The most boring co-hosts...

The most boring co-hosts. All they do is react to everything Chris does with their dull ass personalities and both talk the exact same way. They manage to be worse than Lyle. Bring back Psychicpebbles. Bring back Dingdong.

Attached: oneyplays.png (619x669, 387K)

Other urls found in this thread:

alright Yea Forums, so you are playing some good old vidya and out of nowhere a CRAZY LITTLE CREATURE runs outs of your game cartridge and stabs you with a knife, what would you do ?

Attached: haha funny.gif (231x300, 344K)

>le cutsie image of fat high school drop oputs



Dingdong can stay gone. My best friend, oney doesn't need that albatross suckling at his tits.

The problem is that both of them just kinda go with the flow. You'd think at least one of them would be the straight-man. They're still bros, so the vids are a lot more comfy than funny now, which isn't necessarily bad.

Entire channel sucks.

They aren't funny.

Tomar is top-tier.
DingDong can eat shit

Chris, Zach, and Tomar is the ideal combination

Honestly, if that goddamn thing ran through my living room, I would stomp on it until it was a small brown stain?

This. Zach and Chris work so well off each other and Tomar is the perfect straight man.

Are you telling me that you're NOT a fan of Tomar's drawling voice and statements that offer no value whatsoever? Mick's alright.

>another oneyplays thread
can you fags stop shilling? the rest of us ecelebfags know how to contain ourselves and not make threads every day

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I didn't like Mick on SleepyCabin 90% of the time, I still don't like him now.

Did you collect the 7 Tomar emeralds?

not video games

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Mick is over-hated, especially when is it comes to sleepycast


Chris + DD + Julian (2017) = God tier
Chris + goblin boy + anyone else = Great
Everything else = shit

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>He hasn't read the rules
>Not knowing that "video game culture" is specifically allowed

its so sad that people watch these losers be unfunny then actually pretend to have "critiques" of their letsplays

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this is actually pretty accurate, i hate lyle though, so chris, zach, and tomar would be choice

these losers aren't video game culture

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Stop being such a whiny bitch and just filter the thread.

Mick is just a boring old dude in his 40s with the only quality is doing generic "epic" voice for video games. He also got really autistic about Jojo's Bizarre adventure.


Fuck yeah turn this shit into a /ck/ thread

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I'm still salty about the last thread being deleted, sorry for sperging out about

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>liking le snarky autistic furfag

He's literally the embodiment of Yea Forums

Tomar is good with Zach and Chris. Mick is just mostly boring. Lyle makes videos pretty much unwatchable, though.

>So we were all watching a horror movie, really gorey, and somebody is getting stabbed in the gut. My roommate walks in and goes "wtf is this"
>So Zach just turns around and says "Sonic enters the real world, dude."

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Say what you want about them the rest of the time, the story about Mick and Tomar in the zombie apocalypse was really entertaining.

Lyle is such a faggot he’s the definition of a whiny cunt who talks constant shit but is just a cringey bitch

Ding and Jooooolian didn't have the same energy in their last episodes as they did when they first started. I will say I like Tomar and Mick but they do need some more energy, the Zach and Tomar episodes especially Visage and Slender were top episodes.

Zach will probably come back at some point but I think he’s too busy doing an Adult Swim show with Michael Cusack right now.

His autism translates into being good at video games though. That and I find him quick witted and funny.

The one thing I take issue with is him acting like some weird daddy to Oney sometimes. "Okay Chris tell me what you think of this" kinda shit

haha LOUD

He cant argue with anyone either, everytime he talks about games he likes that chris doesnt he just gets shut down but chris saying it sucks.

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>Shills will whine about e-celebs in the Accused Farms thread
>Not a single one here

I agree but fuck corporate bootlickers

does any have rockcocks tweets about the new Zealand shooter

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Hey hey hey.
Kirby is gay.

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mick is almost as bad as lyle desu
he isnt funny and tries to talk over funny boy

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He’s just a bitch but he’s the worst kind where instead of shutting up and being quiet he chimes in constantly but only as a whining baby who complains nonstop. He’s a fucking loser.

Lyle has only ever had a single funny joke, when he imitated the Nostalgia Critic going to Egypt and complaining that it looks like the Luxor
Other than that he's a fucking faggot.
>kept trying to get chris and zach to stop playing that hilarious lenny game

Attached: meatballs.webm (500x280, 2.91M)

Lyle's head is up his own ass, talks over everyone.
Mick and Tomar are cool guys, but they're older than Chris, I don't think they really fit the channel.

You can tell Chris is most comfortable with Zach.

Dingdong is a whiny hyprocrite. Fucking make your game, asshole.

PLEASE stop misgendering dingdong she just messaged me on discord that you're making her cry

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All of them are funny regardless of pairings.

Lyle is like Zach and starts to bring up lame shit, except Zach might tell a joke once in a while.

Psychicpebbles is the best guest star.

I miss Kay's Good Cooking. Too bad she got banned from uploading for being a nasty cunt

why do you talk about them like they're your friends it's so fucking weird

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How do you talk about someone like they aren't your friend

I miss /ck/ threads on Yea Forums, where did they g o?

well i dont typically gossip about the interpersonal relationships of television actors when i watch shows. so like that, i guess.

>why do you talk about them like they're your friends it's so fucking weird
They're not. Shut up and keep posting food .webms.

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Redditors and their obsession with e celebs border on the line of downright fucking creepy.

yes sir

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ha ha , look at him go

How is saying that someone is entertaining "gossiping about interpersonal relationships"

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lol oh man yes these threads are the best lol everyone post your favorite meme

mm some gossip too hehe i love the drama hehe

which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know

its hard to pick but please try your best hahae

what cooking show is this?

I have read this post several times and can't figure out what videogame it is you want to discuss, OP.

i dont know what kind of fag watches cooking shows

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As much of a whiny bitch as he could sometimes be, DD knew how to tell a joke.

This is unironically my fetish

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Witch Hunt

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really? this do anything for you?

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It's not, faggots on here look for any excuse to pretend they are superior.
>wow why do you care about ecelebs, wow isn't that creepy? Prying into their personal live? No thank you!

She must smoosh a lot bread to flatten her face like that.

hahahahaha fuck chinese bug"people"

Isn't Oney Plays just loud noises and screaming for the most part? How can anyone over the age of 12 like that?

Cringe. I like Tomar and Mick more than DD and Julian. Tomar plays a good "straight man" because he is the most normal and has a wife. The ideal situation is Chris + Zach + Tomar.

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>uk flag

of course


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Lmao what dumb birds.


how far can we push this

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At least she didn't lose any teeth.

I'm sure that's insanely unhealthy, but I have yet to eat something which's taste wasn't improved by butter.

What would Stamper as of right now be like on OneyPlays?


Serious question, are you eleven?

I get the feeling they wouldn't be able to work with him by looking at his Twitter. He acts like a schizophrenic alcoholic.

very odd question.

Newgrounds, everyone becomes a fag, everyone goes insane

mick is the fucking worst. annoying ass ricedick faggot.

give me more examples.

>that New Vegas episode where they get curious about the Nipton lottery but don't step inside the town

lol oh man yes these threads are the best lol everyone post your favorite meme

mm some gossip too hehe i love the drama hehe

which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know

its hard to pick but please try your best hahae

Stamper and Chris hate each other now.

don't worry user the thread's already dead

Brandon "i told you I was hardcore" Vedas
