Why don't you play fighting games?

Why don't you play fighting games?

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I do but I suck at them

Because they make you pay extra for those characters and those costumes.

Because i dont want more fucking stages or nostalgia pandering costumes, i want some new fucking characters. until i get them, i'll continue playing other, better games.

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I do

there are other fighting games

do you practice though?


too hard, I try practicing combos in practice and the timing is so strict I don't see how I can do it in an online match with lag and pressure

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Because I am not black.

I play Under Night with exactly one friend who is similarly (un)skilled and everything else is too intimidating. I do wanna give SF a try but everyone seems to think V is on the way out.

online lag doesn't affect combos in street fighter. if you can do the timing, it'll come out

I main Paul

how many deathfists have you done in your life

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Best character

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>faggot ass random tripnigger

It's one of the only special moves that I've practiced.

No friends to play with and inputs are too complex.

I do. I've been playing Undernight with friends for about 8 months now and we just recently got back into Blazblue CF. Making slow progress, but the experience of improving and learning together is an enriching one.

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i played like 5 matches of SFV and got bored
i feel like i cant "know" what im doing wrong or what my mistakes are, like i can with first person shooters, its slightly frustrating when i lose

Watch your replays or play against someone on voice and they'll tell you what your habits are and help you break them
For instance, I never, EVER tech throws; there is a 0% chance I will do it

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I'm in green hell with Armor King and King, but in player match I can hold my own against red ranks? Not sure what's going on with the ranking system.
Just got MK11 and picked up Erron Black and Kotal Kahn. I get my ass slapped because I'm shit at 2D fightans, but it's still fun.

i dont even know what a tech throw is
i just go for throws when someone is very defensive

I do, but don't put much as hours into compared to other games.

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Teching a throw is when you press throw to their throw so you don't get thrown

Any hot tips for someone new to Blazblue CF? I'm trying to git gud at Naoto, but his micro dash cancels can be a pain in the ass on pad.

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Stealth armpit thread?

no faggot, make your own thread

You should probably first familiarize yourself with the game's universal mechanics and then try out several characters, find one you like, get used to their moves, learn some combos, develop a game plan, and just keep playing and learning. There are plenty of resources available out there like guides, combo vids, tournament/high-level vids, and community groups for offline and online play.

Once you understand the scope and limits of your character, you will begin to understand how to improve and how to adapt.

seems like such a chore going to training mode and having to learn combos for each character

I don't like the fact that low tier characters are low because of the inputs you have to do with them

I liked Rising Thunder

You don't have to learn combos for each character. Just try out their challenge/mission/w/e mode to get a feel for how they play.

They look like they're made out of clay

I do, I'm not great at them since I basically started with UNI[st] but I'll get there someday.

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I like guns and swords more than punching and kicking

same, talos was the only grappler i've played in my life and was fun as fuck

any news on that community edition yet?

>Money is the issue
MFW Plebs

Only if you post sexy feet dance

i am not good at videos game

Single player whenever i feel like, because I can fuck up easily qcbs and shit like that. Then I dont really have the patience to learn frame data and when is my time or not, more when you have to learn that for every fighter.
I also never have a main, usually have 4 characters or so I like to play and in some games, like SC or VF, I like to circle through characters a lot.

I'm a white gentleman

>sounds like a chore to learn something new
Stop. Drop fighting games altogether because this mindset won't allow you to enjoy them at all.

in a normal game you learn while playing the game, for example Portal or any shooter game

I don't like combos.

lack of crossplay means the game is dead on pc in a month tops
netcode is often neglected by publishers when it should be the focus
if you're not from us/europe finding matches for niche games is a pain in the ass

I don't have time nor energy to scour discord channels for matches and I don't like SFV so instead I use my stick to play SHMUPs

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Low tier characters are considered low generally due to their lack of damage, mobility, tools, range, or any combination.

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And? If stepping back to reflect on what you need to do, how you can do it, and looking up new information is too much for you, then the genre simply isn't for you.

If that learning process isn't something you can enjoy, and the progression of getting better from it as an extension, then you'll never actually enjoy fighting games beyond the occasional win.

Well you are in luck; Samurai Shodown is coming out in a few months.

I buy/play a lot of games and don't dedicate the time to learning combos or matchups. I'm also the only person in the friend group who's interested in them.

You don't have the patience to learn frame data?

You mean you don't have the balls?

You can learn by reading or you can learn by bleeding. If you haven't learned it means you have no balls

>proceeds to lists half the roster

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You really don't have to learn every bit of frame data right off the bat. Just know your pokes and jabs and how to convert them into a proper combo/block string. The most frequent use of frame data, and probably most useful application of it, is when it comes to wakeups or gaps in pressure. Frame traps are useful to know as well, but most of this you will figure out as you play. You cannot learn it all from the beginning. Getting better at fighters is about accumulating experience as much as it is about developing your skill.

>Yea Forums
>playing fighting games

online, people are usually way better than me, so i only enjoy playing with RL friends and they barely ever play this type of games

I'm bad and the only one I would want to play is too expensive.

Omg, you're a what?
*nipples are hard*

but I love fighting games

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Same reason I don't play online multiplayer games in general: I suck against other people.
Like, I can get combos down, but I can never figure out what my opponent is going to do.
I can try to guess what they might do based on their character, but then they set me up for a beating like two minutes into the future.
I'm sure that shit takes time to get to that level, but damn.

Copy other people exactly until you understand why they're doing it. Then start thinking outside the box and completely annihilate all competition. Now they're copying you.

Cause I suck at them.

Not really a genre I enjoy. I don't like multiplayer games in general because I don't play vidya much. And multiplayer games require a certain amount of practice and knowledge to not constantly lose, practice and knowledge I don't have.

back of the queue, bozo.

sauce plz

I mean people are always going to be better than you, and that's part of the point. You learn way more from losing than winning. What you have to ask yourself is if the effort required is actually worth it. It is a lot, and there's nothing wrong with turning down the genre because of the way it works. But WINNING is as much the goal of a fighting game as is GROWING. Reflection, practice, and execution are all things that should be enjoyable even if you're on a losing streak. There's a certain type of mentality you wanna adopt, even if you're just casually playing with friends. Otherwise the moment someone gets better, everyone else just gets salty and gives up. Either way, not trying to rag on you or anything like that.

I do play them but the ones I like are always dead.

because they nerfed the input speed required for the newer games and i cant get into the zone anymore. combo input requirements are super slow now.

Paul has other moves?

bad internet connection
also, i'm really, really, really clumsy at quick inputs

Sorry mate, I just borrowed it from here.

>rage quitters
>terrible latency
>there's always an insane amount of grinding or some stupid ranking system that kills any interest I would have had
>almost no single player content
>in the worst case, the single player content is padded with tons of absolute bullshit designed to pad it out

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But I do play them.
Went 0-2 at my local yesterday

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FD is also useful to know which moves are unsafe, a fundamental knowledge.

i do, i play smash bros

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I was never much of a reader, but a watcher and do stuff. So yeah, by bleeding I can learn it, slowly but possible

I see. It would help if every fighter had tutorials explaning those things instead of having to lurk the internet someone that wrote about every detail, tips, hints of the fighter
Because in the tutorials you need to explain everything, even the most obvious things because not everyone is used to fighters and how things work

Fighting games are only fun with people you know and face to face. Fighting randoms online just doesn't do it.

I can just jack off to the girls without buying the game

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Yeah, that's part of learning pokes and pressure.

Only like to play them locally with friends. About to hit the age where reaction starts to degrade anyway.

Not a fan of the dlc model of modern fighting games that everyone just accepted.

'cause they're shit and the porn is free.

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low effort bait


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but i do, and i main little mac

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>be me
>start Street Fighter 5
>230+ online battles
>still Super/Ultra Bronze rank
Should I just kill myself at this point?

In the same boat. As much as people complained about the iterative release model, I enjoyed having all the characters and stages in one complete package with costumes and colors being unlockable or dlc.

Dude, 230 online battles is nothing. You're doing just fine.

Because even 'babbies first FPS' has more gameplay depth than 'mash buttons'

No, really. Good luck EVER winning a match in an FPS by button mashing. Whereas in fighting games, you can EASILY mash buttons to win against opponents up to a certain skill level and potentially beyond albeit with diminishing returns.

>3D environment with 5 degrees of movement
>2D plane with 2 axes of movement

>Players skills are tested in a balanced environment where everyone has the same base stats
>Players skills are tested based on arbitrary character selection and "tier lists"

>Environments have detail and thought put into map design
>Literally 500 skins of "Training Room" with poorly thought out background objects that clip into the fighting area yet don't affect the fight (that military/airport level in SF4 where the planes wings literally overhang into the fight area)

>Differing game modes (Capture the flag, territories, king of the hill, infection, bomb run, VIP, SWAT, etc.)
>two men enter, one man leave, zero variation

>Game is polished and playtested before release
>Game is rushed out without campaign or singleplayer because you need to shit it out ASAP for tournament fags who can't fucking stand playing the old one an extra few months

>Play a game for a few years
>Gotta rush out to buy the SUPER DUPER HYPER BASEDBOY ULTRA AUTISTIC CRAPTACULAR TURBO-TURBAN DICK-SUCKING EDITION every few months when they realize they don goofed the balancing again or need to make some arbitrary change nobody would fucking notice if it were added in a patch unless they read the fucking changelog

>Git Gud involves learning tactics and strategy and employing them on a constantly changing battlefield
>Git Gud involves grinding convoluted inputs just to be able to perform them 9/10 times before delving into autistic 'metagaming' horseshit like "frame counting"

>playing SFV

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you lost again, huh?

Es, from the Blazblue series

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Got any better suggestion, user?
>inb4 Jugglekken

wtf how is this legal

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3rd Strike

Why is her skin so lighter compared to her brother? Is she using the same makeup as Beyonce?


Not worth a you.

I have no fucking idea what's that.
Yeah, no.
>3rd Strike
I do, but I suck at it. Probably because I play with Remy.
Capcom vs SNK? Nope.

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Has Capcom finally fixed the shitty netcode?

Someone play me in unist. I'm eastcoast on PC.

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1. What do you have against tekken?
2. Why do you enjoy SFV?

genetics man its actually not that weird

if i’m gonna play a game it’s gonna be for fun, not something where i have to give an arm, leg, and 5 inches off my dick just to have a chance against 75% of the neets who play them.

Stick to FPS games brother and you will see the light.

>get SFV
>practice a simple combo until I can do it consistently
>go online
>it doesn't work because the netcode is bad
>no reason to ever do anything but jumpkick
>"lol pay us real money to buy the rest of the game now"

Where's the retard that posts Game Grumps in every thread to prove fighting games take no skill?

But I do

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How can you do that when your penis is smaller than that to begin with?

I think this might be him but I don't remember if he argued that mashing buttons was a valid technique.

literally everything that makes him lose is scrub tier to him.

You're a trap, right?

please respond all you uniniggers. I see all your posts in this thread.

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Once, I saw a SFV webm like this except it zoomed in on the character's eyeballs (like at the beginning of the move) and you could see their pupils dilating in anticipation of the attack. I think it was in a TECHNOLOGY thread. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

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I'm out of practice

Still waiting for a new Rival Schools

Because i don't like them enough to devote the time and effort needed to get decent, let alone good at them. So even the random literally who that just picked the game up beats me, last one i played was FighterZ when the big ayylmao came out, and that was the first fighting game i had played since Capcom vs SNK 2(unless you count smashbros lmao), i had fun when i fought people that also had no idea what i was doing, but i was so shit i couldn't even nail the standard non-auto combo. So i abused gimmicky shit with shit characters, which obviously didn't work on anyone that knew what they were doing.
Here's this picture of a muscle girl in exchange for reading my blog post.

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It was from SF4 then.

You mean I lost at a genre I have absolutely no interest in? One thats skills can barely even be transferred between games of the same genre due to the convoluted inputs and metagaming? You sure showed me.

Not him. GameGrumps is cancer and so is Jontron now that he doesn't even do fucking game videos anymore.

>I don't remember if he argued that mashing buttons was a valid technique.
It is, up to a certain level. You seriously think you can't just smack the controller around as if it were your wife and come out on top of less skilled players? I've fucking done it myself on games I've NEVER PLAYED before, against the guy who literally BOUGHT THE GAME, and still managed to kick his ass and win more than 50% of the matches.

Fighting bros really don't like to admit the fact that random inputs can potentially win matches. No shit it isn't going to fucking work like that more and more the higher up in skill rank you go, but whether or not it does work at those levels doesn't change the fact that it ABSOLUTELY CAN make a difference at lower skill levels.

In a FPS?
Button mashing won't work on ANY level, unless you get miraculously lucky with a grenade or have a power-weapon equipped.

>Street Fighter 4

I want to, but there are some aspects that make it hard for me to do so. The FGC never really took off where I live ( Eastern Europe ), and I don't like most fighting games that are popular nowadays, such as MK, SF5, or Tekken. I played some Third Strike with my brother on the PS2, but we're both scrubs and the only people who still play it are the ones who have been at it for 10+ years. Besides that, Melty Blood is even less popular, and that's the case for Guilty Gear too in Europe. Also, default PS2 and PS4 pads don't really feel comfortable or precise, but that's just me being a scrub, probably. Smash looks good, but I don't have a Switch, and nobody plays that locally, just like nobody plays fighting games locally besides scrubtastic gypsies gypping out on MK.

>he doesn't button mash in CS

No, what makes you say that?

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WHITE fight sticks with anime girls.

I rage too easily. I really want to learn but man getting taunted and bodied just really irks me. I cant stay calm. Wish I could though.

Because it's bedtime now, goodnight

What's wrong with the panzer?

>Why don't you play fighting games?

They are not deep or chill enough.

nvm I found it, thank god for those archives, they are so fucking useful. This hasn't been posted once in over two years

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i wish i could pinpoint exactly what it is about this game's art style that i can't stand. i wanna say that it's because their skin is so matte but i can't tell for sure and i hate it.

y she cri?


actually yeah i think that's exactly what it is, because with a specular map edit it looks great

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>expecting people to play unist
They're not kidding when they say people hardly play outside the threads. I'd play you but I'm PS

Post your rank.

Super Platinum here.

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>1. What do you have against tekken?
It just seems too slow for me. I don't know. The only Tekken game I somewhat enjoyed was 2. Then 3 came out, with more absurd characters (like Panda, Doctor Boskonowitz and reptile) and after that it all went to hell.
>2. Why do you enjoy SFV?
Sonic Boom

>One thats skills can barely even be transferred between games of the same genre due to the convoluted inputs and metagaming?
Now I know for a fact you're baiting, most traditional fighters have the same inputs and once you actually learn the fundamentals in one fighting game, you can transfer that shit to every fighting game. The fundamentals being the same as learning how to aim correctly and learning how to move efficiently.

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Diamond, bitch.

ultra bronze


kek, same

I only play GG. Nothing else feels as fun for me.

I think it's because I've only had the game for three days and I play Sakura

She's on drugs

I know this is kind of a non-issue in the grand scheme of things, but I can't stand how I can't just hold a button to tech out of the air. I don't like mashing tech due to accidentally throwing out a fucking normal and getting punished

It's the thought that counts.

This. I don't want to call johns or anything but every time I play ranked in SFV it feels like a chore so I just can't bring myself to grind it. I play casual every now and then when I find something interesting to try out online, but I haven't played the game in months. Maybe I should just pick a character I've never touched and try to learn them to revitalize the game for me. It just sucks that it's the most populated online fighter.

I bought it 2 days ago (on Steam, it was on sale). I'm using Guile (yes yes, I know) but I'm jsut bad at fighting games. I played SF5 before, pirated version.

maybe you should pick up a better fighting game

I don't agree with that. At least when discussion pertaining to gameplay matters, I'd like to take people who are somewhat decent at the game seriously with their opinions over someone who just posts pictures.

Learn how to do st.LK buffers into MP DP and you will dominate scrubs in neutral. Also train your cr.HP antiair. With those two things you will get to Silver already.

I can do both, but cr. HP loses to practically every air kick, and being crossed up is a death sentence unless I give away a bar for ex shouoken

>never any hairy, sweaty pits.
No thanks.

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cause fighting game communitys are fucking egotistical whiners

Why don't YOU play Virtua Fighter?

Alright, I don't play Sakura myself. Don't forget her air throw which can intercept jump ins. And if all fails you can always jump back jab even if it's suboptimal.

is that franchise still a thing?

I mean, it still exists. There hasn't been a new game in over a decade, though

I'd love to get into it after seeing MK11, I don't want to spend money on a controller only to find out that fighting games aren't for me

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>Any hot tips for someone new to Blazblue CF?
>can be a pain in the ass on pad.
Git a fukin stik u scrub


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Im suck at remembering all the combos.

Tried playing Tekken and SFV with a switch pro and a PS4 controller but both feel like ass, Is there any cheap sticks and arn't complete garbage?

I had to stop. I have played them for years, won tourneys there and there, but between work, studies and relationship, I didn't have enough quality time to train, so what was happening is that I was driving myself crazy as my gameplay was, obviously, getting worse and I couldn't accept it. I decided that stopping, at least for now, was the best for me. It doesn't help that I loathe SFV, even if I poured a ridiculous amount of hours on it.

I did but all the current FGs i have any interest in playing have shit net code so don't have anyone to play with

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