Reminder that Doom Eternal is going to have an invasion mechanic similar to Dark Souls

Reminder that Doom Eternal is going to have an invasion mechanic similar to Dark Souls

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 187K)

Other urls found in this thread: eternal dark souls

Source? eternal dark souls

That website doesn't work without javascript.

literally in the gameplay they showed long ago

Oh so it doesn't exist then


we know
what I'm curious about is when the fuck it's coming out

No source = it doesn't exist

lol ok

I won't have access to that feature on my copy

Ah hell ya.

do you live under a rock or are you just not interested in doom?
based and piratepilled


>do you live under a rock or are you just not interested in doom?
I liked D44M, I'm interested in the new one. I just don't think this feature exists because that would be cool and I don't deserve cool things.

user it's literally in the gameplay footage and you could just google it. it has been known for months

ignore him i posted i link here he will probably say he dosent go to youtube because he might get a virus or some dumb shit

I was thinking about bullshitting that the video was too long but it was only three minutes so thanks for spoonfeeding, looks cool.

googling "doom eternal invasion" would've given you a dozen articles

Attached: lvjjhnomcb0xhgb48ele.png (1440x801, 1.71M)

Yeah but why do that when I can shitpost

because I assumed you had a legitimate interest in doom and wasn't just an epic troll

Both apply.