What the hell is Epic's plan here?

What the hell is Epic's plan here?

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To shift the blame to steam, I guess.
It's not our fault we're a Chinese botnet with a terrible store and no benefits to the customer. It's actually steams fault because they won't give developers 8% more money.

>Senpai, n-notice me please!
Except their method so dumb. Valve no need to waste time on it

Try to expose Valve/Steam as greedy to try and win consumer support or developer support but they forget consumers don't fucking care about how much of a cut a developer gets when they still have to pay 60$ for a new game.

Trying to demonize steam even further, putting into peoples head that they are still doing their shitty exclusivity deals because steam did not want to take the LOWEST epic store cut, wich is only for UE games.
And also making a statement like that with no legal backing is just saying "DUDE, like, trust me"

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Valve is being silent about a lot of this because they know it’s a long term failure for epic. They’re trying to force more competition out of steam, but steam doesn’t mind as they’ve a solid base of support.

Steam offers me features and the cost the same. Why the fuck would I want them to be like Epic?

I think they're basically banking on Steam not doing that, as if it will justify their own shitty behavior. If Valve did, it would actually fuck Epic completely, they wouldn't have anything going for them then.



I really want Valve to release a statement calling Epic's business model pants-on-head retarded. All Valve needs to do is point out that a 30% cut allows them to operate and serve customers globally by absorbing transaction fees from payment options around the world, something Epic can't and won't do.

Gotta love how this spam popped up just as Epic's slave labor got exposed.

Valve don't give a fuck about a third world company. you epic cunts will run out of money sooner or later. STEAM IS GOD!

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user he's paraphrasing

12% wouldn't cover valve's operating costs and epic knows that, it doesn't even cover epic's operating costs (which is why they pass the extra cost onto the consumer)
they know valve will never do this, theyre trying to make valve look greedy, but it isn't working because most of the people who care know that it isn't sustainable

Epic can operate at a loss to try and gain on Steam because Tencent has fuck-you-money. If Valve does what they want, Valve would bleed money to death. If they don't, journos get to say Valve is greedy.

Sweeny is trying yet another cowardly tactic to smear an "opponent" that doesn't care about them at all.

both an attempt to hurt their competition, under the guise of looking "for the consumer"
they probably figure Steam's business model would fall apart without drastic changes if they were to reduce their revenue cut


What article or reddit post did he read almost word for word now?

its not epics, its sweeneys

no reasonable company would do this
no reasonable company should support such shitflinging

They are trying to compete with a 2019 digital storefront front with a 2009 one.
There is no way they can deliver a better product so all they have is chanting "monopoly" and "muh developer cuts"

basically this
>Tim: Valve please I will stop this only if you reduce your cut
>Valve: ...
>Tim: I have tried my best but it seems as if Gabe is too greedy to ever let go of his money

Surely if the revenue cut is such a deal breaker like Epic says it is then why do they need to literally bribe them to use their service? If developers keep releasing on Steam despite there being other alternatives mean what steam is offering is worth that revenue cut?

They know valve can't afford or don't want to reduce their income so they're trying to play the good guys saying void remarks. Never trust Tim Swine.

>Steam must give away huge sacks of money!

Go complete retard and only see Steam as a storefront.


Based anti-chink chink

>Thinking Epic gives a shit about devs


>Thinking Valve gives a shit about gooks

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They know Valve is too business savvy to actually do it so it makes them look bad and thus makes them look good. Pure PR.

Donate to patreon, YOOOOONG OUT

Valve probably can't even afford to operate Steam at lower cut. Atm they're on totally different level as a platform compared to Epic store.

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it's a PR stunt. They know valve won't (and really can't, considering the revenue cut covers more than purely giving steam some free money. Epic is shifting some shit on their licensees that Steam covers) and it makes them look like the good guys

Look at all that bandwidth, you know valve is paying big bucks to keeps the servers up. Anyone remember when L4D2 was free during one of the Christmas sales?

its epic trying to shift the blame for their bullshit

>Sweeny already said this cut wont stay
>Already charging more in some countries to make up the money lost
>Devs only care about selling out for that up-front cash

Sweeny is a fucking slimy drooling retard and I hope his shitty chink store falls flat on it's fucking face hard.

>$60 on steam, still have the rest of your library and other features
>$60 on EGS, none of your previous library, far fewer features, somehow runs even worse than steam

It's the same price on either store, so why the fuck would a consumer ever go with EGS if only because they jewed a game away from all other marketplaces? At least let it come out on GOG or something, fuck.

Gabe Newell 纽厄尔加布 Valve Software 阀门软件 Steam 蒸汽 Half-Life
半衰期 Gordon Freeman 弗里曼戈登 1998 Black Mesa Incident 1998年黑色台面事件 Seven Hour War 七小时的战争 Resistance 抵抗性 Red Letter Day 大喜的日子 City 17 uprising 城市17起义 Lambda 拉姆达 Index 指数

That scale really is pretty impressive.

>be Epic
>steal user data for China
>have the worst exclusive deals possible
>force your employees to work 100+ hours a week
>"so the problem is Steam"

I genuinely can't tell if Epic is pants on head retarded, or chad as fuck. Either way fuck chinks, at least with Steam all my data goes to Americans.

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To shift blame and then bait n switch if steam ever takes it.

They've realized that their plan isn't sustainable and they want to take Valve down with them

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They know that nobody gives a shit about their store, so they're now trying to convince consumers that Valve is greedy and evil.
It won't work and EGS will remain a failure.

they want to starve valve. valve can't run at 88%, epic has enough money to go on to beat valve at that revenue share.

Developer here.

For Steam to give us the percentage of profits we deserve.

88% is all we ask.

It's not that hard. Unless you're greedy.

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>trying to convince consumers that Valve is greedy and evil

Everybody besides the valve drones already agreed on that a decade ago.

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this is like the forth thread in a couple of hours
what are mods doing exactly?

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pretending to be some kind of hero so normalfags will eat it up as "oh look, told you they were the good guys. they only want to save vidya".
they know well enough that that a revenue cut of 88% is impossible for steam

microtransacted and yongpilled

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Valve is always silent you fucking idiot. They're shitting themselves right now

Developer here.

If you want more money, ask your boss for a raise.

>these guys made Gears of War

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>this filename and hash
>got dunked on in another ebin thread
Oh so you got a new vpn?

mods are on the paypal dingus
notice how the only spam that gets deleted is the tinymen square copypasta?

>so they're now trying to convince consumers that Valve is greedy and evil
Sounds a lot like someone we know trying to convince their audience every other streamer is evil and greedy.

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Sweeny himself already said 12% is unsubstainable.

>They're shitting themselves right now
I don't think they care since they can wipe their ass with money.

Basically this


getting free PR. By the looks of all these threads, it is working well

It's a bluff. If steam does it they go down as "the good guys" and they hope the good will keeps them afloat. Not to mention the huge cut in rev for steam means their services will take a major hit.

If steam ignores them, then they look like the good guys and people "see steam for what it really is" so to speak. The good will may come pouring in.

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If you're only hosting AAA games. Valve's portfolio of $20 pixelshit games that are 200 MB in size is perfectly sustainable.

Fucking zoomer.

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They want to make Randy Pitchford eat shit on twitter.

>Valve's portfolio of $20 pixelshit games that are 200 MB in size is perfectly sustainable.
Woah weird, it's almost like Valve's hosting AAA games too.

how about you publish those pixelshit games on epic
oh wait

Pushing us to pressure steam to follow their agenda.

They realize their store is a failure and they want better revenue from steam to sell their products.

Just ignore them, they will go on their own.

>They're shitting themselves right now

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Devloper here.

Games don't sell on epic, 88% of 0 is 0.

8% is next to nothing anyways.

Why don't you just release it on your own site if your'e so inclined?

Steam is run by shekel whoring subhuman kikes so that will never happened.

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Their plan is to make standard a better revenue split scheme. This will make gaming industry more profitable for people who actually makes games, not store owners.

>valve can't run at 88%
Valve makes billions a year doing literally nothing from cards and other marketplace items alone.

Epic has lied about stopping exclusivity before so they'll do it again. Just ignore them.

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>"Go on lad! This one's on me." - Tim Sweeney, 2019

Based Tim

Steam is literally run by Gaben you moron.

>t.shekel whoring (((indie))) dev

wait really? when?

Fucking this. The reason why they're doing exclusivity deals and really high cuts is not because they care for the players or the developers. They're hoping those two things will flesh out a good consumer base before they run out of money to stop both. The only reason they can afford this is because of Fortnite. The PC market must be that lucrative if they're willing to invest in it so much.

While I appreciate the idea of keeping store owners in line so they don't become too greedy, I can't tolerate greedy devs who charge 60 bucks for games and then cry about how they're not getting enough.

Publi- Developer here, goy
Give us a lower cut of our revenue. It will certainly help us!

Epic is nowhere near Steam in terms of popularity and feature parity.
If they provided the same services as Steam (bandwidth, customer service, social features, etc...) they'll never be able to operate on their "12% cut" meme.

If their strategy is working, why would they want to stop it, or makes steam changes their way.
The answer is pretty obvious.

...don't forget to subscribe and to give me some patreon money.

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Epic has a larger userbase in one game than all of Steam combined.

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It's a comedy.

The soulless insectoid Chinese Tencent dominated Epic is trying to act like the good guy against a privately owned, renowned and loved company.

developer here.

epic games paid me 2 million so they can sellf my game "for free"

i dont get revenue cut at all, epic is the one thats paying me, not the customer

>Takes less of a cut
>Games still cost the same
Why should I care as a gamer then?

>we will stop competing so hard if our competitors equalize with our standards!
No shit sherlock, you figured out free market interaction.

>subtly advertising this faggots channel
Fuck off

Giving them more money wont make most of them less greedy, but
Giving them less money will make all of them more greedy.

to stir up alot of shit and try to get steam to go along with it
tim and epic have said that what they are doing is not a long term plan and have also straight up lied and gone back on their word
tim is a fag and so are you

I'm cynical this is even something epic actually said to be honest, seems like people taking some shit they said and drawing their own conclusions cause it just doesn't make sense for epic to say this at all.
It's a shooting yourself in the foot moment.
Like its just an obvious attempt at deflection and it's holding your shitty practice to ransom which is likely to piss people off more not make them side with you.

That and Sweeney went on record as claiming that it's the developers who will decide who wins and not the customer.

it's about as much of a bluff as me saying I'll pay you 5 dollars to kill yourself
I have no interest in you killing yourself
You have no interest in killing yourself
You have no interest in getting money if you kill yourself, especially such a negligible amount
I probably won't pay you anything after you kill yourself anyway
I don't expect you to kill yourself on that incentive or any other
it's just a dumb marketing that works because everyone is reporting it and that's the end of it
i'm not saying lowering the cut is comparable to killing yourself, but it's a dumb shit to do

>there are more users on XBOX, PC, PS4, Switch and phone combined than there are users on PC
how surprising

You shouldn't. The only thing you should care about is the quality of service provided by the platform and Steam will still be on top for at least a decade since the only way the chinese store can compete is by buying exclusivity deals.

Give me one proper argument against that claim that isn't fanboy-related.

And I'm sure they counted the console platforms and mobile platforms too, While steam is only on PC.
Not to mention one is a game and the other is an online store/game launcher
This argument is akin to the "MORE PEOPLE WATCH IT SO ITS BETTER"

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yeah but their outside of the game user base is almost non existent.

Fuck dev-kikes, fuck chinks and fuck Yea Forumsermins.
In a few years, base games will start costing over 100 bucks even though game-making is easier than ever before and more cost-efficient than ever beore. Bootlickers and redditors belong on a cross.

Epic tweeted that shit, go find the tweet if you care

So, when's the shopping cart coming?

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And yet their only bestseller is a World War Z which sold only 250k copies.
Meanwhile their most hyped up exclusive Metro: Exodus is something something 2.5X than Metro: Last Light (not redux)! Which sold shitty.
And that's all on store that has only like 20 big games. Which means that even by having a big userbase and a small selection of big games they sell literally nothing.
Dab all you want. You won't stop being chinkoid garbage.

The customer is what matters most. The overwhelming majority of customers don't give a shit about the people who made their product. Have you ever heard an average consumer ask "Were these shoes made in a wholesome working environment and not a sweatshop?"
The best store should always be chosen by the consumer, the person who gives them the fucking money.

I wonder how many people only installed their bonet to play Fortnite.

I wonder what made 2013 christmas so special that they randomly gave lfd2 away for free

wow i cant believe the bloodthirsty moneyhungry baby bodypart trafficking goons known as epic games would do this wow everybody spread this on twitter

Tim Sweeney is pretty much shit posting at this point and faggot click bait artists eat it up and keep the Epic Game Store on all the trending news feeds. I don't know if this is the worst timeline, but it might be the lamest.

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They need to settle down with local currencies and regional pricing.

To win the dumbest Tweet of the year, but he has a tough competition now that Randy doubled up on his output

The tech illiteracy and Steam fanboy redditness in this thread is embarrassing.

Yeah sure that lardassed fatfuck is the only one that retardedly runs Steam. Fucking KYS, fucktard.


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>In a few years, base games will start costing over 100 bucks even though game-making is easier than ever before and more cost-efficient than ever beore
Oh you sweet summer child, in a few years games will be FREE* with a games as service model.

*behind a grind/paywall

>competition on who'll be lying on the ocean floor first between Randy Bobandy and Tim Swiney
Damn this needs to become a show on youtube or something.

Well technically you're right, he hires pretty much top engineers and scientists to work at valve to do most of the work for him.
But he runs it.

Even if steam obeys, why the hell would epic stop buying out exclusives? I wanna make a game where we scoop out the eyes of chinks with spoons just cause of epic games right now

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>Exclusivity deals are working, fuck the consumer they don't decide who wins!
>P-please buy our games. We will stop with exclusivity, but it's Steam's fault!
Pathetic faggots.

well you prompted me to go and check and I couldn't find the tweets but I read the article and it's true so I'm just kinda surprised they'd shoot themselves in the foot like this.
Like if they wanna be cool to devs and shit that's all nice but the dang customers are suffering in the meantime.
All they're doing is showing they dont actually give a shit about their customer base like customers dont give a shit if you're nice to devs.

Tim is a slimey dick head. Anyone that can't see through this facade is a total loss. 88% is not feasible long term for Epic and especially not Steam since Epic doesn't do a lot of international business. He's internally saying this to himself "If I say I'll do X if Y happens but I know Y won't ever happen, I'll look like the good guy"

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cringe snowflakes

Why does he have the most boring fucking presentation ever

>goes full anti-consumer
>thought they are big shit
>thought fortnite will get them all the customers
>selling like shit
>now trying to say it's all steams fault
How about the faggots did 5-10 dollar discounts on all games compared to what they are on Steam? With all that exclusivity money they threw around they could have easily supported this

shut up zoomer

Wasn't their server down for like the whole day? I remember rushing to get the game because I know that shit would happen and so do everyone on Yea Forums.

Epic is a company full of alt-right people thoug.

Any dev that supports them is essentially supporting Nazis, boycott these fucks.

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Winnie the pooh didnt approve them to do that though

Isn't it easy to label everyone who doesn't agree with you as a drone and then dismiss everything, since they're a drone anyway?

>if you accept our demands we'll stop blackmailing you

Lets see how this plays out for the chinese bugmen

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Steam should not waste their time on this . 88% cut wont make the games cheaper for consumers it will just make more money for the devs .

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>a lot of international business
They actually offer all their games in most countries. But for anywhere that isn't a "first world country" has to pay extra. Anywhere from 10% to 300% extra to be precise with no region-adjusted pricing. A $60 game is (minimum) $60 everywhere. In Mexico the fee is something around 100%, so it costs them $120 American to buy a $60 game off the Ebin store.
And given the Peso to Dollar exchange rate and the fact that wages are overall much lower, it means it can take a Mexican worker months to save up that kinda money.

>epic exclusivity

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Not gonna happen.
The ukrainian nigger behind publishing strategy Sergey Galyonkin aka creator of SteamSpy has a grudge on Valve for doing sales.
He told way before EGS even became a thing that Summer/Winter sales hurt number of copies sold because "STOOPID VOLVO TAUGHT PLAYERS TO WAIT FOR DISCOUNTS!!!".

The customers are literally the bottom line. How the fuck are you supposed to run a shop that earns no money? Right now the Epic store only runs because of Fortnite and China money being injected into it.

Sell it on discord store then. They give 90% revenue share.

don't worry, user, I think he's retarded

oh hee hee

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>it will just make more money for the publishers.

He actually doesn't end his videos with that anymore, and hasn't for well over 2 weeks. Nice try.

I've ditched Steam for Epic and there's no going back for me. The quality of the store is miles above Steam, and best part of all there's NO ANIME shit to be found. If only 4channel made the same wise decision.

Are they crying their game isn't selling? Maybe don't sell out to Epic then, you bunch of faggots. Or maybe make a good game.

Remember, kids. Epic's blood money won't last forever. This white nignog has to sellout to Arby's now to pay for his insulin.

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It's a joke account someone made. Notice the "AF" on the end of the account name.

Who are the games made for? Who is buying the product?
Sure, they can compete for devs/publishers, but if they piss of the consumers and they don't buy the game, then who is earning money exactly?

No it's not lol

Such a low quality bait.
You should try better or you'll lose enough social credit points and you'll find your organs on your local chinese craigslist.

>actually watching that shitshow

>What the hell is Epic's plan here?
Raising their PR profile, you moron, what the fuck do you think?
They KNOW Valve won't do shit, and making claims like these they know for 100% won't happen makes them look good in people's eyes without having to risk actually doing anything positive themselves.

yeah they're just handing out blue checks to randos now. Cope harder

Why does it have a blue check then?

doesn't epic pay the developers to ensure that they make a lot of money even if no one buys their game?

Epic literally lacks support for certain countries currency programs like how the USA uses Master Card and Visa or PayPal.

Wait are they actually threatening Steam? Who the fuck thought that was a good idea in any capacity?

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Then none of them deserve money if that's the case. A good dev would make a game FOR FREE, and then be thankful for the opportunity. If you're a scumbag who only cares about muh profit margins, then I don't want you in the industry. You deserve nothing.

The store in-fighting is really cute.

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I came here to laugh at you.

They're basically saying they are only doing bad things to overthrow the evil villain Steam.
They know Steam won't do it so it will make Unreal look better in the eyes of the pleb.

TLDR: The want good PR

Quick reminder that if you didn't read the comments you're a dumb faggot. It was a joke post filled with inside "jokes" and mental illness discussion (yes, literally).

They are not threatening anyone. They are making a publicity stunt to make themselves look better and steam worse, to gain more traction and get a chance to maybe do get a slice of the market after all. Are you retarded?

Devs/publishers choose prices for sales.


>They actually offer all their games in most countries. But for anywhere that isn't a "first world country" has to pay extra. Anywhere from 10% to 300% extra to be precise with no region-adjusted pricing
Fucking this, Metro Exodus is fucking USD $85 where I live.

Ah, that's what you meant.
Yeah, that's also true.
>threatening Steam
They did that out the fucking gate with Metro, getting it pulled 2 fucking weeks before release.


Whatever you say pal. I'm not going to dig through shitter to find context for some shitty joke.

Epic could just drop the price by 5 dollars from their cut of the sale so the dev still gets the same amount of money per sale

Valve already does that but not for everyone. Valve just keeps most of their deals and plans privately within the company because they can.
Sweeny is just a bulldog the chinks hired to lionize their company in the West while they keep their real intentions to themselves; I believe everything he says is pure theater and he has no real decision making power.

>publishers choose prices for sales.

Valve and Gabe are such GREEDY fat fucks!

They DON't deserve a 30% cut like Apple and Google do with their App stores. Apple and Google develop a whole OS/Api/Ecosystem which is why they get 30% unlike Valve which only make a launcher and Microsoft/Devs do the rest of the work.


Find be a better channel, and I'll give it a watch.
And it's not like I actually enjoy everything he does. I'm very critical of the fact he has no distinguishable personality, talks like he's ALWAYS reading from a script, goes on verbose tangents about unnecessary, or already reported topics, or the fact that he still supported specific dev studios because of their "history", despite them being too far gone years ago (i.e. Bethesda).

Then fucking pay attention in these threads when someone fucking points it out and quit reacting to bait like a retard, mong.

Yes, Phoenix Point said if 100% of everyone who pre-ordered just refunded they would still be in the black.

The issue is relationships between developers and customers, the developers colors are finally coming out and customers are realizing they aren't their friends and money is always more important than any player could be

As a person who works at Triple A studios I cannot stand Epic, but I do like money. I would still rather just not have Epic China money honestly, I'd take customer good will any day, there's no better feeling than people liking your games.

Why do Californians love the Asians getting enslaved so much? They whine about how sad it was that the blacks were enslaved, but they seem to fucking love the idea of the average Chinese people being enslaved, to the point whee they will defend the Chinese government.

They're not making enough money from the exclusives and need an out.

>Find be a better channel
There's this thing called 4channel

Not every game is released under a publisher, you don't need one to release on Steam (i believe you just have to pay $100 or some shit) but pretty much yes.

Epic dev here, they locked me in the basement and forced me to work 12+ hours without water and food, please send help.

I wonder how many millions they gave Randy Randy Bobandy for Borderlands 3.

As someone who follows a handful of smaller devs like Kupo Games and Hempuli, I can reasonably say, I much prefer indie developers who are open about their game development even if it does take literal years instead of the latest AAA shite pushed out in a year or less time.

Are any epic exclusives good?

>As a person who works at Triple A studios
It's under EA, isn't it?

It can be summed up as pic related.

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they just gave him a hat that said badass on it, he was on board after that

The cynic in me thinks that most of the videogame industry actually despises people whom likes videogames.

>NA first on the list even with lower bandwidth used

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>What the hell is Epic's plan here?

To poach from Steam using sjw issues, without actually fixing any of them. Sweeney wants everyone to believe that extended periods of crunch time is because publishers don't get enough money, when in fact it's because of unrealistic demands being pushed by top execs because they're all greedy kikes

Thankfully I don't even see many sjws falling for it, thanks to recent revelations

>Spen millions buying exclusivity.
>Do nothing to actually compete in the market
>Dead after a few years

They can't actually think this is a sustainable business model can they?

>Epic will stop killing civilians if steam gives up the president

We already know and don't give a fuck. Shut up and make more skins for Fortnite

>To poach from Steam using sjw issues
I wouldn't even be surprised, remember how all the shit journalist websites like Kotaku and Polygon tried to frame Steam as "that company that supports rape games"?

They don't. But they're intending to get as far in as possible before dropping the offering and going to a Steam model, or in the event they all but destroy Steam, a model worse than Steam's for developers.


Good. Work harder wageslave.

I haven't played any of them yet. Hades might be good? Give it a pirate and see.

Their way of saying they will not stop taking hostages and buying guilt-free pirated copies for non EGS users.

>To poach from Steam using sjw issues
I guess they didn't get the memo that sjws don't play games, they just complain about them

Metro's ok but it can be pirated, see pic related, don't spend money on the Epic store, it's not secure, everyone i know with an Epic account has an email inbox filled with login attempts.

Would help if i selected the pic.

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I unironically want the smaller devs and indie devs that badmouthed Steam to be blacklisted by Steam after this just to see their reaction.

I love how this reasoning makes absolutely zero fucking sense. What would Epic gain from Steam changing their revenue cut? Even less developers wanting to use the Epic Store?

What a fucking piss-poor attempt at shifting the blame.

Hows GOG? I like how you can download the game and actually have it.

Good but not good for modern games, devs don't bother updating the GOG version a lot of times. I doubt this many devs are actually lazy, so it must be hard to update on GOG for whatever reason.

It's a lose-lose situation for Valve
>if they submit, they lose because 12% is not sustainable and Steam dies in two years
>if they don't submit, they lose because developers hate them even more, abandons Steam in a mass exodus, and Steam dies in two years
No matter what happens, Valve is fucked. Based Tim Sweeney putting Valve in their place. No matter what Valve does, we win.

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Well it's hard to tell, where I work it's probably like 50-50. A lot of people hate the players, but still like games. While a lot of my co-workers do actually care about consumers because they're pretty much the means to our end. Getting letters from fans and passion for games as an art-form is what the major drive is, you hear about the people working crunch time voluntarily and that's because some people care more than others, no one wants to admit that though because it makes other workers feel bad.

And it's hypocritical because Epic themselves aren't "absorbing the loss" because they can funnel Fortnite and Tencent money into it.

They're making it seem like they're taking the high road but they know damn well volvo won't do it, they're trying to take the heat off their jewry.

I thought their store was called Unreal Games Store
Not that it makes a difference...

I dunno why getting underpaid for a forced 100 hour work week is a sjw issue, but alas, here we are.

Maybe that's why jews love social justice so much. It creates a group of supporters even for inhumane worker conditions

Too bad the only customers on the Epic store right now are commies, journalists and Fortnite kiddies.

There's an unreal asset store

Any person that benefits from capitalism is not a commie~

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>Thinking the steam moopoly is going to die because some literal whos are trying to buy their way into the market

Lol. If they'd present something with most of the same options I have out the steam store, 99% of indie shit cut out and cut ties with the chinese government then I'd be down. But epic offers literally nothing right now save for some rich ass fuck throwing his money around to play store front

>Epic supports fewer payment methods and currencies so the average customer ends up paying more than full retail price.
>Steam has sales and you can get key from third party retailers so the average customer ends up paying less than full retail price.
Steam doesn't cost the same, it costs less.

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>developers hate them
nice meme, chang

in b4 ContraPoints retards reply to me and say "B-BUT YOU CAN'T SAY THAT WHEN WE LIVE IN A CAPITALIST SOCIETY"
stop it~

um 88 is a problematic number are you symphatizing with the nazis??

>Any person that benefits from capitalism is not a commie~
What benefit do you get though? You pay more on Epic than on Steam even if you live in America, and if you live out of America you pay even more. You don't get technical support or troubleshooting, you don't get proper security. What "benefit" do you get outside of sending money to China?

>in chinese, 8 is pronounced "ba"
>in texting, 88 (baba) is short for "bye-bye"
every time someone mentions epic's 88% cut they are saying goodbye to steam. epic always wins baby

Anyone thinking about the fact how screwed up communities would be for the epic games on steam if this happened? If Fortnite was there Normans would get BTFO

Customer buys the game and decides where yo spend their money?
Are you 12?

and this is why you don't let the code nerds be in charge of PR, they always embarrass themselves

The people who call themselves commies these days do very little in regards to critiquing capital;ism, ironically the nazis are the only ones doing it now, anarcho-communists and anarcho-capitalists have formed a de facto alliance.

They're trying to pretend they're the morally right store and blame Steam for everything, all whilst working their devs to death in the background for Fortnite and doing other scummy shit

This. It's not about Epic vs Steam, this is about Epic vs the consumer. Epic (and the devs from whom it's secured exclusivity) are the ones desperately taking to social media and trying to cover all that up by making it about Epic vs Steam at every chance they get. Their practices are anti-consumer, yet you have people like Randy Bitchford tweeting about how they're pro-consumer and Steam isn't.

Layman Gaming and Pretty Good Gaming do basically the same format but with way better presentation. They also cite their sources. My biggest fucking peeve with Yong is he blatantly regurgitates articles and reddit posts but never bothers to actually give credit to the script he's reading from. He's a fucking hack that only got popular because of MGSV's controversy. He blows.

Ok, when Epic cuts ties with Tencent and closes down Fortnite, I'll gladly move to their store since I'm sure they will be glad to uphold their 88% cut without Tencent and Fortnite's help, right?

>What is back end
>What is steam and all of its services
>What is running a giant, multi million dollar online store front that services most regions on earth


>i dont do exercise because tv keeps showing me food

Randy also said he supports a "finely curated store" like Epic because "Steam's lack of curation allowed bad games to be released on it" despite the fact that he released Aliens Colonial Marines on Steam.

>they are saying goodbye to steam
And to anyone else cause their shit store is about to die.

>Epic cuts ties with Tencent
Not gonna happen. Once chink got their claws into you they won't let you go until you die.
>closes down shitnite
It's not in their interest to shutdown money printer.

Did they really sell 9 copies? I guess it makes sense since their game is basically worse first person factorio on a really shitty launcher

>this whole debate is about devs getting a fair share!
>88% is only fair shithead!
Bring up how Discord store has a 90-10 split and watch how they instantly find somebody else to shill epic store too

I think the Epic store will survive because of the unreal engine. It's by far the most popular and flexible engine out there. Without it Epic would have no chance though

>We win
>By dealing with console wars tier "competion" in which competitors bribe developers for exclusivity ON PC for no benefit to the end consumer.
>IN the end likely driving up the price of "AAA" game even more

Retard frog poster. Stop trying to "le based" contrarian. It doesn't make you seem any smarter, and doesn't make anyone like you.

You need to be actually brain dead to think Epic is in any way good for competition or even good for the whole industry in general.

nice double think

shut the fuck up niggers no one cares about all this other shit LOL

Epic is shit, so I pirate. Who gives a fuck.

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No, they were being facetious to make fun of pirates.


No, they survive thanks to Fortnite.

So this is just a marketing scheme, gotcha, gonna keep playing factorio then

>make fun of pirates
Not like pirates would care.

They do know that won't change a thing, right?

blatant lying. Even if Steam did that, Epic wouldn't stop doing what they're doing.

Why did you feel the need to keep your gay channel cropped in you fat fucking chink?

Who cares about EPIC games anyway?

How could you make fun of someone who is literally winning in every regard?

Because they heard people were threatening to pirate the game because it's epic store exclusive. It was an "oh no how will we ever survive without your business :(" type of response to pretend they don't care.

I'm talking about developers putting their games exclusively on their store

Developer here. When I am unhappy with how Steam works I just release it on my own platform or without a platform. Easy peasy, just like always. The only thing I don't do is whine on reddit.

>8% more money
Steam's regular cut for developers is 70%, not 80%. The revenue only increases if you sell a certain amount of copies, so it's only really for massive AAA games. It's incredibly disingenuous to use that as the baseline

So basically they told everyone to pirate it because they'd be okay? Cool! Win win for everyone.

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>The only thing I don't do is whine on reddit
You should if want more sales.

People care about huge titles being tied to a different store. no one worries about losing the indieshit games

>release game on epic
>get bigger cut, less people play your game
>release game on steam
>get shitty cut, more people play your game

Epic is for creators who want to make money, Steam is for creators who want people to enjoy their creation, end of fucking discussion. Developers like Dennaton are unironically based to me because they were a couple of poorfags who literally couldn't give a shit about how much money they were making, they just wanted to make a game that they wanted to play and the fact that so many others also enjoyed it made them happy. I think Dennis Wedin himself said that he kind of missed the poor lifestyle and all the frozen fish-sticks that came with it after Hotline Miami became such a hit.

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Not going to watch it until someone tells me if he is still very slowly reading an article then making basic bitch comments and repeats them worded slightly differently for 10 minutes.

>Implying EPIC are the same guys who made this epic game.

This, Epic is for Capitalists fuck heads.

Steam is for artists who care even a little bit about games as an art.

Nah, he just reads the headlines and rewords them now.

GabeN's got this market on lock.

How do you make a 15 minute video, that isn't a total waste of time, about a topic that can be summed up in 2 sentences?

2019 CliffyB is a totally different person from 1999 CliffyB

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Nazi Germany: "We'll stop invading countries if Russia gives 88% of their territories independence".

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what benefits retard? you get less features than on Steam and the price is the same, now go suck a dick chink shill.

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They can't keep paying exclusives so to stop their failed digital store business without admitting defeat they want Steam to compromise.
Maybe an 88% cut publishing deal from Steam would justify Epic's loses in the long run.

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i think making videos that are longer than 10 minutes on youtube earns you more money or you can place more ads or whatever

Yeah but even Totalbitchtits said years ago that not enough noteworthy stuff, and what is can be summed up in 1-2 min, is happening in vidya to make a 15-20 min news vid every couple of days and here we have gook mc mouthbreather stretching one topic to 15 min.

>Retards think Valve is only taking as much money as they need to operate with a small profit.
>Thinks they'd go OUT OF BUSINESS at 12%.
Absolutely baseless and retarded belief.

>shitting themselves over fear of Epic
>will likely be at least a couple of years at its current rate before Steam could *potentially* lose a significant amount of business that could damage it
>you thought this was a good point

Valve is literally shitting themselves in their baby diapers now. They're the pathetic little bug watching a giant herculean chad about to step down on them.

Not him but pay attention to what he does, he basically reads word by word by others state on social media/news outlets, says water is wet opinions and pans the shit out of his videos so they are 10+ minutes long for that sweet ad revenue, plus overly nitpicks everything to get material for his next video "oh this developer made a tweet about the current subject trend, better make a new video explaining everything again before i get to the new stuff"

Form your own opinion, don't be sheep.

both companies take too much of my money

it should be a 3% cut like paypal

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He does cite or give credit at times. It's when he uses a redditor with no backing behind their claims, like the EGS registry controversy, and has yet to correct that information that makes him out to be a sham. He reports on what's currently available, rather than doing any research of his own.

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None of that justifies the 30%.

Apple and Google however did.

Now if this fat fuck Gaben developed his own OS and didn't piggy back off Microsoft with Windows and DirectX, then you woud have a point.

Also Valve literally uses bandwidth from their own users via P2P instead of paying for servers.

To be honest I kind of agree with that. Valve doesn't really put much work in to Steam does it? At least it's nothing compared to how much work developers put in to making games. The idea that the work Steam has done is somehow worth 30% of the game is actually kind of ludicrous, even 12% is a little bit high. Game stores only take this much because they can.

To force the competition into a better place for developers.

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>None of that justifies the 30%.
Who are you to judge?

>it's just a dumb marketing that works because you're paying people to report on it

>laughs at everyone else because muh superior platform
>gets cucked out of the biggest games because capitalism

I thought you guys liked capitalism though?
I got Metro for $10 cheaper and a dozen free games so I literally dont give a shit. Especially when they are moving way faster than steam ever has to stay competitive from their roadmap.
Wheres steams roadmap and why is it shit?

>the only reason
they are owned by tencent, you know that company that owns league of legends and is a commercial super giant in china bigger than google

The fanbase response has just been to ride the high seas again and they refuse to release the sales numbers for Metro. Jap shit like Sekrio and DMCV on steam has their publishers boasting those numbers.

fucking indie devs itt
hail epic as the savior yet continue to beg steam for lower cut
where are my cheaper games you slimy faggots?
get the fuck out of here with your cut bullshit

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>other stores do the same for far less
Fuck off m8, steam and gamestop were in bed forcing games to stay $60

Now that gabens got competition his dorito fueled conga line is starting to show its cracks

Not him but it's very obvious that Steam only gets 30% because of how stubborn users are and how prevalent the "no Steam no buy, I don't want any other launchers" attitude is. They don't earn 30% because of any amazing features they provide or anything like that. Especially from a developers perspective, I'm sure any developer would love if users actually used more than just Steam and there was some better competition where they could sell their games and get a better deal

Nobody wants to use Epic them self, they just want it to act as competition to make Steam better

nigga the idea is to rise the prices not lower them
you think publishers will be happy with mere cut increase, this is just a momentary focus
together with the journos they've been trying to push narrative that games are too cheap as is, that sales are bad etc
lowering the baseline from $60 and other respective tiers would be counterproductive to their effort
all this after they already had their profits increased by digital distribution, own storefronts, microtransactions, and yearly reports of new records, and what not
sweeney is printing money with fortnite with incredible profit margins yet his employees are treated like shit and he doesn't feel like hiring additional people, instead makes statements about valve's price cut
why don't the so called journalists ask him about that

Most anything takes a 30% cut i don't why the hate for such a cut, devs need to grow up and accept that if their games flop maybe the problem is not the store or the gamers but them.

Didn't Epic themselves say that they wouldn't be able to sustain their 12% indefinitely due to it simply not being sustainable?
So why would it be sustainable for Valve or anyone else?

If others provided the at least the same or BETTER, maybe users would move elsewhere. Maybe bark at the other storefronts for being so shitty at their jobs, eh?

They never said that and actually said the exact opposite. They did say that they cant sustain exclusive deals where they literally throw money at devs though

Why is everything so autistic about the games industry.
Imagine trader joes calling out walmart for not giving a bigger cut to procter & gamble.

Has Yong ever made a vide that wasn't just him reading Yea Forums threads verbatim and passing them off as his own opinions?

30% is the industry standard, why aren't you complaining at literally every other company other than Steam?

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Only the rich benefit from capitalism, most of this country is a victim of it

Then all steam needs to do is ignore them and let them waste money

Yeah but fuck sales and fuck consumers, I inherited a sum so large I nor my children and their children will ever need anything.

It's what they're doing already

You are bullshitting yourself if you think people use Steam because of it's features. People use Steam because it's what they've always used and they have all their games tied to it's DRM already, as well as many already use Steam as a social media and have loads of friends on there or a high account level or lots of emotes or whatever too. It's because people are attached to Steam, partly due to habit but also partly due to lots of tactics Steam uses to keep you attached like the account level and all that bullshit.

If a store with all the same features as Steam came up it wouldn't catch on unless it really went above and beyond and became WAY better than Steam or if it bought a ton of exclusives so people had to get out of their comfort zone and use it in order to play games they're excited for

>yfw itch doesnt even take money and only asks nicely for using the site
Fuck all these other cock waffles.

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kill yourself

Why would PC users care about consoles? I think most PC users already hate consoles, they just don't complain about them because they don't have to use them and they can easily ignore their existence

For Epic it's the only way to squeeze in. Their platform absolute horse shit compared to others so they buying users with exclusive deals and shit talking.

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I honestly don't get why every indie developer doesn't just put their games on itch. It can only do them good, I don't see any possible downside. It's not like Steam DRM is actually going to stop people pirating their game

Gears of War should have been when you got turned off from Epic you zoomer, when they went from a PC centric company with Unreal to not even porting over Gears 2 and calling all PC gamers pirates to justify it

Fortnite has peaked and they can't afford to bribe devs with millions so now they say they may consider stopping the practice

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It's not even just consoles though, every game store aside from Discord and Epic takes a 30% cut.

Does GOG take 30%?

>what is literally all of steamworks
The new hat in time dlc wouldn't even be possible without the new infrastructure. Not to mention it's covering all the overhead cost.

Do you retards even understand why limited exclusivity exists?
Its not to get more sales.

>All of the blacks are low IQ command grab ungas

What did boon mean by this

If you support Valve you openly hate capitalism

That's not THAT much. Does Mega, Netflix, Youtube or anyone else whose main purpose is to serve data post those numbers?

Last I checked GOG took 30% although recently they ended their Fair Pricing Program over what they say is increasing shares paid out forcing them to make cutbacks.

What is the new hat in time dlc? Is it a special one that's not available on the GOG version? Also sure there's a lot of Steamworks features but do they really earn 30% of a games revenue? Especially considering they're optional. What if I just want to make a normal singleplayer game? I'll likely have to release it on Steam because customers will nag me until I do and refuse to buy it anywhere else but once I release it there I probably won't want to use any of the Steamworks bullshit.


>or if it bought a ton of exclusives so people had to get out of their comfort zone and use it in order to play games they're excited for
How's that working out?

You sound pretty greedy.

holy fuck this doesnt even cost that much, Youtbe makes this kind of traffic in 1 day

t. work in a datacenter

>Imagine trader joes calling out walmart for not giving a bigger cut to procter & gamble.
You jest but shit like that happens, the minimum wage was introduced for this reason, to make it unsustainable for small businesses, Walmart could afford to pay it's employees 15 bucks an hour but the green grocers down the street might not.

>Sell 10 games for $100 each on shop A
>Sell 100 games for $50 each on shop B
>YoU kNoW YoU MaKr MOre Uh WITH sHOp A

Retard, you don't deserve that king of the hill edit. Hank would slap you into clean burning propane hell.

Too bad WWZ sold just fine.
Every time it ends up being just fine for the devs even though you faggots sperg on about how they wont get any sales

Kek, Valve doesn't need to do shit. Enjoy your 9 people game sales Epictards.

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>Games don't sell on epic

ok buddy

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What I don't get is why people are pretending like this an actually contest?

I have not heard of a single game on the epic store that was worth the install and big name devs don't seem to give a shit preferring stability over short term bribes.

Not only that but you could literally have both. There is nothing stopping you from just installing both if you really need the meme shit epic has.

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They're desperately trying to find a way out, they can't commit to this model for long considering the games are shit.

you forgot

>If a store with all the same features as Steam came up

maybe try to read next time

So what's that in actual numbers?

Brands are the new religions.

I'm not sure what that changes

the numbers dont matter anyways because its a false comparison

>all these steamdrones throwing a huge shitfit over their anti consumer monopoly slowly collapsing under gabe's fat fucking ass

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50+ player multiplayer dlc for hat in time.

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Post a concrete number, dog breath.

More than steamfags will pay because "no sale no buy" shit

Steam nearly killed PC gamings pricing and had to stop themselves before it was too late.
Tons of shit just never moved units before because waiting for sales and then devs would only get maybe a quarter of what they should have.
Theres a reason greenlight was replaced and sales were drastically nerfed in potential by removing daily sales and more

I'm not seeing that happening but whatever floats your boat


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>proton suddenly doesn't apply to singleplayer games

i would but Steam doesnt publicly share sale data, so only a dev would know

steam spy says between 2-5million, so lets say 3 million estimate

are you just pretending to be a retard?

>b-but muh shopping cart
>b-but muh achivements
>b-but muh steam forums
>b-but muh gaben's dick in my ass

>believing steams lies
Nigga we have been able to have game invites work WITHOUT PORT FORWARDING OR ANY SHIT LIKE THAT for fucking years.

Gotta love how stam pretends they are adding a new feature when their infrastructure has actually supported it for years and years

>sudden increase of chinkoids itt after that one nigga who posts same shit for months got btfo
Really gets me noggin joggin

no one gives a single fuck about how much a dev gets and "people" will stay with steam. you must retarded if you think that any normie gives a single fuck

>Valve wastes time on a new Networking API when they should be making video games instead
Fuck Valve, they deserve to crash and burn.

Grownups are talking, go away.

You know, people who spend all their time on the internet can really notice how much of a slandering Jew Epic is being
but the normies who only really see the headlines and have to spend the rest of their time wageslaving won't really get all the details and just see shit like this and think "Wow! Epic is really trying to take a stand for game developers!"

ok commie

>counting redux for Last Light saled
Are you?

Chinese people can't even post on Yea Forums m8

Should be....why?

Reminder they just said Last Light, not Last Light Redux.
The original sold a whopping 25K(?) and seeing as there is no actual numbers posted like they did for some other games I'm going to assume Metro sold like shit and they just don't want to admit it.

I like how they framed this scandal of theirs to make them appear to be the good guys.

Do you have any sources to back up that claim? I know what I'm about to say isn't the same thing but Ameritards already pay a bunch of money a month for shit internet service so how much would a data center have to pay?

you don't need to pay anyone to make stupid clickbait titles, that's what they are eager to make in the first place
they also can't ignore it because others won't
you also don't have to pay anyone to not follow the clickbait title with any kind of sensible analysis because that would be actual work and they are not eager to do it in the first place

They've been talking about this topic from the very beginning, it was the whole premise of the shop

I get your point but there's a lot of games I would have NEVER bought if they never had dropped in price or went on sale
If I had been told that some of the game I own now from sales would never reduce in price then I would not be having those games right now
If you care enough for a game you'll shell out the full price on release

well when you buy bandwith in bulk like all big players, 1TB of data transfer cost maybe 5-10c depending of what kind of deal it is

Valve uses Akamai, and thats one of the shitty ones so its probably cheap

shieet, lol, I remember this NG flash.

Sure thing Cheng.
It's not like they have access to VPNs to bypass their GUREITO CHINESO FIREWARRU and permission to do so by CCP part of Tencent.

To shift blame onto Valve for their malicious actions.

>not thinking Tencent would hire people to do this because they're a big company so the law is beneath them half the time

Dont forget that all the large games use their own servers for this shit to have tighter control so it literally only helps indie devs that could easily already do this.

Fucking Hover has crossplay and even lets pirate versions join friends seamlessly.
Steams a bunch of literal retards who think its still 2007 and that they have no competition.

Is Fortnite actually dying? I know that their site traffic is far down from its peak and their rankings have tanked but of course Epic won't ever release negative numbers. I personally just want the epitome of zoomer cancer to finally croak.

>To shift the blame to steam

This. It's bait for Steam.

Even if Steam cuts revenue to 88%, they'll go back on their word and still make exclusivity deals because fuck you, they're run by chinks and chinks have no honor.

5-10c as in cents or is that some other form of currency?

>If you care enough for a game you'll shell out the full price on release
So you dont care enough for those games?
I dont like this discussion.

yes USD cents

If steam did this is would destroy the epic store because there is no reason to go epic which kills a store that just serves to spend some of that fortnite money

If steam doesnt do it like they wouldnt it draws more people to the store which hopefully means they dont need to pay anymore and always gives epic a way to look like the good guy when they are treating their employees in ways that are way worse for the devs than industry standard 30%

I doubt it's dying. It's probably going up and down based on the fact that not EVERY new player stays but everyone want to try it out because of how popular it is and friends. With the Avengers collab coming up it's probably gonna rocket again.

So why donsn't Steam do it and destroy EGS?


>So you dont care enough for those games?
>I dont like this discussion.
Yes? I don't care enough about those games to buy them at higher prices but would if they were cheaper. Many consumers are like this. I don't know if you were trying to make a counter point here or just plain calling me out as a penny pincher.

There's no way Steam will lower their cut any more than they already have (with that thing where if you sell enough copies it can go down to 20%). Once you lower a cut it's way harder to increase it again, and if Steam goes down at this point it will basically become the industry standard (at least for PC). There's no way Valve is going to give up so much potential future income like that. It's just absurd to even think that that's a possibility

>Another poster that just shows up and doesn't read the other posts because he just wants to shitpost

not how it works user.
Once you are a large business you get these things called deals with other businesses

because it wouldnt destroy anything but steam
epic destroying themselves and trying to make it look like they have the whole market locked down but in reality the money is gonna run out and epic is gonna suck my dick

It's already doing that just by existing

EPIC wants to keep throwing insane amounts away, by all means, let them.

Yes they are using VPNS to post on Yea Forums surreeee. You niggers don't matter that much most people in china don't know what this site is and don't care to. Not only that but most of the VPNs the chinese use are actually banned on Yea Forums.

The world does not revolve around you losers surprise surprise

>Once you are a large business you get these things called deals with other businesses
Then if different businesses are getting different deals
isn't all this criticism just theorizing then? We can see how much bandwidth is being used up but maybe they also pay for another service from the data center?

Pretty much, Sweeney likes to spin it to appear they have the moral high ground, like the review bombing
>Steam fixes it
I swear that guy has a special place in hell.

>Youtbe makes this kind of traffic in 1 day
that's active traffic wtf are you talking about

Don't overact Cheng.
Or your social credit account will go negative and your owners at CCP will have your dog eaten for dinner.

>they're always silent
>time to make up my own narrative!

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thats a 48h chart and i ment to say US Youtube only, god knows how much traffic per day YT makes in the whole world

also Netflix probably makes more traffic in 1 day than Steam in 30 days.

Epic is like that girl in middle school that constantly talks trash to you because she secretly has a crush on Steam and relishes the opportunity to talk to you in any way she can but is too shy to be flirty.

If it sold great they would give straight numbers like 1 mil 2 mil 3 mil etc

Epic is literally ran by a child

Pretty ironic, I guess /pol/ is just another occult

Epic is not allowed to share sales number just like Steam you fucking retard.

And if Steam reacts all at all, it validates Epic's existence. Steam is playing it smart by ignoring the thot's trash talking. Nothing is more damaging to a thot than ignoring her attention-seeking behavior.

>I got btfo so Ill pretend your chinese

Yea no

with valves 30% cut they make 8% profit, its clearly a ploy to make valve hemorrhage money and probably won't work

How do customers benefit from a rich guy giving money to another rich guy to force customers to buy things on an inferior platform, big guy?

is there any other explanation of this being anything than a trap?

ok I didn't want to insult you but you're really asking for it
it's a graph of 48 fucking hours and how it changes over 48 hours, not a sum total of 48 hours traffic

Fucking die shill
(remove the first period)

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Has Epic done anything positive since Unreal? Gears of War continued the trend of brown cover based shooters and a shunning of the PC market. Fortnite just copied BR and then became the zoomer cancer it is now.

Or maybe valve should stop trying to be fucking xbox and nintendo rolled into one when they havent made a game worth playing in years and years

I still don't understand why anyone cares how much the devs are getting. That's not my concern as a customer, I just want the game for the lowest price.

Steam are too much of a hew to lower the 30% cut they take. So it will never happen.

ur retarded if steam is allowed to give a ballpark estimate then why can't epic? Basically lying to your customer base to save face should be far more illegal than saying thing sold about 2 million copies

Devs can voluntarily give numbers, and if they had any worth showing they would brag about x million sales like for any steam success which gets touted out to news sites. A lack of information given usually indicates at best lackluster sales.

how does that mean anything? they are a games distributor on the whole now and their cut and profit margin are well within reasonable AND industry standards

fucking mongoloid Steam doesnt give estimates, only 3rd party websites give the estimates

Sure Cheng. Don't tell me I didn't warn ya.

They HAVE given numbers for other games and even done so very recently you drooling fucking retard.
Get yourself lobotomized it'd be an overall improvement for you.

they had hand in bulletstrom and that game was cool

you might be right now i think about it but regardless saying it sold 2.5x amount to make it sound like it was a massive success to swindle possible customers should be 5x more illegal than information that should be public

In terms of games? Probably nothing.

In terms of positive things for the industry: Unreal Engine 4.
The amount of games that uses unreal engine 4 is crazy, it's a very powerful engine and the engine is free for anyone to download and fool around with.

I don't think it really matters considering developers are going to continue to use epic game store.

>They HAVE given numbers for other games


>its okay that valve wasted billions on steambox
>its okay they wasted billions getting movie deals so you could get Mad Max with Mad Max
>its okay valve literally tried to go along with paid mods and still monetizes every aspect of their gamified storefront
>its okay they opened the flood gates promised no curation and anything goes and immediately backpedaled when "problematic" games showed up
>its okay valve doesnt even make games but pretends to know whats best for them

Are they trying to tie with gamestop?
Because they have been shit for so long its hard to tell.
Greenlight was a mistake

competition is healthy

Except most of them don't. Publishers and developers are avoiding Epic for the most part. Go look at their store front (on the web, don't download the app). You'll notice about 20+ big name developers and publishers missing. They don't want to be associated with Epic.

I don't follow your logic. They should cut their share on their successful storefront because they haven't made any other successful product in a good while?

>muh industry standards

standards are not set in stone, they change depending on who has market power

Wait, are you angry they tried to expand on their services or what?

im still waiting btw

Are you retarted? Normies are against epic

People claim it costs a lot to run things.
It doesnt, it costs steam a lot to fuck around with VR andmake new controllers each year

Its like you retards dont realize valve literally bought up factories just make anything gaben might want


and the industry standard says if you charge below that on average you will bleed money, even if they lowered it so they had a sub 5% profit margin that is a extremely dangerous place to be for any company since shifts in the gaming landscape could easily make them easily go red

Not him but ignoring exodus's obvious bullshit
85m claimed users, 4.5m downloaded slime rancher and subnautica, 250k WWZ sales worldwide (23k concurrent, but that's a number from the dev, not ebin)
Basically, as you can see the Fortnite zoomers aren't buying fucking games or even claiming the free ones. That's why they're offering this stupid "deal", it's them trying to weasel their way out of this.

>are you angry they tried to expand on their services or what?
You forgot the part where they dropped all those things quicker than sony dropped the vita

Dont push hardware or software and then abandon immediately it unless you really want to waste a billion.
Valve is too stupid to get even that right

>we want the xbox crowd so lets get MOVIES and TV
>we want the nintendo crowd so lets make useless hardware no one actually wanted

Dont even get me started on the fact they STILL havent even added support for xbox elite controller even though THEY FUCKING SUPPORT JUST FINE IT ON STEAMOS

Valve a bunch of retards that have no idea what they are doing.

im still waiting for those numbers m8
maybe your the drooling fucking retard?

i need SOURCE for sale numbers, not usless data your providing me, if you dont have them the shut the fuck up

So they tried some things and failed and didn't see need to continue. And that's rageworthy?

Epic Games Store is not open for any developer/publisher to launch their game on. It's still a heavily curated store on their early days.

I bet if they opened the gates the store would be just as bloated as Steam is right now.

So its okay for steam to literally waste billions on shit that was never going to take off from any reasonable point of view but they just cant afford to budge on revenue share despite giving their largest sources of it massive cuts?

Fuck off apologist

if they tried pushing the same model on to something like GoG they would kill it overnight and GoG actually makes more profit on average than steam on a per game basis

>industry standard says if you charge below that on average you will bleed money

Not necessarily. It's really up to the companies that has the most power, it says nothing about what's sustainable and not. Valve has had a monopoly for all these years with no real competition, you honestly think they charge the absolute minimum they can handle?

To continue to be a failure?

I mean fucks sake, my grandma's wordpress site that uses paypal buttons has better shop features than the goddamn EGS.

So what's wrong with spending money on risky ventures that can result in cool things like VR? Why should I prefer that the money instead of lining the pockets of publishers?

>afford to budge on revenue share

12% would put them at a -10% revenue on average

>shit that was never going to take off from any reasonable point of view
Are you a psychic?

Oh FUCK OFF. Companies like Rockstar and Bethesda aren't some damn indie devs. They're purposefully avoiding Epic. They aren't being curated for low quality. How willfully ignorant can you be? Epic would suck dicks to have GTA on their store.

no but they do stick with the industry standard pricing model and enough leeway to make it so a market shift won't outright kill them.

They totally could give up a bigger share but in turn have to jack up game prices to compensate otherwise they would go in the red

I gave you the only sales data they've actually put up though
25% of console sales, 250k worldwide sales, and roughly 23k concurrent players. Store must be doing pretty shit if this is what they announce, vermintide did more than double that in a similar span of time

*that the money lines the pockets of publishers

>They're purposefully avoiding Epic.
You don't know that.

not really no

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>lining publishers pockets
Fucking retard steam is literally already doing that since they give cuts to only the BIGGEST publishers who sell millions and millions.

How is it okay for a mega publisher with AAA shit to get a better cut than the indies they supposedly support who keep getting more fed up each year that their storefronts algorithms simply dont work right anymore now that there are thousands of additions each month.

Then why is it okay for them to give Bethesda or Ubisoft cuts? Those AAA games are the biggest sellers on steam every time but its okay for steam to take a loss there?
Fuck off

>how could someone have possibly guessed that pushing a linux based gaming platform without support and forcing movies onto a gaming store would go badly
Try harder user

cliff nsyncsky

1. games should not cost $60
2. a download rental should not cost the same as a physical copy you own

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>tim sweeney has now stooped to virtue signaling
What a faggot
Also everyone knows he wouldn't stop.

So is EGS running out of steam (heh) and he's trying to at least be remembered for having changed SOMETHING in the PC gaming industry?

Why do people say he just now started doing this?
He has talked about this from the very beginning.

can't believe there are people in this thread who get their news from yongyea


Because these dips are fresh of the boat.
I cant stand that I'm still here

I guess? It's just fucked up that he's straight up lying about stopping because he knows they aren't going to call his bluff.

What games(s) was/were yours?

>Fortnite kiddies.
You mean the new generation that will replace the old one. Why wouldn't devs prefer them over aging Steam boomers?
>he genuinely thinks more than a tiny minority will pirate
How's that MW2 dedi server boycott going?

>Then why is it okay for them to give Bethesda or Ubisoft cuts? Those AAA games are the biggest sellers on steam every time but its okay for steam to take a loss there?

because you are a retarded nigger that doesn't understand that after a point they will make solid profit regardless on bigger games thus incentivize bigger games on to their platform with a bigger cut if they reach sales thresholds while also opening the door for indie hits to receive the same chances

>muh boogeymans
I would never sell a game on steam for more than 1.99 and it would be 90% off every sale.

Shits going onto itch if I ever finish one
Not that I will because whats patience when it comes to learning new tools

So what are you mad about? That Epic started a race to the bottom? and big publishers will obviously get preference for lower cuts? I mean its less ideal for indies but that is how businesses work, AAA games are what entice people to a store.

a business analyst would have a fucking stroke with this thread

You tell me why steam simply cant give devs more revenue?
I'm waiting


So why are you raging about things that don't supposedly concern yourself?

>literally engaging in terrorist tactics

Do the Chinese know no shame

he would have a stroke no matter what because hes hooked up to coffee and cocain 24/7 while getting cucked

ITT: gamers think they understand the industry better than industry people


Why should they? Can't handle it, go to another store.

because your communist paradise doesn't actually exist because profit margins are a thing?

Can you tell me why should I care as a consumer? Other stores with lower cuts don't offer lower prices or any extra features.

Which game was it?

But they do it for the largest sellers on their platform already.
Surely they wouldnt let AAA stuff sell at a loss and force the small devs to shoulder all the financial burden of steams platform.

I can't take anyone who says indies weren't able to negotiate a better deal for their games seriously when the dev of fucking Domestic Dog Simulator said here that he was able to get 25% or 20% for his next game before Valve automated it.
Failed indie devs will never stop crying and somehow they don't realized that it is only a matter of time before the EGS becomes oversaturated as well. New markets never last.

The 30% share is already optional when they can generate keys and hand them off to other storefronts, nigger.

>before Valve automated it
Thats the fucking point you retard.
You simply CANNOT make a deal anymore.

Steam said fuck indies we only talk to ubisoft and their ilk.

>you can just sell your game elsewhere user
Yeah because the entire point of getting your game into steams system is to go sell elsewhere.
Why the fuck would an dev want their game on the largest PC gaming store out there?

Keep licking that boot, valve only cares about AAA anymore and it was obvious as soon as they got rid of what use to make them the best platform.

Holy shit Africa get it together

Developers getting more money is in theory in the best interest of the consumers. A more sustainable business means developers can take more risks and make decisions they otherwise couldn't, further increasing the quality/quantity of products. When low to mid size developers make games for Steam they'll always have to take the 30% cut into consideration when making their games.

For tripple A titles with huge budgets it doesn't really matter.

Your comment is so funny because of how ridicilously stupid u have to be to believe this is true. Good joke user glad u used sarcasm and not being a braindead pathetic retard.

Bargaining stage.
They aren't seeing the massive sales they were expecting and the morons figured the people with the power to decide who wins this war(the consumers) were just mindless sheep.


That happened because the failed devs kept pushing them to give them access to lower cuts and ended up ruining it for everyone.
All they had to do was make one remotely successful game but they couldn't do that to save their lives.

No shit, what do you think is more profitable in the end?

>Still getting completely cucked by launchers
Why haven't you taken the GOGpill?

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>make a game usin unreal
>its free unless you make a certain amount of money

>steam only gets cheaper if you make all the money and charges more if you only make a little money

Steam is retarded

So what game did you make that didn't sell well?


>i'm operating at a loss and so should you

>boot lick poster is still in every thread to post about boots being licked
Is your time really that worthless?

I like my games to be up-to-date and being able to find other people to play with.

There's some basic math here.

>company starts out making pc games and does well
>switches to console games badmouths pc
>switches to back to pc and badmouths xbox
>starts a new e-store to lock games behind Chinese spyware
Epic has a strange history.

My time is already worthless.
I'm on Yea Forums retard.
I also said I wouldnt touch either store with a ten foot pole and if I ever made a game would just use itch.

Fuck you corporate shills

then why not use itch.io? I mean revenue shares are all that matter right?

I like actually owning my games and being allowed to do with them what I want.

>chinese spyware

>see posts about how Sweeney is raping his own devs up the ass for a few days
>suddenly this happens to show how much he really cares
Really really makes me think

Fair enough

Epic chases where they think the money is, consoles were outshining PCs so they shift there and burn bridges. Then they see the big selling f2p games on PC so they comes back and hope no one remembers what they said about PC gamers. Now I am assuming they see the money in PC storefronts and want in.

Lol, almost all of the missing stuff is just the result of devs not having access to the pipelines Valve built for their platform.

ok chink riot employee

The transparency makes the girl looks like she's a futa

It mainly comes from how epic reads and copies steam files without permission or linking your accout

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Developers have salaries
Only publishers get the bonus
Get it right

I would if I could into game making tools or coding.
But were on Yea Forums, no one here actually makes things

So was this the anger stage then?

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but outside of self-published indiegames, what they have marked as "developers cut" is actually "publishers cut", no? Of course it depends on the studios, but developers typically receive nothing from sales; the only money they see is what they're paid for upfront and maybe from things like bonuses for X number of copies sold or X metacritic rating achieved.

Small brain

Just think about how much revenue share the fortnite devs probably get of that game's profits.
