This is the model they used for the jedi Exile in SWTOR

This is the model they used for the jedi Exile in SWTOR.
You may like it or not, but this is her official appearance.

Attached: Jedi Exile TOR model.png (1290x1080, 1.01M)

Other urls found in this thread:

She's got huuuuuge tracts of land

>set canon appearances for customizable characters
>they couldn't even be customized to look like that

Bioware should have died after KOTOR.


Attached: the-exile.jpg (449x340, 108K)

The exile was canonically female even before disney nuked the entire EU

I know reading comprehension is hard user, so let me put this as clearly as possible:


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There wasn't any face that resembles their take on Revan either tho.

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How did Karpyshit's kotor 2 fanfic get popular enough to get threads on Yea Forums?

No shit, that's the point. Bioware are hacks.

>tfw the dancer's outfit

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It's fun, just like wrecking ur mum every night lmao

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Can't use this excuse much longer now that Disney has it in their sights.

I like TOR.

is it worth playing it for free?

Imperial side class stories are okay.
Game is dragged down a lot by its shitty engine and boring WoW gameplay.

Female Revan, Male Exile, this is the only way to play.

That's not true. It's literally the default male face.

>In The New Essential Guide to Droids (2006) the Exile is light-sided and female
>In The Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide (2008) the Exile is light-sided and female
>In Star Wars Miniatures: Jedi Academy (2009) the Exile is light-sided and female
>In The Old Republic: Revan (2011) the Exile is light-sided and female
>In Star Wars: The Old Republic (2011) the Exile is light-sided and female
I'm sorry my man..

>In the kotor trailers and official game art the Exile is a man
Uh oh!

>romancing Carth instead of Bastila

Attached: 1550146273126.gif (430x408, 908K)

She cute

>promotional material

Attached: 1446394892475.gif (290x260, 1.91M)

>not modding so you romance Bastilla

Golden star for user!

They will never make anything related to KOTOR, or make TOR canon since it fucks with their established origin story for the jedi/sith


Attached: 1543027526639.jpg (442x330, 28K)

In KoTOR II, the overwhelming majority of players chose jedi jesus. And you don't get Brianna as a woman, which makes much of Atris's character nonsensical.
Karp wanted fake sexual tension and "representation." he literally could not comprehend that every bit of in-game dialogue and text supports the notion that while The Exile followed Revan TO war, he did not follow Revan IN war. That's why Revan tried to get them and all the other jedi who weren't likely to follow him to the Dark Side killed at Malachor V. He either did not play the game at all or played it once as a light-side female.

The problem with this whole thing is that female exile has both improvements for Atton's character and Kreia's character (in the form of the disciple, who is interesting for all of his two meaningful scenes), but male exile has the Handmaiden, which builds up Atris, which is more important considering the majority of the rest of the game doesn't do that that much. It's a shame that there's no real way to get all of the dialogue in a single playthrough without mods, but oh well.

so I guess there's more than one exile then

Attached: kotor2 trailer.png (977x765, 1.01M)

That's kind of the point of most RPGs. Choice.

fucking cringe

Also keep in mind that the trailer kept referring to the exile as "he" or "him."

>It's a shame that there's no real way to get all of the dialogue in a single playthrough without mods, but oh well.
It's almost as if its an RPG and you're supposed to play through it multiple times.

>He either did not play the game at all or played it once as a light-side female.

Karpyshyn is honestly a very mediocre writer and the one responsible for that abomination of the Revan novel, the only reason people somehow "like" him is because of Mass Effect fags who were too young to know anything better.

It's dumb to do something like that while designing a game in the long run. If kotor 3 had references to those companions, they'd have to be kept to a minimum (and not have anything truly meaningful to the plot) because half of the exiles never met the other character, and the development team isn't going to design something that only half of its players will experience. Basically, Mical and the Handmaiden would've been thrown to the side. Maybe slight dialogue changes would have occurred, but nothing more.

Disciple might develop Kreia more, but you have different responses to a lot of your dialogue options depending on your gender. Iirc Kreia treats the LS female exile almost like a daughter; as something to be protected and nurtured. Not sure about DS female, but she treats both LS and DS males as something significantly more dangerous. A lot of the small encouraging lines she gives to femxile go away in favor of consternation and suspicion (that you're going to fuck Visas or Brianna), and while she ultimately also wants to protect manxile I think she's a little more careful about opening up to him because of what nihilus and sion did to her (probably rape). I think the distinction is worth it but ultimately comes down to player preference, which TOR removes with prejudice in regards to Revan and The Exile.
It was all unnecessary, and Vitiate was and has continued to be a dysfunctional bastard child of the Triumvirate all the way through


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Can Nihilus even rape people before consuming them? Also, how did Kriea train Nihilus without getting devoured by his powers?

Mommy son Kreia dynamic is better therefore male exile is the best.

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maybe before training his hunger could be more easily satiated and after training he continued to want more and more

remaster when

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KOTOR HD musou for Switch WHEN

>Taris is still a shit hole after it got bombed by Malak's fleet
>Republic runs a restoration project and pumps shitloads of credits into it
>Sith don't like it
>the settlers who searched for The Promised Land got dabbed on
in case anyone cares

TOR Kreia a qt

Attached: Kreia-Female-Close.png (269x447, 70K)

post the Entity from the Warrior story and then we'll talk
also, Dantooine soon

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>what did you see?
>a man

well no shit

>what did you see?
>a white man

>destroys planets, peoples and their cultures
we need to stop

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