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Other urls found in this thread:

Red dead redemption
End game
Endgame OST I guess
Watchmen comic
Chips and a home made burger later
3 times already
Pretty good

Finished Sekiro yesterday so I'll pick something from my backlog, maybe I'll start Sleeping Dogs
The Tatami Galaxy
weeb shit
The fall of Hyperion/ Umineko
Trying to cook
Maybe later
It's ok, nothing special

Strange Journey
i need something to watch but idk what it would be. I'm picky
gonna have some toast with cucumber/tomato
bridy gud

>The Tatami Galaxy
is this the one where its basically the same episode played in different scenarios? that was a good one

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Zanki Zero, maybe KH2. Also playing Xenogears
Considering starting Clannad but I heard there's some sus ass shit regarding the ending and where that goes
Maybe Chaos;Head
Not Your Father's Root Beer
/ss/ and gentle femdom
Still wanting the warm love and touch of a mommy gf but the weather is really lifting my spirits so eh, could be worse. I'm still taking applications

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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Great game especially after 60 hours of Skyward Sword. Only finished 4 shrines and random exploring.
YouTube, Crazy Rich Asians earlier
BOTW tips
Leftover Chinese food
Pepsi Vanilla
Earlier Classic Rebecca Love scene.
Tired but good. Bout to go to bed.

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Should I play Assassin's Creed Origins or Dragon Age Origins

I am going in a 10 mile jog in the woods then taking a busty asian wine tasting.

If you play video games on a saturday please be reminded this is an 18+ age board

>Tatami Galaxy
Hell yeah motherfucker. What episode you on? Also, watch The Night is Short, Walk On Girl afterwards. It's mostly its own thing but it has so many smaller nods to Tatami that sweeten the experience

Dark Souls and Soulcalibur VI. I'm contemplating on buying Monser Hunter: World since it's currently on sale.
Captain Phillips
Lounge type stuff on
This thread
Leftover Dominos pizza
Cream soda
Not sure yet
10/10 Saturday so far

MK11 & Anno 1800
The Pacific
Complete Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck Vol. 1
Beef Casserole
Red Bull
Divine Goddess Jessica

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Amiibo training in Smash Ultimate
Just woke up
Hamilton OBC album
Yea Forums
Hot pockets
I dunno
Gay chubs
Taking a break from working, budgeting for rent and AX

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f.e.a.r, severance blade of darkness, splinter cell chaos theory
random yt vids
hotline miami, perfect dark, lisa ost
Yea Forums
mtn dew

Risk of rain 1
Twin peaks
Antoha MC
Not tonight, have my niece and nephew for sleepover
Very very tired, have been minding my 2 nieces and nephew all week

I broke up with my girlfriend

getting mad playing against the AI in unist and trying to beat SS Isshin in Sekiro
Namasensei's Japanese lessons
fucking hiragana and katakana
beer later

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been trying to get into Gothic 2. I don't remember Gothic 1 feeling so uninviting. I have like 15 quests and no idea what to do. it's possible I'm retarded.
brooklyn 99, the least demanding comedy show
heard about this chick on bill burrs podcast. her music is pretty cool
you really gotta hear it in a way where the bass comes through, she's got a really cool style
considering reading some stuff for class. I think Ill do that, put a kettle on and just do some slow work
once or twice
just woke up from a nap. changed my meds recently, I've been doing a lot better. so much better I started to worry that I was too hyper. but then I crashed into this nap and now I think it's fine. what I was worried about was that I had stoped beingtired when I should be, but I am now.
so I'm feelan good Yea Forums. God has graced us with modern medicine, and modern medicine has finally helped me after years of failed attempts.

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Lads I'm in the mood for an old school FPS - is Ion Maiden or Amid Evil the better choice?

Dragon Age

whatever looks good on netflix later tonight
Casiopea and masayoshi takanaka
Record of ragnarok
Fried chicken and some curly fries
Orange juice
Like fapping to HAVD-982

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too many games to play, dont know what to
got into swtor, but cant decide on the class
9yo mixing vinyl house
need to go get some food later
okay-ish texted my ex again... fuck me she responded with 5 texts, only glimpsed at the last one which was something about the music i should play at her birthday party

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Wolfenstein the old blood
Grappler baki
Iron maiden
Some fried stuff
Red bull
Not yet

Rimworld / SC2
Pathfinder: Kingmaker OST
Does socket docs in .net counts?
Chicken with fried eggs.
I guess cola.
You know it bro.

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>Strange Journey
absolutely based

>my ex
>the music i should play at her birthday party
this needs further explanation

I've already gone on a triathlon and celebrated with a Russian model, but I still make time for video games. Get your shit together

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she's having a birthday party with a mutual female friend , i'm the dj at said party

Oh I get it, you'll have others to fap for you

>i'm the dj at said party
do you want her back?


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she's with some other guy now, we were seeing each other after we broke up in november of last year again for 2 months
found out she fucked with that guy during that period, ended it and a month later she told me she was with this guy
even though she told me she didn't want a relationship and wanted to stay single (lie)

and no i do not want her back

so why the fuck are you going to her birthday party if she's a slut bitch who cheated on you?

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it seems messy but as long as
>and no i do not want her back
is true you should be fine

because all of my friends, mutual friends circle, will be there and i'm going to dj with a buddy of mine and also because of that mutual friend

sure as hell is messy and yes i do not want that girl back, can't trust any word of hers again

can't decide
Blender tutorials
Dihydrogen monoxide
not today

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hope you have a good evening then, avoid bullshit, say no if she throws herself at her and stick to your part of the clique. keep it simple, don't drink, you'll do great.

thanks user, you too! i will drink but at the same time i'm going to make that party mine and be the center of attention in a good way, not even giving her the satisfaction of "oh i know the dj tihi"

if this is real you are fucked, sorry but that is not the behavior of a detached man. reevaluate what it is you're trying to do here. why do you want to take over her birthday party?

didn't mean that in a literal way user, just trying to say i'm going to enjoy myself outside of the fact that my ex is there too with her new guy

Fire Emblem New Mystery w/ translation patch
streaming SMT Nocturne to my laptop
probably the new Marvel movie at some point, I've already been spoiled but might as well go see it now so I can discuss it with my m8s next week
woke up and some classic Kanye West was playing so that I guess?
little over halfway thru 1984 but its been a few days since I picked it up
fren from college is coming down for lunch this afternoon so we're gonna grab some Chinese and catch up
ashamedly Bowsette
Pretty good, a bit down I guess, which is weird considering this is one of the few weekends I won't be lone'ing it. Probably something to do with me eating like absolute shit this week.

>Race mixing

any of you fellas into drum and bass and wants to hear some of my mixes?

Of fuck you sick cunt, good one though I should have worded that better

Risk of Rain 2
Makeshift rat traps and military recruitement videos on youtube
Guthrie Govan's Erotic Cakes, anything crazy on bass/guitar.
Yea Forums and /x/
Trying to eat healthy for once in my life. I've already noticed changes on my body only 2 week after commiting, so that's pretty nice.
nah I'm good
In the middle of a big musical burn out: I can't play/record for shit and my bands annoy me. Otherwise life is pretty chill right now.

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modded skyrim
endgame later with my incel friends
Yea Forums
whatever is on the menu when I order food later the night
same as above
I realized it takes away my energy, so im doing it once or twice a week from now on, and not doing it today
bad, anxious and rejection

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you sound like a massive faggot

why do I sound like a massive faggot?

radiant historia
teenage bottlerocket
Yea Forums

pepe reaction image
feeling anxious rejected
using the term incel

Kino Hearts III critical. Starting it today. Wish me luck
Made in Abyss
Rock radio
Breaded meat and chips
Just water
Pillow bumping girls
I need to figure out my next step in life. Maybe I'll stop slacking at work and motivate myself to be a project manager.

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YGOPro, New Vegas, and Infamous Second Son
Red Letter Media and The Last Drive-in with Joe Bob Briggs
David Bowie, Queen, Jimi Hendrix, and Pink Floyd
stone ocean
honey mustard onion pretzels and pasta with fresh pesto
water and nuka cola
cute anime boys

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Something comfy probably
Rewatching FMA: Brotherhood for the first time since High School
We'll see where the day takes us
Pretty good, can't complain yet.
Eating healthy feels great

that's not pepe, its fresco
fuck you faggot
we're unironic incels though

doesn't matter if you're ironic or unironic you're still a massive fag

Final Fantasy X HD, Fire Emblem Heroes. Splat 2 and Smash if my friends ask to play. Maybe get back to KH3 Critical.
Probably not a lot. Austin Eruption, Seonkyoung Longest, SomecallmeJohnny. If ZeRo or Max streams tonight I'll throw that one.
noisli and mostly podcasts. Easy, Allies, Castle Super Beast, Kinda Funny. I just love listening to people talk. I like background soud.
Sukeban Deka
Just had a bagel for breakfast.
orange juice now, water for the rest of the day
Shotas. I like Rex and Pit a lot. Thinking about seeing how much a fuck machine would cost.
Kinda tired. Gonna take my dog to the groomer today. Excited to see her haircut. Gonna get more dude weed lmao from my sister and hopefully just hang out at home once it's all said and done.
I never finished Second Son. I was really into Infamous 1 and 2 and even liked First Light when it was free on PS+. Sucker Punch is the only Sony first party I like anymore.
Good luck on KH3. It's kinda tough for me so far. You can actually turn off attractions now if you didn't know.
Yeah I'll listen why not

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>Yeah I'll listen why not
aight give it a listen

no u

you're not funny user

>streaming SMT Nocturne to my laptop
from a ps2? how?

>little over halfway thru 1984 but its been a few days since I picked it up
try to push through the awful "the book" part and you won't be able to put it down

>we're unironic redditors though

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>implying most of the board isn't insufferable reddit faggots
this thread is OK but the OPs are usually redditors tmk

stephen's sausage roll
degrees of lewdity
nuclear throne
king of the hill
denzel curry
new xiu xiu
animal crossing ost
re-reading first half of homestuck
picture of dorian gray
biscuits and gravy
black coffee
maybe red stripe later
degrees of lewdity
sore throat from vaping too much otherwise okay completely dead inside

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Sekiro NG+, maybe some Apex Legends later if the fellas are on
NHL playoffs, Mad Men
Lots of folk music and Petty lately
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Had some nice homemade waffles this morning
Real good lads, having a party to celebrate my child turning 1 later this afternoon. Having some friends and family over to the house but will hopefully have some time to game and meme with the bois later tonight. Have a good Saturday, friends.

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Emulating a PS2 on my PC then streaming that to my laptop.
I could even use the physical ps2 disc of Nocturne if I wanted to, but it was damaged when I got it and I just pirated the ROM instead.
I'm at the manifesto part right now and its interesting but super fucking long, yeah. I'll finish the novel regardless.

DMC5 Bloody Palace, Sekiro
The Raid 2
Dr. Stone
Ryoubi, Homura
Good, man

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>my child turning 1 later this afternoon
congratulations man. how's the dad life?

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It's fucking raw
Yea Forums
Sour gummis
Coffee with plenty of sugar and vodka
Kind of shit, I'm getting bored to hell by that game and i fucking wish there was more to do around the fortress

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Thanks user, appreciate it. The dad life is great, best part of my day is getting the kid out of bed in the morning and coming home at night to hang out.

Breath of the wild a little later
War and peace
Making eggs and rice and gonna put it in a wrap
Very good, feels weird not being busy today but it's nice

Trails of Cold Steel. Finally making some progress, too bad I can't see shit atm.
Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san. Senko's so goddamn adorable.
Also my frogs, singan
This thread
Nothing yet. Going to make lasagna soon-ish.
Cranberry juice
loli, always
Can't see shit, cap'n. Have a terrible eczema outbreak in my eyes and my sight is blurry as fuck. If that wasn't bad enough, the itching, cracking, and oozing are off the charts. Worried about long-term damage since one of my eyes took a permanent vision hit a few years back from a similar outbreak and this one is worse in my good eye. Wish me luck.

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8 missions left in AC3 before I move onto silent line
probably going to catch up on backlog while I play
Native - Wrestling Moves
Hopefully chapter 358 gets translated nicely soon, thanks for another Griffisu chapter Miura
Gonna grill up some sausage, egg and cheese breakfast burritos in a sec here
water and coffee
TS4 wicked whims or tomboy/oneesan stuff, maybe both
Alright, I'm gonna probably drink and play smash with some of my bois later

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Ace Attorney Online
Probably nothing, saw Endgame with some pals and it was fun
Bagel w/ fish and fixings
Nice mocha
Not today good sir
Stressed more then a game developer at Epic

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Baba Is You. I think I;m done with this game. There's nothing fun about wasting 15+ minutes on a puzzle only realize that the solution is some mechanics you had no idea about. If anyone is thinking on getting this game, it is worth a purchase, but only on a sale
Not sure yet
Birds chirping outside my window
Yea Forums
Chciken and rice
gf later. If not, probs twinks
Had a part-time thing this morning at 8 for rebuilding some desktops inside in office. After about 30 minutes I just left. I kinda feel like a bitch but at the same time, did I want to waste my Saturday doing something that was boring AF? No. Did I want to do this for roughly 8 hours? No. Did I want to do a job that might not even give me something to do for another month and a half? No. Did I want to work under a guy that seemed like a douche? No. An extra $140 would've been nice but it wasn't worth losing my entire Saturday for. After I slinked away I cleaned my apartment and took a nap and feel much better now

Aw yeah
Trying to mod oblivion. No idea how wrye bash works.
Car chase scenes on youtube. Jack Reacher had a great one.
LOTR soundtrack.
This thread, Magic: The Gathering rules.
Roasted almonds.
Water, might have a Shiner later.
purple pony princess
Not too bad. Roommate's gone for the day, got the house to myself. Might go to the gunshow later but I don't want to tempt myself with more things I don't need.
Philadelphia roll best roll
I'd play BOTW but the roommate that had the Switch moved, don't feel like buying one myself but had a lot of fun watching him play.
>cream soda
My man. A&W is the best big brand for it in my opinion.
>classical radio and The Pacific
Glad to hear you're feeling well.
Had a friend get me into tea recently, but generally I just douse myself in cheap coffee.
>military recruitment videos
For funsies or are you looking to get in?
>biscuits and gravy
>black coffee
>red stripe
>sore throat from vaping too much
sleazecore as fuck my man, I like it

>Stressed more then a game developer at Epic
What's up, user?

>puzzle game built around experimenting with the mechanics of the game
>you don't even get handed the solution!!!

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Chain of Memories
Even More News
I have no sexdrive anymore
Awful. Fucking allergies. My head feels like it is crammed full of cotton gauze

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deus ex. just got my first pc and heard it was a classic so i downloaded that
astral weeks by van morrison
storm of steel
nothing :(
very good

>King of the Hill
>Biscuits and gravy
>Black coffee

I dont say this often, but Muh Nig...


fuck that.

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For Honor and Persona 5


Nightmares and 808's

Persona 5, shit's barely a game

chicken wrap


probably horse on female beastiality

all of the above and the fact that I post here are a testimony that my life is trash and I feel shit

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Total war empire
No sex drive anymore, thanks SSRIs
Bored af, just waiting for work to start I guess

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There's nothing fun with dicking with shit until something happens. Either the dev has no idea what he's doing when it comes so pacing or is a pretentious soi guzzling faggot

What is it like being on anti depressants?

They just keep me from feeling sad all the time and instead I just feel a little numb. The klonopin is the real MVP because I could feel somewhat comfortable.

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I feel sad all the time, should I be on SSRIs?

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they work different for different people and it depends on the drug. other user mentioned not feeling sad anymore but being numb instead. for me an apathetic, it lets me feel not-so-numb all the time

Talk to your doctor and they'll be happy to put you on some. If you have anxiety tell them that too, the non benzo shit barely works so you'll have to go through a few anxiety meds before getting to the good stuff. Be careful though, I had to go through a bunch of different depression meds before getting one that works. Hell one even landed me in a mental institution.

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yume nikki, shadow of mordor
tried afraid of monsters, i can't believe real horror games actually exist
also played half life 1 for no reason for like an hour even though i really dislike it
spotify playlist
katawa shoujo pre-release, but i'm taking a little break from it
ok, i suppose

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is feeling numb better than feeling sad?

Armored Core 3, Brown Dust, EtG with a friend, thingken of buying Zone of the Enders remaster
Patlabor and Jerma
stackexchange and python documentation
Nothing right now, maybe'll order a pizza later, maybe not
tired, fuck uni, fuck programming and fuck me 4 years ago for thinking that I'm even remotely interested in it, but at least there are 2 months left before I probably graduate and then slave away the rest of my life on some shit job

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UQ Holder
Stressed, I have finals coming up, looking for a new car and I found out I might have cancer. A lot of shit has been thrown my way and I'm trying to deal with it.

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I'm probably just feeling numb because I haven't had anything productive to do in a few months. Lexapro made me happy for a while.

FFXIV, tempted to level up another class or farm for mounts/glamour today if I find people for that.
Maybe finally unlock pvp and do that too...
I'll watch godzilla movies today
Yea Forums
Ordering pizza today!
Tomboys, Futa, cuteboys
Pretty alright! just a bit bored since no one is around

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What does happy feel like?

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Risk of rain 2
SAO alternative
Pretty good, got a shit load of work tho, but I am happy because tomorrow I have a 3 year anniversary with my gf and my birthday is next Thursday

Sometimes I wake up feeling so good that my is buzzing from the pure bliss of my existence. Happens sometimes, most of the time like today I wake up feeling more tired than the night before and then I know that the day will be generic shit.

Both of those sounds nicer than how I feel normally.

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>feeling so good that my is buzzing from the pure bliss
sounds nice. id trade with you

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dragon's dogma and maybe forza later
Demo playing bloodborne
Hopefully Berserk later
capn crunch no milk
p good

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Persona 5
EO Nexus
(You)r plans
Burrito bowl

>OPM 2
Thoughts? I don't think it's that bad, but the quality dip is too big to ignore. Only watching for Garou at this point.
>teen Shinobu

>Risk of Rain 2
What classes you running? Been liking Artificer/Engie quite a bit.

Rank? Haven't played since Legacy on release.

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>Glad to hear you're feeling well.
thanks fren.
desu I would do the same if it affected my sleep less. coffee is superior.

I'm basically watching it for Garou too, Hulu doesn't even have embedded subtitles for it. New OP isn't nearly as good as the first one.

Would you recommend FFX HD? I keep hearing people raving about it but they're all people who have nostalgia for it
>fuck machine

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Yeah. To be fair, OP 1 would've been incredibly hard to top regardless. It's perfection incarnate.

who is this qt

Gonna do my first Bitterblack run in Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen. Not sure what vocation yet, but probably either MK, Warrior, or Assassin.

Might go to a friend's to play Smash later. Palutena vs Joker is a really interesting matchup.
Nothing in particular. If something comes to mind I'll put it on.
MF DOOM, Castle Super Beast, and mashups.
MBA homework, Yea Forums,
Gonna make Corned Beef Hash with garlic and blue cheese added, and some cheese melted on top. Haven't eaten much today so far so I think that'll balance it out.
Skim Milk and sparkling citrus juice.
Bottom-heavy chubby girls.
Not bad. Coursework isn't bad, life stuff is moving along despite some bumps. Once it stops being so fucking chilly out I'm going to start at least doing runs, and I'm slowly working my way up to cooking more since that's cheaper and healthier. I'm only on grilled cheese and ravioli at the moment but it's something.

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>fuck uni, fuck programming and fuck me 4 years ago for thinking that I'm even remotely interested in it
What's up, user? Why the change of heart?

Been playing Engie/Merc , I like artificer but is really underwhelming

>sleazecore as fuck my man, I like it
I wasn't even going for sleazecore but fuck it fits. I would be drinking one of those bang cancer drinks but I ran out.
>fuck that
It feels pretty nice as long as you don't overdue it and I try not to be an obnoxious cunt with my clouds and the smell.

bout to play sekiro
stalker 1979 kino
Yea Forums
leftover mexico takeout, chorizo
water the stuff of life
already did
bretty good

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>take an intro to programming class in college just to try it
>fucking destroy it, 100% on every assignment, professor tells me I "have the gift"
>fuck yes I finally found something I'm naturally good at holy fuck
>take more IT classes
>over time the programming and web design classes stop
>all the 300/400 level courses are just about writing reports and corporate buzzwords
>urge to kill myself intensifies
>now it's 2 years since I graduated and I haven't done any programming since like a year or two before that
>have a job but it has nothing to do with IT
>$20,000 student loan to pay off
th-thanks college

>that FAPPAN
based bi-chad

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I'm going to play an Assassin's Creed game but I haven't decided which one yet
John Wick
Cell Block Tango
I'm making a timeline of the books of an obscure Western author I like, he's got a shitload of books in a shared universe
I'm waiting for the next Summertime Saga update
My dad's having some back pain so I'm a little worried about that. It's probably nothing but he's being stubborn about getting it checked out

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try decaf. its really not that different but i guess the buzz is lost

>drink coffee right before bed
>go to sleep no problem
>drink coffee in the morning
>absolutely no effect
Am I just immune to caffeine? Is that a thing?

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Dawn of War 2
Lo-fi hip hop beats on UTube
Yea Forums
PB&J sandwich
Whole milk
Before I take a shower
O.G. as fuck

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>For funsies or are you looking to get in?

Just out of curiosity for now. I find value in discipline, strength and order, so by extension I enjoy learning about the military.

I don't want to enroll because I have a lot of things going on in my life right now. But if I ever reach a point where I don't have anything left to do/achieve, or no one to take care of, I'll seriously consider it.

like any other drug you can become numb to its effects

I can't decide what game to play
It's not a tired gamer thing, there's just so much on my radar that when I finally pick something I start thinking about all the other things I also want to play and go "actually I'll do this one first" and then it repeats
Someone save me from this hell

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>Lo-fi hip hop beats on UTube
Are these just to chill out or do you listen to them in general? I generally like my beats sample-heavy, bombastic, sometimes melodic. I get the appeal of lo-fi as background music but I can't imagine sitting down with the intention of listening to some, and I can't really think of what kind of vocals would fit over them.

black flag

look at all those good boys and or girls

I can't stop playing 100% OJ send help. That and Golden Sun
I'll watch a Lupin film but I don't know which one yet. I saw Jigen's Gravestone last week and liked it. There are some Jigen focused episodes that I like more, but it was still good.
King Tuff. Haven't listened to The Other yet.
Nothing much
Had salmon, bubble & squeak and peas
I got given a mini keg of Desperados, so that.
Don't know yet.
Just did my first day of a new job. I'm glad that all of my fuck ups were minor ones at least.

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Rainbow Six Siege, EO Nexus and Sekiro. Maybe fighting games if anyone I know is up for it.
Going with some friends to watch Endgame later
History book audiobooks, been getting into audiobooks in general as of late
Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Got to the quarter and enjoying it so far but a little hard to read at times.
Haven't decided yet.
Tea and some juice
Not now but I'm carving some femdom shit later
Pretty good. I think I've finally found a good balance between gaming, socializing, working out and work to the point where I don't absolutely hate any of them.

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I don't even know maybe Red Dead 2 or Imperator Rome
Yea Forums
Nothing,maybe some Ramen later
not sure, nutted twice yesterday, maybe ill do some Belle Delphine pics later
constantly fluctuating from Depressed to simply not giving a shit

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I look forward to seeing your erotic femdom wood carving.

I have never had caffeine work for me in my entire life, does ADD affect how you react to caffeine? I never looked into it also brainlet

I just realized somewhere around 3rd year that I actually hate coding, since I don't have and never had any desire to actually code "for myself", that I'm not interested in keeping up with the latest developments and programming practices, and that I only code when it is required of me to do so. Basically the only reason I was interested in it was because I've thought that it would be an easy way to make decent money without having to really work with people, but then I found out how tedious and boring it is. So now I'm just gonna graduate as an another code monkey with jack fucking shit knowledge about the subject
>$20,000 student loan to pay off
at least higher education is free in my shithole so my only regret would be spending 4 years on a garbage degree

Yeah she feels a bit clunky, but it's pretty fun to stack backup magazines and spam AoEs.

add 95% of the time is diagnosed so big pharma can push pills

Everyone needs a creative outlet user.
tfw no cutie wood girl to step on you

>Golden Sun
got bored of that honestly. the story and combat is so painfully generic all it really had going for it was the puzzles IMO

does it get any better

>tfw go to a trade school and get a full time job in my chosen field within six months
>no student loan to pay off
College is a scam.

I first bought it close to when it came out and I'm just now replaying it. I'm finding the story really generic too but it's getting a little more interesting a few hours in. Not by much though.
I don't like how the combat revolves around using Djinn abilities just so you get the summons out. What I do like is how every single NPC has normal dialogue and mind read dialogue. It makes it so you really get a feel for the general mood of the population in each town.

Smash and Doom Builder. I have this problem where I make a level look really nice, but then the others look bad in comparison, so it's constantly going back to "completed" levels to make them look nice or in some cases, just make a new one. I'll never get a wad done like this.
On the plus side I did at least get a music track done for one of the levels, a cover of Combat Mosh by Lich King.
JoJo later on, didn't watch it last night.
Megadeth, Testament
Yea Forums, (you) guys
Not sure. Might go for a walk and pick up a small pizza and a drink.
See above
vanilla gay thoughts, tfw no bf to snuggle after frotting
Pretty good, just kinda tired.

Dragon Age, out of those two picks. I'd play Daggerfall before Dragon Age though.

Sounds fucking boring dude, I'd rather a cute white guy with long hair stay at home and order pizza. And play Quake.

Top tier taste

How come?

Why are you mad?

I should check out more of them. I only have their first album, but I love it.

I'm in a burnout state myself with music. Can't seem to write anything on guitar or bass, and even synth stuff is hard for me to write atm, which I can normally whip out really quickly.

What's got you stressed user?

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ah, yeah. the towns had their moments too

Sekiro, last battle with Isshin Ashina
The Terror
Endymion by Dan Simmons
Homemade cake with mozzarella and red Bell peppers
Great. Just bought a huge house with a lot of fruits trees, it'll be comfy as fuck working the earth again

Originally I played it for background music but after awhile I genuinely started listening to it. I like it a lot, the whole vibe is very old school sounding.

Breath of the Wild replay. Just beat my third Divine beast dungeon then got the master sword before I put it down for a little bit.
Old YouTube series I used to watch.
Re-listening to the Fantasy Fiction podcast, hating that it will never exist again.
Even number I'll get some Chinese takeout, odd I'll get some Wendy's.
Simply Lemonade
Idk, it's been awhile since I fapped. Sounds like a good idea though. Maybe I'll pull up Sad Panda and see what tickles my pickle.
Good. A little inspired. I want to pick up a new hobby or goal. Either pick up drawing and make a comic, learn Japanese, or start writing short stories. Whatever gets me involved in some kinda community. I want to do something that involves interacting with others trying to accomplish the same thing.

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darkest dungeon in a little bit
xephros streaming hollow knight at the moment
the national cherry tree just earlier
finished star maker by olaf stapledon earlier which btw is fucking incredible
ham and mushroom pizza
red wine
tomorrow. for some reason i always fap when i'm hungover and it gives it a weirdly intense vibe

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Weeb Shit
Ur Mum
My dicc in ur mum

I'm doing HL2 mapping
Faith NO More
David Lynch issue of Zoetrope
made French onion soup from scratch earlier, was delish
deciding between a kriek lambic and an old asahi
Kat from GR
like I need to be more productive

I'll probably play Total War: SHOGUN 2 or work on my angular project. I just took the island off the coast and I'm ramping my skill tree into boats n sheeit.
I don't really watch anything.
Just finished "East of Eden" and now I'm on "Infinite Jest," I won't be reading tonight though.
Chili hot dogs
Probably not I had sex this morning.
I'm OK thanks for asking.

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World War Z
Workaholics and dubbed One Punch Man
See above
Desperation by Stephen King
Cheese tortellini in alfredo sauce later
Whiskey and cokes
Nothing right now
Pretty good and relaxed

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>and now I'm on "Infinite Jest,"
God luck and don't give up. It's great.

Just wanna kill myself.
>but you got so much to love for
Fuck pff if you weee you would to. I’m barely a human, ugly as fuck lived a shit life and I can’t develop in any way, have fucked up my teeth and shaky hands beyond repair with poor hygeine and sleep

Easter with my parents, and tomorrow I'm seeing my shitty grand uncle who just came from America for free food, fucking cunt's about to get destroyed at the family dinner.

>rejects obvious response within obvious cry for help/attention

We’re all in this together, brother. Talk if you need to talk

RDR2, started a new game and I'm gonna do that 'stay in comfy Horseshoe Overlook for as long as possible' thing we talked about back when Dutchposting was at its peak
Also might replay MVCI's story mode, just saw Endgame on Thursday since I'm normie enough to enjoy the MCU and I want to play a game with Infinity Stones wankery
yesterday's JoJo, probably One Piss
the TV
this thread
dunno yet
green Amp
gud, I don't have to work today and I have a cinema job so we're about to have the busiest opening weekend of the year, possibly the decade.

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MK 11, maybe Risk of Rain 2 with a friend later
Amazing Stranger, Hitoribocchi, Bokutachi wa Benkyou, impatiently waiting for Char wank the Origin tv series
Tales of Destiny OST
New MHA chapter
A plain bagel
Water, coffee
Gabriel Tenma
Exhausted, all the exhaustion from the past few months is finally hitting me hard. I'm having a hard time not nodding off typing this honestly

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I wanted to play Aliens Colonial Marines co-op thinking maybe there would be people on the weekend but no such luck. The game seems like it would be really fun with other people but it's just stressful playing alone and having shit jump at you every 10 seconds. Should've jumped on this game when it was new and people were actively shitting on it, now it's just dead and people shit on it when they remember it exists like I am right now reminding people with this post.

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i also want to kill myself but i know it'd upset my family too much
i hope you have no such impediments and wish you the best of luck

I just finished Danganronpa yesterday so I think I'm gonna start in on the second one. Risk of Rain 2, too.
NHL Playoffs and catching up on Fruits Basket. Kinda want to go see Endgame again.
Spotify on shuffle.
Engineering notes.
Omelette for breakfast. Gonna pick throughout the day.
Coffee, water.

Jealous of being in a climate where you can have fruit trees.

I work Saturdays and just got back, I'm fucking TIRED but don't want my Saturday to go to waste. I can't play video games cause I'm irritable right now from being tired but watching movies and shows would just deal the final blow on my consciousness. I might clean or something I don't know.

I like it so far, very funny and clever.

Do it faggot

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A little spelunky
Forensic files
Egg roll
Iced tea
Im a simple 2 girls kind of guy
Sore from drunk driver accident. Being a nigger and taking off work. Definitely gonna try to get as much money i can off this nig

Well it's mostly apples, pears and plums and it's like -15 degrees celcius during 6 months. Do you live in Siberia user ?

The extreme northern part of Canada so yeah pretty much. -45C winters.

It must be comfy