for me... it's the classic dress that makes it... home
For me... it's the classic dress that makes it... home
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Ah yes, classic wow, it will truly be like going back in time, except for the small fact that:
>everyone knows every quest and optimal route to tryhard to 60
>everyone knows every dungeon/raid and what classes to bring to maximize run speed
>everyone knows exactly which materials to farm before each patch to maximize their profit margin
>everyone knows every cookie cutter spec for every class in the game and what pre raid bis gear each one needs for maximum output
>everyone will expect everyone else to know all of the previously mentioned bits of knowledge and will thus cause needless friction with new players just trying to experience the same thing the rest of us did 15 years ago
I can't fucking wait.
>soulless vs soul
Where's benji
the real problems will be in the new community; watch any WoW streamer cuck like Asmongold play the Classic demo and you'll see fucking hordes of people following him, making any quest impossible to complete
if you kill someone like Asmoncuck you'll be report bombed by every single one of his viewers and be banned without review since Classic won't have proper GMs, and the ones they may have will be Indians that don't read them anyway
that combined with all of the discord tranny cliques will see to it that Classic is a shitfest
nobody is going to group up organically because they're already in some sekrit discord club, and if you do you'll be forced to join them and they'll bully you into taking HRT and wearing thigh-highs
fuck off benji
Every single fucking human is using this particular beard.
>the average alliance player
Come home Horde Man.
I completely agree, user. unfortunately classic wow's design doesn't hold up in the streaming and discord age and that's the real problem with it. it will be better once the hype wave dies off and there's only people who are really interested left.
imagine being so mad you
A) Drew that
B) Posted it
lmaoing @ ur life
No he's right. Vanilla WoW was special because of the people playing it and the community built around it. Those people, and that community, are DEAD.
>check his stream
>he's sitting in the middle of the woods talking about video games
How fucking new are you? That image is ancient.
>didn't play nostalrius in its prime
yea nah classic is gonna be fun as fuck
Somebody at some point drew it, and it was just posted, think before you post user
This is what I’ve been trying to tell people for years.
You can bring back old online games, but you can’t bring back the old internet.
Dungeon groups will be just as antisocial as retail because people don’t feel the need to talk to strangers when they can post funny memes in their tranny Discord severs.
it's all about IF people want to talk. if you initiate it im sure people will answer. recently in lights hope i did an SM run and we talked the whole way through with what to CC and just to shoot the shit
this, discord is going to fucking annihilate the classic wow community
>0.50 mutt rupees have been added to your account
>thank you for working with blizzard shills inc today
>S-Stop making fun of us! The game isn't even out yet. I hope Classic is good and I'm not wasting my time being a faggot on Yea Forums
Do everyone a favor and stream your suicide on facebook for your family and friends
I will never stop making fun of you, tranny, now go dilate
B& since he was shilling his lame videos
not my perspective but i should upload these somewhere before my (old) secondary hdd dies.
anywhere you can upload without an account?
people used quest tracker in vanilla, literally no difference
however i never used one and i never will
You have no ammunition against me. I cum to retarded faggot trannies who still think World of Warcraft and Blizzard are worth a damn.
Just upload to youtube and move that shit to a new hard drive.
Sure, retail WoW and Blizzard aren't worth a damn. We're holding out hope Classic might be worth something. You're probably too intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humour for such things though, thanks Rick & Morty
copyrighted music tho, rip youtube
If it and the people that play are shit just stop playing
RIP Classic WoW. This killed it.
I played nostalrius and it was nothing like vanilla, there was no adventure, I knew everything there is to know about the fucking game.
fuck alex
>wanting to dump days of your life back into this meth tier game
Learn a language or sell your anus
I've had primarily good interactions on private servers. And I've had conversations in shitty low level dungeons about non-dungeon related things.
There's still plenty of players who'll hop off their mount just to buff you and wave. The community wants to be there, they want to bring back the community, and I think having a server that's not in any danger of being deleted is the perfect place to let people interact with others again.
There will always be asocial players, annoying cunts, attention whores, and the like as they've always existed even during the days of Vanilla. But in general I believe for the most part, people will be more normie than most gloomers and doomers make it out to be. Just do yourself a favor and not play with any Yea Forums related guilds and you're pretty much good.
>sissy hippy with long hair that shaves every day in armor too big for him and a flaming faggot sword to make up for his tiny peepee
>buff dude with beard wielding a fucking hammer and coke dust comfortable enough with his giant dong to wear a dress without feeling like he's being emasculated
Really makes me think.
Nah I'm still on that FFXI shit.
Male mithra when?