the virgins are upset about WE ARE KANGZ
Imagine the amount of coping and seething /pol/tards are gonna unleash if the sales number come out and they're better than the previous one.
>being this delusional
We don't know the sales numbers yet and there's already been a lot of pre-emptive coping
I saw this shit a while back and thought it was pretty based
Why the fuck did they change it?
Something about surrendering the OK handsign to white nationalists because they used it once it something. Fucking cowards.
Oh no, not the ok sign, this was such an important and crucial part of Mortal Kombat.
You're obviously just bitching for the sake of bitching.
I'm not just upset, i'm seething over the kangs shit
Jax was my man since the MK 2 and NRS ruined him in one fucking retarded move
No need to be upset, my friend.
hate marketing is the only play that they've got for it.
Yup. Jax used to be a cool Special Forces dude with god damn robot arms. Now he's a walking stereotype. And this is progress, I guess.
It's actually perfectly fine to be a walking stereotype in mortal fucking Kombat. In fact Jax already was a walking stereotype. But he was a very different one. An America Fuck Yeah stereotype
They should have given that ending to Jax Jr.
????? He was always a stereotype
Reply to this post if you think /pol/ should be deleted.
You should be more tolerant of others user.
/pol/ being deleted doesn't mean anything. Mods just need to actually ban /pol/tards infecting Yea Forums.
>a /pol/ prank has managed to go this far
How long until it starts getting censored from old media?
Since Ok sign also means White Power.
Any reason to keep the board around is no longer relevant
I'd rather have /pol/ than redditera and discord trannies desk fampai
I've been accused of being a tranny a billion times, so I suspect like 2% of the tranny accusations are true, at most
Why doesn't mercy work for me? I walk back and drop my ass three times while holding stance button but it never activates.
>N-no its not "woke" damn incels are paranoid
>haha!! Look incels btfo! Mortal Kombat is woke!
I'll be back tomorrow when you flip flop again
I don't think Syed is a Danish name.
>it was just a prank
nope white supremacist
Jax should have used the time travel to go back to his school years and prevent himself from getting fat
Nah, nice try though
Enjoy sucking NRS's corporate dick.
Don't make it too obvious
I thought it was a circle for that stupid game where you look at the hand and they punch you for looking.
Those three lines are actually not contradictory.
Dishonored wasn't woke
Mafia 3 wasn't woke
Into the Breach wasn't woke
But those games still get accused of being "woke" because they have a nigger or a woman, and /pol/tards celebrate when they sell badly.
Not only that, but there's been millions of threads crying about "Muslim Kombat" and how "woke" it is
It's not woke, but if it ends up selling well, then that's /pol/tards getting BTFO because they bitched about the game being woke and then it sold well, which either means Woke doesn't inherently mean Broke, or that they're overly paranoid and call everything that is even slightly to the left of Hitler "woke". Or both, actually
People are stupid and will end up inadvertently catering to /pol/fag whims if they keep it up. Disney characters could be interesting as a "hate symbol"
>Played the circle game through literally all of middle school
>Regularly give a thumbs up and an OK hand to signify that I agree with something
>I am now a racist roughly 10 years later
Is this Kronika's doing?
>Mafia 3 wasn't woke
Game is actually fun so i don't give a single fuck.
Honeybee vs Biohazard was dope grand final at the Toronto tournament.
Game is really promising, i hope NRS won't fucked up with balance changes.
It really is the fucking circle game.
Fucking Danes cant even get a basic American child game right.
I still feel like I'm being gaslit over this ok sign thing
basically /pol/ did a funny and people took it seriously
Literally name me a single person who will call you racist for playing the circle game in middle school. Has anyone actually called you racist because you played the a game in middle school?
Noob and Jade are fun as fuck, and Shao Kahn is a fucking riot to play as, especially his Annihilation move. If I turn my brain off and forget that this game has a story, it can be fun
Lol Danes
>stabbing people in extremely brutal ways is ok
>A hand sign is not ok
The Okay sign is pretty long lived and influential in the world. You ninnies getting worked up over it won't affect anything, it has more staying power.
Why is it woke? Because you kill KKK dudes? By that logic, RDR 2 is woke too. Actually, /pol/tards do say that RDR 2 is woke. That's how far they've gone. Pic related.
That's what annoys me. Since /pol/ was /pol/ and fucked around, now I can't give the ok signal to my nephew at his baseball games without people screeching or looking sideways at me
You're a retard and obviously new if you think /pol/ being deleted would help other boards
>put circle game in it.
sometimes i forget most people on Yea Forums dont have basic real life skills and experience to analyze the current social and political landscape and understand why one is ok and the other isnt
>meme man Johnny Cage not allowed to meme anymore because "memes" are a sign of white supremacy
I found it fucking hilarious
At least Boomer Johnny is still the best thing in Nu-MK
>the problem is with people taking the obvious piss and not the retards taking it seriously
if your that insecure you need help
person you were replying to, I still flash the OK handsign and play the circle game at work so all is well over here, might be a US thing?
Or maybe Yea Forums is somehow less retarded and more socially adjusted than the modern liberal.
>/pol/ posts picture of frog
>nationwide ban on frogs
>/pol/ posts picture of circle
>nationwide ban on circles
Imagine living in a nightmare where frogs, clowns, gallons of milk, and the "OK" sign are offensive images
That's not what I mean. I meant
>since /pol/ fucked around, people see this harmless hand sign as white supremacy, and act accordingly, so I can't tell my nephew good job anymore
I doubt the average person cares. The only people screaming and crying about it are the usual suspects.
The alt-right also breath air, should everyone else stop breathing as they would be copying the racists?
I miss him...
You'd be amazed how many soccer moms actually give a shit
>Why is it woke? Because you kill KKK dudes?
I'm so fucking tired of having to explain this to you goddamned Resetera interlopers.
/po/ should start putting gays and trannies on a pedestal, I wonder of liberals will start shunning them since they become "alt-right allies"
Back in my days a post like would be obvious bait, but I'm afraid nowdays it could be an actual opinion.
Ever since Drag Queens got kicked out of a price march, I've been waiting for the next step
>rent free
If only your medication was free eh?
Pretty much this. Show the OK sign to any random on the street and ask them what it means; 98 times out of 100 the response will be “it means ok, duh”
Stop acting like SJWs and /pol/tards comprise the entire country
I'd be tired too if I had to come up with bullshit to act outraged.
You wouldn't even be able to change the oil in a car who the fuck are you trying to bullshit dickhead?
Fuck I feel really bad for them. Drag queens literally never hurt anyone and keep to themselves and often are really nice people. Fuck trannies and their lust for attention.
>kkk starts using white hoods so now its associated with racist violence
>nazis use the swastika so now its associated with genocide, white supremacy
>now pol and other white supremacists start using the ok sign, pepe, etc
>new zealand shooter even does the ok hand sign
can you see the pattern?
TERFs are the newest draftee for the nu-right. Self-hating fags have always been tacitly accepted just because there are so fucking many on account of Fascism being so homoerotic.
I don't think it's their fault I just think it's a vocal minority thing going on. I believe under 10% of the US population actually identifies as LGBT.
i think the reset era/reddit pipeline needs to be closed for good
That's a lot of talk for a faggot that gets upset when his tranny friends are misgendered.
what does being able to change oil have to do with it? you can be a social retard and still be able to survive in society
I think the game is pretty fun.
>new zealand shooter even does the ok hand sign
NZ shooter said subscribe to Pewdiepie too, should we lynch PDP and nuke Sweden?
>comparing a bunch of retarded conservatives on /pol/ to fucking IRL murderers like the KKK and the nazis
>shoot yourselves in the foot
>>b-but the sales!
Why do you retards celebrate this sort of censorship?
All Republican and alt right freaks are scum of the earth,
>Murdering 50 people was just a prank, it's not racist.
This brainlet again.
And yet, liberals and democrats gave him exactly what he wanted. He wanted to divide people, and he fucking got it
retarded people letting assholes ruin their arbitrary, pre-existing symbolism?
>yfw Tolkien was a nazi
It is, that's exactly what it was. Retard Danish fag clearly doesn't have friends or he'd know.
i know it may sound "out there" because you and me are actually in the middle of history as it's happening but thats how those symbols are created
Lets hug Republicunts as they scream "kike! niggers! mudslime!" at everyone.
>should we lynch PDP and nuke Sweden?
Yes to the first part, but Sweden is finally becoming the multicultural utopia the whole world should aspire to be. Native Swedes however should be killed when possible.
I can't wait for the alt-right neo-nazi's take the V for Victory sign as a hate symbol.
>Tranny-era and Reddit trying to push their shit agendas here
Fuck off, faggots. You fucking niggers are literal and figuratively AIDS and yet you have the nerve to try and impose what I can and can't enjoy.
Kill yourselves.
how many times are you idiots going to have this thread
Russian bots never sleep
But the back hand version of the peace sign is another way of flipping someone off. That pic means "Up yours"
That'd be fucking dumb and just add more fuel to the fire. Just crack down on /pol/ posting on other boards.
russians love MK
Until you like it.
>/pol/ creates campaign to show how crazy the far left is
>the far left eats it up
>goes into the mainstream
>/pol/ being proven right is somehow a victory for the left
>zoomers are changing the definition of hand gestures
Had a chance to buy this dumpster fire for $40 and I still can’t pull the trigger. It’s just screaming it will be half off by August
Yea Forums - Alt-right pussies cry about literally everything
Yea Forums should be deleted while we're at it
>A smug so strong it's genetic
How do I learn this power
>/pol/ created campaign to make ok sign racist.
>racists use ok sign
>man shoots up 50 people and uses ok sign
>libruls get mad at people for using ok sign
Because I loved MK i had that shit on preorder the moment it dropped. As it got closer to launch, I started to bemoan the fact that PSN doesn't do refunds for preorders
But Shao Kahn is a fucking blast
This is why everyone, including your family, hate you.
>dumbfuck uses meme to further divide people as stated in his manifesto
>you dumbfucks keep falling for it
Your words are literally worthless you pathetic faggot weeb.
You'll never be Japanese, bitch.
>create meme to divide people
>it succeeds
>get mad that it succeeded
>A hand sign is not ok
It is "ok".
Liberals tried to justify sending death threats to the children at Covington because they used the OK sign at a basketball game to signal a made 3-pointer.
So yes. People will use a picture of you 20 years ago as proof.
Is this a bot?
You're still ignoring the fact that /pol/ convinced a bunch of idiots into thinking it's a white supremacists symbol. You fell for the bait, and now you're pretending as if that's a good thing.
Racists and SJWs can both rot, you don't gotta choose between two evils.
Oh of course that wouldn't make sense for you when you said basic life skills...
I heard that serial killers drink water, should we stop drinking water?
Pol or something purposefully turned it into a hate symbol just to trigger lefties and it worked, not even kidding
You are ignoring that you /pol/tards literally cucked yourselves. And are now throwing a tantrum because you cucked yourselves.
It was added for the sole purpose of being removed.
You should.
Why are you freely admitting into being an idiot? Do you seriously believe EVERYONE who disagrees with you is /pol/?
Who cares about serial killers, those god damn alt right scum drink water too!
have sex
>virtue signal about female depictions and forbidden handsigns while workers at your company LITERALLY die working on your trash because of inhumane conditions
NRS know whats important.
No, but people desperately wishing they could spam the OK sign are. You don't give a single fuck about videogames.
Oh for fucks sake dickhead if /pol/ is in your head this much why don't you fuck off to pol and stay there
>desperately wishing they could spam the OK sign are
Oh no how horrible, a hand symbol signalling OK! Jesus fucking Christ.
I go there plenty, thats why it's easy to spot, you are going by the playbook for this shit.
You'd be surprised. Black coworker and I enjoy flashing it to each other, white old coworker chewed me out about racism and explained to him how he was unknowingly hurting his people.
Johnny even looks like a white power rally goer, /pol/ was ready to make him a new icon of the alt right why do vpolacks play these stupid tricks on other channers? We can see your posts about johnny.
Don't you guys get tired of doing this same song and dance every thread ad nausea?
>Reddit spacing
>using the term "weeb"
Nice bait. Either that or fuck off back where you came from, faggot.
You'll never be a woman and never will be enough of what you do for "the cause"
This was the intent. Their goal was to expose people like you, because you spread their actual propaganda. “The left is insane”
They don’t give a fuck about the OK, it means nothing.
damn, dogwhistling really works