>still the best Pokemon game
And its likely to stay that way
Still the best Pokemon game
>you will never sleep together with your partner
it hurts
>ywn go on an adventure with youe partner
>ywn search for ancient treasures and solve mysteries with youe partner
>ywn get back home tired after exploring a dungeon and talk about your findings with your partner
>ywn cuddle all night with him with a smile thinking about your next adventures
it fucking hurts
Explorers didn't even have the best version of the partner though
Super was fine overall, but it had the best partner by far
Gates objectively has the best partner. He stands up for you while your getting your skull bashed in.
I think the only two points I can dock from EoS are not having the best overall soundtrack (Super far and away takes it) and characterization of each and every NPC mon.
Also it doesn't let you play as smugsnake but that's neither here nor there.
Nah, Explorers still has the best OST
Explorers partner was fine if it's a chick.
I will knock Gates for a lot of things but the partner was one thing it did well.
Bro that's not Super
>You will never go on an adventure with your regisons as regigigas
Why live
Name a single track from EoS better than dark matter part 2.
Why did it go downhill so hard after sky?
Primal dialga
grovyle’s sacrifice
Wigglytuffs guild
Gates was rushed and Super was a perfectly fine game with an excellent soundtrack
Skyfags are so obnoxious. It's not even the best PMD.
Anons, try to complete Zero Island and Destiny Tower.
That's not ultra sun
They are all great, it just that Sky was better.
Is there a PMD on the 3DS? Worth playing?
Super, it's essentially better than rescue.
>gates to infinity
The only one you can really argue is better is Super since it's a bit different than the others. Otherwise Sky is just an upgraded Rescue Team in gameplay.
I miss PMD sprites so much