Based or cringe

based or cringe

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Other urls found in this thread:





>low salary
>no luck with girls
he's based

That sounds incredibly fucking "cringe," you zoomer cunt.


but he's literally that in the game, but still remain based.


Guys how do I not become Gumshoe?

>imagine hating on gumshoe
I can't imagine such a subhuman

be competent

playing the trilogy now. on AA2, the nickel samurai case

not liking this at all so far. nowhere near the first one. circus level was gay and the first case was super hokey. i figured out both "twists" to a T within the first 3 minutes of investigation too.

is 3 better than this because honestly this is disappointing so far

first case meaning the doctor case, not the tutorial with the cop

3 > 1 > 2
the final case in 2 is the best case in the series tho

>playing the trilogy now
You already fucked up.

most cases in two are pretty bad but last makes up for it

Doomer, zoomer, no arguing with each other. Try to get along *siiiip*

how do I become gumshoe he seems like a great guy

why? i've played 1 a few times and got into the first case of two a bunch of times but never got invested in it. figured i'd just soldier through the HD port now that it's on pc

You're probably already him without the job.

Trilogy fans are a hornet's nest, they don't listen to rationality. Just a heads up.


>the HD port
The sprites were made for a lower quality screen, a high level of detail just highlights how crude the sprites themselves actually are. Compare this to the OP for example.

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can't be worse than danganronpa fans

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Eh danganronpa threads were good back in the days of the first game fan translation but later tumblr cunts took over

Holy yikes..

This fucking bridge and them just casually breaking the physic rules in the court
3-5 is so fucking overrated

did they ever

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>votes are even now at 30
I'm not sure what to make of this/

i mean the post was deleted so why would there be more votes after the screenshot was taken

I'm willing to bet a lot of people still preaching "T&T best game PERIOD!" played it way back when they were like teenagers one time only, and that experience cemented in them. They never went back later to see that the story wasn't as good as they remembered it. Seriously it has the worst filler cases out of all the other games.

Kyoko was at 29 in the screenshot but is at 30 now. The only thing I can think is that some faggot was asshurt enough to add another vote months later.

>Hard working
>Passionate about what he does
>Cares and sympathizes with the people around him
>Can be stupid at times but his heart's in the right place

Why wouldn't you wanna be Gumshoe?

Reminder that Gumshoe is still alive and well working with Edgy in the future despite not being seen

I binged through the series less than a year ago and T&T was my best experience by far. 1 was kind of dull and 2 didn't have anything high quality until the last case.

Doesn't he marry that girl that is just a dorky officer

Why the fuck was JFA so dark, the writing bothers the fuck out of me. And I love it for it.

The Miney boogaloo is just straight up morbid

Gumshoe was probably devastated as fuck when Kay lost her memory

Based even if he already has a girl.
It has just one filler case though. It's as bad/good as any other filler case.


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AA5/6 needed a matured grizzled version of him.

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He deserves all the love

i wanna fuck the girl vonkarma in the but

>Implying you wouldn't be the one getting fucked



I want to see Gumshoe that has risen through the ranks suprising everyone, yet he’s still bounced around by Edgeworth just like in the old days.

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Enjoy the ride user

Whys he so skinny and jap looking in the anime

The circus case was fucked up too. Probably my favorite atmosphere out of the Ace Attorney games. 2-4 was rude as fuck too dealing with attempted suicides or people breaking others pushing them to kill themselves

The amount of autism in the Danganronpa general is beyond saving. The best threads were on Yea Forums back when Danganronpa 3 was being aired.

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Yeah, that’s how it just is, 2 is mostly just mediocre, forgettable or straight up bad except for the final case, which is straight up one of the best cases in the series. And it deserves to be, considering that the Circus case is one of the worst handfuls of bullshit the series has even been.

I really liked Moe the clown and the daughter, but holy fuck the magician was awful and the cape thing was utter dogshit

>I really liked Moe the clown
I never thought that I’d see those words actually being written by someone.

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Only say nice things about my husband

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is he hated or something? idk im not a redditor that parrots other peoples opinions. i just thought he was well written for an AA character. him struggling with grief at the same time as battling insecurities about being unfunny and not connecting any more as he gets older was a fun dynamic as you saw him get more and more insane up until the end.

You had better have a vagina...

user come on
No one here has a vagina
Well some but most likely mutilated

Don't you dare try and lewd Pearl, or I swear to fucking fuck I will fuck you in your fuck hole so fucking hard you'll wish you were dead.

This, I also genuinely liked his humour back then. Even today, in fact. The real worst offender and witness is this fucking walking garbage of a character

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that guy is an incel for sure

i dont think he was funny but every time he was on the screen i was engaged and interested. the jokes being unfunny and making him insecure about the lack of audience feedback in the trial was the point.

ben and trilo got really old really fast and it was a shame because i thought they had potential at the start when ben couldn't speak without the puppet. but it was trash.

>Series has a ton of great female character designs

>Some that are straight up criminally underrated

>Artists: Watch Phoenix have sex with Edgeworth

>him struggling with grief at the same time as battling insecurities about being unfunny and not connecting any more as he gets older was a fun dynamic as you saw him get more and more insane up until the end.
That would be good if he actually knew how to shut the fuck up with those one liners.

i hate to be the one to tell you this bro but these kinds of vns are exclusively made for fujos
same with danganronpa go try finding some decent junko porn

but that was how he was coping. he broke at a few points. that was one of the times he said the gay fresh clown of bel air shit. he was yelled at or whipped or something and just melted down and his mind just started blurting out jokes, because that's all he knew how to do for his 45+ years. when they didnt land he got more tense and insecure which made the jokes rev up in volume as the trial went on. i liked how he was completely serious after he made the choice to stop clowning and start being ringmaster, and he was being responsible about the ringmaster's daughter. like the decision to retire from comedy was a moment of clarity.

refreshing amount of apparent depth for an aa character.

Even if it had depth, it made the pacing of the case that much worse and was really, really annoying the entire time. It wasn't worth the trade off.

Excellent post

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Well yeah the case was trash I'm not arguing that at all. Max was an absolute waste of a character and the whole setup and twist with the cape magically latching on was awful, especially when I'm guessing 99% of people figured it out the minute they said the acrobat lives in a room with a window directly above the scene. Just saying when Moe was on screen or involved in something in the case it was engaging. The gimmick of keeping him on track worked too in terms of his character but yes you're right that it did just prolong a terrible chapter

High IQ

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My husband

Is the last case in the first game non canon or something? Only played the first one and half of t he second but I didn't see it mentioned. Not the edgeworth/von karma case, I mean the serial killer case they added for the DS version or whatever when they translated it. Does that have any relevance later?

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It is as far as I know, but it was added after the trilogy was finished.

>That art
They should've went with a different art style with more detail, pic related.

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well if they did that it would probably not have been a 3-for-1 pack at a budget price. All they had to do was not digitize the gba and ds sprites. looks ugly as fuck but no work required. redrawing would make them all probably individual full price games.

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>redrawing would make them all probably individual full price games.
I'd pay for that.
I doubt they'd need to be "full priced" games though, $60 would not at all need to be the price if they redrew everything.

Holy fuck they butchered that sprite in the remaster

Well no, probably not "need" to be, but "would" be.

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The trilogy remake retcon some JFA dialogues to fit rise from the ashes in the canon, and in AA4 Emma Skye appear as an important character who knows Phoenix

It’s not explicitly non-canon, but it sits really awkwardly in the timeline and provides kind of contradictory account of Edgeworth’s actions after 1-4. Best to think that it happened, but not to get too stuck on ”when”.

Thanks, played the original a lot but only that case a couple of times. Wanted to know if I'd need to revisit it before continuing on with 2.

these are my subjective opinions
Also, when the FUCK are they bringing gumshoe back?

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I forgot about pw v pl
Is it worth finishing I got so bored and uninterested with the gay magical fairy tale witch shit when they went to the other world and had the trial that I just put it down and I guess I forgot about it
should i finish it

based but only because i want to fuck both of his holes

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was this ever translated

>The trilogy remake retcon some JFA dialogues to fit rise from the ashes in the canon
What dialogue is changed?

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By fans

The explanation that they have for magic, spoilers it doesn't fucking exist but that should have been obvious is a layton tier asspull
a long time ago, play the fan LOCALIZATION, it's so good

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>it doesn't fucking exist
am i misremembering or did they not magically go through a hole in the wall to a different world

is it all a dream or something

also are any of the actual puzzles worth doing or are they all this kind of bullshit or sliding puzzles

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Pearly is so goddamn cute. I want to protect that smile.

In JFA 2-3 when telling to Fanziska what happend with Edgeworth, Phoenix say that the last time he see it was in 1-4, that contradicts the existence of 1-5 so in the remake he instead say that he see him one last time after 1-4 (being rise from the ashes)

I really want to play DGS, but I heard it's incomplete without playing the sequel. Should I wait for the sequel to be translated or just play the first one?

it's not a exactly a good game but it isn't incomplete at all

>am i misremembering or did they not magically go through a hole in the wall to a different world
Man its been like 5 years, you brought back some memories of that shitty mystery.

IIRC they were knocked out and kidnapped and taken to some island near the UK, where there was a bunch of weird tricks they used to make the crew believe it was a real medieval/fantasy setting.

It was something really stupid like that anyways, I probably didn't get it 100% right.

Why is there so much AA talk lately? This can't all just be from ANOTHER remaster? Did they announce a new game or something?

>it's not a exactly a good game
It's in my top 3 so far dude don't know what you're talking about. Case 4 is complete boring filler but that's to be expected in Ace Attorney at this point

It's drugs that have the power of suggestion
Darklaw basically kidnapped Phoenix and Maya because they opened the book which had hallucinogenic ink. It's all just a ruse because someone has no idea what therapy is so they set up a government "experiment" even though the obvious ethical issues and obvious personal implications in the experiment. Coming from someone who knows their shit, this never would have passed under any psych board, ever. Especially considering the whole memory removal thing. The explanation is "it's basically smoke and mirrors lol"
The puzzles are pretty good, none of them are *that* bullshit.
It's very good. Don't listen to . At the very least, play the first two cases and then form your opinion.

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sounds like layton alright
the series without a single worth while payoff

>its been 5 years since PLVPW

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she's so precious

I want her to bully me

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bc DR3 was a bad anime and we all had fun shitting on it

He's based, pal

>don't know what you're talking about
>culprit's plan in 1 is absolutely retarded
>2 is only investigations
>3 is tutorial case tier but instead of being short is long and drawn out for no reason other than trying to surprise retards that dind't realize the twist instantly
>4 is a case that could be solved in single session but instead they add extra characters to convolute it
>5 is ok at best

>It's very good
It really isn't, it's among the worst in the series and it only gets carried by Sherlock, Susato and how polished it is

the best threads were the /drg/ threads where the chiaki chad clique was dabbing on everyone

It's weird, I had a strange satisfied feeling after PL vs AA. I think it was the cross examination of multiple witnesses at once, those were cool.
Also there were several lines that were fully voiced really well, and I've wanted Voice acting in this series for a long time.

She has very big steppy energy

Why real AA games can’t have as heated trials as Phoenix Drive?

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Jesus, she has crazy eyes in the remaster, that's actually kind of hot.

oh yeah I forgot
The whole thing is super fucking illegal along with being immoral
and the worst that happens is a not even a slap on the wrist
Even though this could be argued as slavery, ESPECIALLY considering the memory removal and "rolegiving"
Wait it actually is unarguably slavery, there is a literal part with what can be called slaves in it
>case 1 has payne's ancestor
>case 2 has really good sherlock interactions
I'll give you case 3. Case 4 is extremely comfy. Case 5 was good too, except for the whole forced stereoscope angle.

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I'm still mad about PL vs PW
I wasn't acquainted with Layton storytelling so I didn't realize the ending would be so garbage. I had fun with the rest of the game, but the ending was the worst case of "souring the rest of the experience" I have ever experienced.

Farewell My Turnabout is literally the best case in the entire franchise
JfA is a slog but 2-4 makes up for it in spades

Literally fucking based. Anyone who disagrees is a complete idiot.

Nickel Samurai is literally a top tier case. Just keep playing it, the final trial day is great.

If you're playing the game for "twists", you're going to be disappointed because 2-2 probably has the best twist in the series.

I'm glad JfA feeling slow isn't just me. I blew through the first game in a weekend and was hooked for every case. Now I'm on the circus case in JfA and I'm struggling hard to get through it.

>culprit's plan in 1 is absolutely retarded
You mean like every case 1 culprit?
>2 is only investigations
You say it like that's a bad thing. The Sherlock mechanic is marginally better than Logic Chess and the Seance shit on SoJ
>3 is tutorial case tier but instead of being short is long and drawn out for no reason other than trying to surprise retards that dind't realize the twist instantly
The whole point of the game's main arc is to naturally put Ryu into an attorney position when he was never meant to be an attorney, the actual trial part of the case is shorter than case 2.
I'll give you 4 and I haven't finished 5 but you're marginally underselling DGS if you're only playing it for the turnabouts


If you want to rush it just use a guide. You probably already figured out what happened depending on how far you got and who you've been introduced to, and there's no satisfying conclusion there really. It's long and tedious during the cross examinations.

Yeah. the bright flat tones and the static black outlines remind me of the "multimedia" CD games of the 90s.

She's adorable. Too bad she's now pretty badly sidelined. Though to be honest, she was often supplanted in the original trilogy as well by Mia – which made me dislike Phoenix's mentor rather intently and a bit irrationately.
I've always thought that Pearly was a well thought-out character and quite a believable child character – in the context of the Ace Attorney world and being extremely talented in what she has been trained her whole life to do. I quite liked her characterization in the AA5 DLC as well. Too bad that in her AA6 cameo she was pretty much a cardboard cutout of her former self, being almost even more childish than when she was eight years old.

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So I'm playing 3-5 right now, how big of a twist is the Misty Fey thing? I already inadvertently spoiled myself that part. Is it like the major point of the whole case? If so I'll be sad.

1-4, 4-1, and 3-5 are all better than 2-4.

>I'm glad JfA feeling slow isn't just me.
The general consensus is that JfA sucks ass until the final case, it's hardly just you
If you mean Misty Fey being Elise Deauxnim then no, it doesn't have that large of an impact on the case

Okay, thanks bro. That's what I meant, and what I was hoping for.

Oh and the "twist" as to how the actual crime happened (spoiler) with the roses latching onto the bustis braindead and the worst single aspect of any case up to that point

No. The big twist of 3-5 is why the fuck are you reading this you dumb nigger???. The thing you're talking about is definitely a twist you're not supposed to figure out until the final investigation day, but it's not a big deal in the long run.

The only part of JFA that felt slow was Roundabout Big Top.

The first case was decent, not as good as 1-1 or 3-1, but not terrible either. 2-2 literally made me shit a fucking brick. 2-4 is definitely the best case in the game, but the rest of the game is still decent.


case 1 makes no sense and Payne being in it is nowhere near close to redeeming it
It's true case 2 has fun sherlock parts but it might be the actual worst case in the series thanks to having no trial, being a really boring murder method, motive, having a huge plothole and being downright stupid after playing DGS2

>You mean like every case 1 culprit?
You mean you haven't played AJ or AAI2?
And besides, I can forgive a bad first case if the rest of the cases are good, but they aren't
>You say it like that's a bad thing
Because it is?
And I don't know how Sherlock's gimmick or character being fun can redeem such a bad case in your eyes, AAI1 had plenty fun characters in the cast but the characters didn't save it
>The whole point of the game's main arc is to naturally put Ryu into an attorney position when he was never meant to be an attorney, the actual trial part of the case is shorter than case 2.
You have a point but it was really poorly executed
Van Zieks could have won the trial easily by pointing out the billion contradictions Ryu's final argument caused
Don't get me wrong, I liked it and it was a good game thanks to the game outside the cases is among the best in the series, but the cases being bad still makes it one of the worse games in the series

I'm not an enormous weeb, so I couldn't tell you about the original version; but the localization of 2-4 brings it down quite a bit. The dialogue is shitty and unnatural and I remember noticing more typos than any of the other games.

Even ignoring that, 3-5 is the culmination of both T&T and, really a story arc that starts out in 1-2. The characters are all good and the twists keep coming. The first day trial is also a unique experience that adds a lot to the characterization of some great characters.

1-4 has some of the best writing in any of the games, a great villain, and is the emotional heart of the series. It serves as a fantastic ending to the story as a whole (which makes sense since originally it was).

Luke Atmey

Based or cringe?

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Cringe but his interactions with Godot are based.

calling it now
the manager is the one framing matt in 2-4. radio guy said he was being set up by someone intelligent and that's literally the only thing her bio says, that she's intelligent

Hope I'm wrong i hate noticing little shit like this and figuring it out. did it immediately in 2-2 as well when phoenix didn't call maya mystic maya and the aunt had a freak-out sprite. knew immediately before the murder
even took place that she'd be in on it

Her eyes look a bit... Insane in the remaster.

>look at me
go damn it
why did it take this long

Based cringe.

2-2 could have been great, but I found it disappointing because like you said it was obvious the aunt was in on it, and I spotted the twist with the sisters way before I think they meant us to.

It was still pretty fun though. Absolutely saved by Pearly and Maya being endearing as fuck.

I mean that's not really calling 2-2, that's only half the plot and not even the real twist.

Also as far as 2-4 goes, Adrian Andrews is guilty not of murder though

Way off, you'd have to pay an autistic level of attention to figure out that early.


wanna know why all the AA games past the orignal trilogy and invesitgations have no soul?
no gumshoe
and if they dont bother with gumshoe you know everything else is gonna be shit

at that speed, thanks to his left arm, he looks like he's crazily jacking off

I mean if you just say his name in your head out of context from the story, it comes pretty quick.

Apollo had plenty of soul, it was just a different one than the trilogy.

What the actual fuck?

agreed, just felt like they went in the wrong direction past there
instead of having another trilogy (apollo's trilogy) it just became a mess

it's the heavy, even black outline that makes it look so cheap. even more than the shitty coloring. like when you blow up the art that big, you can't just trace everything with the goddamn pen tool.

In that sprite, maybe. more a result of them tracing it and the expression changing than any intentional art direction.

It's because he wanted attention

Furio Tigre: Ace Attorney when?

>Sahwit saw it
>Winston Payne winced in pain
>Dick Gumshoe (both of those mean detective)
>Will Power
>Jack Hammer
>Larry "Moe" Curls
>Wendy Oldbag (windy old bag)
>Lotta Hart

almost every character name is a pun idk how you dont notice it

Godot is probably the most based character in the trilogy.

I mean I already knew those

>Shelly de Killer
>Shelly the killer

holy fuck

You're on one of the best cases in the entire series, you nigger. Finish it right now.

2-3 was awful.
How did he lower the box
How did he know when the victim was there if he couldnt see out the window
Why bother putting the pepper in the box to leave a clue if you're locking the box and killing the victim before they open it
Why didnt the bust leave any imprint on the snow
Not even gonna touch the cape bullshit about it latching on but where the fuck was it after the fact? It wasn't in his room.
And why the fuck didnt they search his chair? Even handicap people have pockets to conceal weapons

Whole case felt rushed as shit after you meet acro. Its just like boom heres the obvious badguy and a rushed finale

Phoenix Wright is a direct translation and all the names just sounded like names within the text.
>Larry "Moe" Curls
I still don't get it.

larry curly and moe are the names of the three stooges and his laugh is patterned after them

Are you memeing? A LOT of liberty was taken when translating this game because half the jokes are all inside Japanese humor jokes.

Almost every single character has a completely different name.

>Phoenix Wright is a direct translation
Take that cock out of your mouth and eat your hamburger Apollo

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man i swear to god you guys
please tell me lotta fucks off after AA2
i cant handle this whore for 4 more games

2-3 was awful but
>How did he lower the box
a rope
>How did he know when the victim was there if he couldnt see out the window
He didn't. He killed the wrong guy.
>Why bother putting the pepper in the box to leave a clue if you're locking the box and killing the victim before they open it
Irony I guess?
>Why didnt the bust leave any imprint on the snow
Because it hit him on the head, not the snow
>Not even gonna touch the cape bullshit about it latching on but where the fuck was it after the fact? It wasn't in his room.
Who knows
>And why the fuck didnt they search his chair? Even handicap people have pockets to conceal weapons
Because the police were too focused on max?

she does
she does appear one more time, but she's barely relevant

She appears in AAI2 in the last two cases.

>a rope
there was no rope there attached to the box, and the box (and for that matter the bust) were several feet out from the window
>He didn't. He killed the wrong guy.
He knew someone was there in the exact ~2 radius of the box with enough precision to drop it and hit him

at least when I saw the pepper i thought it was there because it made the daughter sneeze so he'd know when to drop it, but he locked it up tight

>police were focused on max
They did a surprise search of his whole room and escorted him to the station and didn't think to check his chair for what they were searching the room for?

Was the badger always a Funko

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What the fuck she reminds me of that prosopagnosia guy from 999

>Naruhodo = now I understand
>Ryuichi is more or less #1 dragon
It's about as direct as it can get without sounding retarded.
I can't help it if nothing really stood out to me. It also didn't help that I quit the first game halfway because of a shitty emulator and watched the anime instead up to the Circus.

>watched the anime
Holy fucking cringe

is franziska sexy in the anime

No no no this picture is wrong the portrait of the beautiful cop woman wasn't looking at us but sideways right?? Like how the global studio employee area was meant to be inside and not outside

Attached: it's outside.png (512x384, 41K)

probably, they redid the backgroudns in this latest remake
it's 4-2 and the date and time are right there if you need to google it for a check

Nvm you're wrong

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It wasn't absolutely terrible, a decent waste of time if nothing else.
Somewhat, there's a scene or two with her as a kid and Edgeworth as a teen too.

I have cum so many buckets to her

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i mean it's not that big a deal bro it was a really tiny like 10 pixel section on a DS screen i can easily see wh y you thought she was sideways

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tiny head lol

Yeah sideways/downwards sort of. I guess I never truly paid attention to those backgrounds even if they're really iconic and memorable.

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>All this hate on particular cases
The fuck is wrong with all of you. I was hooked through the entire series from beginning to end, it's pretty good the whole time.

The only time it started to get annoying to me was 4-3 of Apollo Justice, but that game has such god tier music (especially during the trials) that it carried the game for me.

How could you possibly be engaged through the circus case? It just drags on so long and it's so easy to figure out that the payoff is meaningless at the end

lmao I also missed this somehow. big enough trip you could trick some of those mandala effect people into talking about it

oh hey i recognize where this is from

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Well the name is literally right there in the image..

still counts

That name is retarded.

I'm not inspired when it comes to things like these. How would you name FemFeen user?

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Phoenix is unisex and there's no reason to change the last name.

>that hair
and doesnt phoenix work as female name too
i mean its still a fucking retarded name
nick = nichole

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what would pearls name be
what would paul look like

Even easier, Nick = Nikki


Pretty much what said, but if I had to, I'd keep Wright and change the first name to Radia.

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I don’t remember her tits being so exposed holy shit dat underboob

cute fuckable bara?
do you have to ask? BASED



>that phoenix

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