Why do they keep forcing homosexuals into video games?

Why do they keep forcing homosexuals into video games?

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"they" is california
and 90% of games aren't made there
and that's a good thing

Because homosexuals play video games and homophobes don’t.

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God you fags love your conservative scapegoats. What next, blaming skirt censorship on AOC?

For representation and diversity of course.
Now we also need forced down syndrome, forced albinism, forced people with OCD...
I mean, they represent a % of the population as well and I need to know which characters have those traits even if it has nothing to do with the game or the plot. It's for representation purposes.

Devil beats his high score on sins to reach ultimate unlawfulness for love to grow cold.

To encourage you to be a big homosexual.

It's not a scapegoat when it's true. Dumbass.

White Ppl that why. You need extermnation asap you ruin everything you touch.

Prove that it is true.

White people, at least white middle class to rich people love pandering to poor unfortunate peoples. It gives them boners for some reason, I never understood it really but it also seems to happen to jews too. Maybe it's some genetic failure linked to white skin.

Gay, Black, Muslims etc all works. If you want a perfect example, just look at black panther. That shit won 2 oscars for best picture.

>look at me helping the downtrodden and standing up for their rights
>aren't i a saint.
That's for whites.
>imma make some shekels patronizing these dumb animals
thats the jews

Something went seriously wrong with white people over the past few generations, they went from world dominators and creating the greatest nations on the planet to wanting to wipe their entire race off the face of it.

(((Western gaming)))

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Hang on while I fetch an actual screenshot from the game that explains it.

Both you fucking faggots kiss and piss off elsewhere.

Found it. There's one piece of paper that's particularly legible. Read it.

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Gay people, and gay parents with families exist. I honestly don’t see the problem.

Jewish destruction of the west

I wonder what the molestation reports for said families would read like...

Words can’t describe how pathetic this picture is.