Is there a multiple choice game that doesn't solely revolve around Good/Bad morality? I mean something very unique...

Is there a multiple choice game that doesn't solely revolve around Good/Bad morality? I mean something very unique, compelling, anything that breaks the mold

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There's no compelling videogame story as far as I know (videogame stories are bad).

>got plenty of work after automata
where tf is dod4

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planescape torment

Well, you haven't played very many or don't know what compelling means

So you're 14 and only play AAA titles, okay.

Reminder that Life is Strange is one of his favorite games.

I've played quite a few. A lot of people for example reference Legacy if Kain as a great story that's compelling, but it's full of plot holes and broken characters. Some people say Torment (already in this thread), but that violates the cardinal rule of diction and is actually improperly written.

This. op could try pathologic though

New Vegas. Although the Legion is a very dark shade of grey the other 3 routes are on morally equal footing

I'm 31. I've played quite a few games.


Something doesn't have to be on the level of Dostoevsky to be considered a good story you know. MGS2, Planescape, Nier and Automata, Pathologic, all these would qualify.

>stories are bad
Fixed it for you.

I expect it to be reasonably written before calling it good. Most game script writers don't even understand basic flow and diction.

>game about muh pacifism good muh violence bad
retard tier

Mr. House

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A game's story is told in ways besides the script itself. Otherwise there would be no reason to tell said story in a video game instead of another medium. If you're judging a game's story strictly on it's flow and diction you're not judging it correctly.

I'm almost 30 hours into Nier Automata and about to hit the carrier quest with 9S. I can't say I've been having much fun, especially as 9S, and not because of the hacking minigame. But because most of my run as 9S has been the exact same content as the first playthrough, which, without side quests and the novelty of being, well, new to me, consists of going from point A to point B, turning in quests and fighting, now piss easy, enemies/bosses. I'm highly skeptical the novelty of whatever is at the end of this game is worth it all.

King of Dragon Pass, Alpha Centauri, Sacrifice all come to mind.

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You put your markers backwards and I'd put independent normal courier above legion, but otherwise you're correct.

Will you be playing Toobie's sequel?

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>basic flow and diction
okay so you dont know anything about actual writing

The game legitimately gets good right after the whale fight in route B. If you're close to that then at the very least stick with it until then.

i played undertale and enjoyed all of it but dont pretend it isnt just pacifism vs violence, good vs bad choices

Catherine. Its a choice between whether you value loyalty or passion in a relationship, theres multiple endings for both sides and whole bunch in the middle, like the neutral ending where Vincent ditches both girls and concentrates on his career instead.

Did taro really say that? Because thats just the stupid shit he would 100% say

Yes, In fact I'm trying to get my Ozma mount right now.

>killing video game characters is bad
You still don't understand.


>literaly a madonna/whore dichotomy

>not good/bad

What kind of thing is this going to be
Do I have to get to max level to play it

its not bad irl retard
its the message of the game, retard


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>Dark Apocalypse
>Yorha unit is a nigger

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It hardly ever is told in that way actually. It's ironic, the medium that is easily the strongest candidate for show-don't-tell often uses tons of expository dialogue to tell its story. Games have the benefit of using the player to relay story, but so few do it—instead they hire hacks to make a treatment for their dodgy ideas.

The game makes a point to show that the player character in genocide (who is literally you) and the rest of the characters in the game are essentially on different planes of existence. To the main character they are nothing but fictional characters.

its still good vs bad, niggerfag

The deal with jap devs is that they cant identify pandering, and just think the western devs are being quirky and fanservicy when they add sjw shit. Literally too pure to understand that stuff.

Also on a "just plot" analysis, LiS ending is right up to Taro's alley.

Some things do it well.

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>muh meta 4th wall breaking revelation
>so deep
This is literally what a 6 year old would come up with when first introduced to the concept of fictional stories.

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I do actually. I'm shopping around for a publisher currently in beta reading stage after 3 drafts. I'm going so far as to get promotional art for a press release.

Why is it bad to kill video game characters?

Why do you think taro would care about the "sjw shit" in LiS, there's plenty of gay characters in Taro's games.

Post your writing :). You won't.

What the fuck is the "cardinal rule of diction"? I googled it and the only result is another post by you about the same topic.

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I never claimed it was deep, I just explained why it's not just good vs bad in the context of the game's story.

I know a crazy old guy and a gas station who is a published writer, means fuck all.

A lot of absolutely awful author have published shit, user. It doesn't mean anything.

because in game its pushed as a bad thing. your character is evil for murdering them, not you, thats the retarded point its making.

Published wooow that must have been hard.

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Honestly Ceaser makes some good points into why his faction is the right choice compared to NCR and Mr.House.
But lets be real, best ending is becoming the dictator with killer robots.

>Life is strange ends with suffering no matter what you choose

Sounds right up his alley

Yeah but Lanius or Vulpus wouldn't be able to make those same points know what I'm saying?

>papers please

>Cardinal Rule
>A substantial rule that is in place in a certain situation or organization. And it must not be broken at anytime.
>the art of speaking so that each word is clearly heard and understood to its fullest complexity and extremity, and concerns pronunciation and tone, rather than word choice and style

I don't disagree. I guess I'll find out when the reviews come in. I've already taken heat from an editor that dropped a proofread because 'the word nigger appears twice.'

Your character is you, that's the thing. If there's nothing wrong with you killing then, there's nothing wrong with Chara doing it. Sans calls Chara (you) evil for killing the whole universe, but it's only evil from his perspective.To him all the characters are real, but to you he's just a video game character.

Most people consider it to be "show, don't tell", implying it's better for things to just happen then for characters to talk about them.

are you actually autistic? if its seen as evil in game, in universe, then its a good vs evil situation. no amount of meta "BUT THEY WERE JUST CHARACTERRRSS" makes it any less of a good vs evil plot choice.

The game is meta, so meta analysis is perfectly valid.

Alpha Protocol

my nuts are meta so mouth analysis is perfectly valid

holy fuck based

>plot holes
do you follow the cinemasins school of artistic thought?

I gotta say, that's pretty based. I concede, you are correct.

Shouldn't that indicate to you that those things aren't too bad and your opinions are clouded by your politics?

Thug Hero, Prove me wrong

Vulpus probably could, easily. It's just that Vulpus would get his head smashed like a grape by Lanius if he tried to become Caesar's successor.

Kinda, but they added politics first to begin with.
Japs dont see politics where there are politics.

Im not really against most of those themes if they arent politicized, or pushed for no reason.
Compare a character where the ONLY characteristic is "im gay", or "im a woman", and needs to say that every 5 minutes, to a character that is complete, but happens to be gay, and doesnt need to shove it up your face. Half the Taro' characters are gay, or furries, or into gore, or pedos, or incestuous, but it hardly ever comes up because they have more to them.

>heh you can't know the food tastes bad because you can't cook
>wow you don't like a politician? what's your tax policy?

Well except Furiae who was designed to be bland. The only thing people remember about her is the incest and that one boss fight.

Well the evil tree quest in Witcher 3 was kinda bad in any variant either you free the spirit and it saved the kids, but villagers are killed and Baron kills himself cause his wife is dead, or the kids are eaten but baron and villagers are okay

Read the thread stupidhead. He said he was a writer so I asked him to post some.

>ONLY characteristic "im gay", or "im a woman", and needs to say that every 5 minutes
That never happens in Life is Strange, not that I expect that you actually played it,

imagine actually arguing that good vs. evil is inherently bad writing without taking the execution into any consideration

Is he really that based?

To be fair, i dont dislike LiS for those aspects.
I dislike it because i feel lack of agency, the characters do very stupid things (specially max who has the GREATEST POWER EVER and cant do anything actually productive with it) and Chloe is a fucking asshole who the game pretends is a nice person deep down.
At least Taro doesnt pretends Caim is actually a saint when he is killing innocent people. Unlike Chloe

already came out bro

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i love that author's book titles

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Tales from the borderlands
Detroit human

Witcher series had tried to do that, devs were taking pride in their dramatic choices and moral gray and whatnot. it aged like milk though, witcher 1 choices are laughably overexposed when you play it now

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