can we expect this level of hard-hitting action gameplay in doom eternal?
D44M 2
What were they thinking?
Competing with HL2.
Doing it badly.
Doom 3's interactive terminals were based. On a game design level they failed to utilize them in interesting ways, but regardless the day when PC immersive sim Devs get the sense back implement cursor toggling like SS1 mouselook, fuck it I don't even know where I'm going but just stop forcing me to swing my entire character around like a retard just to pick up items and click buttons. Hell even shooting people is more entertaining when you aren't locked to aiming with the center of your screen.
You sound like you need an immersive sim that takes advantage of vr controllers
i like this kind of stuff
Half Life 2 gets a lot of free passes for things that Doom 3 gets crucified for.
Doom 3 has a really comfy atmosphere to it, which I guess shows how miserably it failed at being a horror game but hey it's a silver lining.
I love the style of lighting you see in this, FEAR, Riddick, Chaos Theory, etc it reminds me of late 90s pre-rendered graphics but in real-time.
yeah the graphics and light from this era really remind me of early 2000's cgi
I wish iD committed to the horror/system shock direction instead of trying to have it both ways.
I just squint and pretend doom 3 is some system shock spin off.
Does Yea Forums not know how 1337 speak works anymore?
Hideous Destructor is what Doom 3 should have been.
Look at this n00b. It's not leet speak, it's a parody of titles using sequel numbers at letters, because it's the fourth game and it dares to just clal itself 'Doom'. I shouldn't have to explain this.
There's nothing to explain. It looks and sounds retarded. Replacing Es with 4s is complete nonsense.
I still remember the Thief reboot actually being called Thi4f as if that made any sense. Why not replace the I instead an call it Th4ef then?
God I fucking love hideous destructor.
HD is fun but it sucks trying to find a mapset that's totally unwinnable. Using Ugly as Hell helps a bit though since it adds a few features to speed gameplay up a bit.
>Replacing Es with 4s is complete nonsense.
Deem? I'm gonna start pronouncing D44m as Deem now and it's all your fault.
Yeah, good mapsets for HD are a pain. I've played half of Doom 2, Doom, DTWID, and now Hellbound with HD.
Unfortunately the latest version of Ugly as Sin fucks up Shotgun ammo-- the ammo it spawns in the map are not able to be picked up anymore.
Weren't interactive terminals already documented in the Doom bible? It was id's vision all along.
Damn, now I want to play Doom 3 again.
>the Doom bible
Hall's vision, maybe, but not iD's.
More like Daam
I wouldn't describe Doom3 as comfy at all. It's the complete opposite by design. You're always expecting something to teleport behind you or pop out of the walls.
They did a real good job with the atmospheric audio in this game which no one ever mentions. Those weird otherworldly sounds are quite unnerving.
Will I enjoy Doom 3 if I love SS2 but never cared for Doom?
I get that D3 is slow-paced and that's why Doom fans don't like it, but why don't slow-paced horror fans talk about it either?
FEAR, DOOM3 and Riddick really look similar. DX2 too, I think. Same engine?
Fear and Doom 3 don't. Not sure about Riddick.
It was simply the style of the time to have stencil shadows.
It's a best of neither world situation. It's not built like a slow-paced atmospheric horror game, it's built like a standard shooter where somebody turned all the lights out and locked all the monsters in closets. It's hard for a game to build fear and tension when you're substantially more capable and powerful than every enemy. Unless you have a specific phobia of the dark you're not going to find it very scary.
I think it's less of a style choice and has more to due with the early state of dynamic lighting technology. Strong, simple shadows are easier to render.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. The style of the time was, "Dynamic shadows are NEW and COOL," and they could only really be implemented with hard edges.
im replaying doom3 now and i forgot how fucking LOUD this game is.
A lot of bass pumped into most of its guns.
yeah im playing on hard and none of the enemies are particularly dangerous. The soldiers hit hard but their AI is stupid so you just wait for them to follow you around a corner and instakill them with the shotgun.
also on the topic of the shotgun, doom 3 literally has the most inaccurate shotgun in any videogame. if you shoot perfectly straight, theres a good chance pellets will hit the ground 3 feet in front of you. I honestly think the spread is dynamic because when enemies are close you always are able to 1-shot them.
I want an immersive sim doom, would be pretty fun to have more exploration with the fast paced combat and shooting, giving doomguy a set of skills, different parts of the map that require different skills to access, multiple ways to access different parts of the map, weapons that give you special abilities to explore the maps in new ways, etc.
Something like Prey 2017 combined with Prey's great gunplay. Larger maps that are open and interconnected with multiple pathways, but it's not just a linear map, it's something you explore and discover things / complete objectives in whatever order you like, with sidequests and whatnot as well.
its not even the guns, you have all the machinery noise, the demon howls, the demon spawning noises AND your guns. its a god damn cacophony, which really does add to the intensity of the game. D44M never felt like that, all the sounds were relatively subdued, mostly because the soundtrack made up most of the noise.
The surfaces look very... plastic-y and shiny. Very clean looking games. Especially compared with modern games which use too many effects. They age well, a lot of charm. It helps they are very linear.
theres a reason why all these games took place mostly in dark, sci-fi buildings surrounded by desert. Same reason why FEAR only takes place in offices, industrial areas and labs. Theres one forest multiplayer map for FEAR and its staggering how ugly it is.
Lack of concrete direction. If they wanted to make a new System Shock for the "new" generation then they should have stuck to that instead of slapping a DOOM brand on it. At least DOOM 4 and 5 look like DOOM games.
its weird how people complain nudoom isn't a real doom game because of how arena-centric it is, yet the same people complain that doom 3 isn't a real doom game because of its attempt at survival horror.
I really would like to know exactly what a Real Doom Game is.
>It looks and sounds retarded
that's the purpose user, holy shit
>I still remember the Thief reboot actually being called Thi4f as if that made any sense.
because hl2 sucks
because hl2 and hl1 are very similar in gameplay.
Gods, Riddick was ahead of its time.
Dripping with SOUL
I loved doom 3 at the time even if it was incredibly silly.
All that really matters is shooting shit
Quake 4 did it better.
>Second worst Doom mod
Didn't he want to add eating and pissing at some point? Realism has no place in Doom.
I think all Arkane studios' recent games have interactive terminals, Prey and Dishonored games altough in Dishonored they are rollable locks or something but still
what it wasn't dripping with was good gameplay. i didn't notice it when i was younger but replaying butcher bay and even worse, dark athena, was a fucking chore.
Is this the most harrowing first person experience ever?
I do actually think Quake 4 is pretty underrated. Not as good as the other Quakes, but still fun and worth playing.
Why do some people think the Riddick remake is worse than the original?
quake 4 felt cheesy most of the time. also i don't appreciate how many unexplained boners that game gave me as a kid. where the hell did these fetishes even come from?
the movies or the game?
I like both for their reasons. Doom 3 wanted you to feel more tense and weak, while Doom 4 wants you to just murder everything in a bloody mess.
A lot of dumb backtracking and menial tasks litter Butcher Bay which sucks on replay. Still need to check out Dark Athena at some point.
Why do boomers hate Doom 3 but like bang bang wohoo so much?
D44M 5WO
Th- thanks.
Are you Donald Trump or something?
I can give you it for free, if you want