closely related to Shinji (who I think has a terrible arc that ruins everyone involved in it but maybe that's just me). Yukari and Fuuka are above average though.
Picking the good end is optional too
>Defend this
You mean a scene where there is actual drama and emotion and isn't just a boring joke that tricks the player into thinking something tragic is about to happen? Okay
they pull that stunt 3 fucking times in Persona 5 btw
Akihiko was going through that arc for the entire game. He's constantly talking about what being strong means to him, and he has multiple scenes with Shinji where they talk about what they feel they owe themselves. You didn't pay attention.
Maybe you should learn it then.
yeah, sure, its about the money, whatever let you sleep at night
>terrible arc
>Actual drama
It its pure cringe user, he cries for 2 mins then says he is good for life, how the fuck i can take that serious ?
Yeah user 2 scenes of development, great
It's not perfect in terms of giving everyone balanced focus, but I still like P3's favorite character development simply because everyone has their own little arc throughout the main story that actually has a lasting affect on them in the end. They have lives and relationships outside of telling the main character what a great listener he is and have to come to their own lessons of personal resolve.
In P4 all the characters have really strong introductions with their personal dungeons and shadow confrontations, but they kind of peak at that point because any character growth they might have during social links is completely optional and revolves more around Protagonist-Kun just listening to them vent.
risecchi loves you
It's too late for you.
Shinji was literally a plot device, how can you even defend his arc ?
Because P4 main story is focused more on the story than character development(those are done in dungeons and slinks), you can count in 1 hand the scenes that advance dark hour stuff in P3
Delusional 5fag
God she's so great. I'm playing P4 again and I wonder if I'll finally be able to bring myself to romance a different girl.
Because he's a foil to Akihiko and his death is simultaneously a redemption for himself and a wakeup call for Akihiko that he's self destructing, not being brave. What is there to dislike about it?
>ex's new bf hates me and doesn't want her talking to me anymore
This keeps happening
You don't. Pursuing 3D women will only end in misery. Happy monogamous relationships are the exception, not the norm. Porn is free, women don't have anything more to offer you.
Shame we never got to be her wingman...
>Just be Happy that he will treat her right while you enjoy videogames.
You're a fucking cu-ck in the literal sense. I assume the actual word is changed to based or something retarded. Why should someone be happy that a person they like is with someone else?
He literally does nothing for the whole month he is on team, him dying on 1 scene and developing don't makes him not trash
Fat fuck here, how do I stop eating and get gf
your own fault for trying to remain "friends" with exes while some new dude jams his cock down her throat. you'll learn one of these days, clingy cuck
have you tried to stop eating?
But that's reasonable
he sounds like a jealous cuck lmao
Keep posting shitty Yea Forums memes.
drink water and celery till you cant eat any more you lazy fuck
Says more about them than you. Take pride in that at the least.
I don't think either Chie voice is bad, but I'm so used to the original version that it just feels weird hearing anything else.
>ESL-kun can't into penance arcs or character implications via dialogue
What a shock
Yeah, no shit. I mean come on is this kind of dumb teenage girl what you want licking your wounds?
lmao american
Get one of those personal exercise bikes so you can use it while playing vidya
Looking at yourself when you eat will also guilt trip you into dropping that shit.
That is how I did it anyway
didn't get a gf though ;_;
What dialogue ? he don't do anything the month he is on the team, he only gets punched by Akihiko for using ass pull drugs then nothing more till his death
tinder/bumble until you meet some girl with BPD
wow you actually are ESL
Great argument
I'm too impulsive
say no more senpai
what are some other filling foods I can eat that are low calories
I've been going to the gym the past month and I like it, but I can't stop my shitty diet. I feel like I'm going to be stuck on bear mode if I continue lifting.
God the persona series is so goddamn based.
Such impeccable art and sound direction, and hell even though most of the characters are pretty anime I still can't help but be charmed by them.
forgot the pic
argument? I just read your post and could barely understand it. I am not the other guy.
Reminder that the reason you don't have a gf is because you know that she will not compare to any Persona girl or other waifu.
Reminder that the vast majority of marriage ends in divorce, that it is the cultural norm to have sex with other people, and that men have no power in any relationship because if they don't do what they're told they can get attacked with a weapon and then thrown in jail for defending themselves.
Reminder that if you want to be happy, you have to accept that you were sold a dream that doesn't exist, and just like accepting that Santa Claus isn't real, you have to accept that you will never find a girl who loves you unconditionally.
Reminder that this does not mean you cannot be happy, it means that you have to find tangible things that are worth living for instead of an impossible fantasy.
Reminder that 3D women are not important.
>how do I stop eating
Just stop eating lol
>and get gf
Can’t help you there famalam.
I see what you did there.
That's something else that bothers me too, actually. The night-time stuff feels way more restrictive in 5 than 4G, despite it being a totally tacked on phase in 4G.
But they are literally the same shit
>Do dungeon
>Can't go out at night
>Don't do dungeon
>Can go
Kawakami even makes the P5 night better
Ease back gradually on junk food and try to learn to make something fresh and homemade. Try to fix your sleep schedule and be more active. It's about making new habits and putting yourself out there.
What depresses me about wholesome small-town stories where everyone connects and knows each other is that living in an actual rural small town is kind of Hell.
There's nothing here but a burnt down post office and an old gas station. Everyone my age who was smart enough moved away as soon as they could, but I just don't know where else to go.
Stop being a manlet
You're not living in a small rural town, you're living in an abandoned town.
user, don't. It will hurt; it will hurt for a very long time, but there is a reason for this. You will find someone better. You'll realize this. I did. Seven years I lost and it all ended on garbage reasons. I'm a better person now and don't want to go back to it. I found someone far better after some searching through: eHarmony, Match, and friends. Keep pushing. Make those changes yourself. You control your own fate.
I did like how P4 kind of dealt with that. A decent chunk of the party had dreams that'd take them out of Inaba and for several of them, protagonist included, it was essentially just a detour.
>you're living in an abandoned town.
Not yet. I'm still here.
This tbqh
Bananas like a shit ton of them
Are you infact Squirrely Dan?
We should all be so lucky.
>tfw completely alien to concept of loving someone you want to kys when she left
>tfw kissless handholdless virgin at 28
I am not even sure anymore. What I know is I am not gay.
>Do they have running water down there?
Every time
>interacting with ex
Unless youre sleeping with her, which a dumb move in itself, why the hell are you talking to her?
I honestly don't know which is worse user.
One day you'll find someone, don't worry.
Not that user but not all break ups end badly. Sometimes you just come to the conclusion that it isn't working out and end it neutrally. A lot of people seem to not be able to understand that, normies very much included
if my girlfriend's ex was a furfag who posted on Yea Forums i would want her to stop talking with that fag too
>He says posting on Yea Forums
The irony.
This is a low IQ response.
is this real or edited?
as soon as you feel you no longer care and stop looking you'll get slapped in the face with a good one
based astolfo poster
You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.
Oh i agree, but people really can't get rid of those feelings - espeically when new people get involved
Could be worse I guess. It could have been Yukiko.
old chie was good. give me back my 30 year old mommy waifu
Another low IQ response from a retarded furfag on Yea Forums. And you wonder why people don't want to associate with you.
>unironically thinking letterkenny is funny
Some of you guys are alright. Don't be Mr Morooka tomorrow.
>I think P3 did general character development and plot buildup better
In what metaverse are you living user.
P3 was fully of pointless filler and characters barely reacting to anything within the story outside of the final act of the narrative and The Answer
Fair point, though that differs from person to person. For whatever reason despite being happy with my ex's in the past, I've never been too fussed about the break ups and remained friends. I guess i'm just lucky in that regard.
bros do I even need to say it
Sounds like me.
How so? I though P3 benefited from having the characters grouping up in the dorm every day and showing scenes of their own interactions outside of just hanging out with the main character. I still enjoy P4 and P5, but feel like making everything revolve more and more around the uninteresting self-insert lead only serves to hurt individual character development.
>enjoying things
Dude same, only reason I started Persona with 4 was because of Naoto
Get better at making small jokes (you don't need to be a stand up comedian), just witty enough to make her smile.
Try to be curious about a bunch of different topics so you'll be able to contribute to a conversation even if it veers to something you're not into.
What is he referring to? The fog stuff doesn't happen for like 6 months from then
yeah it's real
Would Yea Forums be okay with Atlus adding H scenes to Persona 6, or would that ruin the wholesomeness of it all?
Honestly fuck this gay ass world. not my fault most girls seem to dislike my race, yet love black guys and spics.
Yea Forums would be ok with it, everyone else wouldn't
>Can fuck every single girl with zero repercussions including his Velvet Room attendant and a robot
>can fuck every single one of his girl with the only consequence being their own hurt feelings and can turn them all down in favor of his bro
Who's more powerful
Jokerfags need not apply
>Persona thread
>10 times out of 10 it's nothing but VN harem posting
Literally worse than people who "play" cinematic experiences. JRPGs were a mistake from the beginning
>oh no I didn't had a girl for a whole week what am I gonna do?! ;_;
>oh no my gf left me, its not like I compeltely forgot about her already but I'll whine here about it
I have no idea what other human's warmth feels my fellow 4channeleers.
Honestly sounds gay as fuck, not gonna waste my time doing a bunch of boring shit to fucking stick my cock in some hoe.
>Half the girls you can date are adult women who've fallen for your highschool dick
Get fucked.
Oh come on bro. Its normal to initially feel like that, but you need to stop dwelling on it. You need to stop being a pussy and move on.
>gets caught
>has to have a P3/P4 protag tier god of romance bail him out instead
automatically worse than either because he can get caught. It's not like P3 MC doesn't have his teacher or P4 MC doesn't have Margaret or that Nurse as well
>P3 teacher
that remake better let us get with her this time
>mfw I cant bring girl home because I sleep in the living room of a small house with my family
>Someone in my family is always home
>gf has the same issue
>I'm 23 and can't afford to move out because a 1-room place in my city costs $800-$1000 a month
Ive never been angrier
pretty impossible seeing as P3 MC literally dies the day after she finds out that he was her online gaming partner. It's a shame since she's secret one of P3's best girls
Maybe they can add in one last romantic event for the day before the last, with actually taking her up on her offer for dinner being one of them
or just make that scene the 10th rank, im sure they can cut/rearrange some of her dialogue to make it fit
This kind of anime shit only happens in high school. No roastie is going to lower her guard like that, she's already gone through it with at least a dozen guys by the time she makes it to you in her 20s. If you have to ask then you missed the boat.
Get a job and have sex.
You get better with women and learn how they work. It was really funny when this happened to me IRL for the first time and not just in video games.
Whats Persona 6's theme gonna be? The Thieves are all themed after rebels and tricksters.
There's no need for that.
Invent a time machine and a genetic modifier machine, go back and time and change yourself to be taller and with a better face.
It'll suddenly happen all the time.
What are the looks of the girl that wrote this?
stay fucking jelly
>having sex with maya.
>every time you thrust, she memes.
disgusting chibi shit
thank god they ditched that in p5
all women are whores, don't even bother anons
Thanks Adachi.
>not posting the image
are you me? i'm 27 though
Sorry she's the most canon waifu.
>Kanji grew up, went back to his natural hair color, and gets to bang Naoto every day
Is there a more based party member? Is it even possible?
Gorofags need not apply.
...and you'll either meet old hags, born again sluts and maybe, MAYBE a girl your age that's available, but even that is another dice roll because she could be a psycho
Canon is meaningless when it comes to player choice.
Just do it you fucking pathetic loser
>my girlfriend broke up with me wah wah
>tfw my girl became a dyke
that's why you go to real churches and not some Catholic or Evangelical church.
i wish you could customize your clothing in persona games, i don't think yu would wear certain things
Same thing here bro. It fucking sucks
No woman will ever love me because I'm 5'5___
Games for this feel?
Legend of Zelda The Minish Cap