Vanilla Wow.
Who else cant wait for classic?
Vanilla Wow.
Who else cant wait for classic?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Engineering is mandatory for everyone
>Crafting professions are useless outside of 1 person having the boe recipes in your guild
>2 drops of loot for 40 people per boss
>80-120+ hours of a rotation you can do blindfolded
>Hybrid tax
>Except 1 hybrid is the best tank and best melee DPS
Guys quick question how does raid healing assignments usually look like? And what classes are usually assigned to what? (Alliance side)
What's with the pettiness and selfish lone wolfing of Horde?
>Engineering is mandatory for everyone
Only in pvp for nades, you really don't need it unless you are speedrunning or in some wannabe tryhard guild
>he wont be 20 manning raids ony/mc so his guild can get maximum loot per person
>Engineering is mandatory for everyone
Fucking what? The DPS increase from having engineering shit is so minor if your guild needs that to clear fights you have bigger problems.
>Except 1 hybrid is the best tank and best melee DPS
Warrior is not a hybrid class.
>not having everyone in your guild dropping a zapper on Viscidus and one shotting him
and let us all agree that tryharding and "server first" shit this time around is pathetic and pointless
it is only for prestige, and this time there is virtually none to be had
>and let us all agree that tryharding and "server first" shit this time around is pathetic and pointless
Not really, imo, competing as a guild is super fun
forcing ppl to level engi for sappers on non-speedruns/non-progression is stupid imo, though
(asked this in the other thread but its in auto sage)
Gnome Warlock
Night Elf Rogue (dont judge me)
Human Warrior
Which of these should I choose as my main/first character I roll on launch? I will be poopsocking on launch, on a PVP server
Whichever you fucking want, user.
Many would argue warrior is easier being bankrolled but it's not nearly as rough as reddit or the "vanilla veterans" of Yea Forums pretend it is.
A better question would be: which do YOU want to main? Because despite what you think right now, you're not going to have time for all three of those characters. Trusting Yea Forums to give you anything but disinfo, well intentioned or not, is asinine.
There is no wrong answer, it all depends on you. You probably don't want to read that but too bad.
Warrior will guarantee you groups if you tank, you can take all the gear you want
>AoE Tanking was added in Wrath of the Lich Ki-
Can someone who's not a total normalfag answer my question please?
Anyone with experience with private server launches? Which classes suck to level the most on a ~1 month old server, with all the zerg rushers already 60 and semi geared?
Trannies will hang from the arches of Deadwind Pass
Warrior is the only class in Vanilla that is actively shit to level solo. The others are just varying degrees of efficient.
Probably priest but you should be able to get dungeon rushed by a 60 at that point.
>Projecting this hard
I'm sorry your parents stopped you from transitioning, but there's nothing stopping you now
Mainly Im asking in terms of the 1-60 bum rush, I intend to get all 3 of those characters to 60. But obviously one at a time. So I was wondering what class I should not do 2nd or last, (~1 month since server launch)
Basically which class will be the most annoying to deal with gankers and will be the most annoying to gear up when the game has an economy etc,
Really depends. Specific assignments were not needed for every fight. Pallys were usually assigned to tanks because they only have single target heals although they are very good at that and spot heal when they can. Druids were usually on raid healing because of their HoT's and not having access to a fast mana efficient heal like Flash of Light or Flash Heal. Priests were more flexible and could fill anywhere really due to them having a wide variety of heals.
Any of those choices is fine. Obviously Night Elf Rogue is not optimal but unless your trying to get into some super try hard guild it won't matter in the long run. Not sure if you have played Vanilla before but Warrior can be a bit rough leveling. As long as you make smart use of your ranged weapon for pulls, be mindful of potential adds, and keep your gear up to date it's not so bad. Health pots are also extremely useful for Warrior and will save your ass.
Yeah no shit now try doing it without TF. TF was so fucking good they had to nerf the procs threat generation in TBC because people were still using it at level 70.
>Not a hybrid
Tank, DPS
If you are not a pure class, you are a Hybrid
>Mainly Im asking in terms of the 1-60 bum rush
Do Warrior at least second then. Having a main to send money for buying gear or other resources will make leveling Warrior much easier. Warrior is the most gear dependent class in vanilla.
But buying gear is kind of a pain on server launch right? Because everyone is zerging to 60 and not really selling greens on the AH?
Your plan is stupid. But here is the obvious answer:
warlock is easiest and fastest to level out of those.
Rogue will be better able to avoid ganks for obvious reasons.
Warrior will benefit from an in-game economy established as you can buy gear and have a better time leveling.
So warlock first, rogue/warrior after - only important part is not warrior first if this is your gay faggot plan.
Watch your back traniel
Why is my plan stupid?
There's still time, but the longer you wait, the harder it gets
Speaking from experience?
You're changing your own stupid parameters. You said a month after launch. That is enough time for shit to be on the AH, and if you bumrush a lock up you'll have plenty of time to get money.
And even at launch ppl definitely sell greens, just they sell for fucking pennies since no one is buying them. Doesn't mean they won't try.
I would not stress too hard about comparing pserver launches to classic, we still dont know what server sizes will be and the demographic is going to be a lot more varied than purely sweaty pserver neets.
I think you mean alli. Currently measing around on a gnome lock but I'm about to hop back over to horde because of the lack of energy on the alli. Not even LFG chat is moving
>You're changing your own stupid parameters.
I dont understand why you're so triggered over this
Who /Druid/ here? Looking forward to spending 90% of my time looking at my second monitor between innervate and brez
Can someone help me get hyped for my Orc Shaman?
I'm sorry, that wasn't nice of me.
It's just that everytime (no exceptions) when people have these kinds of plans, they burn out or othterwise dont follow through. You see it a lot with dudes swearing up and down they're going to "make feral work" and farm gnomer 12 hours a week. And they might, like for a week.
All that planning just doesn't end up with the results you're hoping for.
Either way, i am sorry for assuming and that wasn't fair to you.
I stand by the original answer, warlock first, warrior definitely not first, and it doesn't matter if you go warrior or rogue 2nd/third. Up to you, but if I was going your route i'd likely do rogue second in case i don't like moneymaking on the warlock. Rogue has some decent early game farm methods that don't require gear so it's kind of a fail safe.
Warlock. any other questions?
A reminder that feral tank is the best single target tank in the entire game from using a level 29 meme weapon and even a fury warrior decked out in t2/T3 WHILE using a private server exploit can barely compete for threat.
Which server would that be senpai, I've been jonesing pretty bad for some WoW, even if it's just to fuck around until level 20 a few times.
I'm not planning anything that fucking difficult or crazy. Im just asking for input on how to sequence the 3 characters I intend to level up, based on their class toolkit and fresh server logistics
I am a poopsocking neckbeard. I have tens of thousands of hours in mmos, counterstrike, starcraft. I know what im doing. But i never did a p server launch so i am asking for input from anons more familiar.
Yes I know a p server launch isnt a perfect model, but its a data point I would like to have in my calculations
You have these threads up 24/7 what could you POSSIBLY talk about all fucking day every day
>some of those instant kills
Theres lights hope but its miserable to level in, dont bother
>dies to crushing blows
I hope I can find a trans friendly guild for Classic
>It's just that everytime (no exceptions) when people have these kinds of plans, they burn out or othterwise dont follow through. You see it a lot with dudes swearing up and down they're going to "make feral work" and farm gnomer 12 hours a week. And they might, like for a week.
Very narrow thinking when we are going to be stuck in classic forever. You can make a lot of things work in Vanilla if you put in the time, and since classic servers are stuck in classic, we have nothing but time.
>wait for classic
>open up your browser
>go to /vg/
>find general
>join their discord, join their guild
>farming hundreds of meme weps from gnomer every week just to be competitive
fuck that, famalam
>Crushing blow meme
Nonfactor on most fights.
>Imagine rolling a druid thinking you will get to play feral in a raid
>Deep wounds
>Curse of recklessness
>Faerie fire
Not a problem, even the horny fury warrior tanks are in your raid looking to get crit, you new?
>on most fights
And herein lies the problem. No one is going to waste time gearing a tank that needs a real tank to stand in for him on certain bosses, even if it's just a few. Because then you need to gear two tanks to let some retard realise his idiot fantasy of being a druid tank.
Just imagine farming Gnomer 4 hours a day any time you wanted to do anything
That's surprising. I leveled as ally on a few servers and it always seemed like the horde were grouping for questing/pvp while the ally didn't talk/group as much
Imagine saying this reply to an image of a feral druid in a raid
Druids are very fun to level. I might roll one as an alt
It's always going to seem that way.
grass is greener, etc.
It's the same fags on both factions, user.
He said it was a 1month old server though.
Don't need to imagine it. Feral TPS = overall raid dps increase = faster clears.
Trading 15% increased damage on the tank for perfect aggro control is incredibly powerful and your dps will thank you for it. Warriors will still be good but now we know that feral can do some unbelievable stuff on many fights
Cant you skip to the end of gnomer?
Most guilds sort out who their main tanks are first fucking thing, and more often than not it's a RL buddy of the GM for obvious reasons.
But yeah they're going to totally be on board with making some sweaty faggot's memespec dream come true.
Even reddit would get tired of the furry in gchat who wont stfu about bear tanking like he's a vegan after a week tops.
In case it wasnt obvious, my post was talking about 1 month into classic launch.
You can, but the mace doesn't drop every run, you can only do 10 runs an hour, and you need a fresh mace every bosspull to make the dream happen.
Yeah, you can farm pummelers really easy.
It probably does seem that way because I was only on one side but I could never understand people that would just bitch in chat about it instead of grouping up and fighting back.
You know that you can teleport right in front of the instance right? And a run takes 5 mins for 50% droprate.
Imagine being such a snowflake you think you can be like your idol feral druid tank
Imagine being such an autist that you resent people having fun in a video game
I'm going undead warrior and there's nothing you can do to stop me
Elwynn, home...
Warfags terrified that normies are finally going to realize that druids can compete lol
You also know how many of these you need per raid night right? Also you are capped how many times you can run it an hour
>hundreds of meme weps from gnomer every week
Don't join a guild that wipes so much and you won't need hundreds.
Cute female character!
>tfw you want to roll horde because you spent all of vanilla thru cata as alliance
>but the hunchback models severely trigger your autism more than words can describe
>and you will never know where everything is in org/UC in the same way you know where everything is in SW/IF
it just wasnt meant to be, anons. looks like i'll be rolling with the trannies... T_T
stop being transphobic
I'm opposite. I know everything horde side like the back of my hand but never played alliance. I'll probably stick with Horde because I have a feeling a lot of cool peeps are gonna be there.
avoid the servers that /vg/is rolling on and you will avoid their trannies
I used 12 a night on progression, that's nothing, also druids use less consumes overall so you're trading a gold sink for an easy farm. If the booty bay teleporter didn't exist I'd agree with you but being able to teleport directly to the instance portal removes any of the annoyance for me.
Id rather have trannies in my guild then play as a nigger w/ elitest jerks in my guild
nobody has an irrational fear of you we just dont want to be around you not hear about your transition updates
im really sensitive right now, my mood is all over the place
pls stop being transphobic
long or short beard?
where are my boomers at
How long does it take to farm 12? I want to live this dream
About an hour.
Short beard or clean shaven for a warrior, long styled bears are for shaman.
this is a stupid question but can alliance use the BB teleporter? or is it horde only?
Wtf I love feral now. That's nothing in the grand scheme of things.
Nope horde only
I used to see horde warlocks DOT lowbies, then hop in the teleporter, before they got netted by the guards. I always wanted to level a horde lock and try it out myself.
Id be tempted to with classic, but im convinced they'll nerf this
does this exact thread need to be posted every day?
I know right? A smash thread died for this.
and that's a good thing!
Everyday until you like it faggot
cringe and retailpilled
>drop an infernal in lowbie zone
>Get mass right click reported on classic
Even private server admins ban you for this
I think it'll be allowed as long as you JUST drop it and let it go HAM once. If you repeatedly banish and re-enslave it, for the exact purpose of keeping it alive as long as possible, then a GM might ask you nicely to stop
i don't think it's fair to call warrior a hybrid class seeing as there's no "pure" tank
good thing blizzard fired all their GM's then
That's what the warriors want you to think
i'm surprisingly hyped for this and reforged.
There is also no pure healer. Hybrid is a very loose term as there is only 4 pure classes in the game
Yeah priests are OP, they're a hybrid class but also the best healer, what the fuck.
bros no, the real pure healer is paladin
Hybrid refers Shaman, Druid, Paladin
Please detail your reasoning and cite notation in APA style
I'm not saying shaman, druid, paladins are hybrids, but when people refer to "hybrid classes", those are the ones they refer to
Well I agree It's retarded warriors aren't a pure class but get to be the best tank and the best melee dps while the 3 classes you mentioned get fucked sideways by the hybrid tax
How much cloth do you end up wearing in vanilla as a shammy/pally/druid healer?
Most of you gear until you have any given tier on farm and have your tier set.
tier sets are for transmog trannies
someone give me quick rundown on this gnomeregan druid farming tank thing
walk into the backdoor of gnomer and just stealth over to crowd pummeler and smack his ass.
Cool, thanks.
If you dont know what were talking about , dont even ask
Basically feral druids, if they want to be competitive on the dps charts for raids, have to autistically farm a consumeable mace that increases attack speed
Wasn't the armor soft cap at like 13.5k or around there?
>tfw being able to re-experience vanilla wow for the first time again
>talent trees
>gold was important (saving 100g for a mount was a big deal, getting your talents right was important because respecs were expensive)
>world pvp
>skill > gear (otherguy, drakedog, world of roguecraft)
>no death knights
>shaman and paladin are in the factions they belong
>pvp ranks
>AV's objectives actually mattered
>no arena
>no flying mounts
>no lfg or cross realm trash
>no quick travel
>lore hasnt gone down to the shitter yet
>cool quests like the mount quest and rogue pick lock quest
>no daily quests
>no pet battles
>40 man raids (that actually require coordination)
>no multiple raid difficulties
>5 mans actually felt like real dungeons
>no more data mining
>way more skills to utilize
>no e-shop
>no archeology
>no achievements
>no vehicles
>no transmog so people don't run around in retarded clownsuits that break immersion
>armor design wasn't garbage that belonged in an anime
>world felt dangerous
>professions were fun, unique, and useful
>no blood elves, draenei, worgen, pandashit or goblins
>b-b-but no one wants it
>nost peaked higher than reta
Boys, we're going home.
Two or three hours a week. Only one with autism here is you
why is this good? just for threat?
Autistic wasnt the right word. I mean you can do it if you want, if you're competitive on the DPS table, you'll get invites. But its a pretty big inconvenience
But I guess so is soul shard farming, so idk
We posting our planned mains?
>3 hours a week
just 2 characters to 60 a year, no biggy
>warrior isnt a hybrid
absolute brainlet
its 5 per hour
Better not think about how many hours you will spend raiding mate, you might have an aneurysm
so if i play orc fury warrior i'm gonna be fucked on pre-raid weapons if i don't spend thousands of gold on epic BoEs? no good axes from early dungeons eh?
There are spreadsheets that show you 2nd place, 3rd place, etc BIS items.
Basically the manual crowd pummeler gives such an overwhelming advantage to feral tank on threat from even a single use it becomes so dominant on the threat table nothing can catch up. It is bis for the entirety of classic. And it is incredibly powerful for feral.
Yes, now if only bears could survive crushing blows...
The book this movie is based on is fucking garbage.
They can. Everything can. Warriors don't even go for uncrittable in Naxx outside a handful of bosses during progression, and once everything is on farm, Warriors tank as dual wield Fury.
looked at like 5 lists but nobody lists any other axes.
you got any?
Why are you hellbent on using axes?
We've already been over this. Crushing blows aren't what kills a raid or tanks. The sheer health difference a bear has over a warrior nearly negates cb regardless as well.
orc for axe specialization if im going horde
/ourguy/ Benji just lit up his stream. I like to see the autistic data this guy comes up with before launch.
who fucking gives a shit
50% attack speed buff for 30 seconds, 3 charges
Thats it.
Your stream overlay is shit
Mandatory to protect me from grill gaymo's trying to claim copyright.
Quit shilling your shitty youtube channel loser
Druids are static when it comes to their damage so any weapon they equip is basically the same as any other barring the stats. Because of this a weapon that makes you attack faster is amazing since you are doing the same damage as always but now even faster.
>"speed leveling" except it's not fast at all
>not showing off his 98989 rpm facestab razer naga macro
>its literally just one shitty undead rogue who's been level 15 for two weeks on a chink gold selling server
why in the fuck would anyone ever give a shit about this, what "new" is this offering, what startling revelation is this bringing anyone. Everyone and their dad knows how to quest the barrens, everyone and their wife's son knows how to level a rogue
Even worse than the shilling and the pretending about playing friends & family, r14 in a month when you were 12, a gold selling business at the same time, and founding reddit with john titor is that this is such low effort that it has to be a fucking joke.
if I wanted to watch some fat faggot slowly and poorly level a skeleton i'd just go to the /wpsg/ discord.
Nobody cares, fuck off faggot.
Leveling a rogue is actually a huge pain in the fucking dick. You have to facetank so much fucking damage. They are not a speedleveling class. Slightly better than paladins.
>Want to roll Shaman
>Can't decide between Tauren and Troll
>Tauren has a stun and mediocre animations
>Troll has berserking and even worse animations (DBZ tier)
I like both, but they do have downsides.
Also, what weapons do shamans even use early/mid/endgame?
You think about trannies a lot huh? Why so obsessed?
I was watching and he doesn't keyturn at all.
femtaurs are cute
pick for aesthetics only
Its really not, get swords and use S&D, leveling is cake as a rogue.
for leveling you will use dagger/shield until windfury then you can stay dagger/shield or go 2H then endgame you can either be a nightfall bot or heal with a mace/offhand.
Dagger/shield or two handers from dungeon quests like cresent staff. Dagger + fire weap is consistent good damage and mitigation. But when WF comes online you could opt for more two handers since you might not see another shield or dagger due to warrs/rogues. Corpsemaker can be used efficiently from it's level required all the way till like 55
A good rogue levels slower than a good warrior. Its universally agreed. The only advantage they have, is they can control a suboptimal situation more than a warrior can, with their kit. e.g. vanish blind, sprint, evasion
Since i'm gonna be new, might as well ask now, (thanks for your replies so far)
Shamans wear cloth through the entirety of Vanilla?
They're both fine, it's not that important.
Troll is "best" for resto pve healing.
Orc is "best" for pvp, stun resist is very very good. But tauren warstomp is great also. I prefer the stun resist.
No preference on animations because I'm not gay.
For weapons, it depends. I go with whatever I'm able to get easily. The classic leveling method is primarily enhance, going for 2h big axe (or whatever) when you get WF at 30. But you can also go fast 1h/shield with flametongue, and there's math to suggest rockbiter even with a huge 2h is better as much of the time your fuckbig wf proc ends up as overkill.
Don't forget staves, plenty with high damage, good stats, and you don't have to spend a talent point to use them.
The likely most popular 2h is corpsemaker from RFK as it lines up with when you get windfury.
Above all else I'd suggest switching weapons depending on what you're fighting, especially for surviving ganks.
Elemental is fine as well but in my shit opinion isn't that amazing until you get the later talents in the tree, especially range increase and cast time reduction.
Probably the most important thing is to frontload your casting and let natural regen kick in, as well as only placing buff totems when you'll receive the full duration (turreting, r1 lightning bolt to pull mobs to you) or not drop them at all. Searing is cheap, however.
If anyone mentions nightfall be aware that nightfall fucking sucks on a shaman and it's a sure sign that they are a dipshit.
They actually can equip cloth and leather. Then at 40 they get mail armor.
Pretty comfy stream. He jumps around a lot thoughh. Never knew you could gouge / bandage. That's pretty cool.
please stop shilling here
Yeh he did a gouge / cannibalize too. Pretty handy. Think I'll go Undead rogue instead of human rogue just cause of that. Pretty cool!
>hey guys. Blizz is re-releasing Vanilla wow. sure their other games are shit and they are a complete parody zombie of Blizzard North.
>Why would I want to play the game for free when I can pay for it?
Nobody cares about your stream faggot.
They can wear leather and mail but also cloth because some cloth gear gives amazing +healing/mp5 and is easier to come across. There's some good leather gear, not sure about mail. Basically just wear leather and mail for armor value while leveling. Don't bother taking cloth in dungeons, the stats aren't worth the mitigation loss while leveling
He doesn't post here without his tripcode stfu samefag.
You post user now after you got b& for namefagging, you lying cuck
I make in one day what an entire year of subscription costs
>free vs pay
>illegitimate vs legitimate
>insecurity vs security
Lots of reasons
>vanilla pservers will become a wasteland of primarily chinks and russians after classic launch
>classic offers stable servers that won't vanish overnight
>no corrupt GMs either cheating for their guild and friends or outright working with chinks to sell gold and enrich themselves while pretending to be "donation only"
>functioning customer service that doesn't involve you needing to change your discard avatar to an anime girl before you make your ticket and suck some lisping ESL third worlder's dick to get your issue resolved
>working anti cheat
>rules that apply to everyone, the guilds GMs are in wont get special treatment, no teleporting entire raids to BRM to preserve their world buffs
>your info won't be sold to some other dickfuck russian eventually
>regional servers with a prime time and down time unlike nost/elysium/northdale
>far less third worlders
And for my last question:
Would rolling Orc for shaman if I'm planning to go resto, be that huge of a deal in comparison to rolling a Troll for example?
I understand racials can be impactful to a class, but it shouldn't be THAT huge of a deal, right?
>What are you too poor?
Nice Apple comment, Faggot
>Its official,There for better
You're a spitting image of that picture
>there are people nolifing chinkdale at this very moment knowing full well theyre shutting down come classic
from posting my man
>Would rolling Orc for shaman if I'm planning to go resto, be that huge of a deal in comparison to rolling a Troll for example?
Nope. Very marginal and nearly irrelevant. It's not a big deal in the same vein as dwarven priest or human weapon skill. You can safely go whatever race you prefer, even the top top tryhard pserver guilds don't all go troll for their resto shams.
For me personally, while i don't care that much about racials, if i WAS choosing i'd always go with a pvp justification and not pve. That may be different for you or others and that's okay too. The pve is going to get cleared no matter what.
Mooooods, SwoleBenji's ban evading again.
being exhausted is a good indication of their honesty at least
Troll Berserking is almost completely irrelevant, it doesn't matter at all. Just go Orc, it's the best all-round Shaman race, Troll is only good in a specific niche circumstance.
Vanilla was shit. But while it was shit, it was the best we had.
>shit itemization
They already mentioned how they're not bringing that back. Fucking Tier 2 Warrior helm with Spirit and Agi, what the fuck man
>2-3 drops for 40 man raids
>until AQ and Naxx, most content was only "hard" because it was almost impossible to gear the raid enough, even if each boss dropped 20 items (kek sometimes it was legit impossible, even blizzard admitted that)
>'hybrid' tax reduced damage for classes that could also heal, despite the fact that was only partially true (Yes you technically could throw out a heal, but the effectiveness of that past 5mans was questionable at best)
>lots of talent trees were straight up garbage
>dot classes were pointless because of debuff limits on enemies
>Bosses could drop items for classes you couldn't even play on your faction (imagine playing Borderlands 3 and getting a rifle that only works in Borderlands 2, with no way to getting it there. That's what that feels like.)
>most of the content is leveling
>almost everything takes pointlessly long
>dps rotation was piss simple, to the point that they already announced reduced macro capability, because with todays knowledge of the game, you could make any class literally 1 macro button for optimal play.
The list of why classic was shit tier is long. Yes I played it, Yes I enjoyed it at the time, but really only because that was the best we had.
I'm not him but I wondered where he had went to.His stream IS comfy though. He taught me how to get a gf and how to get sex. I am eternally greatful.
>I'm not him
Only SwoleBenji responds to every person calling him out.
He's true about grinding tho. I played on beta, questing is great, but as soon as there are 2 other people, the area is fucking saturated and you can't get your quest mobs any more, so at that point you end up making more exp/h just flat out grinding shit.
He's literally livestreaming right now he isn't here you autistic sperg.
hi benji
We can hear when you're tabbed out of wow to reply to these threads you know
Hey benji, can you please fuck off and die so I don't have to see you playing the game once classic is released?
Just get a heart attack already, just do it, die already so we don't have to see you again around here, just do it, just die from being a fatass waste of space, die.
put your pvp flag on pussy
Can't wait for Classic. Even the fucking retail devs are bitter about the fact that the old game absolutely puts theirs to shame. Ian Hazzicucktas is refusing to even put an RPPvP server up for the game at launch cause he's so butthurt that more people want to play Classic than the shit game he's designed.
It's actually hilarious that along with retail rageys, even new Blizzard is raging at how Classic will fuck Retail cause they all know it's inevitable.
You realize Ion was one of the primary reasons Classic is happening at all right? He'd been pushing for it since the first time he had a chance.
I doubt Ian is butthurt.
>i want a mmo simpler than retail wow
Casuals won.
as a slav and lawyer he's incapable of human emotion
>tfw you will never play Cata+ with BC/wotlk class design and gear stats
>tfw raids will never have a difficulty lower than mythic, but have a higher barrier to entry (resistance gear, consumables)
Isn't that Greek?
It sucks his quest pathing / questing in general is really, REALLY bad.
He said he'd just grind to 60 on retail but wanted to make a comparison video showing that grinding is better (for him) and it shows.
I can't believe the internet actually memed Blizzard into wasting resources on this. It'll last 6 months and everyone will leave again.
Turns out he was right. There's no going back now.
more deluded retailers seething. yes, seethe more. it sustains me
I quit a year ago. For what it's worth, I hope it succeeds and it sets a damning precedent on current WoW's state. But it won't because I'm a negative nancy that just wants to die on his sleep
based nost. cant wait for classic
ey brother, i feel you. there's a lot of Classic vs Retail when in reality, the vast majority of Classic wish Retail was good and want badly for it to be good, but it's not, and we all know it will never go back to what it used to be.
good luck on classic brother. cheers
Does anyone have the video of all the orc warlocks forming a group and pretending to be peon units or something from Warcraft 3? It was a video similar to the Verycoolguy vids that sometimes get posted here.
does vanilla wow have the futa goatgirls?
those 13k active members were absolute fucking garbage
it was great with maybe 5k peak, then the filthy fuckin 3rd worlders came in and chinked it up causing massive lag and tanking the economy. fuck that shit
>samefagging the same post on both threads
Gr8 b8, but the last time I'm ever giving (You)s
not even gonna bother then
Thank you, now fuck off.
u rite. the foreigners always fuck it up. another reason to be happy for the separation of US, EU, and Oceania servers.
the funny thing too is they all know they're assholes, so they don't want to be put in servers together and would rather leech off US or EU servers. Can't wait for them to be quarantined again
>the funny thing too is they all know they're assholes, so they don't want to be put in servers together and would rather leech off US or EU servers.
Its so fucking horrible. The BR menace is real
tell that to the Ragnajaja BRs in my NA groups
yea. no one copy my original face/hair/beard/color combo or im gonna be pissed
>no Draenei
What's the point?
Fuck off.
horsecocks when they release tbc, user
Going UD Rogue but will look like this 24/7
Good luck affording them, all i'll be doing is flipping SD... hehehe...
it won't be the same
classic has sharding and isn't free
>buying it
ill be doing that ez farm myself tyvm
>and isn't free
It also doesn't have GMs selling gold to chinks
Classic will have sharding for a few days to a week after launch. Ideal? No. But its an acceptable price to pay,.
It wont be free? Good no third worlders.
I can't decide between mage, rogue or warlock.
so? you're gonna pay $15 a month for a shit version of vanilla which as been free in private servers for years?
muh home
No it won't be the same, but it will probably be much better.
>Actual values and formulas for everything
>No made up code
>No GMs selling gold to chinamen
Also, sharding issue has been talked a lot in the forums, but I guess you wouldn't know that since you just want to shitpost.
Don't roll alliance warlock, unless you know what you're getting into
Dont roll alliance rogue unless youre okay with the orc stun resist
>and isn't free
thank the lord. i'd gladly pay anything blizzard wants me to if it meant keeping out the muslims, brs, ruskies and bug people out of my game. fuck em.
Adults earn $15 in at least an hour
You would know this if you ever worked a day in your life
imagine being this much of a sweaty cuck
have lots of sex
i could be spending that money on whores, not a worse version of a game i could be playing for free
and which shit stain race are you friend?
Do you know how basic math and servers work, like at all?
If not, just let me know by not replying to this post so I don't waste my time explaining you stuff that should be obvious at this point.
Uh... Okay? Have fun with those prostitutes then I guess.
>15 dollar whores
hahahahaha fucking hell, that's pathetic
Fuck I meant this , I was laughing so hard I didn't even realize who I replied to
shills, imagine giving actiblizzard a dime
go dilate
Out of arguments already?
I'll happily pay an hour's worth of wages for an entire month of vanilla wow, free from third worlders and corrupt GMs, with stable servers
you'd pay nothing for someone to fuck your girl
Calm down niggah, we'll get Draenei during TBClassic in a yearish if Classic does well or during a drought in retail when they need something to keep subs active.
I'd gamble 1.5 years honestly.
If you think people won't pay 15 clams or use their retail gold to get free sub time then you haven't played enough private realms. Nost didn't have the amazing corruption problems that other servers do but that didn't stop it being a laggy piece of shit from the population size.
More importantly fucking Classic is using the real source code as it's base, meaning shit will actually work as intended, just as the Nightsaber x NE Female goddess intended.
>More importantly fucking Classic is using the real source code as it's base
why is it taking so fucking long to start then? why do we need betas?
They took the legion PTR and backported all the database values and models from 1.12, basically. I dont feel like explaining
Because transcribing the code over to their live platform takes work. They have to re-write portions of it to properly function with the new systems.
It's not like you can magically copy pasta everything.
How good/bad of an idea would it be to have a poll system just like the one OSRS implemented where people high level enough can vote?
>Each poll can contain multiple questions which detail potential changes or content in-game. A question requires a 75% supermajority of Yes votes to pass, excluding Skip question votes.
is this updated to 1.12 itemization we're getting?
Not sure yet, the news hit on a friday so all the datamining boomers are probably out pushing their kids on swings or something
Theres an updated database probably somewhere on reddit, but that website might be outdated
private servers have existed for years
>How good/bad of an idea would it be to have a poll system
Absolutely horrible in every way shape and form. Democracy is a mistake.
Why is the average person so fucking retarded when it comes to computers?
they're all dope as fuck. just pick whichever you want. people will say not to play warlock, but you wont have to deal with the Ignite circle jerk on the dps charts in later tiers and you wont have to deal with 7 other rogues fighting for the weapon you want.
Private servers have also been infested with corrupt gms and millions of third worlders for years
Have with that. As one of the few actual adults on Yea Forums, I dont mind paying AN HOURS FUCKING WAGE for a month of playtime
I didn't say he shouldn't roll warlock. I said he shouldnt roll ALLIANCE warlock, UNLESS he knows exactly what he's getting into, i.e. hes aware and prepared for 50% of the server being undead rogues
What classes fight with shaman for drops?
>pay $15
>be free of whatever shit stain race you are
good deal my man
come on you fucking shills, why are actiblizz taking so long to do something a bunch of retarded russians can do?
And If we compared the source values to the private server values, code to code if you will, we'd have a few hundred page report spit out about how their shit is fucked is one way or another compared to the original.
If you had a private server with literal blizzard code running that didn't lag all day, yeah, there's no god damn point in paying to play when the technical "pirated" version is identical to the official. Except that's not how it works and it would get them sued instantly anyway.
>tfw cant buy gold from the admins anymore
>tfw have to actually farm gold
What the fuck bros...
There's a big difference between using the original 1.12 code and just making a server from it than it is replicating the 1.12 code in their modern inhouse engine.
know what? im not explaining this shit to you. just remember you're an idiot.
Wtf nigger, all classes can dps.
why are they using their new engine, this is supposed to be classic
you guys are fucking delusional
the only home you all need is an asylum
Again, why are you so fucking retarded when it comes to computers?
>vanilla held hundreds of people okayish for AQ
>7.2.5+ engine shuts down realms if you raid a city with 80 friendly players
vanilla doesn't require a 1:1 exact copy because it's more of a philosophy than numbers
If you have source code, you can perfectly emulate whatever you want. Even without source code, you can reverse engineer pretty much anything. Look at GBA , NES, PS1 etc emulators
>classic is classic acsacaC
If you genuinely care about classic wow and not just trolling watch this video. It will do a way better job explaining why.
>1.12 itemization and class balance
>But Shaman, Paladin, and Druid get to miss out on their Ranged slot effects until fucking AQ
If classes were partly balanced to the items available to them then wouldn't those items need to be in-game from the start for the balance to actually function properly?
I really like these threads because it always reminds me to never play anything with Yea Forums or /vg/ ever.
Other than that I hope it goes well and changes Blizzards perspective on retail wow (it won't).
they're obviously setting this up for classic+
WoW was coded by diversity hire retards, but hopefully with all the numbers and cosmetic shit getting scaled back, servers will go back to being able to handle 20 players in one area
Best way to handle undead as warlock? Engineering?
haha I can't wait to pvp in classic wow *clueless*
Just ordered 2x 2080ti and an i9-9900k in preparation for classic.
Make sure to order blue leds to cool your rig out.
Best way? Dont roll alliance.
Second best way? As far as I know, you need to make them use WOTF as soon as possible. As far as I know, usually this means seducing them as soon as they open on you, and then death coiling them after they pop it, then you recover
Thanks. You wouldn’t happen to think rolling a ally lock for an easier time in pve would be worth it, would you?
>omg classes are so unbalanced in classic there isn't as much class/spec diversity as retail
>You wouldn’t happen to think rolling a ally lock for an easier time in pve would be worth it, would you?
I intend to roll ally lock myself as my main. On a pvp server. If you bum rush to 60 at server launch, it won't be so bad. Playing alliance warlock comes with advantages, fewer people play warlock on ally, so you by default are more valuable. Getting 5 mans will also be easier, because you can summon the tank and healer.
raids are also terrible. you need to bring a ton of shadow priests/warlocks to the raid. 1 DH & 1 Mage to buff the casters.
WW monks are good again?
Trying to perfectly balance PVE and PVP for 9 classes and 27 specs is a fools errand
Not even chess is perfectly balanced
Holy shit lmao. It's worse than I thought. That's what happens when you remove everything unique from a class so the only thing every dps has to bring to the table is their own raw dps so you just take whichever class is the buffest on a given patch
at no point was mythic+ not dogshit, i have no idea how retail shit eaters tolerate it
I’m considering leveling with a pally buddy as a lock, which should hopefully make me less vulnerable in pvp
this is why i wish they would have said to fuck with it in regards to focusing so much on balance and should have just kept trying to keep stuff unique and fun. as long as the game stays moderately balanced, that's good enough. you don't need more than that
Yeah basically no one is going to fuck with a pally and a warlock combo
>come across double druid combo
>playing on pvp servers
grow up
Ganking isn't cool, you aren't going to make up for your step dad beating you
>only shows extremely specific situations like high-end mythic dungeons runs which requires specific team compositions and high end poop-socking mysthic raiding
of course you can play using the most optimal shit, and of course if you dont play them things are going to get harder, but 80% of the game is played outside of this context, which still is perfectly doable
>the only thing every dps has to bring to the table is their own raw dps so you just take whichever class is the buffest on a given patch
precively what happens in high-end vanilla raiding as well
Soul link warlocks and paladins are basically damage sponges that never die and even if you do manage to down the warlock, he's popping right back up with a soul stone and gonna slap your shit
>precively what happens in high-end vanilla raiding as well
not really since you need 2+ of every class
>camping a lock when you know he has a ss
feels good
We get it, you're gay.
>not really since you need 2+ of every class
thats a big negative my guy. each class has unique utility to bring to the table in a group. even in the most tryhard of tryhard raid groups you aren't going to see less than 2 of a given class. In retail you can literally just fill your entire raid with the optimal dps spec and go for it.
>at no point in classic do paladins wear even half a plate set for BiS
fucking kek I thought it was just for fresh 60's, you really do wear a dress your entire life
>killing a soul link warlock to begin with
hes clearly afk
Like ive been trying to tell you lads, PVE and RP servers are full of homos and trannies who will try to lure you in
the naxx set is full plate other than bracers/belt/helm but obviously full t3 would be superior for PvP
i like how theres people out there that actually think private servers will compare to classic at all
The naxx set isn't full BiS though, the absolute best gear available for Hpal still has 3-4 pieces of cloth in it
>wearing cloth in pvp
the naxx phase BiS for PvE is full plate other than bracers/belt and you can hide the helmet is the point i was making
you have to have completed the game before you can actually look like the archetypal paladin in plate, feelsbad
who is talking about pvp
pvp is mentioned in his post
a paladin can rp walk around any class in pvp with any armor
Can't wait to play a Dwarf Warrior
it's going to be so fucking comfy
If I play classic when everyone does will I have my shit pushed in by everyone who played it 15 yrs ago?
Not really. The vast majority of players will have never played it, and the meta for it today is so different to what it was in retail vanilla that experience back then doesn't really apply at all.
>when the music hits just right as you walk into ironforge for the first time
depends how much vidya u play
it's the only thing I do but I never played WoW.
if you have a basic understanding of games you'll fare fine
There will be a learning curve but if you have a good gaming set up and are familiar with WASD movement, keybinds, etc, youll do fine
Reminder that this is a decent alternative to robes of the exalted for palas who don't want to wear a dress.
Is it easier to gear a paladin or a priest for pre-raid BiS?
I’m hoping things will be a clusterfuck of ganking, kiting bosses into cities, and exploits that blizz won’t be able to handle having a skeleton crew of GMs
and then your class lead will see it and put you down three spots on lok'amir prio
Robe is a 17% drop, that is a craftable item.
they're both easy. and you don't need every single piece on someone's BiS list to get into MC. you can clear MC and Onyxia in fucking greens
shamans too.
but its not going to be easy to find a LW that has it
If i recall palas have 3 spots of craftable BiS so that's pretty nice.
I was watching a neckbeard stream his guild raiding on his own private server
They 25 manned ony in like 2 minutes with pre-raid gear. Sad!
not saying it woldn't necessarily be doable on classic, but isn't ony an example of a boss that doesn't work correctly anywhere? i remember reading a blizzard person singling ony out specifically but now i cant remember where i saw that
Vanilla was easy as shit with the exception of Naxx which basically nobody cleared at the time because BC was coming out.
>"You need every piece of pre-raid BiS gear to get into my raids!"
>meanwhile players cleared MC and Onyxia back in 2005 with keyboard turning retards in greens and shitty specs
when will this meme die?
the updated items are extremely OP for early content, without progressive itemization all the raids are going to be way easier tahn they would have been
When retards like you stop posting it, people regularly pug MC with half the raid in greens.
it's the difference between spending 1 hour and 5 hours in there
the former are poopsocking retards who have been minmaxing for 10 years on pservers, you don't want to play with them anyway
The people who say that aren't in leading positions of good guilds anyway, lel. Just ignore them.
>people who have spent hundreds of hours gearing up in the first month
>"Why yes, you should let me right in even though you've done a hundred times more work at 60 than me ok or you're toxic"
MC is do-able with greens
The hardest part of pre-aq 40 raiding is getting 40 retards to cooperate
They are just toxic players who have to compensate for their lack of empathy with good gear. I've played in one such guild for a few days, they were the laughing stock of the server in world chat and couldn't get past that first boss in BWL but boy if you had the wrong trinket on your warrior the officer would go nuts.
So we agree its best to go 20/31/0 as a holy paladin right?
>Holy is the first spec for Paladins
>Holy is the second spec for Priests
makes you think
Not for every single pala but at least one is nice.
when you've run the same content every week for 3 months the tryhard pserver speed clearing strats are going to look a lot more attractive.
You're right that the memes about being full pre bis or whatever are obnoxious and people are huge faggots about it, but the root of it is efficiency and saving time. Same core reason for not always being willing to let memespecs in - they are being carried, basically, and that shit gets old for everyone else.
People can go a long time without getting the drop they want and they would rather be in/out as fast as possible so they can get back to the actual fun parts of the game.
>resto is the third spec for shamans
What the...
you know theyre in alphabetical order right
Assuming your raid members arent pants on head retarded it seems better if you want to actually kill shit in the world without having to spend respec
What Alliance class should I roll if I'm only playing to prepare for the inevitable TBC release? Mage for ez gold farm?
Why should I as a raid leader invite people in greens when the rest of us are more geared and want to clear it faster. You can clear it in greens but the former is faster and you are prob less likely to wipe as people have done it before.
Retail is the same where people ask for achievement to make sure you have done it before.
You're not going to be a raid leader, lad... So no need to worry.
I remember when I was a kid playing vanilla I always wanted to tank as a Shaman, it felt like they were almost supposed to be made to be a tank but not quite. Any decent way to manage this in classic wow?
it's easily affordable for lasher farming paladin so yes
ro ro rolling
I mean, aren't end game raids a big part of the "fun"? Like if raids are a chore then what's the point? I can understand wanting to be more efficient, but when you're doing just MC or BWL and MC then thats just two raids in a week and it's really not much of a time sink
>he wants a class with 3 tanking trees
Not sure if ingenious or stupid
Start with finding 4 lifelong friends who would never question your judgment and then slowly work your way up to 35 more raid servants.
Interesting result user.
eh dm isnt out at launch
you'd honestly probably end up running strat enough to get the baron robes before a LW ends up with that recipe
later on in the server's life then sure
there are classes with no dps specs
You won't be leading raids for 1, and for 2, omegalul at the notion that there are going to be people clambering to get in when you need 40 fucking people. The tryhards will be in their guilds and every other guild and pug will just be trying to fill their raids so they'll take anyone they can get to fill the 40 spots before people get bored and just leave the group to go do something else instead.
*a light stomp is heard*
>make it a challenge to not smile at all while reading this tripe
how I hate/love this pasta
These are the people calling you a "zoomer" in these threads.
>time sink
i get what you're saying and you're right, and i don't mean to say that the raiding isn't fun. Espescially if you enjoy your guild and are making friends - that makes almost anything a good time.
But doing it slowly week after week will get very very very old. And if the reason you're going slow is due to carrying some people or people being less than ideal for whatever reason, that will cause resentment and drama. More if there are some loot issues involved but that can happen to any guild so it's whatever.
bro not even that guy.
but mages,hunters,warlocks,rogues, are the only pure classes. the can only dps
some people use hybrid to describe what roles they CAN be, rather than to describe like shamans/ paladins gameplay design between spells and melee
Tauren Druid here
Worth spending hundreds of gold on crafted armor or better to just get carried into early raid gear? Have to build two sets, too (warrior).
sps can dps
The light stomp is both precious and heartbreaking. Thank you for posting this, user.
you're only crafting lionheart's helm + devilsaur set and you're using these almost forever
i'd say it depends on which slots and how likely you are to upgrade them quickly, the state of the server (economy and progression), and how easily you're able to farm the gold.
In general i'd say it isn't worth it. You don't have to get too geared to enter early tier raids.
wow's weird definition of hybrid requires a heal spell
ironically, its usually the hybrid classes that shit on people in pvp. not even using their healing, they just are beasts. they just all have mana issues which keep them from being able to raid efficiently with their dps specs
Thing is I can't find a proper list with multiple options at each tier. Everything except pre-raid is "BIS IN SLOT ONLY FARM THAT 2% DROP AND 500G CRAFTED EPIC DIPSHIT." I don't know how long anything I work to get will actually last except for the occasional one noted as bis through all content and still I don't know by how much it is bis.
Crafted stuff is just a fuckload of arcanite and god damn is it expensive. If I'm going to pay for devilsaur then I might as well go a step further and buy the plate that will last to naxx. That or train skinning and farm the devilsaurs myself.
... come again?
For the record, it contained item version changes as they took place throughout Vanilla.
itemization dot info
>AQ40 was easy as shit
You dont need that because blizzard already said theyre only using 1.12 itemization.
I'm rolling human (male) rogue and there's nothing you can do about it. Booooooomer gang
Rain in Elwynn/Loch Modan/RR/Wetlands is super comfy
>>Engineering is mandatory for everyone
>>Crafting professions are useless outside of 1 person having the boe recipes in your guild
Delegating all crafting to one person is a recipe for them blackmailing the guild or causing shit when he inevitably leaves
drops of loot for 40 people per boss
Your point?
-120+ hours of a rotation you can do blindfolded
Your point?
>>Hybrid tax
Your point?
>>Except 1 hybrid is the best tank and best melee DPS
Warrior only shines in Late AQ and Naxx
replying to see what
What do druids have to farm in gnomer ?
Feral druids will farm manual crowd pummeler
Oh I see it has 3 charges
>about an hour
>you get locked out after 5 an hour
Ok buddy.
>TBC item
get this hot head out of here
I need to stop myself from rolling on one of the private servers because launch is (supposedly) only a couple of months away
TBC is honorary classic
everything but c'thun is
Play on Ascension for giggles instead
regardless of what my plans for professions are, would it be a good idea to pick enchanting as at least one while leveling up just to disenchant old questing gear etc. and sell the materials later on?
enchanting and skinning are the best profs for leveling
only shit you craft is lionheart helm + devilsaur and devilsaur won't be expensive on classic
titanic leggings come out in 1.10 and you craft them then
it's useless
just vendor the gear
Why vendor when you can make more with a bit of patience if you throw it up on the AH?
enchanting is based, fuck finding enchanters and fuck their "fee"
cause the pre-60 material is worth jackshit and the time you spend doing it is a net loss
if you have patience you go herb + alch and sell shit like frost oil
Being in a guild w/ enchanters is the best although I have found that most enchanters didn't charge but hoped for a tip
Druids should get a OOC rez in Classic.
The only argument against it is SLIPPER SLOPE or that it will marginally improve raid wipe recovery times.
They're already the most unique class, they already bring multiple unique Resto utilities, their healing is semi-shit tier, and they've already paid the hybrid tax just like all the hybrids if not moreso than Shaman and Paladin because they have premium heal specs that raids literally would not function without multiple of while you can take 1 Druid and be fine.
They're the ONLY healer without it and the only healer discriminated against for being a healer because of it. I've literally had to tank 5 mans and say I'm rolling for Resto gear because it was faster to form a party that way, even if it pissed off the healer coming along.
It's a shit decision that should be fixed. Give the literal least played class in Vanilla and most assuredly in Classic a fucking bone here. They max out at like 4-6% population with combined A and H numbers.
>now Yea Forums thinks you need to farm 30 pummelers for every raid
Sorry to disappoint you, but none of you will be in guilds where threat matters that much.
But the druid niche is that they can Brez so why would they suddenly get in OOC rez when none of the other classes can Brez?
t. Non-Druid.
and paladins should get a taunt and crusader strike!!!
ba ba ba ba ba ba
no fuck off
Just play a priest, user. The fun of WoW is that you can’t have your cake and eat it to. Go where the money is and get yourself some better heals in a different class.
>just vendor the gear
Yeah, I'm not sure if the vendor price + 2nd profession profits wouldn't just eclipse the disenchanting profits in the end. So I was hoping for some people with experience on the matter.
I had it as a shaman 1-60
it's the most painful profession to level cause you don't get enough items to DE and all the low level mats are worth jackshit
I dropped it after some time at 60 cause having to spam a /trade enchant macro for 1g tips is retarded and the odds of getting a raid recipe is mega rng
I was thinking about taking it just for the leveling and switch to something else at 60 for sure anyways. So there isn't really any point in me trying to level it and not just taking any DE materials I get out of it for selling them on the AH (or maybe keep for another character later on).
>people are going to waste time leveling professions as they level instead of doing it at 60
enjoy your nomount
I’ll admit, I thought about wasting time on professions, but I realized none too late that it’s very silly to spend any of your time on then pre-60. Leveling is slow enough as it is and getting your mount right at level 40 isn’t worth the time spent.
This is me in a few months
Because Druid Healing is very easily the worst healing of all the heal specs.
Has anyone ever said Paladin or Shaman healing is bad? Fuck no they haven't and both of those classes get party wide / raid wide turbo buffs with 100% uptime to boot. Hell Shaman already stole NS as a Resto talent from Druids.
Meanwhile Healing Touch, the primary Druid healing spell, has something like a 3.5 second cast time untalented. Druids literally function by spamming R2-4 Healing Touch because even talented HT has a 3 second cast time. You can't stack HoTs on Tanks and Regrowth has a weak meme HoT portion attached to it considering the literal 1K mana to cast it, shit shouldn't even be on your bar until you're stacked in gear.
Druid doesn't hit stride until they're in full T2 for the 15% mana while casting and +3sec on Rejuv for 8/8. That's a long god damn time to be shit and by then the other healers will have their tier bonuses and be better off anyway.
Druid should have ooc rez.
>Buff my class pls
It's not even a buff.
Happy Sunday fellow christchads, let Jesus guide my numbers
replying to you so that you can find out what race
>replying to someone begging for changes
>Strath/Scholo/UBRS are actually worthless for gearing if you're not a tank
>Your actual pre-raiding gear all comes from quest rewards, lower level dungeons, world drops and crafting shit
Is this right?
Hi kido
Anybody know what happened to the crestfall forums? They have been down for months now
Seems like female prot warrior of any alliance race
imagine looking forward to a remake of a casual MMO
No, strat scholo and UBRS has a shitton of preraid BiS gear
Sometimes a quest reward, lower level dungeon or world drop can be preraid bis but 50%+ of your preraid items will come from lvl 60 instances
Can someone explain why Sulfuron and Thunderfury blessed blade of the windseeker are meme weapons
Well it depends on what pre-raid gear you are looking for (from my experience, which is limited, there are about 2-3 preraid bis items per slot). It's a mix between quest rewards and high level dungeons (Maraudon and after).
This. The only item I can remember that is considered preraid bis that drops before a level 50 dungeon is Blackstone Ring from Princess in Maraudon
TF is sick for tanks not a meme weapon
Cuz TF has a long-ass name.
Amen. Praise be to Christ and His glorious name. Always happy to see a fellow Christbro in these threads.
Have a happy and blessed Sunday.
Imagine living in a nightmare dystopia world where every single new release of an AAA video game, has been perfectly calculated by a team of accountants and business majors in suits, to perfectly pander exactly to 51% of the market share, with no attention paid to actually making a good game.
Imagine living in a nightmare dystopia where fun and enjoyable AAA games are never made because that's not profitable. And instead 90% of a game's budget goes into advertising, and making games that can be turned into yearly franchises for maximum profit. Imagine living in 2019
We get it. You don't like video games.
>play counterstrike
>buy an ak, body armor, and the same nade combo
>play the same 5 maps
>play starcraft
>play the same 5 maps, play the same faction, build in the same base layout, etc
This is what human beings do. Except with normies its more like
>Watch the same sports team play the same game against the same players
>Watch them move the same ball along the same field
>drink the same beer, cheer when my team scores, boo when other team scores
Youre just a fag
How will retailbrahs recover?
stop buying shit
>be alive
>pay taxes
>tax money gets distributed via social welfare programs to retard who will buy anything so long as it is marketed to them
Doesn't matter what you personally do, if you pay taxes you are guilty of maintaining the system.
I dont buy modern games. Because after 2008 or so, all companies stopped trying to make good games, because the formula for a profitable game (wrath, cod, etc) was discovered
Im ready for you classic.
It really hasn’t though. Most private servers couldn’t even get values right
The whole idea that a game isnt fun if you already understand it is stupid.
Kids understand how to play tag. And they play it anyway. This whole "muh discovery muh mystery" is stupid. I understand the "mysteries" of counterstrike, and yet i have 5k hours in CSGO.
>not getting skinning and vendoring all the leather on the way up
In theory, it's possible to make a lot of money, if you're the first tailor, blacksmith, leatherworker on your server to cap 300.
The virgin: Undead Rogue/Mage/Warlock
The chad: Orc Warrior / Undead Priest / Orc Shaman
The Mega boomer chad: Undead Warrior
Strat has tons for healers. The recipe for truefaith will be farmed endlessly by priests, but even if that doesn't drop the robes from Rivendare are great and you'll get a decent staff/gloves/neck if you farm both sides. Even if some of the gear from the 60 dungeons isn't the true pre-raid BIS it doesn't matter since the gear you get from them will carry you through MC with ease anyway. As soon as I can heal strat i'll heal it until I get my recipe, I dont really give a fuck about the pre-raid BIS as long as I can get those robes
The virgin: Human Warrior/Rogue/Paladin
The chad: Dwarf Paladin/Rogue/Hunter
The Mega boomer Chad: Night Elf Rogue
>mega boomer chad: night elf rogue
I'd argue that male human rogues/warriors go there as well, femhumans belong under the tranny category
I thought the joke was virgins are the minmax race/class, and boomer chads are the stupidly suboptimal class/race combo
No, people are casual as fuck and everybody is terrible at the game, even at private servers
It's going to be even worse on blizzard's classic wow servers, you will probably be more skilled than most people unless you are sub 80 IQ subhuman
damn maybe that's what it is and I completely missed it. I thought that male humans were boomer dadcore. I'm a bit tired sorry user
>people think pserver players are all hardcore minmaxers
>saw one guy streaming it
>hes keyboard turning and clicking his spells
>even the ones on 1234
Warrior race/class combinations
>gnome (both)
>orc m
>orc f
Ultra tryhard
>human m
Tryhard or brainlet
>human f
Tryhard or tranny
>dwarf m
Cringy faggot who thinks he's cool
>dwarf f
Unique snowflake
>nelf m
12 years old
>nelf f
14 years old, alternatively tranny
>undead m
Edgy faggot
>undead f
Wanted to roll alliance but his friends went horde
>troll m
See dwarf m
>troll f
The guy who begs for tbc servers because he wants to roll a belf instead
>tauren m
50 kg manlet irl
>tauren f
is fury visor the best item prior to getting lionheart for preraid bis?
This. We are reaching Idiocracy levels of human stupidity in the current year. Go and watch some classic wow streams on twitch right now:
>keyboard turning
>clicking to cast spells
>dying to mobs their own level
Which one is the good one?
For pvp gnome>human on ally though
>For pvp gnome>human
uhh.... No?
this is your brain on /pol/ and Yea Forums memes gone too far
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
rent free
I didn't want engie cos everyone woul have it, but I want mind control.
For Doomhammer!
>then a GM might ask you nicely to stop
>It's a PVP server
Escape artist>perception
Only thing I absolutely must have for pvp is iron grenade so unfortunately i have to waste a prof spot on engi :(
If youre loosing the infernal ON YOUR OWN FACTION FOR HOURS ON END
yes i think a gm might send a PM your way
user ALWAYS get the trinket from that quest
the other 2 get replaced, but a 150 ap trinket is gunna be good for a while
Tbh this is and a Paladin taunt are the only 2 changes i would stomach for Classic
>Wait for AQ war effort
>Go to War with Cenarion Circle and repeatedly corpse camp the only blacksmith in Silithius
And Curse of elements also affecting nature damage
If Paladins could do everything a warrior could do, then why would anyone play a warrior?
If Druids could do everything a priest could do, why would anyone play a priest?
You fags are fucking retarded. People like you ruined wow the first time. Thankfully, this time around, blizzard is forced to ignore your pleas.
Horde will barely have any druids so I'm fine with them not having an OOC rez, fuck nelves.
Not that guy but paladin having taunt still means that warrior is the better tank
Priest would also beat druid even if druid had a ress
Chill bruh
>blackhands breadth quest reward
>rune of the guard captain quest reward
both of these are better imo, more consistent.
wanna get hand of justice eventually anyway
and there doesn't seem to be that many good helms to choose from. so fury visor looks like the best value
Except they could you huge mong.
Paladins would be a niche for AoE and 5 mans due to the fact itemisation wouldn't make them OP
Druids would actually be a viable healer for 5 mans and OOC ress is simply a QoL feature - they're still worse than priests for casting
They should add dual-spec but make it require a rare drop + 1,000 gold + class quest that's at least as difficult/involved as the epic hunter/priest quests.
Paladins and druids are the biggest babies. Fuck off your complaints already ruined wow once.
Does your bloodlust for successful games have no limit?
Truly now, I understand the parable of the scorpion and the frog. Some people are inherently self destructive
>tfw you'll no longer be able to trick your pug into thinking that Righteous Orbs are useless so they sell them to you for 2 gold
The issue with Paladins & taunts is that if Enhancement Shaman didn't get adjusted to be a tank again and they went the route of classic+ they'd still have to make paladins underperform as to not fuck over the faction imbalance. I never understood why Druids at level 60 didnt get the choice of a OOC ress, fuck even if it was a talent choice to turn your CR into a OOC ress i'd be happy since you could just take that for 5 mans.
This. People won't be happy with their class until they're mindlessly cleaving/aoeing everything down like in retail.
If you want OOC rez then play a priest
I'm planning on playing a Shaman, it just sucks that people who play Druids underperform throughout all PvE content. It's retarded how every other healer has this core gameplay mechanic but Druids are pointlessly undermined
>Can't decide between playing Dwarf Priest or Orc Shaman
fugg, this is hard
Good post user. I too loathe these people. But ruination is in their nature. It's like hating the scorpion, i hate him for what he is.
Vanilla wow devs specifically designed the druid class the way they did
Dont fuck with whats not broken. No one makes you play druid.
do you want to heal feminine four-eyed orbiter autists or 6'7" rock climbing giga chad ultimate bros?
Anyone want to make a Dwarf only guild?
dual spec and AoE looting should be added to classic
>Druids can be tanks
>Druids can be melee dps
>Druids can be spell dps
>Druids can be healers
>Druids can resurrect people in combat
>Druids can resurrect people out of combat (on a cooldown)
This is why I personally intend to gank every druid player I see tbqh
>druid players want to be the most unique snowflake flexible class there i
>upsettled about not having certain things
Yeah but it was an interesting source anyway.
no wow is for the casual gamer
>"Lol its shit for paladin quest"
Not that guy and not supporting changing druids and giving them OOC ress but your post is retarded
>Druids can be tanks
Pre-raid sure, not really in raids
>Druids can be melee dps
Meme spec
>Druids can be spell dps
Meme spec
>Druids can be healers
Druids are the worst healers
>Druids can resurrect people in combat
Considering they suck at everything else they need some perks to not be useless
>can stealth like rogues, but worse
>can tank like warriors, but worse
>can range dps like mages, but worse
>can heal like priests, but worse
Druids were designed from the ground up to be "jack of all trades master of none"
I'm sorry you're mentally retarded and don't understand what that means
You have no idea what you're talking about. Dare i say, KYS.
The guy (you?) tried to make it out like druids are super strong and that giving them OOC ress would make them too strong, which i disagree with
Druids are the only class that doesn't excel in anything which makes them the worst class as regardless of what they spec they can't do shit
(Hunter are in that spectrum too as their dps eventually sucks but at least they do ok in mc/bwl)
Giving druids OOC rez would not make them "stupidly strong and overpowered", but it WOULD devalue a priest. And thats not fair to the priest. Which is what you druid fags never think about. Other players. You just tihnk about yourselves and your class
And transmogs, collection UI and pet battles.
Even with OOC ress priest would still be 15x better than druids
Also I don't play druid
"Fair to the priest" lol top logic
no, just dual spec and AoE looting
I'm not being mean when I say this but you are actually mentally retarded and I hope you find happiness in this world because living life with such a severe mental handicap is surely difficult.
just ignore him, he thinks only about himself. He plays a druid so he wants druids to be God, that's all. He doesn't give a thought to the fact that if you give one class a tool that other classes have, those other classes are devalued greatly. He is such a shitter, really gets on my nerves because he fails to see the large picture.
What a pointless discussion if you can't bring any arguments, why even post at all then
I'm not arguing for OOC ress, I don't even play druid ever
"Wants druids to be god" what level of idiocy is this
Oh, you're not him, you're just the guy who was arguing druids should be the best at everything instead of being jack-of-all-trades. I guess you are one step below him on the druid idiot hierarchy.
Good one you actually got me to laugh irl
Have a good day man
Don't take it personnel, kid. Druids are fine in Classic.
>tfw haven't played even 1 minute of WoW
>Still feel nostalgia for it
is this what going home feels like?
Orc is fine
If you want to minmax then troll is the best choice obviously, but in pvp orcs are better because of stun resist
In PvE it really is a small difference unless you are tryhard