Did redstone ruin or improve minecraft?

Did redstone ruin or improve minecraft?

Attached: redstone.png (1920x1058, 114K)

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I was already burned out when it came. Only built a lighthouse switch, that was nice.


Improved and you're just a fucking brainlet if you think redstone of all things hurt the game.

it ruined it because I'm too retarded to build a proper automated farm




IP: minecraft.bigbuttsin4k.com
If the domain doesn't work for some reason, try the IP address (

Minecraft version: 1.14
Pirate friendly: yeah lol
Difficulty: Hard

>WTF is this server
A vanilla minecraft server Yea Forums plays together on. This server is up 24/7 and has been up for months. Now we're in a brand new spawn so it's all fresh. We have a fuckload of players most of the day.

>How well does this server run
Very well, we have a premium host

>Is there any gay plugin bullshit
Nope, this is true vanilla.

>how long will the server be up
At least a few more months, it's up 24/7
- don't be a bitch
- don't be a nigga
- don't be a bitch nigga

if mojang would stop fucking with the mechanics every patch you could have comfy automated farms

It really isn't that complicated, just an observer and piston

I was playing back when only pistons and repeaters existed, I have no fucking idea what anything else does (or how it works rather)

just do this, alternatively use villager slave labor

Attached: make rows of this.jpg (1024x576, 70K)

Vastly improved, it was exactly the type of addition that minecraft needs

know about this but the range of observer is only around 20 blocks and I don't know how to make it larger than that

phantoms are the dumbest addition to minecraft since alpha and nothing can top them

phantoms are not worse than hunger but are fairly close

>dispensers can fertilize crops
>still can't plant seeds

Mojang is retarded, they want automation but not enough automation

Can't join for some reason, is the address right?

Why does everyone say this? What is wrong with hunger?

Works for me, but 1.14 is horribly buggy so I wouldn't be surprised

Nothing, that contrarian retard just loves whining about that in every minecraft related thread for some reason.

honestly redstone is probably the best thing i ever played with in Minecraft, i saw people build actual computers with working monitors moving with pistons, its insane

Modded Minecraft > Vanilla

even after years of development minecraft is still barebones as fuck

first day release of no man's sky > minecraft ray tracing

isnt that good in a way? it always stayed the same, which is what notch build his game upon, simpleness, barboneness, its a cube game

Is anything compatible with 1.14 yet?

This game is nothing without mods. It will die once microsoft kills the Java edition and forces everyone on bedrock.

Is there constant griefing or can I make a nice little house and not give a shit?

The sooner they stop updating Java Edition is ironically the better, because then the mod community can FINALLY catch up and be on a definitive version indefinitely.

Fuck you nazi bitch

No one will bother you, if they do you can ask for a rollback

It was fun in MC, but really cool in Rust.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 212K)

its not
it still doesn't have simple mechanics like
>selecting the biome of the entire world
>toggle permanent rain/snow
>toggle village spawns
>toggle hunger
>toggle mob spawns
still is fucked when it comes to mapping so that FLOAT isn't possible


Can't you do all this with a custom world?

>want to host a small Yea Forums modded server
>have the money but not smart to host
I just want thaumcraft and arse magica 2

Minecraft got big despite the developers

Why is 1.14 single player so fucking laggy Jesus christ

It’s a mechanic that makes sense in a survival setting but it really is just “there”. It’s not difficult at all to obtain food so it just becomes “oh yeah, hunger’s low. Time to right click a chicken or two”. So it’s a half assed feature in a sea of half assed features.

Hunger deliberately slows down the game. Not only that, hunger only ticks down when the player is doing something like running, mining, etc. - basically any action in the game. The game is actively punishing the player for playing it. Prior to hunger, all food essentially worked like glorified health potions and nothing more. It wasn't a particularly good system either, but it worked well enough. Ideally, food should work as both a health potion and provide some form of a buff for the player, encouraging different types of foods to be eaten. As it stands now, because of how retarded hunger is designed, most foods are entirely worthless (primarily cooked meats) because while they may refill several units of hunger, their "lasting" power is only good for a couple of hearts, meaning you have to waste food to actually restore more than a bit of health.

Not that user, but my favorite part of Minecraft was exploring and linking caves, usually not coming to the surface for days. Hunger doesn't let me do this anymore unless I farm vast quantities of food prior.

it turned it from a comfy exploration game into an autism simulator

Find a reliable host and just pay for the server. Almost everything else is one-click installation. That's what I did.

it's a chore for sure, but there is so much wrong with the game at this point hunger seems like a nonissue

Is there a way to reset my password, I'm a retard and forgot it.

I just want my comfy mining sim back

That doesn't make it okay at all. I'd legitimately rather them fix things like hunger and how phatoms function over sweeping overhauls like world generation. Hunger could be fixed in a few work days, correcting Minecraft's core issues would take months.

Ask in the Discord.

ask on shitcord

>Ask in the Discord.
Well it was a good run boys.

what is your in game name


nice shilling, I'll join

gonna try to get you reset

Not only that, but it's in your face from the start, you can't blissfully forget like with a lot of the other issues.

>First save file
>Alpha something
>Build a house in a wall of a mountain because YT how-to start Minecraft tutorial at the time
>Have some issue with wooden door, replace it with iron door
>Can't open and close it easily
>It's hard to press the button and go through the door in time before it closes
>Read about redstone
>Find schematic for "T flipflop"
>Build it in a small chamber next to the entrance
>Press button to open, press same button to close
>Quality of life improves greatly

if i see anyone spouting shitty le epic memes i will be targeting them for the next exact 32 minutes

What you mean?

this and phantoms ruin the game for me


only plebs build anything but slave labor farms

Attached: shitty farm.png (1366x768, 634K)

Oh yeah, that server.

Attached: erp.png (1092x927, 207K)

>Cntrl F
>Lag machines
>0 results

Attached: tur.jpg (1920x1080, 455K)

You don't need lag machines on 1.14, the patch is a lag machine

fuck this lag

Why doesn't Microsoft make minecraft 2? I really don't get it.

How the fuck could it ruin it?
If you don't like it, don't use it. It's a sandbox game.

if you rape the golden goose it might stop shitting out eggs

how do slave labor farms work? I usually do automated farms using water to harvest crops into a hoper and then into a chest.

Did you honestly expect any different

You pretty much just put a villager in an enclosure, and feed him seeds, if they have a full inventory of seeds they will automatically drop crops

>offline raids u
>makes all ur effort worthless
git gud kid

My shit got griefed and my items stolen

What are some useful and easy to build contraptions?
I know the the cobble generator, the auto gather wheat farm, the automatic melon/pumpkin/sugar cane farm, the autofisher and that cross shaped mob grinder that uses water streams and gravity


how does the can get collected? why not use method where it flows into a hopper

they just drop crops on the ground or do they plant crops?

I like how all the people have their oldfag land so new fags can grief each other

They will replant, from what I recall you place the seeds in such a manner that when the villager goes to get another seed, he drops the crop down a waterfall into hoppers

the chat is terrible and they refused to actually reset for the update.

I would join the server but I don't wanna get doxxed because of my username.

duping machine

It’s ok Carl we know who you are

How would it ruin it? At most you just ignore it and still play the game with no consequences

loud, annoying machines are superior

Slows down the pace of the game making you focus on making a farm of some sort asap and limits exploration. You can't go into a mine without a half stack of food to feed yourself.

where the FUCK are my 1.14 minimap/waypoint mods

What did he mean by this?

>says I'm still playing

Vastly improves it, automation is one of the only fun things to do in vanilla if you're not good at building for aesthetics.

Server is fucked right now

any idea on how to get behavior packs on switch without shelling out for a realms server?

Why did they release this piece of shit patch without actual testing? Have all patch launches been like this since beta?

Just go back to 1.13.2, this patch didn't add anything anyway.

food is so easy to get if you want to explore, just get a fire sword and only use it on food mobs and it'll probably never break, and if it gets close just slap down an anvil and repair it
you really only need to establish a farm if you're staying put for a long time because food mobs tend to stop spawning after a few hours in the same area

Anyone looking for a comfy server don't waste your fucking time with these retards. Actually one of the worst fucking servers I've ever attempted to play on.
>worst lag i've ever seen even with only 10 people on, chunks loading so slowly that if you use a boat and go full speed you end up underwater IN THE FUCKING BOAT when the chunk loads
>constant rubberbanding and crashes
>when it crashes your inventory is saved but the map is rolled back a full 5 fucking minutes making it very easy to lose a ton of shit
>like 5 people with OP privs that regularly switch to spectator/creative and spawn shit in for their friends
>"oldfags" carried their entire inventory + shulkers over to this "fresh" map so they immediately rushed the end, nigged everything and have endgame enchanted gear
I don't even like creative but I can confidently say you'd be better off playing SSP creative than with these clowns. Why they keep shilling when the shitbox they run on can't handle 5 people is the real question.

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Did you really expect different behavior from a Yea Forums Minecraft server.

did this fag get banned yet

blame mojang for the fucking lag, they fucked up chunk loading with 1.14 and now we're hoping that 1.14.1 will fix it

>not making a flying ocean-making machine and letting it loose on a server


I really want to see what our new shithole looks like, but seems I'll have to wait a bit more.


Is Minecraft bedrock any good, I just want to farm and shit while at work

They say the performance is better.
If you don't care about mods you could give it a try.

Just played minecraft like two weeks ago after few years of pause. I think Buffet-type worlds allow you to set single biome worlds and floating islands (if that's what you mean by FLOAT). There was also "underworld caves only" world generation which seemed pretty hardcore.

Are command locks still useless?

i wanna try minecraft out one day but im broke and living with my parents still

just pirate it, microshit doesn't deserve the money

That'll work for ya

The entire server looks like shit because these people can't into aesthetics

Recommend me a modpack bro, I'm thirsting for some modded MC

stay mad

how do you pirate something that isnt software? dont you need an account?

> Can build a fully functioning Computer inside a video-game with it

I say improved.

No, you can pirate the game easily. You will be able to play singleplayer, but for multiplayer you'll need to play on pirate friendly servers.

i cant join, says "invalid session, try restarting your game and launcher". tried both the domain and the IP. It sees the server and can connect but cant join (log in). im using a pirated version
any solution to this?

piropito pls go

Attached: thisbird.png (1440x2700, 1.66M)

Will he like 1.14?

I certainly fucking don't

i looked for 20 minutes on the bay, can you spoonfeed me? maybe it doesn't show up because im in the eu?

any servers NOT on 1.14?

Attached: sadsponge.gif (222x379, 2.87M)

different user but have this
use the direct download cause normal download doesnt work

Forge hasn't even released a stable for 1.13.2 yet, good luck with 1.14 modding.

Are ANY 1.14 servers playable?

Use Titan Launcher. worked for me before.

maybe we should just play through lan?

singleplayer is lagging, but not as bad

anyone has a good virtual lan program we could all use?

Can redstone blocks be used to transport signal both up and down without pistons? I can't figure this shit out.

the redstone block is pretty much a redstone torch in a form of a block.

When does the superior game launch?

Attached: hytale.jpg (1280x720, 199K)

No release date even for the beta so 2020 at the very, very least


I don't understand the point of adding electricity to rust, if your base doesn't get destroyed overnight the next server wipe will wipe out your wiring.

comfy industrial aesthetic

depends on the type of farm, I think railway autofarms are pretty comfy, at least the sound

Was hunger the same update which killed boosters? Everything had to be tedious and instead of making the slow-burn good world-gen, we get shitty set pieces. Seen it once, seen 'em all.

I have trouble believing Hytale will be any good.

Minecart boosters?

The most complicated redstone contraption I have built is a 2x3 piston door

You're justified in your concerns.

You can use redstone blocks and sticky pistons to move signal up

I prefer chaining redstone torches

Yeah, where you'd use a parallel slope and cart to launch the main one super fucking far at top speed.

I think they were removed in 1.6, wasn't hunger 1.8? They remove functionality, and add a new block to replace it. It's fucking retarded.

It's been six years and you still can't place redstone vertically

he isn't wrong

>(primarily cooked meats)
A stack of steak will last you a fucking eon, what are you on about?

>Uses slave labor farms
>Also builds things out of pure cobble
Checks out. Slave farms a butt fucking ugly and I want villagers nowhere near my beautiful fort.
>b-but just hide it
And lose the chance to incorporate my farms into the base aesthetic? No.

Isn't this is server that crashes every 20 minutes and lags like a mother fuck

I meant yikes as in "wow that server sounds pretty bad"

The server is being shut down for 20 minutes in order to allow pirates to connect.

>he didn't buy minecraft in 2010 when it was $5

You could also get a free copy with windows 10 for a while

the Yea Forums server is a disaster, you people managed to make a brand new map look like shit in a matter of hours

>minecraft has an in-game store with "minecraft coins" now
what the fuck?
how long has this been a thing?

Attached: 1554311062784.gif (220x257, 277K)

You can't do anything about it unless server admin changes online-mode to false in server.propetries

Why would you care about this? It's only cosmetic shit anyways and they haven't made it impossible to use your own skin. Don't know about texture packs/resource packs though. Haven't seen any packs for bedrock version.

whats the difference between java and bedrock
engines or someshit?

max comfy

Attached: 2019-04-27_18.34.24.png (1920x1017, 3.58M)

Post screenshot

>Active volcanic mountain
>Somehow cold enough to allow snow to settle on it
Nothing comfy about destroying my immersion user.

>he cant into villager slaves