Bros, how can we make sure Microsoft BTFOs Sony next gen? They have the services, they have the specs...

Bros, how can we make sure Microsoft BTFOs Sony next gen? They have the services, they have the specs, they have the money, they just can't seem to get the games. How do they pull it off?

Attached: Xbox-Anaconda-price.jpg (1200x800, 74K)


Last time i remembered the x1 and x1s/sad edition is weaker than the ps4&slim and over 90% of x1 owners own the "base" models.

By having games

Anaconda is confirmed more powerful than PS5 though

I predict trannies will change their main focus and probably embrace other media consumable
sony can't survive without then desu

Nothing has been confirmed by anyone yet. And even if it was itll still be $100+ more than the ps5. Sony knows having 2 different consoles isn't the way to go and a high price range isn't going to work. Sony did this with the ps3 and it hurt them the first couple years. Some stupid reason Microsoft thinks it's working for them.

Who in the right mind would use the normal D-pad instead of the special one on elite controller?

Who in their right mind would but an elite controller? You have to be a special kind of retard.

That controller looks great. Too bad the Xbox One controller has those shitty L and R buttons.


Outdated info. They fixed the bumpers when the x and s came out. All new xbone controllers have had the revised bumpers for years at this point.

Capitalize on sony mistakes. Worked with sony and the ps4

I bought one on a discount for like 70 bucks just so I can use those 4 extra buttons on the back, helps a lot in many games, like Dark Souls

Literally just do nothing. Sony are on a path of self-destruction already with their censorship bullshit.

If Microsoft is serious about being top dog abain they need great games and a cheaper price than the PS5. They should dredge the old Rare catalog. They already have somewhat with Rare Replay and Battletoads, but think bigger. Imagine a new Banjo game with the scope of Super Mario Odyssey. Also, they need to pump resources into Obsidian and Ninja Theory like crazy. Both studios already have an established pedigree and with proper management they have potential to become Microsoft's Naughty Dog. They also need to make sure they have a cheaper launch price than Sony, even if it means eating a loss up front. Exclusives get the enthusiast crowd, but the majority of the console audience never even buys a major exclusive. For the normie crowd, price is king. Whichever box launches cheaper will get a huge boost of momentum up front. Specs don't matter all that much unless there's a huge difference between the two. Normies don't even understand what a processor is.

Learn to shit in a fucking toilet, pajeet

Gotta check those out.

Do your own homework, Aaron.

Isn't the new Obsidian game coming out on PS4? Also Ninja Theory has never made a good game.

Normies aren't brand loyal. Give them a game they think is cool and they'll flock to you just like they're doing now with the switch or back in the day with the 360 because of games like halo 3. I'm willing to predict that if halo infinite is half decent and it gets the same publicity halo 3 got back in the day or any of the switch/ps4 this gen it will be a massive boost for the nextbox and it will shift many consoles. That's all they need because it means they're relevant competition again.