Muh gaymes should be realistic

>Muh gaymes should be realistic

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Other urls found in this thread:

>hurr I'm a bald dead faggot so what I said back then is important


Yes, anime is the superior art form to movies. I agree.


Some games should be realistic, some shouldn't. It's just that simple, baby

lmao fuck off retard. Its not when he said it, its what he said thats important.

He is certainly entitled to his opinion but I disagree

ikr? why would i ever play a war game when i could just become a ww2 general?

Fuck off to twitter, zoomer faggots

its why western games are shit

they're all realistic

Kill yourself

what movie is that?

>tfw hear dumb siblings praise the new full CG Lion king movie

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Avengers Ed Game

If you are a fat autist maybe

You're retarded cause first of all games aren't art, second of all "imitating nature is not the death of a art form" because video games have mechanics, objects, and rules. Even if the game is realistic it allows you to be things not possible or legal in real life

art is the innate human expression of the natural divine. When one tries to replicate said divinity, the closer it is to artificiality and perversion, and thus it is less human.

Seething Zoomer
>look at all the mad replies XD
still a retard

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This mentality will hopefully let another Reich happen

>calls others retard while he posts a old fart talking about art and thinks games are art


He's right. Games shouldn't be photorealistic.

already wrong on the first sentence so I wont bother reading the rest. Games have been art since pong and nothing will stop it from being art, no matter how shitty videogames or other artforms has become.

Wrong see

>lel everything is art XD
Hang yourself homo

>still seething
>and still wrong
Not OP btw

Why would u b here if you aren’t a fat autist

>hang yourself homo XD
cringy brainlet

If it's not fun, why bother? The more realistic a game tries to be the more dull it becomes. Just like RD2. I sure do wanna play a game full of the busywork of life.

To laugh at fat autists while talking about games i like occasionally

Reddit is 2 door down champ

why can't games be art


But videogames are not art.

hitchcock needs to qualify his statement here, prove that less realism is more beautiful
the impressionist era of painting tries to approximate reality much more than the modern era and i think we know which era is preferred by the average person.

>The more realistic a game tries to be the more dull it becomes
and nothing wrong with realism, its just that realism shouldn't be the only thing on the market, which it isn't but there was more variety in ps1/ps2 days. dmc and god of war had a good mix or realistic looking visuals with crazier magical elements. Its shit like tlou and days gone that bore me

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The problem is that modern games don't depict realism when it comes to interactions and social behaviors.

For example, games always depict the rich as these evil people and that the poor dindu nuffin when in reality the rich are pretty chill and are hard working while the poor have a victim mentally and are lazy.

Also how color folks are shown to be normal people but they're not. They're tribal and collectives and lazy. GTA San Andres probably is the most realistic take on blacks despite the game having obvious commie indoctrination.

>videogames a produced with various forms of art
>videogames aren’t art

Dude everything is art lol amirite

Samefag nigger faggot

Yes. Most things are or contain art. Is that suprising to your feeble mind?

No John, this is the Reddit.

define art

Videogames are the product of the bastardization of various forms of art, yes.

>why would anyone play a high-fidelity space sim when they can have the real thing?

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old crotchety bastard spouts hot air

yup everything's art. Doesn't mean its good art but its art nonetheless.

Another reich will ban videogames tho, see what Hitler Jr. has to say about vidya.

>cake are produced with various food
>so cakes are eggs now
It's not about what it's made up of, it's about what it is as a whole

And it's a game like soccer and chess

But Soccer is a sport and Chess is an event

>high fidelity space sim
>high fidelity

They're also more than the sum of their parts, just like movies.

R u suggesting space isn't for real.

So nature is a art form so the old fart is wrong when he says imitating nature is the death of a art form cause nature is art

Therefore you have no argument anymore and this thread is pointless

i see these two terms being thrown around in game design discussion and reviews but whats the actual difference between realism and photorealism?
my shitty brainlet understanding
photorealism: graphics and visuals which are made to closely match real life
realism: game systems which behave in a believable and logical ways


Maybe your life sucks, but interesting and compeling events actually do happen in real life. It's possible to make art that feels so real to them and it's still meaningful.

It's a misunderstanding to believe having some "realism" means the game must be completely dominated by ONLY PERFECT REALISM to the point of decadence, boredom, and ugliness.

chess is art though


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they're not formal terms you fucking dumbass
photorealism obviously refers to graphics only

Are you justifying the Armenian genocide as art?

watch Rules of the Game if you haven't you uncultured swine

>heh I called you a homo, what now!?!?

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who gives a fuck about armenians

That's jean renoir dumbass

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t. urk

Why are games held in such a high regard for passing the qualification for the term "art" or whatever? Seriously why is that? Why arent games art? Isn't art supposed to be something expressive? Do games not convey some sort of emotion for anything? Why can the basic lines colored lines on a white canvas be considered art, but a game you can play isn't? Considering the fact the amount of work goes into making a game, is it because you can play the game? Is that why? You arent supposed to be able to play art? Seriously whats the problem here? Why cant video games be considered art? Just asking btw.

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>That person is a french jeans store

It's okay because video games are not art.

>You arent supposed to be able to play art?
Yes now piss off

I think if the visual art style is realistic it's fine, but it's when games focus on the "cinematic" gameplay feel that it loses me. I don't mean just the slow walk, I'm also talking about the garbage of stuff like uncharted. The less I have to think about in terms of reciprocation from the game the worst it is to me. Like L4D, the game gives you a rythm, tacitical utilities, and a dynamic difficulty. While TloU is just "here's some supplies, there is less on harder difficulties, use listen a lot."

why not?

Every single time I see that pic in the catalog I open the thread and search ctrl+f "Hitchcock". There is always at least one.

What's the video game equivalent of pic related

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The thing I hate about this image is how all of its absolutes can be horribly misinterpreted. It doesn't allow for things that are very realistic but still have style and expression to them, it doesn't allow for technical masterpieces that are also artistic masterpieces, it doesn't allow for things that mimic reality in order to enhance the artistry and provide the immersion that realism can bring and it doesn't allow for things that imitate nature and expand on it to create something truly beautiful. Primitive technique does not automatically equal beautiful, though it often does, perfect technique does not automatically equal ugly though it often does.

Photorealism and shit like that is wasteful autism, so is stuff that uses no technique or reality at all. Virtue is between the extremes. You can't properly talk about art in absolutes with no wiggle room because creativity and expression inherently needs that wiggle room.

Fat boomer spewing nonsense and moping about not being young anymore

Cause then u think all sports are art too

why can't sports be an art form? martial arts are literally called arts.

dont bother hes honestly retarded, next hell say martial arts arent arts, by his definition dances arent art and its not about creative expression or application of skills

Video-games are electronic toys.
Give it a break with the "video-games are art" meme. Have you noticed most that push this meme are s.o.y.b.o.y. developers and their only shills? It's the same scam of calling a pile of garbage bins in a museum modern "art".
Good games from great developers never need to be called "art" since they stand on their own quality, so there is no need to create this phony aura of sophistication to prop up their product.

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>this thread is pointless
only correct part of your post. Someone who makes art for the sake of making art, makes the piece art. Art is a BS word now that anyone can say to make anything called art. I could take a shit on top of you and I could call it an "interactive art piece". But since no one has created nature to be art we can't call it art.

But the bigger picture the "old fart" is saying is that when a painting tries to be like real life, there's no artistic or creative idea behind it, its only the technique of how well are you able to replicate real life. What OP is trying to explain to brainlets like you is that some videogames are becoming dull because of how "realistic" they want to be instead of using the virtual world to create unrealistic things. Whether videogames are "art" or not doesn't really matter in this situation but rather the same principles of creativity and imagination vs copying realism.

Art critics are leeches that drive any medium they infest into the ground. It's best that video games be not considered art for as long as physically possible. Ebert sacrificed himself to protect us from the same fate as painting, sculpture, architecture and now cooking.

>Give it a break with the "video-games are art" meme. Have you noticed most that push this meme are s.o.y.b.o.y. developers and their only shills?
Who do you think are fooling? The bay area faggots think that video games aren't art at all. The only games they even consider close to art when they're basically films, because their philistine asses are pathetic hollywood dropouts who can't get over it.

Art doesn't have to sophisticated or good. Porn and marvel exist but tv shows and movies are still considered mediums in which you can create art.

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Video games are full of art but don't need to be art as a collective. I think OP is merely alluding to the style of art used in games, like ruining Sheeva with facemorph because they didn't just want to design a modern Sheeva that still looks like Sheeva.

So the holocaust is art then?

Fuck you, you absolute fucking mongoloid. This is the only >(you) you'll get from me.

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It's important because he's considered one of the greatest creators of all time dumbass. How much of a faggot do you have to be to not understand people at his level understood creation within an art form on a far deeper level than you ever will.

The language you are using was created by dead faggots?

Can't /thread yourself, niggerfaggot

Too bad games aren't art

orson welles isn't even an artist, he's just a director

what would he know about art?

>the arrival of perfect realism coincided with perfect decadence

Not only is this untrue for the art known to the man spouting this nonsense (decadence is tied to the symbolism period, first and foremost, and directly opposed to realism - see the relationship between Zola and his renegade protege Huysmans), but also untrue for video games as well - the FMV era fell smack-dab in the middle of golden age of several video game genres, adventure games being among them.

SotC and Ico are, it's also surprising because they're both fun to play, especially SotC, but Icos level design and final boss are very entertaining nonetheless

Is he saying that you can't make an exciting story about carefully selected bits of ordinary life? I mean i get that it would be boring to be fully realistic with no jumps and shit just real time one to one conversion.

>Have you noticed most that push this meme are s.o.y.b.o.y. developers and their only shills?
They clearly don't consider video games art either despite their verbal insistence. Otherwise we wouldn't have constant calls for censorship and moral enforcement.

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desu games with realistic graphics and no artstyle are almost exclusively boring, dreary western trash, but The Wire is as realistic as it gets and yet it's one of the few TV shows that are an artform

Seething Nintenboomers

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Pure unfiltered cringe.

He's not saying you should refrain from trying to make movies more realistic period, but that art is not inherently enhanced with realism.

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holy shit newfag getting wrecked

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So what should art strive to be for?

He's Alfred Hitchcock you absolute retard.
>directors aren't artists
Your fucking IQ is at room temperature

i think his sentiment is very valid.

you trying to tell me in all your years playing vidya you never noticed that as a general rule, games become less fun the more "realistic" they are?

The story is confirmed bullshit, the kid never cried and agreed to never watch it again.
The little shit still rewatched it though, what a dickhead.

19 year old zoomer here. Confirming this.

This is why my favorite game is the last guardian

why did you post the same thing twice


fuck off plebs

But Hitler would want hitchcock dead. He was an autist who considered every non-realistic piece of art degenerate

It's renoir you fucking caveman


romanticism is still superior precisely because it shows what is but not quite and lets you hanging.

Based hipsters

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>posts highly stylised picture as an argument for realism

that's gonna be a no from me, fratello

He basically said that art should only strive to be beautiful, which is true.

Seething boomers

Holy based

Fucking based

SEETHING samefag

>Because someone has a skewed vision of what makes games art means they aren't art
Based brainlet

>seconds appart
lol, seething boomer

Anyone arguing against this can't bring an objective irrefutable argument. Realism and technique trump much faggotry, there is a reason why early enlightenment era is superior to Gothic stick figures and late enlightenment is superior to both.

What makes people think it's hitchcock, anyway?




have sex

>Long face
>Decently old
>Very similar facial structure
Gee, I wonder

Bend over

Based Discord raiders

When people see a fat, old, bulldog-faced director they think Hitchcock

>old man ranting about stuff he has no clue about

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Op pic is literally a non argument, every era where realism and technique was superior was fucking superior to previous era where said technique was discovered.
In fact when artists tried to become reductionist everything started to turn to shit.

>You're retarded cause first of all games aren't art
Fuck you, you fucking clown. Art doesn't imply that it's profound or otherwise deep. Saying video games are art is just as controversial as saying movies are. Which is to say, it shouldn't be controversial at all. I swear you people only look at the connotations of the word "art", not what it actually means

>Technical perfection can only create boredom because it only reproduces nature.
This is why all video games are going towards realism. The argument was won tonight by this user. This logic is irrefutable.

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>every era where realism and technique was superior was fucking superior to previous era where said technique was discovered.
Literally wrong and embarrassing of you to even think that

>Why the hell would anyone go to a movie when they can have the real thing?
But they can't have the real thing, and that's the whole point of the escapism of film. You can't be a billionaire who builds a flying metal suit, but Tony Stark can. You can't fly to Mars and set up camp there (yet), but Matt Damon can in that film which I forget the name of. You can't wield a cool fucking laser sword, but Luke Skywalker can. Etc.

It's not like people start living in a fantasy reality just because they enjoyed a movie

Yes bro the holocaust is art too, everything is lol

Why are there so many bait posts with some twitter thot pic attached to it? What's the point of the pic being there? I don't get it.

Oh wait I forgot we're on Yea Forums not Yea Forums. Okay then, you can't steal fast cars and shoot people without consequences in the real world, but in GTA you can. Etc.

based Hitchcock red pilling his audience. This is the reason why Japan is winning

What a terrible food analogy, if you're going to use food analogies at least make it accurate. It'd be more like having a plate of breakfast with bacon, toast and eggs and saying that the plate itself can't be a dish because it isn't JUST eggs, videogames on their own have music, and if you say musical composition isn't art then you're just a colossal faggot.

You are a fucking faggot if you think that Masaccio is in any way batter than Da Vinci



>no argument
>just a reddit screencap
maybe you should go back there faggot

My point is that certain games like dmc and gow can mix realism and stylized art to create something cool. imo they could've done a btter job since half of the levels look the same but still.

>video game board
>post image of video game character

DuuuHH WhaTS tHe POinT oF thE PiC theRE????

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Holy fuck based

Sure thing, cunt

Based and dare I say it?

>hurr nature and real life is boring
Kys zoomer

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I love that seeeeithing boomers






>hurr I'm a fat fuck loser shitposting on an imageboard so my opinion > his


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There are retards who will argue against this

First of all, I have seen the same thing with non-vidya cunts, like some asian chick being posted alongside a bait post about Halo being better than Quake.
Secondly, what the fuck does BotW have to do with realism in games? That game is the kind that OP is supporting, so it still doesn't make sense.

>I'll be retarded if these guys get le triggered XD
You brainlets can give me (you)s by spouting "seething" and "cringe" now

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>posts picture thinking everyone will say "omg so pretty omg"
Get the fuck out of here with your plebbit tier posting.
The point which that man made that you're too stupid to understand is that by going for realism you cap your creativity. You dumb motherfucker.


that pic is accurate lol
not even a controversial perspective. people have known this for literally hundreds if not thousands of years. operas in particular employ "hyper-reality" (aka romantic drama) specifically because it makes for better art and have done so since inception

He couldn't predict the modern hermit crab humans that would prefer virtual reality to the "real thing."

read the thread instead of being a faggot

Dilate more


Women weren't such FUCKING WHORES back in his day!

Seething and cringepilled

>game has music so its art

stop projecting tranny


People who say an art medium needs to be unrealistic are always people who think reality is boring because their life's boring except for the unrealistic art meduim they consume that for some reason exists within a realistic "meduim".
I swear when AI gods invent time travel, they better send elon to shit on jean reniggers face with facts and logic.

It doesn't take a fucking genius to know that this fucker is wrong or more likely being very vague and not making any effort to be objective in distinguishing his tastes from his knowledge of art.

A simple and accurate way of determining in something is art:

Artificial [] Attention seeking [] both

yes [] NOT ART [] NOT ART [] ART


Guess what faggots, shit art is still art, trying to deny it's existence will make you neurotic.


Let the artists do whatever the fuck they want, diversity of taste will do the rest.

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In my correction of the analogy, you'd notice there's multiple other components making up the plate. If you weren't such a smooth-brained faggot you'd have probably figured out that the other components contributed to it being art.

Games also have graphical rendering and armor/character/environment design, in addition to a written narrative more often than not. So if you think a medium that is able to convey literature, graphical art, music and the added portion of gameplay as "not art" then you're pants on head fucking retarded.

T. actual tranny

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the ability to reproduce reality (as it already exists) is not commendable outside of the technical skill necessary to do it
it's an intrinsically masturbatory exercise meant to show your skill in a process, not an artistic one meant to convey anything or create anything to be interpreted
it's useless to me. it is wank.

Him and Akira Kurosawa are the only directors I respect.
Also Kore-eda but I'll respect him more when he's dead so he can't tarnish his own legacy.

Your whole post is useless and a wank.
Creating technically complex art that is extremely realistic to convey at least one surrealist or even just interesting scenario is already good enough.
I genuinely don't understand people who want art that is not like reality at all, it's boring.

>brainlets will defend this

>it's useless to me

>Oh no my tastes, MY tastes, i love my tastes
fuck of and grow up, we tolerate your existence out of choice, but do you tolerate ours out of choice? i doubt it weakling.

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What would a director know about making video games? idiots

Is he a ventriloquist? Why do literally all of the pictures have his mouth closed? My autism.

I feel he's right in the sense that striving for realism as a goal in itself is a good way to turn the artform into predominantly boring trash, however that doesn't mean audiences won't munch that shit up. Why do you think cgi is so hot over animation?
Ontop of that, vidya is constantly used to live some fantasy life, realism helps in that idea.
That's why gta is so big, it's populated by people who want to playout their petty thug power fantasies in a safe consequence free environment.

>technically complex art
it's funny because you don't even know what constitutes as technically complex art
? ? ?
i brought up hyper-realism in my original post itt. the idea that, while rooted in real-world dynamics, you need to include fantastical elements and suspensions of disbelief in order to breathe life into a piece / performance
this isn't an esoteric concept lol. people don't gush over mozart years later because he was a prodigy, they gush over him because of his creativity. plenty of composers were just as gifted as mozart technically but lacked his creative drive to look beyond the mundane. well-known example being mendelssohn

based niccoloposter

Based and redpilled.

Cringe and cuckpilled

This, Games aren't art only only numale söys would claim otherwise.


seething trannies

>dude soccer has music during the event and designs on their clothes so its art!!!!

>Why the hell would anyone go to a movie when they can have the real thing?
Okay, where can I go to get the real thing if I want a game as a cowboy in the dying West, or gun down hundreds of zombies?

>Recreate reality

Without technique you are just an ideas guy.

And anyway style is more important than creativity alone, style is a savant dynamic of creativity and technique.

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Unironically based and redpilled post

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Footballers are artists, i mean just look at them they get payed millions to kick a ball into a net.

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that is correct because there isn't a person who is designing a physical or visual experience that the player gets to experience, rather someone attached lines to a grass field and added to goals and a ball with a rule set for people to make out whatever by themselves. If you're going to make the argument that guide lines on the field are art too to further this stupidity then that's fine, you're just outing yourself as a complete fucking retard. Furthermore, musical composition taken from some dude and played at a stadium is it's own thing, by your metric the activity of taking a shit while listening to mozart makes it art and not the fact the music is condusive to a higher experience created specifically for the piece of media you are consuming.

t. Falseflagging söyboy
Go clean up the mess Tyrone left in your wife cuckboi.

If his child is younger than 18 she shouldn't be playing a game that's been rated M.
If his child is older than 18 then she would understand by now that wars were fought by men and mourned by women.

That argument holds so little water I could strain pasta on it.

I too only enjoy new things.

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your definition of "technique" appears ambiguous to the point of being a weasel word
continuing musical examples, the Olivia Tremor Control were a band that, while not competent in technique, were able to surpass their expected limits by essentially being a crew of "ideas guys"
same with NMH and Jeff's use of chromaticism / harmonic flexibility within a small set of chords
these people, while not having refined technique or deep understanding of theory (if any at all) were able to craft very competent music

technique only has value in its utilization to bring creativity to fruition. jacob collier is a prodigy on par with mozart >>>in terms of proficiency w/r/t recreation and technique

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>Decades after his death Hitchcock is still on fucking point
What a glorious fucker

>calling a old guy a faggot means NEW THING GOOD
Based retard.

Back to cuckera with the snoyfags bing bing boy.

You're right, if i could hop in a space ship and take off into the stars instead of playing video games about it, i would

You're on so many layers of ironic shitposting you seem to be lost

VIdeo games are art but this isn't why
>A museum of art is art itself
>Netflix is art because it has movies in it
Uh, nah

lol holy shit dude you could've just said "seething" or "cope" I bothered to reply first, you actually have "tyrone" living with you rent free. Whats there even to falseflag about lmao what a dumbass

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i'd also like to point out that you're posting memes from JoJo, a story written by a man with virtually zero technical proficiency in storytelling (and near-zero proficiency in drawing when he started kek), who re-writes central plot points without hesitation halfway through arcs because "lol forgot" and "idk didnt like it"
im not sure if the irony was intentional but it is striking

That's certainly a great opening pic, OP. But you forgot that there are certain games that need to be realistic to be engaging at all.
The REAL problem is when a game tries to be realistic and fails in both realism and gameplay, which is what happens the most nowadays with gAAArbage games.

Fuck realism, fuck anatomy, and fuck Dr. Phil.

Asking the real questions now

>being this mad

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almost zero games attempt pure realism unless their specific aim is to be a simulation used for training
most games employ hyper-realism similar to its utilization in opera laid out in earlier posts

Good art needs good technique and good creativity. I actually like that song, it's good to appreciate the variation that autistic shit like that brings to the art form. Though that might be a product of being super tired of trying Yea Forums's recommended albums and it's a 16 year old shrieking into a rusty spongebob microphone

Wise words. This way of thinking gave us modern art

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Looks good, what's wrong with it?

>seething this much
its too late for short snappy replies cuck you missed your chance

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Why just them? Also Kore-eda's kind of lame. He's got a couple of good ones, but most of his stuff is cutesy bullshit.

What's good about it?

Truffaut did a number of filmed interviews with Hitch and it's uncannily like something he would say.

Looks nice.

Boomers BTFO

>When one smart man's word about movies is used and interpreted wrong for video games
>A whole thread of people who think they are smarter than they are
Amazing thread

Nah, it's style over substance. Realism>Art style

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this is the original pretty much the definition of SOUL vs SOULLESS as far as I'm concerned
also kek Yea Forums is complete trash. here's OTC and NMH examples (which you probably disregard as gay trash but w/e) because why not proselytize my shit taste on Yea Forums

Entire album can be boiled down to Pierre Schaeffer + Beatles with leitmotives, but the band themselves knew very little about music while their major influences certainly did.
tonal ambiguity on the 3rd chord of every repetition means the song fluctuates, unable to determine major / minor tonality. creates unease in a purely musical fashion with great economy (no unnecessary notes to achieve desired effect). jeff almost certainly had no idea what he was doing on a technical level

>Still no argument

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Because they're dead, and because I think they made absolute masterpieces.
As for Kore-eda, I just think his films are beautiful, and the theme of family resonates with me personally.

My issues with a lot of other directors (the few that I know by name) is that even if they've made an excellent movie they've also made a lot of not so good ones, or I just don't know what other movies they've made and therefore am unable to speak for their overall body of work. (Like Iñárritu or Wes Anderson.)

Herzog my dude

why is pretending to be retarded based and redpilled?

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Which films do you suggest?

I wish more people here took this image seriously

Alfred is on point. More constraints to reinforce "realism," more effort needed. Did anyone like not running in camp or hunting pigeons or washing their horse in Red Dead Red Dead 3?
Who's arguing to the contrary? Do they want perfect VR or something?


Attached: 11NonNonBiyoriShinkansen smug.png (720x648, 378K)

Imaging being this deluded.

Aguirre (fucking gorgeous film)
Encounters at the End of the World (documentary about the people who end up living in antarctica)
The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser
Cobra Verde
Lessons of Darkness (documentary-ish)

you can pick at random though and you'll find something good. some of his stuff falls to 6/10 but I've never seen a bad herzog film. haven't watched Grizzly Man yet but everyone says it's great

Here fixed your image

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Western game developers btfo

I remember reading that story. It was something like he watched it so much because there was a theater across the street from where his mother worked and it was either watch star wars or hang out in the restaurant his mother was working in. And then Guinness has to be a dick to the kid because he was a "serious" actor.

this but unironically

trailers because herzog is GOAT
he likes popol vuh and the bulgarian state television & radio choir (used them for soundtracks in a few of his films) and those are 100% certified patrician kino musical acts
he's a baller

I'm talking about style, being distinctive, that what art is all about.
Creativity is merely the novelty of the technique itself or the novelty of it's usage.
No technique = no creativity.
You dismiss the novelty of technique in-itself as just technique and deny the creativity needed to make it, then you overestimate the the novel usage of technique.
One if the reasons why we don't see as "geniuses" as history marches on is because a thing can only be discovered once.
Geniuses like Mozart are pioneers of music in the same way Columbus is a pioneer who discovered america dispite doing so after the vikings and chinese.
You can only discover/invent a thing once in the collective narrative, after that you need to alter it until it is not it but some other it.

Necessity is the mother of style.
Having a style is more important, cultivating a unique identity that subjugates the aesthetic sensibilities of peoples minds, making them desir a path they most likely would struggle to go down.

Also that's why i like jojo, in the end he has a certain novelty unique to him.

This guy knows whats up.

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You will die too and what's your legacy?

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shitposts on the internet and an unshaved head

>it's another insecure faggots try to claim vidya is art thread

Based but also I'm terrified that the male pattern baldness hasn't struck yet because in my family it's either bald at 21 or glorious full head of hair for the rest of your life.

>the novelty of technique
you're arguing just to argue, aren't you?
technique is by definition copying and refining processes that have been copied and refined by others. there is no significant novelty within technique when the end goal is realism.
anyways this argument is boring and neither of us is going to learn anything. hope you liked the music

There's art in the game, well most of them.

>fear of baldness greater than fear of lack of legacy

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>technique is by definition copying and refining processes that have been copied and refined by others. there is no significant novelty within technique when the end goal is realism.

Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different.

Just because technique is boring for you doesn't mean your right or wrong.
It's just your tastes vs mine.
nice talkin user, bye.

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Alright, thanks guys!

I want to watch ZAAT and the 1970's THING at someone's house who has a TV.

What kind of bait do you use? It's a goldmine

You're both cunts.

just say something stupid and contrarian and make sure to be with in the first 5 posts

sort threads by creation date, find a thread that looks like it has potential and make a quick and stupid incendiary comment
works every time

the only thing you know about Da Vinci is what you saw of him in Assassins Creed you autist

Don't fucking talk to me or my user ever again.
And don't you ever fucking assign genitals to me faggot incel.

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is it even bait? everyone either calls him a retard or spams "based" there's no like palpable rage its just mindless shitposting for the sake of it

gameplay > "art"

Kill yourself
His right nut has more talent than you ever will

upvo-I mean based

If you like Kore-eda, you should just watch Ozu or Naruse instead. Those are the guys he's mostly ripping off.

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So if blacks escape a crab in the bucket mentality they can achieve riches and greatness in a multitude of ways?
Great we had this talk

This but unironically, just look at capeshit movies

How can space be real if our eyes aren’t real?

>He's right. Games shouldn't be photorealistic.

DMC 5 proves you wrong

Not really, only legit fags like the ugly mutts in RE2 and DMC5.

Blacks are not ignorant. They're stupid, but not ignorant. They know exactly what to do to have a decent life but choose to go against it.

Do I just watch the ones listed on their wiki bios as their most revered/acclaimed?