Have you ever considered falling in love with a video game character?
Have you ever considered falling in love with a video game character?
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I don't think it's possible.
I fell in love with Makise Kurisu! I want to be kidnapped, abused, and broken by Makise Kurisu!
I've gone past merely considering
Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.
I am already helplessly in love with Fuuka!
Anne Takamaki is my wife and the love of my life.
My wife.
why the persona series have such loveable girls?
Generally excellent character design
Cause im lonely and they fill the void
Why yes, why did you ask?
I just love Ann personally.
I have, And yet I never did. I just can't delude myself into thinking that these artificial constructs are a person.
The fact of the matter is, any "love" felt towards a fictional character is not love, but an obsession. To declare your love for, rather than of a fictional being is to elevate it above a mere fiction, And to do so is to allow it to take up a significant role in your life.
Every time I see a waifu thread, I pity those who live in an isolated fantasy, never looking outwards.
You can hug a body pillow, But can it hug you back?
No, that is very stupid and more sad than being a forever alone virgin.
i love her!
Lol your wife is a dumb slut who wears dishwashing gloves everywhere.
I once thought of considering to fall in love with a video game character, but I eventually didn't.
Yes, and it still hurts.
Ann is a stupid slut.
Anne x Makoto makes penis large
Ann is the most boring main character in P5. Lovers arcana is consistently bad.
>love of your life
>you can't even spell her name correctly
I know your game and I'm not playing it.
You say that like it's a bad thing
Kasumi is a fucking slut!
I love Margaret so much.
Magic Knight is my one and only.
I love my gorgeous wife!
I love Viper-chan!
>Not wanting to stand side by side with your lover as one
I can understand if someone was just submissive, but Yandere fags need help. Either way, here you go. youtube.com
No because I have enough meaningful relationships with other human beings in order to find fictional characters enjoyable but not satisfactory enough to consider them on par to human reaction. I therefore could not harbour such feelings to a fictional character. I can love the idea of a character but at the end of the day they are just that: a character. No matter how hard an author tries a fictional character can never be a substitute for true social interactions. Those who think otherwise are so emotionally deprived that an understanding of social interactions has decayed to the point at which their minds can consider fictional characters adequate substitutes for meaningful relationships
TL;DR: Have sex
My waifu since 1999
I love Meiya Mitsurugi!
Like anyone can ever really know a person, user. Ultimately all relationships develop from an ideal projected onto the other, whether its sexual satisfaction, personal fulfillment or anything else. People do not date the person they're dating, they date the person they think they're dating. The only people who can develop meaningful relationships with others are people who are prepared for and embrace the inevitable subversion of their initial expectations that the other person will present. If these people know themselves to be too weak, unready, or otherwise uninterested in this reality, what shame is there in taking the projections theyd put on another human anyway and placing them instead on a harmless and sterile cardboard cutout of one?
TL;DR Yeah, have sex