NPC experiment
DUDE Brando
>i'm just taking a video
>You seem confused
Is that fucking DanielFromSL?
a real shame he was finally murdered
It's kinda funny how he tells people they don't have anything to worry about if they aren't doing anything wrong and then runs the moment people threaten to call the cops. Other than that I respect him.
only NPCs smonk weed
What a based autist
Having the police called on you in America can get you killed regardless of you being innocent.
If this was hampton brandon it'd be like 100% better
damn, this guy is still doing these? anyways, video games
post more DIO
>Why would I wanna join your cult if you guys aren't very nice?
Scientology fucking DESTROYED.
To be fair you could also get shot to death by civilians too.
Is this was life is like on NPC? I would give this guy a peace sign or something if I saw him, shoot the shit. Or just pretend he is a street photographer capturing natural life.
why is them flipping out have anything to do with being NPC? is it because they all react the same?
Exactly their reaction
I miss him bros
I still rewatch the mahjong club scenes, it's comedy gold
the nice homeless guy on the bike :')
some non npcs exist
This guy was a dickwad but it's still a fascinating watch. Shame he's dead.
W-What happened?
nothing he just doesn't upload anymore after his scare with youtube
Wouldn't that make us NPCs for reacting to the video in the same way?
>get recorded constantly by security cameras
>have your data harvested by governments and companies
>put up with 24/7 privacy invasion
>sperg out at some goofy guy with a camera
I don't get it.
i need more of these
Holy kek
He stopped uploading after awhile. There is a non zero chance that he was killed or seriously hurt for his antics.
>that guy that was initially lighthearted but toughened up when he saw his sister/bitch didn't like his response
this shit's so hard to watch
actually though why are americans so violent
is it the hormones in their food?
how would you react Yea Forums?
Why do people pretend like they can't have their video taken in a public place?
probably say something like "look buddy i get you're making a social commentary i don't like gov surveillance as much as the next guy but fuck off"
We're just a little spooked by cameras since they operate much like a gun. "Shooting" film y'know?
I had no doubt jojobronies were subhuman stoners
Why're you so mad about literal memes?
You know, I wouldn't say anything for quite a bit then when least expects it I'd put my finger up my nose and make a silly face. Then I'd go release from that state, nod once and just sit there trying to keep a straight face. Wouldn't give a shit what he did after that.
Probably strike a pose
Is the camera man black or white? Its very important for me to know this
avoid confrontation as usual
I would look up, ask why, reposition so he can’t see my face and move on. If he repositioned to see my face I would ask him to stop and reposition one more time. After that I call the police because public filming can’t be targeted at one person without a sufficient reason or permission. Continuing to film them is a crime.