Blacksad trailer is out

>blacksad trailer is out
>looks really good
>nobody is talking about it
god i hate this place

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Yea Forums is too contrarian to into comics user.

These are actually pretty good comics and while I despise furries I'm kind of on board with this one.

Furry shit?

No one here knows what the fuck Blacksad is.

LA Noire with furries.

Blacksad is a great comic and all who dismiss it as furryshit should read it to see why they're wrong.

However, I don't see any reason why it should receive a game or would really work as one.

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Looks like a way better detective game.

Looks fucking GARBAGE

it's well drawn but the stories themselves aren't that good

>looks really good
graphics? sure. the trailer was pretty shit, chock full of cliches. if you every watched or read any noir, this would look like the most boring and unoriginal story. but even i like noir games so ill probably play this hot shit. i remember the comic didnt seem so hokey but maybe im remembering it wrong

Beastars is the superior anthro Manga/Comic

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>Bugs bunny? Fucking furries.

That is kinda true, but the writing improves over the course of the series. Amarillo was definitely a step up.

Thanks OP, watched the trailer, looks good. I love noir anything, so I'll keep an eye on this.

is it gonna be telltale shit?

Yh cause the graphics look pretty damn weak, and while a hate the hell out of furries that doesn't stop a good story being made,doesn't mean it needs to be adapted tho

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>the wolf among us
>except instead of an interesting settings it's just anthropomorphic characters instead of humans
>looks really good
lmao sure op

>unable to watch this trailer without thinking of furries
At this point, you need to ask yourself if you aren't as equally mentally ill as furries. Poor dear.

That's pretty fucking cool. As if old school Disney made a movie for adults.

All the comics have top tier art and the animal design ramps up expressions for each character.

Blacksad came out before Fables (comic twau was adapting).

Except it didn't have a game my dude. It's virtually the same rehashed detective plotline and the same idea of being a gruff, no-nonsense detective in a dangerous world filled with dangerous people. There is a reason people stopped writing noir fiction. From a technical standpoint the gameplay from the trailer looks like it's going to be basically a walking/talking sim with pretty questionable graphics and awful lip syncing. So the only real hook it has going for it is "They're animals" which means it's probably going to end up being predictable tropey bullshit. It's going to be compared to The Wolf Among Us endlessly, it will be played by a very select few, won't sell particularly well, and will fade back into obscurity.

Just like the comic.

except for the female characters lol

I'm not talking about it because i never even heard of it.

Trailer looks interesting, but there is no gameplay in it so not excited about it.

Their role is mostly limited to being charmed and fucked by Blacksad

It's created by an ex-Disney employee too.

Beastars and Blacksad are entirely two different things what are you even comparing?


Gee. Why is nobody talking about THIS...

Attached: disdainforplebs.jpg (400x462, 48K)

THIS but unironically


>video games

Looks pretty god desu
After Beastars I've grown to be able to ignore furshit for a good story.

>looks really good
kill yourself, faggot



Pendulo Studios? What have these guys even made?

Blacksad is great and those voice actors are very good, but there's zero gameplay in this trailer.

I actually knew Blacksad because some user dumped it on Yea Forums

Because they're basically Zootopia