Why did Mass Effect die?
Why did Mass Effect die?
what is this body shaped called?
a mess
ME:A was a pile of shit from any perspective.
>everything became tumblrshit
>as a neat story
>everyone became huge faggots, impossible to respect any of that garbage, being gay or chopping your dick and crossdressing is not a personality
>bland at best, and very repetitive
Additionally, everyone just got way uglier in the game for no fucking reason. Compared to ME2 where every character looked good and had an interesting story (besides the Jap whore and the tumblrina self insert secretary).
Because it’s a meme franchise that was never that great that had one good game 13 years ago and after that the team behind it started getting taken apart and important people were replaced by much less capable people.
Even ignoring their political tantrums no one can vouch for the competency of someone like Manveer Heir whose involvement tanked the quality of any game he was attached to.
frankensteins monster... looks like someone cut up like 8 different fat chicks and sewed them together
Sock filled with potato
Kind of?
The idea was to have a new staff take over and make the game their own but they needed actual developers and anyone who was good enough to operate in an undocumented shithole custom system like frostbite was either relocated to a different team to help with development woes or left to work on something better.
3 sucked but it was due to EA trying to get the game out as fast as possible so they could start on new shit and not interfere with whatever big name title they wanted to shill out. This left Bioware with a bad half script written by Casey Hudson about "exploring other worlds in the mass effect universe" and they overstaffed with white hating crazy haired nutjobs who wanted to make a statement more than they wanted to make a game.
Women fucked it up.
>tfw male with a body shape almost exactly like this
smart answer
dumb answer
Whoever had to paint that ass.
Press f
just take hormones and go all the way
the only thing she has in common with Jack now is the hair, small tits and tattoos
A shame about all her flab/fat and shit posture
She has curves (fat) where I didn't even know the human body could
t. woman
Among obese people it is called pear shape.
I don't want to kill myself, though.
>lgbt cosplaying as Jack
>Jack was never a lesbian
Mcdonalds all day everyday
then go to the gym and get fit
you only have these choices
Because Jackfags exist
i lifted for nearly three years with a proper diet with little change
lifting is a meme
antidepressant shape
Because it was shit from the onset.
>white women
you need to do a lot of running and other shit besides lifting
30 minutes of cardio for a few months made a lot of difference for me
normal woman with mediocre hips and weak ass
Hit the gym fatty
I did it just about every day though btw so be ready to work hard
>cardio everyday while lifting
>surprised to see no gains
I did the cardio every day to lose fat and it worked
I started lifting after a few months of cardio
wouldn't tumblr self insert with the Jap whore over Miranda?
>He thinks cardio kills gains
The guy you're replying to got the replies mixed up. He thought you were the guy posing the original question.
Well where's the uncensored?
>cardio to lose weight
>not just lifting
It does, you DYEL faggot
antidepressants make you bloat up. it's what i consider to be the main causes of all these weird people and their weird shapes
Daily reminder that 2 > 1
lifting with your arms doesn't burn off belly fat
“Not fat enough for Tyrone” type
Post body
You can’t spot remove fat. Exercising any part of your body such that you are expending more calories than you are consume will cause your overall fat to reduce. You only need targeted exercise for muscle development not fat removal
do madcow 5x5. i bet you did 3 sets of 12 for everything
>It does, you DYEL faggot
if you dont eat enough, skelly
andromeda happened
The SMT Remake looks good.
Because EA encouraged crunch time and all the talent decided to leave.
i thought jack was named jack because she's skinny like Jack the Skellington.
Because Liberals are faggots and should all be mass executed
diversity hires and assholes like [related image]
The "Big bones run in my family" look
Imagine if he had a mug that said "black tears" or "chinese tears" or anything besides what it says. Why are we teaching little boys and girls to hate themselves again? Hmm...
Imagine the smell
wtf this post made me like sjws now
Because they hired people like her to their dev team.
the not taking care of yourself body type
20lbs overweight.
t. shart
>why did a shit game, that went past it prime before release die when they kept on releasing sequels,when on the first release was on life-support?
because it had 3 dogshit sequels, each more dogshit than the last and increasingly stripped out the rpg mechanics and control of your party in favour of more generic shooter gameplay cause it's hard for normies to think about more than 1 thing or spend 5 minutes in an inventory
10/10 post
Tumblr self inserted as either the secretary near the galaxy map or the jap whore in ME2. Literally anybody in ME:A could have been a tumblr OC.
Play ME3 and come back
Where's the source, this is prime slampigs material
>doesn't know how to reverse google search
Checks out
Who says I want to, I could just get some low t nerd like you to do it for me
>Travel to flyover USA for shits and giggles
>tfw all those memes posted on /int/ about flyover USA turned out to be true
It's the kikes, user