WOW Classic

How does it feel knowing you're memories will be ruined when raids are cleared with ease the first week they each release come classic. Raid finder has more mechanics than half the bosses from vanilla wow.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't really get the whole WoW classic thing. Are people excited to know there will never be any new content?

Imagine playing a broken class and/or spec knowing it will never be fixed or buffed.

Imagine a guild clearing Molten Core, then being like 'what shall we do next week guys?' Just Molten Core and PvP forever.

Thats assuming that everyone who plays it, has played it before. I'm 20 and was 5 when wow relased and never had a real chance to play vanilla wow. So I'm looking forward to playing the game.

Never played vanilla so it won't bug me.

Another thinly veiled shill thread

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I love how much classic makes zoomers absolutely seethe

Were going home lads

>Muh mechanics

What are you afraid of retailfag? That everyones going to ditch your shit game in favour of the superior iteration? That nobody's going to care about your bikini transmog you worked so hard on? That you won't have anyone to play pokemon with?

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Considering people who played vanilla shit on classic.

You're dreaming if you think classic will hold the attention span of people outside a very niche group. It will get waves of people coming back for it who will mostly all quit

Stop gaslighting brainlet

This will be the biggest threat to nu classic wow

Holy mental illness. Last (you)s I hand out to someone that belongs in a padded room.

No it's just a pathetically easy game from a difficulty perspective compared to other expansions. To get anything done in vanilla all you do is grind endlessly

Whatever you say, I don't know why you care so much, but you sound panicked.

filthy belf
stay in retail

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>I'm n-n-not worried I just have to keep shitposting to remind myself that its gonna suck!!! Fuck you classic fags, you will hate the game without transmog and LFR!!!

>first week
First day


>Things actually take time to do and I can't get my instant gratification

Sounds pretty good to me

>first week
Not with the gear they have.


Fuck classicfags

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>Most skilless pvp in the entire franchise
>Most skilless raiding in the entire franchise
>Everything is a massive tedious grind
>2 loot drops per boss in a 40 man raid
Man I sure am excited

My favorite part is that it's called CLASSIC. Not vanilla wow. Not "1.12 progression legacy server." Classic. It stands the test of time. Retailfags can't even bitch about it without symbolically acknowledging its overwhelming superiority. Thanks, blizzard.

COPE retail cuck

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Ahn'Qiraj will still be hard as fuck.

Is that a statement or an offer?

>I'm 20 and was 5 when wow relased

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You grind at the front end to make the back end easy as fuck. Vanilla rewards time invested over actual skill

It's Blizzard shilling to try and win back all the subscribers they lost from making their shitty game even shittier, everyone who actually cared about vanilla WoW already relived the experience on private servers.

>Retailfags only care about bikini mogs and playing with their little dicks

Sounds about right

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They won't be. Gear gating will limit raid progression.
Also you're all faggots who think private servers and vanilla are remotely the same. Private servers are complete guesswork about calculations and formulas and mob abilities for the most part, it is infinitely easier than vanilla actually was because of this

Still sounds pretty good, better than just getting participation epics out the ass like in retail.

Youre in for a helluva ride, kid
Play on a pvp server for maximum fun btw

>To get anything done in vanilla all you do is grind endlessly
And have to make friends and join guilds and be part of the server socially.
These two things are literally what mmos are you plonker, grinding and having to do it with other people

Retailfags are such simple creatures, feed them new mounts and heroic raid quality gear from world quests and the crying stops for a while.

Don't get me wrong retail is fucking trash but it some has some interesting fights in mythic mode. At the very least some of the mythic raid boss fights from end of raids from the last few expansions have made anything else in wows history look like a babies game. Mythic KJ from Legion is actually retarded how hard it is

>>Most skilless pvp in the entire franchise
>the only time wow pvp was actually any good was vanilla and tbc
really activates the old almonds retail fags

It's new content for the zoomers who never played it.

>rolled a NE priest on Kronos III
>got to lvl 6, reached Dolanpls, lost all interest to play

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I'd like to see naxx and AQ40 which I mostly missed but I never want to step foot into MC and BWL again. Especially MC is truly awful.

Yes. We're all excited because playing a hyperreal simulacra of an mmo that launched over a decade ago is somehow more fulfilling than playing any mmo game from now. It's like a deal with the devil; blizz is giving us this so their incentive for them to make an actual mmorpg with varied classes, actual roles to play, and an engaging world goes back to zero. We will be paying them to play a "completed" and "theorycrafted" game, because even that is better than their incompetence.

It's sad, but whatever. We're going home.

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>Better go grind 20 Manual Crowd Pumblers before my raid so I can actually compete for tonight.
>Better go farm potions for another 4 hours for tonights run as well

Thats not really true for every class though. Yeah sure warrior and a few others had to get creative to make money (I would know since I had lion heart by level 55 with how much I made grinding mobs) but even fucking priest could AOE farm in Dire Maul East for some sick gold.

If you enjoy classic you don't belong here

Muh community

Fuck off you cancer normie cunts.

I don't want to make friends with people and be """friends""" with people to play a game

Current wow is far better and has got rid of all the normies so gamers can actually enjoy it

The retailfag panic posting is unironically my favourite thing about classic being released. Imagine if classic fags went around starting threads talking about how bad retail is, you're all so fucking pathetic. If your game is really so good go and play it, I can guarantee the classicfags would be doing so if they could, but I guess you've done your daily checklist for today huh?

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I'd love a BC server because I missed its endagme entirely. I leveled to 70, did a few dungeons and then quit until WotLK. Also because it has belves.

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I'll never forgive blizz for what they did to blood elves. They were always depicted as giga chads until the burning crusade. Now they just look like omega twinks.

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cool, too bad I don't give half a fuck about difficult raid bosses and just want a fun world with sociable people, you know, what MMOs are supposed to be. Not endless dungeon grinds.

A game shouldn't be a job

You're just nostalgic, it'll die after a month

>Imagine if classic fags went around starting threads talking about how bad retail is
That literally happens all the time, though.
The difference is that retailfags don't also make multiple daily threads about how good retail is, like Classicfags do with their game that doesn't even exist yet.

>wow world
its a static bullshit world.

hopefully I can use nude mods without being banned on classic wow

Better get ready for your second job grinding gold classic cuck

>waah i don't like having to grind to get to be a part of stuff, I should just automatically get to go and do as well as everyone else with no effort or preparation
>who cares about the people who don't raid, who cares about them having content to do and participation in the community, i don't wanna have to farm money ever ;_;
don't play classic then user, it's really not that hard. you enjoy your retail :^)

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Classic Wow more like Kronos 4 top kek

Classic is not going to be like you remember vanilla. It will be far less social with the way people uses addons these days

and spending time in it is still more fun than being a min-maxing faggot that gets yelled at by turbo-sperg raid leaders every night, if that's your idea of fun I truly pity you.

Those turtles wont make it to the water by themselves user, get going! They're adding a flossing emote in the next patch too that you can use with the selfie cam!

Ya, not hard just like classic

>tfw raiding mythic on retail and planning on dicking around with old content you haven't seen in over a decade on classic

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>with the way people uses addons these days
except blizzard are going out of their way to specifically limit what kind of addons will be allowed to work in vanilla, and they've explicitly stated this. you WILL have to participate socially in the server if you want to do any dungeons, raids or get a decent pvp rank

Ah, so you acknowledge that it is, in fact, Classic, which makes it by definition better, yes? Good.

I'm gonna mod my character into a belf and there is nothing you can do about it

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Blizzards already said they're going to be restrictive with how addons are used, so it doesn't go against the feeling of classic.

The community exists just fine on private servers

yeah m8 picking herbs is great fun I pretend to having played the game too.
you will quit in less than a week.

Its just people that will play and act as if playing on a private server or classic means they actually played back in vanilla. There will be a HUGE influx of people who will pretend to be vanilla veterans just so they can seem cool, when in reality they weren't even born in 2004.

*gets banned*

They'll use the same anti cheat stuff as retail

Stop being bad and maybe you won't get yelled at :^)

It actually makes sense that all the shitters and low skill/effort players are the ones hyped for Classic, after all it was famous for allowing at least a quarter of the raid group to be literally AFK and still clear content.
Try doing that in relevant Mythic content.

>yeah m8 picking herbs is great fun
fighting other players who are also trying to pick those herbs because they're actually valuable and spawns are slow is actual content buddy. that's more interaction and content than modern wow in its entirety from that alone

You're dreaming if you think that phrase will kill the kind of addons used on retail now. For one everything you do dps wise is logged online through certain addons which is used to gauge if you're a shitter. Look foward to it

Newsflash: WoW classic is not a game to be played forever, it's an event to be experienced for a while and then forgotten forever.

Anyone that denies this is either silly or has a permanent case of nostalgia boner.

there's nothing wrong with that as long as she is a titcow

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Keep telling yourself that, but when your server is down to double digits because everyones left for classic, i'll welcome you user.

one week max.

What a stupid post.

Never forgotten

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>Thinks he's somehow skilled for fighting AI enemies

PvErs are truly the virgins of the WoW community

Addons have existed since day 1 and could do stuff that is now longer possible, like play the game for you.

Why is it then that almost every time some "hardcore PVP hero" sets foot into the supposed "easy" PVE environment, they do not excel?

Were going home, retailfags will never know this experience:)

Maybe you'll get a lucky titanforge this week user on an item you cant even remember the name of and you will replace in 2 weeks. Good luck!

>Im eh stuck in MC but you're bad and should feel bad
>you're a loser for achieving things, just be social
>Let me play my prot pally, please guys it's all fun

because it's fucking boring and they have to take orders from autists like you

And your point is what exactly? You realise dps was relatively low to begin with, right? You realise that someone doing mediocre dps is still vastly better than an empty slot in the raid. Have you ever been in a guild user? On a non private server, on a real game? Because I have. I was top 3 guilds horde side on my server in vanilla. I assure you, there were not fucking 50, 60+ people sitting waiting to get into a raid so that you could just kick your lowest performers, you took whoever the fuck was online and hoped you had enough. Secondly, people in guilds are not like your lfg retards or current wow retards. Guilds are social families and you're super reliant on them, and they are reliant on all their members to get anywhere. They do not and will not act like complete cunts and kick people, because it causes chain reactions and other people also leave, and eventually not only your raid falls apart but your guild does.
No amount of dps meters is gonna change that lad

>It's Blizzard shilling to try and win back all the subscribers they lost from making their shitty game even shittier
Actually, that is not even what they want. They just want to do an easy cash grab using the WoW franchise. They are probably not thinking people are gonna play it for long. They are just milking an old cow before it dies. That is what all those fucking remakes are.

They're actively banning titcow mods now and suddenly. The ERP community is shitting its fucking pants.

And they've already said they will ban any addons that go against the feeling of classic, especially ones like LFD or raid telegraphs

but don't worry they've removed those nasty pvp servers so you can kill your AI enemies in peace

Yet they die to pve mechanics. You should look up the percentage of players that actually can play there class in pve to a high level. Here's a hint its a very small single digit percentage

Yeah i'm sure you've achieved a whole lot buddy, I mean you've got all those WoW achievements that prove it! Fuck you're a loser.

Stop being bad.

Maybe if you were on a low pop sever because I can tell you any decent guild finds ways to bench non performers. You're not even going to get an invite to a good guild to begin with if you're a shitter

They already lifted the bans.

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friendly reminder that no matter what ideology you subscribe to you're still directly funding retail wow as long as you play classic

So only a small amount of players are autistic enough to learn every bosses simon says game? Gee that's a shocker.

>company ruins your favorite game
>they keep finding new ways to ruin it in each expansion
>panders to SJWs
>kills off or ruins other franchises you may or may not have liked
>literally insults you when you try asking for separate vanilla servers
>despite all this, you still want to pony up the cash to play on their vanilla servers which will likely be inferior to what fans have already made for free

Maybe at the MC level but this is not true for any decent guild worth their wait. Or are you trying to say vanilla raids are so easy that you can just bring anyone to fill space to clear them.

I couldn't give a shit, if a company puts out a product I enjoy, I'm happy to pay for it

>Vanilla PVE content was so easy that guilds could afford to keep shitters in the raid team because they are "like family"
Heard it from the horse's mouth.

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Blizz knows how many people use the mods, they can't give up on that money. I only it's the only way I can personally stomach retail.

Have you ever done a boss fight with a tight dps check and/or 1 shot mechanics because I can tell you right now it can be worth more having 1 less person than bringing someone who keeps dying or triggering mechanics

See guys vanilla raids are so easy you can bring any retard along and clear them

>Or are you trying to say vanilla raids are so easy that you can just bring anyone to fill space to clear them.
It's actually true for every single piece of vanilla content except C'thun and Naxx.
Even there you could afford a couple shitters, due to the size of the raid group.

What's shocking is players who never learn and die in the exact same fire for 3 months.
Some people are just retarded who would have though

Look, the blood elf posted it again

thats the molten bore raider experience lmao

I don't think you understand how retarded the majority of this games playerbase actually is

Oh no i'm well aware people are retarded, I mean some people are still playing retail WoW despite it being shit for at least a decade now, if that doesn't prove it I don't know what does.

Vanilla was not full of sunshine and rainbows. A lot of people resented putting in the effort and performance, only to carry dead weight to the same results.

Imagine being incapable of trying to improve yourself and get better at something

Low pop or not, doesn't change the fact even the best guilds on server were not overflowing with extra people they could slot into raids. You think normal guilds are like Yea Forums guilds or some shit with a billion people in them? Maybe you're not remembering but in vanilla to get into a raiding guild you had to apply on their forums and prove you were competent in a trial period.

Vanilla raids were certainly easy enough that you could bring mediocre performers along, of course they were. People doing exceptional was not necessary, people not fucking up and doing their required jobs was what was necessary. Absolutely nobody claimed vanilla raids were some pinnacle of difficulty. They weren't super easy, they weren't super hard. The fact you think blizzard designed them around the top 0.001% of player skill and not around the ability of the average player is funny to me. They only required preparation, paying attention, learning the fights. The difficulty increased as the raid tiers increased
And they were still more fun than retail :^)

>Improving yourself means getting WoW achievements

My previous post stands, you're an absolute fucking loser.

>Hits Crack pipe
Okay guys hear me out....
What about a vanilla world of warcraft private server.... But... And this is the best part. Its run by blizzard and and you pay for it.
>Everyone laughs in his face, Hard
>Hits crack pipe even harder
Now this could work, If somehow blizzard sets aside their bullshit greed and somehow doesn't fuck it up like everything else

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Roughly 50% of the human population is totally mentally retarded, they evolved never having to do anything more complex than subsistence farming. Their brains are just extremely smooth and they simply cant learn anything more complex than tilling dirt


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>tl;dr: Vanilla PVE content was easy
There's no two ways about it, nostalgiacuck.

How far did you even get in retail raiding though. Retail is dogshit but it still gets better raids in mythic than vanilla ever had

imagine being worse than a loser :^)

>Vanilla raids were certainly easy

Attached: hmm.gif (320x240, 1.58M)

Imagine being a non achiever in wow as well as in real life. Imagine being happy with the status quo than trying to improve as a person

Classic will be successful, because Blizzard has to actually compete in the marketplace. If they shit the bed with Classic, then a private server will take its place.

>all these retards saying 'just play on a private server bro'

They fucking suck and all the mob abilities were manually put in, inaccurate af.

Imagine thinking getting achievements in WoW means anything, imagine thinking you're doing anything but wasting your life getting meaningless titles in a video game. Stop trying to justify how pathetic you are.

At least someone finally admits how easy they are in these threads. The shilling for those old raids ad nauseum from people who have no clue is actually cancerous

they don't suck and it's better than giving money to a company that literally hates you and is trying to exploit your nostalgia for free money

So what have you achieved user because you sound like a reddit cuck to me

>Private servers suck
More than Retail? How the hell does Blizzard compete with Free Vanilla from people that aren't Blizzard employees?

I could say literally anything and it would be a better answer than achieving something in WoW, just play the fucking game and stop thinking you're somehow superior to people because you wasted a day doing some ridiculous virtual checklist.

>implying zoomers will be able to last a day in classic wow

The raids may have been easy compared to nowadays, but I still fucking loved raiding in vanilla.

I played vanilla wow when I was 10. Whats stopping modern zoomers from doing the same?

Muh attention spans? Zoomers play shit like counterstrike and starcraft. Its old, fat, dumb boomers who ruined retail. Kids are ADD as fuck and love to play games with high time investmeents

>literally nothing

Where do you think you are. You're acting high and mighty despite never achieving anything.

>server crashes
>server can shut down forever at literally any time
>corrupt admins perma ban people for bullshit reasons
>same corrupt admins spawn geared character and gold for chinks
>chinks and Russians shit up community
>population way over intended cap
>inaccurate boss mechanics and values
Come on Xiao, you’re gonna have to shill your shitty server better than this.

He's implying that Classic is somehow "hardcore".
Even at the time of its release, WoW was laughed at as being casual by people playing shit like RuneScape and fucking MapleStory.

>tfw hope a beta of some sort is soon

The wait is kind of killing me.

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I've achieved plenty, but I have nothing to prove to a couple of virgin neckbeards defending their favourite time waster. But keep on thinking your virtual achievements somehow make you a better person, I'm sure you won't die miserable and alone.

Imagine being a male and never wanting to be better than your peers at anything

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Being able to reach and clean your ass this morning is such an achievement user good for you

Imagine thinking being better than your virtual friends at a video game means anything, holy shit

I think hes implying zoomers only watch twitch and play fortnite, which is retarded because thats only true for like, really young zoomers. the ~15 year old zoomers all like to play starcraft, counterstrike, etc. older games they see 20 somethings play

you sound pretty damn bothered for someone who apparently doesnt need to prove anything.
its clear that only true superchads go into 15 year old MMO threads to act tough without any backup.

Coming from the guy religiously defending his world of warcraft achievements because he thinks they make him a better person lmao.

I can't believe people are unironically hyped for Classic. For the last two years now they've been anticipating going back in time, how ironic that is. The brain of the classic cuck is wired in such a simplistic way, too.


There are websites for BiS, tactics, leveleing etc. available RIGHT now. The isolated experience of classic is available RIGHT now like nigga just level to 60 with your fellow incels and go raid Molten Core pretending it's 2006 and you won't have to wait another couple of months. What is the point in playing Classic once the realms do go online? Whenever I ask this to people who are "hype for classic" it's the same answers:

Even if a big part of the original community DID come back (it won't), you'll still be bungled in with a horde of zoomers who will come and check out what the experience used to be like. The funny thing is the zoomers WILL go away soon after launch because they'll realise what an absolute pain in the ass Classic is (as should you have by now). Soon Classic servers will be merged together due to low intrest and you'll be playing with the remaining high level autistm bitter incels who'll make look like an inclusivity programme.

Like they did BfA? They'll quit because the social aspect of Classic has more gate keepers than retail does. You can bet your bottom dollars you won't be doing any relevant content unless you have your BiS. Your friends will quit because they aren't nearly as autistic as you are.

HOW. It's all been theorycrafted. Pic related. Just google "spec + bis classic" and you'll know exactly what to do even before the game goes live. If you want to explore Classic (lmao) just make a new character and explore every nook and cranny from the original zones. There is no point. Literally no argument will validate your hype.

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Imagine being such a cuck you never try improve at anything

If you're more excited for wow classic than wc3 remastered you're a faggot. And I somehow bet most of you didn't play vanilla wow either, probably a bunch of larping wrath babs.

What backup do you want? Do you want me to list off a bunch of lifetime achievements that could be absolutely bullshit? Ok sure here you go

>I landed on the moon
>I fucked your mom
>I ended WW2
>I fucked your mom
>I travelled back in time and fucked your mom when she was still hot

Should I go on?


>Imagine playing a broken class and/or spec knowing it will never be fixed or buffed.
Is it better now, considering that all the classes are extremely homogenized? Decry vanilla class balance all you want, but you must admit they were far more diverse than they are today.

>You must be a Chink insect shill because you don't have faith in Blizzard like the rest of us who still trust's them to not fuck everything harder than shity vanilla servers
Fuck you sound pathetic. Aside from Spawned geared characters and gold. You're literately gonna get your entire list with Blizzards Classic game.
You think blizzard gives a fuck about chinks and russians proto-humans who shit up the community and economy.
Everyone who actually played the game knows blizzard made more money not taking them seriously.
With how games are these days, How Blizzard is. How the fuck are you so clueless

I mean I try in real life and in games and get results from both so the whole thing just gives me a giant laugh. How can people not have a lick of ambition in them to get better at things they do is beyond me. If you are happy working at Mcdonalds your whole life and not building a career go for gold

Just curious, where do you guys get the mods? Ownedcore or somewhere else?

>literally nothing
I accept your concession.

I played in vanilla and I can dredge up my old forum posts to prove it... But I'd rather not. They didn't age well.

But I was basically a retarded 10 year old back then. So my experience doesn't really matter for much. I was off in my own world and never had to attune, farm BIS, etc. I was just doing retarded shit like walljumping for hours on end

>Still equating world of warcraft achievements with real life career success

Wow, I'm just absolutely stumped at your level of delusion. But alright, I'm sure you're just rolling in the pussy.

What do you mean I gave you 5 achievements? How do you know I didn't actually do any of that?

Because actually trying and achieving things says alot about a person. Your persona reeks of a highschool dropout with no success in life

Every single person excited for WoW classic never played it, or is nostalgia blind.

Those of us that remember it know it wasn't all it was cracked up to be.


Hmm, I wonder what would happen if you type in "X game wiki" into Google, you might find all of the information of the game!

You're absolutely right, if those things you're trying to achieve take effort and hard work. Sitting at your computer 15 hours a day filling out a virtual checklist doesn't. Spin it however you like, but it just doesn't. You're pathetic.

I dont understand the people who act like video games arent fun if you understand them

I understand counterstrike, and I have 5k hours played


Go tell your parents about your WoW achievements, I'm sure they'll be as proud as you are. No doubt you're still living with them.

>needing validation from others

>Fucked his mom
>An achievement

you're right user, as long as you believe your world of warcraft achievements make you a better person, I'm sure it's true. This is fucking hilarious, are all retailfags this delusional?

>Projecting this hard when you get called out for being a non achiever

Imagine actually being a shitter

>You must be a highschool drop out
>You must be a reddit cuck

fucking lmao, I love arguing with retailfags

So mad

>I have no argument but i must shitpost

>I'm so shit at life I must keep up a charade to validate myself

>Those of us that remember it know it wasn't all it was cracked up to be.
I was subbed Spring 2005 and i'm hyped as fuck.

>I'm so shit at life i must convince myself my videogame achievements make me a better person

You know why don't you show me some of your real life achievements.

It's quite an impressive list I warn you

If you want any more content than the glory that was Vanilla WoW you are not the intended player base. Stay in retail and out of the Classic threads. Fucking zoomers.

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I don't either desu...I've been playing this game since late 2005 and classic was a fucking mess mechanically that I never want to relive. I'd go back to TBC or WOTLK if that was a choice but vanilla is just not worth the fucking headache again.

No one cares how fast content is cleared, you will have fun and make friends. Don't listen to Yea Forums

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What are you basing this on? I will need you to cite some sources here. Who are these original vanilla players who are shitting on classic? And how are they doing so with the game yet to be released?
>But the demo still had LFR window and missing textures
Kill yourself before you even start.

based toyota

>"Classes were diverse"
>Despite 3 classes having tank specs only warriors could tank
>If a class had a healing spec it fucking healed, end of story
>Rogues and Mages had one fucking dps spec because the other two didn't function in raids

I guess warlocks and hunters got to pretend they were "varied" sometimes but other than that...let's not kid ourselves.

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>retailfags SEETHING this hard
It’s like they know their world is coming to an end

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GTFO of my thread pvp fag. No one gives a shit about PvP.

Warlocks actually were used as tanks in that one fight, what was it? Chrom?

Correct because vanilla PVP was trash

>Despite 3 classes having tank specs only warriors could tank
Moron detected

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>He hates world PVP

Do your parents know you're gay?

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Hope you will enjoy Blizzard removing lfr from the game after classic blows up and they realize how badly these 'features' fucked up the game. You may see retail go back to no cross realm grouping or sharding as well. They may try to bring back that sense of Vanilla community and player identity. You may have to deal with having to be known to the people on your server and deal with the consequences of your reputation. What world that would be for you millennial zoomer pieces of shit.

>Caring about Horde races

A couple, I know they were also used in Twin Emps.

>Doesn't understand the satisfaction of accomplishment in the face of difficulty

>I play a undead rouge and can only kill people who are 30 levels lower than me

It was just twin emps and that was just destruction with the fucking singe spam iirc

Blizzard can't go back on the cross realm bullshit anymore because most servers only have 200-400 people online at any given time of day. They would have to do extensive server mergers to go back on the cross realm play.

Show me a fucking relevant boss kill during Vanilla's lifetime that had a druid or paladin main tank...please, I'd love to see it.

My favorite WoW experiences were narrowly avoiding being ganked while in STV, by cleverly using engineer items, cooldowns, and terrain to rez in a spot where I had time to pop off a hearth

Being chased around is fun, fighting for your characters life is fun. Im sorry you have low testosterone levels and hate conflict and competition.

I can dig up forum posts 12 year old me made about how much fun it was to outsmart a ganker and get off a hearthstone cast. Im sorry that 12 year old me had 10x as much free testosterone as you presently do

MC and ony will easily be killed yes, but bwl and up casual guilds will struggle. The hardcore and more tryhard guilds will breeze right by, but that won't be everyone. ZG is the catchup raid, it'll be cleared more easily, but AQ and Naxx will be big hitters only.

It's not like people clear these things fast now because they are THAT much better at the mechanics of the game. They are better, but also they spend waaaay more time on preperation than the average player. They basically abuse consumables and World buffs as much as possible for speed running purposes. Most guilds aren't going to be willing to spend all that gold and do all that shit.

It will stay around as long as it has subs, which will be forever. Vanilla WoW has a loyal player base that remembers it even all these years later. I'll NEVER cancel my subscription again once Classic drops. I'm going to have the greatest mmo ever made in it's best form forever.

blackrock slicer stole my bike bros...


>mentioning testosterone every other sentence
>not projecting
You know how that works, right? You've created a strawman and are attacking it with a huge cringepost. I can deadlift your whole fucking family and I hate world-pvp. It's retarded and does not work anymore because of the Battle-net-Launcher implementation.

>where I had time to pop off a hearth
Whoa, what a great victory you achieved there! So instead of logging off and not questing there, you chose to teleport away and not quest there.

don't forget the people who stay to play this will be the metacancer minmaxers who gatekeep ALL the raids and if you don't run optimal builds or rotations your ass is grass and shadowbanned from ever participating. Im sure these faggots are already salivating on ruining the experience for the loot tables

>Show me a fucking relevant boss kill during Vanilla's lifetime that had a druid or paladin main tank...please, I'd love to see it.
Who said anything about Vanilla?

This whole thread? Are you listening to yourself? We're arguing about class balance in vanilla

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What the fuck does bnet launcher have to do with anything lol

jesus christ

Uh, what? If youre questing and leveling, your hearth is always set to the nearest quest hub? So you'd just hearth back to booty bay, and then resume questing

Mechanics are not the only measure of difficulty. The mobs in dungeons and raids in Vanilla were a lot more powerful than they are today. They hot harder and soaked up more damage. Players were also weaker than they are today at the same level. So even with more basic mechanics (which for their time weren't basic, remember this was all 15 years ago) the Vanilla content was in effect harder to clear than the content in current retail. All you have to do these days is learn the mechanics and that's all the challenge, back in the day it didn't matter if you knew the fight front to back you still had to overcome being at such a statistical disadvantage which was hard to over gear.

>This whole thread? Are you listening to yourself? We're arguing about class balance in vanilla
You are a complete moron

I can't imagine anything being more fun than vanilla UBRS. Like how could it be possible.

They could just release a game of Ubrs-quality 10-mans and I would subscribe forever. With a requirement to form your own group and wait an hour between runs.

Gear checks aren't the same as skill buddy. Vanilla raiding is a fucking joke until Twin Emperors

You know what....sure, you guys "go home" or whatever it is you planned on doing.

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Mythic merchanics where 1 fuckup is a wipe is not the same as boss fights where you actually can have 10-15 deadweights and still win

the mobs in raids were absolutely not more powerful lmao.
dont act like you ever did actual retail endgame.

Considering people do that on private servers currently, it makes me believe that people will do it on classic without complaint.

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>eternal molten bore
they chose this hell

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and on classic you have to pay money to do it

If you go to a baseball game, do you expect them to maybe not play baseball?

first of all watching people play sports is lame as hell.
second of all it wont be the exact same shitty braindead raid every time.

Also bro I just want to say you're probably not taking any anti-estrogen pills in your roid cycle, if you're this much of a bitch about someone jokingly inferring you have low T levels. Have fun in the PVE server, but dont bitch at me for trying to help a zoomer have more fun by playing with the PVP chads

Im trying to make him into a man and youre trying to lure him in with the trannies

>one days work to play a year

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sure your shaman could tank if it had a shield. but warriors were the only viable end game tank.

People do get bored and quit though especially when they know no new content will ever release.

>I don't like it, so blizzard must be doing the wrong thing

I just re-checked and baseball is in fact the same thing every time, and it's worth 10 billion dollars

>you're memories
>you are memories


>sure your shaman could tank if it had a shield. but warriors were the only viable end game tank.
Druids tank on private servers

Seethe harder retailcuck. Cry. Scream. Best your chest and Bay at the moon. Classic is still coming and it's still going to knock retail to the dirt where it belongs. Enjoy empty servers and long as wait times in your precious LFR window. By the time classic has been out for six months, it will be faster to build a group in trade chat than wait out the lfr queue. Enjoy wondering why no one wants to play retail and you realize you have no choice but to play Classic if you want to do anything requiring other players. Just make sure you roll horde as we don't need bitchy retail faggots in the glorious ranks of my Alliance.

>PVP chads
>Some nerdy loser ganking level 30s in STV
>Level 30s who can't hide or run away, let alone fight back

enjoy the literally worst raid the game has ever seen lmao.
enjoy it for months.

private servers are also imperfect , lots of shit doesnt work the way it did in vanilla

will be interesting to see if feral tank is a meme or not

Play on server launch and there wont be any 60s

As someone who actually played pvp server in vanilla, gankers were rare. Most of the pvp was same level

enjoy your pepsi



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I just want to play a Taruren shaman. Is that so wrong?

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What are you wanting to do, you retard? There is no context

>My only goal in life is to kill weaker players who have no hope of fighting back and that makes me a bad ass
How long has it been since you left your mother's basement user?

i was born in 2001 and i dropped wod for vanilla pservers, never looked back.

Know what server is da best.

Isn't there a massive overpopulation problem going on right now?

>lots of shit doesnt work the way it did in vanilla
Like what?

That would make sense they can divert more server space they will need to Classic.

I know because I have done it. The most effective way to avoid ganking is to outlevel most people. The extreme poopsockers who play even more are too busy powerleveling to gank anyone.

WoW should have died with Wrath, the story is over, time to move on

Yeah, not to mention the only current server is run by some Argentinian cunt who's done nothing but stab the community in the back for years. Personally, I'm waiting for a new server to crop up under different leadership.

I hope you guys enjoy discord groups killing the community

more fun than real life is 90% of the time

I'm honestly giving it a week or two before looking back into it. As it stands right now it's nothing but a drama packed shitfest.

I raided from vanilla to MoP hardcore. The vanilla content was the most difficult to clear. By far and away. Not saying it was the most challenging mechanics but was harder to clear the fights.

doesn't matter. the raids are ancient content that most people know inside and out, and the fights are fucking brain dead. the only difficult part is managing 39 other spergs. plus, people are just generally better at the fundamentals of the game now. how to move properly, keybinds, macros, addons, etc. any halfway prepared guild is going to sweep everything as soon as its released. the only exception is if there are new unexpected bugs and tuning issues that affect the bosses.

>>My only goal in life is to kill weaker players who have no hope of fighting back and that makes me a bad ass
I never said that. PVP mostly happens between people of similar levels while questing/leveling.

This idea that you are ganked nonstop is a myth, first of all. Second of all, I rarely ganked anyone. Third of all, WoW is a social game and if you are being ganked, the ganker is usually killing other people too, and when a bunch of level 20s are getting ganked, usually a 60 on your own faction steps in and fights the ganker


Meanwhile, pvp server players think "okay, how can I get a hearth off after I res? I know, I'll drink an invisiblity potion, dang he got me before I could do that, I know I'll PM a level 45 paladin in my guild and ask him to come help, awesome hes on his way"

Im not lying or exagerating when I say you are a smooth brained low T retard, which is fine. Have fun in your care bear server.

But dont act like you're "mature" for simply being extremely turbo autistic, and avoiding all social interaction, emergent gameplay, and fun

>first week
lol. stats and gear were completely different back then, it was a lot harder to do even basic shit like solo questing. nobody cares about JUST the raids.

im tired of endgame fags and mmos, you're the reason why mmos are dead. who cares about the rest of the game when all you want to do is fucking raid and pvp, it was called WORLD of warcraft for a reason, fuck face.

end your life.

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Lads, /ourguy/ undead rogue Benji just started streaming. Let's see what autistic shit he's got going on tonight.

/ourguy/ Benji just lit up his stream. I like to see the autistic data this guy comes up with before launch.

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>vanilla content harder than HC FL



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No one would play an MMO at max level without raid content

You might as well play a korean mmo with that kind of attitude

Based Yea Forumstards poised to singlehandedly save nublizz from bankruptcy

Yes. Playing Horde is always wrong. Kill yourself no shoes nigger shitskin

Same, it's the only smart move, because even if you don't care one way or the other about the politics or drama, sitting in queue for hours only for the server to crash or eventually wipe is a bad time investment (even for people like us who play private servers of old MMOs).

so you're saying you are a late gen shitter who could never even hit 60? Lmao

the rest of the game doesnt matter when you inevitably reach max level after a month and that's all that's left in the game.

you faggots who only played for a week at most back then dont know what you'Re talking about.

>leveling an orcish BVLL hunter in stonetalon
>see a white human female mage a couple levels higher than me in the distance
>hunters mark
>she stops then starts running off over the hills
>pop cheetah and start pursuing her
>chase her for a couple hundred meters before slowing her and killing her with an aimed shot
nothing beats hunting and killing fresh ally pussy

We unironically have Jontron and the Nost team to thank the most, and that one guy who took the petition list to Blizz HQ

But I want to be an enhancement Shaman, user. I can't do that as a member of the Alliance. Why must you be so rude?

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lol you're going to have to try harder than that Mr. Glowinthedark Cia Nigger

no shit retard, but thats for WHEN you get to max level. these days, its all about power leveling to max lvl to raid and pvp. nobody cares about the WORLD you spend time in.

why would you spend any time in the world when you can just afk in main city and press a button to get into content? this is what most mmos are now. the world is gone. people like you are the reason why mmos are dying.

also i know warframe isn't a mmo in the same way WoW is, but there is literally no end game and yet i have 4k hours put into it, they focus on the world its self. they even tried adding raids, it was shit. they even added pvp, it was shit. nobody plays those game modes in warframe because its the same old boring fucking trash endgame.

I bet World of Warcraft has terrible music by no skill composers, post some fucking tracks so i can laugh a little.

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Brill tavern music.mp3

People have always rushed max level in MMO's and this includes vanilla. It will happen again with classic

played since late 2004. i hit 60 on my rogue and just made alts because leveling,twinking and meeting new people was more enjoyable than trying to raid or pvp with retards.

>why would you ever eat the same food twice?

>You don't want to get killed over and over and over again when you only have a few hours to okay every couple of days and just want to knock out your quests and do some mining so you must be a fucking 'low T faggot' for not letting me chain gank you with my higher level character
Fuck off. You are so goddamned pathetic. Seriously how many times have you had your ass kicked and ran to WoW to take it out on lower level players? Every time the nigger your mom is fucking slaps you around? Or when you cry into your coating of Cheeto dust remembering when your father left saying he couldn't stand the disappointment you turned out to be? That every time he looked at you all he could see was his absolute failure to raise a man? Or is it when you remember the only woman you have ever kissed is your mommy? That you are almost 30 and still a virgin living at your mother's house and will never have sex?

>the rest of the game doesnt matter when you inevitably reach max level after a month and that's all that's left in the game.

thanks for proving my point retard.

why wouldnt you rush to endgame in a game world as shitty and static as wows? you have literally no influence over it.

you're the retard if you think that the leveling phase of the game will last anybody. its always short and then you will have to face the actual endgame, the stuff the game was built around.

>Seriously how many times have you had your ass kicked and ran to WoW to take it out on lower level players?
Like I said, I rarely ganked. And it's the same for the vast majority of pvp players. Why go out of your way to gank people? Its a complete wasteof time.

Youre actually projecting here. Very few people ganked because it was a dick move and no one would help you do it. Everyones busy doing their own shit.

>all these sentences about muh cheeto dust muh virgin
Okay you;re clearly a butthut woman or a tranny who was severely triggered about the testosterone remarks

>Molten Core was nearly cut from World of Warcraft. To ensure it would be in the game at release, developers finished working on the dungeon in a single week.

Because I have only ever played Alliance and I will never tolerate Horde scum. Kill yourself you worthless subhuman piece of shit. No shoes nigger cocksucker, you fucking make me sick. Anytime I see your kind I just want to shoot them in the fucking face. I saw a guy wearing a horde shirt at the mall the other day and I threw his ass down the stairs in the parking lot. Fuck him and fuck you. If I ever see you out in person I'll do worse to you. Fucking die. DIE!

No guys post the best music track in the game, impress me.

I mean even as a horde you won't be an enhancement shaman if you actually want to play the game at max level

Can't wait to see my Alliance Bros in Classic. Be amazing to relive our superior experience and Lord it over the shitskin animals of the Horde. Reminder that the Horde are all basically Muslims and if you play one you are considered a subhuman piece of shit.

It's simple concept. Inexperienced designers making a game that was played by inexperienced people.

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look it up on youtube or something lazy nigger

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That's exactly what it looks like. It's a fucking cave with rocks and lava. No unique assets at all. Ragnaros is the only boss that has a unique model, everyone else is a reskinned world mob.

>Inexperienced designers making a game that was played by inexperienced people.
Uh, that's completely wrong though

>comfy raiding without insane niggers trying to emulate world first strats
>comfy dungeons without speedrunners trying to clip through shit
>no fucking infinite grind when you hit level cap, you can just do the content for the stuff you want and be satisfied
>professions matters
>no fucking blood elves
we're going back bros

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its clear that they only started giving a shit with BWL and Onyxia. BWL was perfectly integrated into the blackrock and its dungeons and Onyxia had this very long questline that played directly into the stormwind lore.

MC is just trash.

I'm sure is that all the hardcore min-maxers will totally not haulass to 60

There isn't a single memorable music track in the entire game

>played directly into the stormwind lore
I dunno, I played the mud hut kfc nigger no shoes faction.

I still want some examples. I could look up WoW music on youtube but what does the WoW player think is the best music this game has to offer ?
Surely their tastes must be of supreme quality.

what other significant endgame quests did the horde get shafted on?
I only know of the onyxia questline.

I mean from a lore perspective does the horde even matter in vanilla. All the lore seems to be presented from an alliance perspective

How does this quest chain even work on the horde side. It has nothing to do with the horde

>its clear that they only started giving a shit with BWL and Onyxia

but the best raid is UBRS and that's from release

When they first started designing the game the playable characters were

Human male
Human female
Tauren male


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I thought horde onyxia attunement was better than ally?

the ptr was made in tbc, before that all raids were super fucky at release

seeing these threads (and not being a delusional schizo who thinks blizzard is actually shilling their game on Yea Forums) is making me start to think that classic might actually overtake BFA permanently like OSRS did to nuscape. the hype is seriously real. niche vanilla class guides on youtube are starting to get hundreds of thousands of views. we're going home bros.

Have a look at the view counts on the stickies in the Classic section of the WoW forums compared to the view counts of the stickies in the regular General forums. Classic stickies have like 4 times as many views despite only being up for a fraction of the time.

It's really the truth. The games music isn't good. Despite having nearly 10 hours of fucking hours of it there isn't a single track I could honestly recommend or see someone unironically listening to outside of the game. Icecrown citadels music is an example if you still want one, it's all generic high fantasy filler.

You guys are picking through background music to find something good?

The only thing good about it is the fact that it has less social connectivity and convenience features.

The classes weren't better especially pre TBC. Raiding towns was a nono unless you want to erase your pvp progression by getting dishonorable kills. etc.

A legitimate thing to be excited about is the fact that players you see in your server running around are people you will continuously bump into as you level

It's not just nostalgia either. I'm a zoomer, and tried WoW both on a Legion trial and a Vanilla private server. Retail felt like every other MMO released in the last few years (that's not a compliment) while Vanilla was fun, engaging, and had me interacting with people like you're supposed to be doing in this genre. My friends and I were all too young to play anything older than Wrath, yet we're all really excited for Classic. Hell, I'll be honest and admit that I didn't play any of the Warcraft games until after trying that private server, but now I have and am even more invested.

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This is a comfy stream. Thanks dawg.

What else is there?
Boss music, dungeon music. What's the best track in the game?

same, zoomer here who started playing in 4.3 and quit during the first month of bfa. been playing on northdale and it's fun as fuck. i've met a lot of cool people through dungeons and grouping up for quests that would have never said a word to me on retail.

I'm just not sure that background music is the place to look for good music.

Make sure you zoomers play on a pvp server, pve servers will be infested with $0y boys, nu males, trannies, women, and streamers. And lots of old farts.

This is because the above groups hate fun (and have shitty reactions times so they cant compete in wpvp)

>benji is STILL samefagging and shilling

of course, non-pvp servers aren't even real wow imo


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play on light's hope

Uh, false. You can barely tell the difference.

WPVP to me was like the server being crashy or someone spamming the chat window so people can't see your LFG.

Not much of interest there other than pure pathos (which old farts are done with).

PVP servers are for young people. The chat is spammy, everyone is on an energy drink fueled pvp rampage, its chaotic and fun.

PVP servers are a young mans game. So im telling young men to play those servers,

PvP servers are going to be where the private server community, Yea Forums posters, and the rest of the crazies go. Enjoy your "fun".

Yeah but I never got why MMO pvp was preferred over something even faster like Team Fortress

Gonna HONK on dat ass

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maybe because the thread title is wow classic you little shit squeaker

Is she okay?

>PVP servers are a young mans game.
I sincerely hope you're like 50+ saying this, not a 30 yr old that is so burnt out by work he can't even pvp anymore

Private server players will be

Probably because it's an MMO and also PvP, it's a mix.

>Please play on my dead server

Im in my 20s, and played a pvp server in vanilla when I was 10-12.

>Yeah but I never got why MMO pvp was preferred over something even faster like Team Fortress
It's the combination of persistence and pvp. Rivalries between players and guilds that go on for years, and consequences that seem more personal and lasting.

If it wasnt obvious, I am rolling a pvp server. But I notice that all the pve server players are 30+. I still chug energy drinks and play CSS for 10 hours at a time

Your post is maximum fucking cringe then, vanilla wow is not a particularly fast paced game, get good

i'm a carebear and roll pvp simply because all the good players choose pvp servers

I didnt say vanilla wow was a fast paced game, but wpvp is. You can clear pve content as a keyboard turning ability clicker. But that doesnt fly in wpvp.

I am rolling on a pvp server, I still like fast paced twitch reflex games like counterstrike.

>You can clear pve content as a keyboard turning ability clicker.
Oh I forgot that only teenagers can use keybinds and mouse turn

It sucks his quest pathing / questing in general is really, REALLY bad.

He said he'd just grind to 60 on retail but wanted to make a comparison video showing that grinding is better (for him) and it shows.

Calm down, boomer. Drink your prune juice, youre grumpy

>gets btfo
>y-you're a boomer

Its a biological fact that the older you get, the worse your reaction time gets. Olafmeister is in his 30s and he is noticeably slowly in terms of reaction time, compared to ~19 year old CSGO pros.

Dont get mad at me, it happens to everyone.

how long should it take for someone to hit level 10?

anyone else here just planning on getting high and playing wow all summer?

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>getting high
No im not a degenerate
Like 5 hours?

No shit sherlock, the argument isn't about whether or not reaction times get worse with age, it's whether or not it makes a big difference in a game like vanilla wow. Hint: It doesn't.

>not a degenerate
>plays wow, classic wow nonetheless

What am I supposed to spend my free time doing? I pay my taxes like a good wagie. Let me have my fun. Its called being frugal, going hiking every weekend would cost a shit ton. And Im not fucking up my brain chemistry

>turning in quests in an orc area
>get to hear chris metzen making three different orc impressions as you click on the npcs

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same, let me have my fun, but with weed. you absolutely are fucking up your brain chemistry and dopamine reward system by playing wow.

and you think you're not with weed?
t. smoked for years

Everyone Ive ever known that smoked weed long term developed anger management issues

no, i never claimed i wasn't, just that wow can fuck your brain up pretty seriously too especially if you have an addiction-prone personality. wow has done far more damage to my life than weed has

Smoking weed makes you a dumb lazy nigger with man tits.

I hate drug addicts that try to equate me playing video games with them getting high. No i am not as degen as you just because i fucking play wow

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based tar man

Pandas are so hot, why do they have to be stuck in post Cata WoW

Fuck off degenerate

Vanilla raids are piss easy. This is coming from some one who raided them back in the day.

That said it starts ramping up at AQ40 which is a nice change.