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Andrew Jackson beats them all

Andrew Jackson main, secondary Roosevelt, pocket Trump

Third row, third from left.

I see Reddit arrived right on queue

Probably Grant or Eisenhower.
Would play Coolidge if he played like Sub Zero

Dibs on Kennedy

Nixon main here
Fuck FDRfag

NTTDHS, how was Geroge Bush as a president really?

you're a big guy

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theres been worse

#7 looks like a random hobo

Trump can literally ignore the rules of the game and change them at will. He's beyond broken and needs a patch immediately.

>Washington's Cherry Tree special insta-kills Taylor
Is this a glitch?

Obama, obviously.

Would Mount Rushmore be the arcade mode boss?

DLC fighter

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well memed /his/

Teddy and its not even fucking close

i like how obama looks white in this picture

obama was white.

He was like 20% negro

I think you meant Jefferson Davis.

>choosing an actual manlet
Pic related is S tier.

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Andrew Jackson, obviously.

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>He doesn't main Harrison
He's like the "Danger Mario" of the game. All those buffs he gets in critical health means he can almost one shot the likes of Taft and deal 4 terms worth of damage to fgts like F. Roosevelt.


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I wanna see Taft go up a flight of stairs.

I’ll take Franklin Pierce as my main
FDR as a backup for the bullshit/instakill wheelchair wombo-combo
And for any fights that aren’t about winnning, I’ll take Jefferson and use the bathrobe alt costume to dab on the loser

>Protects your union

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He's weak to hammers in the butt though.

I can't wait for Lee Harvey Oswald and John Wilkes Booth to be DLC

taft needed help out of a fucking bathtub. Dude wouldn't even able to throw a fucking punch, let alone take one.

im takin drumpf

>frail and sickly
>in constant pain
>not fast or large
Seems like Kennedy is just destined for F tier. What am I missing?

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That's gonna be Woodrow Wilson for me, the overlooked top tier that is ignored by most.

>tfw Polk is borderline OP but nobody plays him and the devs forgot he exists so he never gets nerfed
Feels good

Holy shit, Clinton looks so young and healthy.

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>pick obama
>everyone in voice chat "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER"
>wipe their mains clean and use the dab taunt
Perfect counter-pick to those boomers that main Reagan

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The game's fun, but I think there's a bug. LBJ's super isn't animated. I think he's supposed to pull out a gun and shoot, but he just turns away from the camera and laughs. I can't even tell where the bullet comes from. I hope they fix this soon. They shouldn't have added him like this.

Rate my party Yea Forums

Andrew Jackson
Dwight Eisenhower
Ronald Reagan
Richard Nixon

Andrew Jackson is reddit? Is this a hot new /his/ meme?

Does this picture implies Clinton dindn't have sex and did drugs? Pretty sure he had plenty.

Honestly the D tiers are the most terrifying to see online, because you know that whoever is maining them has to be crazy good with their character to be viable. I shit myself every time I see Ike.

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Only spics play Reagan 'cause they don't know how to counter Trump's wall without him.

he can summon marilyn monroe swinging her giant tits around for a few seconds, distracting the opposition

so is FDR the Dan Hibiki character?

For me, it's General George Washington

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Here's some nice trivia for you. Name which president was the first to have his actual photo taken as opposed to being painted. Even with the OP photo this is a tricky one.

I mean being the president is a stressful job. Imagine going to work where everybody hates you, wants you dead, and wants you fired for any little thing.

>start with maxed Charisma
>but level capped at 46

He's a good choice, if you know how to play him right.

>no Polk mains
Y'all cowards don't even manifest destiny

Why hasn't someone actually made this game yet

>not maining FDR and abusing the shit out of the Endless Terms perk

Is it where the black and white starts?

Van Buren?

Officially or in general?
IIRC Andrew Jackson actually lived long enough to have a photo taken of him.


Wasn't Lincoln like, actually a wrestler? He's secondary.

Jimmy Carter for fun. Dude's a thousand and still builds houses.

Please explain.

Washington, Teddy, JFK, and Andrew Jackson steamroll

kennedy is directly responsible for niggers getting to go to college for free, and mass immigration. he should have been shot before he even started campaigning.

>libtards maining anyone other than the God King himself
God fuck ResetEra

trump hasn't aged a day in office. barry was grey in one term.

in an actual fist fight, trump isn't even top 10. both abe and washington would destroy him in seconds.

it takes about a 14 second google search, bro
Taylor apparently had eaten an abundance of cherries on a specific day. And whether they were poisonous or maybe he was just a bitch, it killed him

>pick Trump
>match won't start until I pick someone else

Anyone else run into this bug?

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You could main Cleveland instead. He's literally just a better FDR
>can have nonconsecutive terms
>isn't wheelchair bound
>will assimilate your minions whether they like it or not
People just choose FDR because he's popular and "muh fear itself"

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>trump perfect parries vietnam
>mccain goes
>mccain gets bodied and tortured
>trump becomes president
>mccain dies

unironically one of the most clutch plays in presidential history.

His number was never called for the draft. Is it bad that he didn't want to kill Vietnamese people without regard for why we were even fighting them?

Ulysses s grant is underrated
his down b is fucking mental

Out fucking skilled

Post unlockable characters

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whats the tier list for this fighter?

Life is unfair

Teddy Roosevelt got shot and still gave a speech for 30 minutes afterwards. Definitely a badass.
JFK and HW Bush both survived shark-infested waters in WW2.

>Use Jackson to tear out this fucker's heart with my bare hands
>literally nothing there
I fucking hate hard counters

user, boss characters arn't allowed in tourneys

Teddy is the canon strongest, and the only one he'd have a problem with is the GOAT Washington.

Democrats were so viciously against the Vietnam War that when the Viet Cong broke the deal they made with Nixon and proceeded to take over the country, they voted NOT to live up to the agreement we made to re-engage and instead pulled out, leaving Vietnamese civilians to start living in boats. Then when the soldiers came home, suffering from PTSD, they literally spit on them.

But Trump dodging the war is a bad thing.

Man, it sure is great when you can just contradict yourself and no one ever holds you to your word for anything.

Ted Kennedy ended ethnic quotas on immigration. No President has ever done something that damaging to the country.

>Man, it sure is great when you can just contradict yourself and no one ever holds you to your word for anything.


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Eisenhower's noble phantasm is the atomic bomb so I choose him

the entire kennedy family should have been killed.

They served their country, what have you done with your life so far user?

This thread is about the President Fighting game. If you want to discuss politics you should go to Yea Forums's politics board. It's called '/pol/' maybe you've heard of it?

We will never get ethnic quotas back. We're all just watching America sink and there's nothing we can do about it. I don't give a fuck what that fat piece of shit also happened to do. And he killed a girl, but that pales in comparison.

His fucking ranged specials tho. As long as you keep enough distance, you can fucking juggle the shit out of enemies. He's like a slightly faster and more mobile FDR.
Presidential Fighting Game when?

>hey, I'm allowed to spread misinformation, you're not allowed to correct me

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lol trailer trash troglodyte doesn't know what a president is.

>his ult which he leads a cavalry charge to mexicans and throws your player in there which combos with the william assist
he's pretty good, not andrew jackson good but good

Thats why its a DLC fighter you stupid fucking ape